
Beer Thursday Pt. 11


“So, how was your weekend?” Tom asked.

With a wry grin, “Exhausting. Bob loved hearing about everything we did, sorry to use you like that.” Mary said chuckling.

“Yeah, it was terrible, I felt just like a piece of meat, when can we do that again?” Tom said smiling.

“Not happening, I’m not going to start having an affair, it was fun but better that it is a one-time thing…or perhaps a two time thing seeing as we have San Diego in a few weeks.” Mary laughed.

“Oh, yeah.” That might be awkward.” Tom said. “We should be professional, we can’t let something like this distract us…speaking of which, have you heard from legal? Are they happy?”

“I just heard back this morning, they are…I was going to say happy, but this is legal, let’s say ‘ok with it,’ in other words ecstatic. We start in two weeks and can you and Jack be there with Ed to oversee the first week?” Mary asked. “I know it is the week before San Diego and you’ll probably have to fly there from Seattle…”

“That’s fine, I think you and I would be better since we know the architecture…” Tom said wistfully.

“Yeah, and Jack’s architecture is not quite like mine…I got it.” Mary laughed. “We doing lunch today?”

“Absolutely, we could go back to…”

“Tosh’s, we could, they do have good burgers, let me call Crystal and see if she is working. Did Jack or Bill say anything to you about recognizing Crystal the other night? She said she’d waited on you guys two or three times before and she waited for them to say something Beer Thursday.” Mary asked.

“Not a word, I don’t think they ever looked at her face, I mean after all, her name tag was down there.” Tom said looking at Mary’s waist. “I have to get back – I’ve got a bridge call, can you let Jack and Bill know in case I don’t see them?” Tom asked as he left Mary’s office.


“Yes, table for five, in Crystal’s section – if that is possible.” Mary said when they stopped at the desk.

“Who else is joining us? Crystal? The Crystal?” Bill asked looking around.

“Julie, she used to work here when they first opened, in fact her father came in to see where she worked and immediately signed over half his bar to her. Julie is part owner of our bar…did you know that?”

“Seriously? I thought she was a bar maid…an employee, that makes her much hotter that before.” Bill laughed. “Speak of the devil…” He said looking behind him.

Julie stiffly walked up in with a light jacket over a thin black blouse and greeted them just as the girl came back to seat them.

“Follow me, we have a table back here for you.” Leading the way she placed six menus and settings.

“We don’t need the extra place setting, there’s just five of us.” Mary said politely.

“Oh, you didn’t know? Crystal is taking a break…something about old friends, Tiffany will be your waitress.”

Mary laughed, “This is going to be fun.”

Crystal came over topless looking better than Mary remembered and groaned when she saw the three men sitting next to each other, “What is this, 6th grade sock hop?”

“Crystal, Hi, Oh shit. I’m sorry, I didn’t…we didn’t recognize you at the bar…we…I didn’t…we were looking…Oh crap, I’m never digging my way out of this.” Bill stammered.

“I was going to ask, ‘Have we met, you look familiar’…you’re not buying that, are you?” Jack asked bright red.

Laughing, Crystal nudged Mary and said, “Told you. If I showed up topless at the bar but with a bag over my head, they would have greeted me and asked how work was going. Now someone get your ass up and let’s get boy/girl/boy/girl.”

While rearranging the seating, Tiffany walked up with the full attention of the three men, plus Mary who was curious of the girl who worshipped Crystal. “This is going to be fun, ” Tiffany giggled looking at Crystal. “I get to serve you, what would you like to start?”

They ordered their drinks and a nacho appetizer and watched Tiffany’s great ass walk away.

“The boys here didn’t notice. but she has quite the rack, real?” Mary asked.

“No, she was perfect, maybe a ‘b’ or ‘c’ cup, but I guess she wanted more. Sad actually, I really thought she looked perfect.” Crystal said wistfully.

Crystal looked over at Julie and Mary and looked at their chests and raised her eyebrows.

With a knowing smile Julie shrugged off her jacket revealing a sheer black blouse and clearly defined perky b-cups with inch long nipples.

Mary excused herself saying she had to go to the bathroom with curious looks from Bill and Jack before returning their attention to the perfect tits poking out of Julie’s blouse.

When Mary returned all five heads swung around watching Mary’s fleshy mounds bounce up and down beneath a see-through top, with the top four buttons undone, open almost to her navel. Mary again saw heads all over the restaurant swing around and felt that familiar tingle between her legs. Sitting down, she looked at the menu, “I never actually read this, I just ordered a burger Tüyap Escort last time…” she said scanning the menu.

