Alien Orgy

She awoke to find herself in overwhelmingly unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing was even vaguely identifiable as being of earth. Her heart sprinted, adrenaline surged through her, her breathing coming in panicked gasps. As she looked around for a way out of this bizarre environment, she became aware of being covered in a slick substance. She was …

Beach Story

The dots are just there to give me enough characters and also help to break up the paragraphs. Please comment on the story though! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. They walked barefoot along the beach, feeling the sand between their toes and listening to the birds as they swooped around their heads. They were here for one reason- find …

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 15-16_(0)

Please go to DB’s thread.[a][/a]===================================Ch 15 Nightmares fill my dreams. Explosions, death, and cries for help haunt me, as I toss and turn, trying to escape from the horrors filling my sleep. Over and over again I watch as death claims another life, and another, and another. The worst part is that it’s the …