Jack and Bill looked at each other, “Mary has been here before? Is that where you met Crystal? Did you know she was going to…to, wow! You look good, Mary.” Jack blurted out staring at Mary’s breasts with the hard nipples poking out.

Tiffany brought the drinks and putting the tray on a stand picked up each glass and slowly placed it in front of each person rubbing her huge breasts on the arms, shoulder, cheeks, lingering before straightening up to grab the next. Mary saw Bill’s tongue flick out making Tiffany stop and ask if they were ready to order as if nothing were happening. She took every order with every side and wrote nothing down while her now erect nipple was being bathed by Bill’s tongue.

“She got our drinks perfectly without writing anything down, that was impressive. Let’s see how she does with our order while getting her tit sucked on, I’m sure that is not proper etiquette,” Mary suggested. “I hope she doesn’t get in trouble.”

Crystal looked at the disappearing girl, “She could be doing anything she wants, she has a 161 IQ and knows the answer to anything, but she likes doing this and I guarantee you, the order will be perfect. But, no, that is not allowed, so Bill perhaps you should not do that next time. You’ll notice she never wiped off her boob, if she had the owner would have known and you would have been bounced.”

Mary laughed, “I would have loved to have seen that, Bill you have to stop putting things where they do not belong.”

Crystal looked at Julie’s really long nipples, “You must have gotten monster tips with those things…those tips.” She giggled.

Julie laughed, “You know how it is, bump into the boys with these,” cupping her breasts, ” and they all ask for more water, a condiment, one guy even joked he wanted a condom after his friend asked for condiments, that took balls.”

“Julie, you came in walking stiffly, are you alright?” Mary asked.

“I did that fun run Saturday…fun, yeah, it was 95 and they decided that any level area was boring so it was all hills. I was fine yesterday, but when I woke up today…” Julie groaned.

Mary looked at Jack, “Julie, not sure if I should be volunteering Jack’s services, but he is a trained masseuse, incredible hands, and he is really professional, I swear he does not do it so he can get in your pants.”

Julie smiled, “You had me at great hands, but I knew there had to be a ‘but’.”

Mary laughed, “Julie, you’re the client, you tell him what needs attention and how deep you want him…to rub.” She said with a significant pause. “Jack, can you help out our friend?”

“Absolutely, are you working tonight?” Jack asked.

“Actually I am, so I don’t know when it would be.” Julie said sadly.

“Jack, you did such a great job last week, I was going to tell all of you this, you have the rest of the day off and tomorrow, corporate suggested it, so if you and Julie can find time this afternoon…” Mary said with a grin.

“Seriously? Corporate did that?” Bill asked

“I know, generously cheap of them, “Mary said, “The biggest contract in our history and they give you all a day and a half off. You guys have fun.”

With elevated spirits and second beers since they didn’t have to go back to work, the group settled into toasting the biggest contract ever, to next Beer Thursday, to the three guys being with the hottest babes in the place, to the wonderful exposed breasts, to future lunches, before finally breaking up.

Jack held out his hand to Julie. “I live five minutes from here and I have a massage table which is better than a bed, so if you have time…I usually tell my clients to perhaps wear their underwear, but…” he said looking at Julie’s pointed breasts.

“Sounds perfect, I really appreciate this, my legs, my back, my butt are all really sore.” Julie said smiling at Jack. Turning her head and whispering to Mary with a sly chuckle, “Did he say a table would be better than a bed? Is he as hot under those clothes as he looks clothed?”

“How would I know? Go and get a deep, penetrating workout.” Mary laughed.

Crystal followed Mary back to the restroom, “So thanks for calling me. My boss was not happy when I told him I was going to take a break, but he keeps hoping I will owe him and…you know.”

“Ugh, is he the guy standing over in the corner? I hope I’m wrong, but he sort of creeps me out, did you see how he walked by our table 20 or 30 times to get things” Mary asked as she took off her top and pulled Crystal close. “I missed you and thought about you in Seattle.” Mary said before kissing Crystal.

Crystal held Mary, feeling their breasts, nipples, flesh, heartbeats against each other, “I missed you too, but I’m afraid there’s someone else, someone, how can I say this…Oh hell, I’d better just say it. I found someone better in bed that you.” Crystal said staring into Mary’s eyes.

Mary Tüyap Escort Bayan looked shaken, “What? Who…it doesn’t matter, that’s great, who is it?”

“Jennifer, my flight attendant friend, I’m sorry Mary, but you are kind of prudish and she does stuff you cannot even imagine.” Crystal laughed.

Slapping Crystal on the ass, she said “You are a little bitch aren’t you?, I was going to invite you to dinner on Friday with Bob and me, but if you want to spent Friday with that slut Jennifer…”

“No, I’d rather spend Friday with you and Bob, between you and me, that Jennifer is a fine piece of meat, but she doesn’t have much up here if you know what I mean.” pointing to her head, “And I think she’s had a lot of work done, I mean, who looks like that?” Crystal chuckled.

When Mary got her bra back on and buttoned her blouse, then threw her jacket over the sheer top, Crystal laughed. “You’re like Superman…woman, go into a phone booth and come out as SuperSlut, then when you’ve saved all of mankind with those super powered tits, you become mild mannered Mary Kent.

Mary punched Crystal playfully in the arm, “I have to go meet with corporate now, I have to use my other powers since those guys might not appreciate my super powered tits, but perhaps they wouldn’t notice, they are all pretty old…” Mary said.

“You didn’t get days off?” Crystal asked.

“No, someone needs to get the final sign-offs and those guys worked 60-70 hours last week, they deserve it.” Mary replied.

“So, corporate didn’t give them the time off…” Crystal said.

“Of course they did, they didn’t go for the entire week, but they agreed that a couple of days were well deserved.” Mary said, “Sweetie, I have to get to work and I’m sure that perv out front has been looking for you, if you know how to get hold of your friend Jennifer, perhaps she could take care of him for you.”

“I’ll do that, I’ll see you at Beer Thursday, I’ve rearranged my schedule…I hope you don’t mind.”

“That’s great, we all love having you there, I am so happy you can join us, it’s been nice having all three to myself, but that dynamic might have changed a bit in Seattle…” Mary laughed.

“You didn’t, all three? At once or one per night?” Crystal asked excitedly.

“I never planned to, but one at a time, I thought I’d let the stories of you and me be sufficient to keep Bob happy, but each one, I swear this is true, just happened, however, there was this one time when I was…well, Bill wanted to watch me play with myself, I really got wet thinking about all three at once, oh God I’m getting wet now thinking about it. You cannot tell anyone you know, they all think that it was just a momentary lapse and they promised not to tell the others…did I say Jennifer was the slut?” Mary asked.

“No, I think it’s great, but you’ll have to tell me about it later.” Looking around, Crystal added, “Ever notice how you can have the women’s bathroom to yourself in this place, I wonder why that is? Anyhow I have to pee and you have to get back to work.” Crystal said as she kissed Mary and spun away towards the stall.

Mary noticed when she walked out all heads turned towards her and immediately as if she were invisible looked past her down the hallway as if expecting someone. ‘Some super power’ she thought as she went out


Julie led them back to the same corner booth, “I’ve reserved this for you guys every Thursday, thanks for letting me know last week you were in Seattle so I could free it up. Is it alright if I join you? I told my dad I’d like to take Thursday evenings off.”

“How fun! Mary said, this makes it so much better, with you and Crystal joining our group it is more evenly matched, it was really hard fighting these guys off.” Mary laughed.

“What do you mean?” Bill asked, “I thought you were a guy until a couple of weeks ago when you, you know, let your hair down, so to speak.”

Mary laughed, “Then you have to explain to Tom and Jack here why you were stroking a guy’s bare thigh last month sitting over there.” Mary said indicating the table at which they used to sit.

“I was being polite, a guy goes to all the work to shave his legs, it is only polite to notice it.” Bill grinned.

Mary looked over at how close Julie and Jack were sitting and how they kept sharing private jokes. “Did Jack take care of you Julie? I do hope he didn’t take advantage of you. I vouched for his being a perfect gentleman…”

“I know you did, so I was ready for that, but man, he is stubborn. But I broke him.” Julie smiled patting his cheek, “Jack you are so sweet, but I’m going to have to teach you how to read body language.” Turning back to Mary, leaning forward, she shielded her lips from Jack. “Holy fuck, did you ever get to see his body? He is a fucking God!” She whispered to Mary who grinning, nodded her head.

“What are you girls conspiring?” Jack asked nervously, “Probably the scariest sight in the world, two women plotting.”

“Nothing Escort Tüyap sweetie, I was thanking her for promoting your services. She was right, I was left feeling totally drained when you were done, you do have magic hands.” Pulling his arm around her Julie put her head on Jack’s shoulder.

Tom turned to Crystal, “What ever happened with whatever plot you had to get back at your old boyfriend?”

“What plot, what boyfriend?” Bill asked.

“I don’t know, Mary knows what the plot was, but she won’t tell me. I think it involved that strap-on…” Tom laughed, “Kidding, kidding…but am I close?” He asked looking at Crystal.

Crystal turned to Mary and said, “Crap, I forgot to tell you, Tiffany came up to me the other day and said ‘I have to ask you something.” She looked really nervous, I actually thought she wanted to ask me out, anyhow, she said Chip came in on my day off, and when Tiffany told him I was off, he said to her, ‘That’s good, because I wanted to talk to you.’ He asked her out? Can you believe it?” Crystal said with amazement.

“Wow, he can’t have you, so he gets your doppelganger.” Mary laughed.

“Yeah, anyhow I asked Tiffany what she wanted, she said she wanted to go out with him, but wouldn’t if I had any issue with that.”

“What did you say?” Mary asked.

“I told her he was all hers. She really is a good kid, I give her crap the way she follows me around, but she told me she would turn him down since it would suck if I had any issue seeing them together. I had to grab her arm when she turned away. I looked her in the eyes and asked her, ‘Do you like him because of him or do you like him because he was with me. If I weren’t anywhere in his past, would you go out with him?’ She looked surprised I’d ask and told me he’s hot, and no, it has nothing to do with me.” Crystal looked at the table all listening intently. “So, I told her he really was all hers and she should go out with him without guilt.”

“That’s pretty generous of you,” Julie said, “I’d be pissed if a week after breaking up, a friend or someone I worked with went out with him.”

“I know,” Crystal said. “But,” Looking Mary in the face, “she came to me today and had to ask me another question.” Pausing, looking around the table, then looking back at Mary. “He asked her to tie him naked to a chair in the bedroom, she asked, ‘Why would he want to do that?'” Crystal and Mary burst out laughing. “Collecting herself Crystal continued, “I don’t think they are going out anymore.” and started laughing again.

Bill, pointing at the two of them said, “Wait, you tied her boyfriend naked to a chair? What did you do to him? Did you…together? I’ve got great images in my head.”

“We made sure he learned his lesson, so we did things…things best left unspoken. ” Mary said seriously, then grinning she turned to Crystal. “I told you we broke him.” Followed by the two girls laughing hysterically.

“I’m sorry,” Mary gasped getting herself under control. “Crystal’s boyfriend did…did something that was horribly self serving with no concern for her and it pissed her off.”

“And, I decided to torture him with Mary’s help. Mary has certain attributes that Chip, how can I say this, worshipped so she agreed to tease him while he was tied to a chair, and we, well we…” Crystal paused.

“Crystal and I put on a hard-core lez show while he was tied to the chair unable to move or touch himself.” Mary said in a spurt, “We wanted him to learn his lesson, but I think we broke him.” Mary laughed.

“You are into girls?” Bill asked. “I never would have called that…”

“No, it was a one-time thing, we had to make it look real.” Mary said, “I think we did that really well, didn’t we?” Mary asked Crystal.

“Mary was a champ, she threw herself into the role and we convinced him, maybe too well.” Crystal said.

“I wish you’d asked me to join you,” Julie sighed, “I’ve never done it with another woman, but this sounds like it was fun.”

“Next time, we’ll call you, for sure.” Crystal said grinning, “You do have soft hands.” She giggled.

They chatted about work and what they did on their days off before dispersing.

“See you tomorrow?” Mary asked Crystal when they walked out to the car so Mary could drop her off.

“Sure, should I bring my toothbrush?” Crystal grinned and Mary.

“You know my motto, ‘Be Prepared.'” Mary said.


“Crystal, come on in, this is Bob.” Mary said ushering in the tall blonde. “Bob, Crystal.”

Crystal ignored the proffered hand and gave Bob a huge hug that lasted a lot longer than initial hugs normally do, “I am so happy to meet you, Mary talks about you all the time, and it is all good, by the way. I’ve never heard her say a single bad thing.” Crystal look back over at Mary, still holding Bob, “And you might not have been exaggerating about…” Looking down.

“Crystal, I never get a welcoming woody, why did you get one?” Mary laughed. “Bob, I’d prefer you don’t screw our guest until after dinner.”

Bob sheepishly replied, “Perhaps if I got that kind of greeting every time you got home you’d get a welcoming woody, not to complain but,” holding out his hands as if they were arms of a scale, “hug with grinding pelvis – or – peck on the lips…hmmm.”

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