
In Love With My Best Friend Ch. 04


So I wanted to bring this story back to where it all started, which is why I’m posting it in Erotic Couplings. Just bear in mind though that there is a lot of anal play, and also some anal sex in this story! Of course, all characters are 18 or over. Also, this will be the last story in the main series! If you have not read the previous ones, I do highly recommend it since this is not really a one and done kind of writing.

Last but not least, Enjoy!


I was ushered out of my reverie when she rustled next to me. Curled up on my chest, Holly wriggled around, changing her position ever so slightly to get comfortable. We both sunk luxuriously into the large leather armchair we had moved up to the sliding glass door, and as Holly rested contentedly on top of me, I stared out the window. It was a grey and rainy summer day, and as I watched the steady downpour with the soft sounds of John Mayer humming behind us, I was happy. Not in a bubbly, smiley kind of way, but we were both content and there really is something to be said about watching the rain wash all your cares away. There and then, it was just us.

I did smile though as I watched Holly. She wasn’t asleep, but she was dozing, and I knew I would never be able to get tired of watching her tiny nose expand and contract while she took shallow breaths. I also loved how forgetful she was. It was the “anniversary” of our last night in Vietnam, and because Holly was so forgetful it meant that I could plan the perfect day without interfering with any plans she had made. Starting with this.

It was July 5th, a Saturday, and I had gone to pretty great lengths to make sure that Holly had absolutely no plans tonight. I’d had to approach every one of her friends and explain the situation, making sure they didn’t invite her out and ruin my surprise. But a few of them were so excited (read: squealing while bouncing up and down clapping) that they insisted on helping me. I turned them down at first, but then I had a great idea.

I looked back at Holly. She was moving so minutely as she snoozed, clad in that outfit I loved on her so much with her tight tee and purple boy shorts. Her long brown hair rested softly on her, covering a bit of her face. I couldn’t resist touching her anymore. I still have a hard time sometimes believing she’s real. I stroked her tummy, feeling her soft curves as my hand made its way down her side, watching her chest rise and fall. Yup, she’s real. It’s nearly impossible to describe the feeling of having someone who, at 20 years old, you’re confident beyond a doubt would marry you if you asked.

As I softly stroked her Holly started to move. Obviously waking up, I watched as she groggily groaned and uncurled slightly. She looked up at me and then she smiled a sleepy little grin, and I leaned down to kiss her. Her lips were so soft on mine, and she smelled sweet. Only Holly could not shower for three days and still smell sweet. Her hair tickled my nose and her soft breath warmed my face as our tongues touched lightly. But I wanted a little more.

I didn’t want to move her too fast after waking up, so I slowly lifted her up in the big armchair, pulling her body flush with mine so I could feel her pressed against me as we kissed. Holly giggled softly as I moved her up and the kiss picked up a bit in tempo. Her breasts on my chest were so warm and squishy, and she had put one leg around me covering my leg in heat.

We broke the kiss. Holly’s face and mine were inches apart and I looked deep into her big blue eyes, melting at the sight of her freckles glowing with love and her small mouth curled into such a happy little smile. I loved her little button nose so damn much! So I poked it.

“AH!” Holly squealed. “Why’d ya do it?” She asked, feigning hurt as she giggled.

“Because your little nose is so damn cute.” I replied, grinning.

“Doesn’t mean you gotta go around jabbin’ at it…” She pouted as she rubbed it. “Anyway, I still don’t get it. A nose is a nose, what’s there to love?”

“Mmm you wouldn’t get it.” I replied as I leaned in.

She smiled as she leaned in too, but just as we were about to kiss again I moved my face and put my mouth on her nose.

“Ah no stop!” She laughed. She was still chuckling as she threw her arms around me and pulled me tight. I hugged her back and when we broke apart I gave her a quick kiss. We both looked out at the gray cloudy day again. Sometimes I can’t tell if Holly and I really do have a lot in common, or if we have so much in common because we spend so much time together. Maybe it’s both. In any case, we both love nature, and it seems as though we can both enjoy and appreciate a quiet rainy day. However, the rain had stopped now and it was much lighter than before. Maybe the clouds were clearing.

“Hungry?” I asked Holly.

“Mhm.” She nodded back. I stood up and walked toward the kitchen.

“Well then. I have a treat for you. Gourmet grilled cheese!”

Holly laughed and leaned her head Çorum Escort on the armrest of the chair. “And what, pray tell, is gourmet grilled cheese?”

“You’ve heard of regular grilled cheese, correct?”

Holly laughed again. “Yes, Danny, I am familiar with the concept of grilled cheese sandwiches.”

“Well gourmet grilled cheese is different! Better! You see, you start out with regular grilled cheese. But from the start, something’s different. Sourdough bread! Two thick slices of sourdough fry much nicer than regular bread, giving you an unmatched level of browning. And then you enhance the plain old regular innards with ham, spinach, fried onions, and some of my patented secret spice mix and whammy! Best grilled cheese sandwich you ever done had!”

Holly was practically rolling on the floor as I dramatically and flamboyantly recreated the process of making a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich.

“Okay then, O Kitchen Wizard! Go, create your masterpiece!”

I made an effort to be as exaggerated as I could, leaping across the kitchen and gracefully laying the ingredients on the bread. At first Holly was giggling as I pranced around, but after about five minutes she grew quiet. I peeked over at her once to see her still in the armchair, her head on the armrest smiling at me. I just kept on making our sandwiches, and when they were finally done I leaped over to the chair and gently lay her plate down on the table we’d moved beside us.

She looked at me and smiled. “Enjoy, mi amor”, I bowed. I put a finger under her chin and lightly lifted her head, lowering mine to plant a soft kiss. As I straightened up, Holly grabbed her sandwich and took a huge bite, filling her cheeks and smiling with her eyes as she enjoyed what was undoubtedly the best sandwich she’d ever eaten. Undoubtedly.

As we finished our respective sandwiches in our respective armchairs in our respective silences, I noticed that clouds had started to part and I could see sunshine out the window. My heart skipped with excitement; I might actually be able to pull this plan off perfectly! I finished my sandwich just after Holly took her last bite. When she was done, Holly flopped back on the chair, practically melting into it. Her legs were splayed out and her arms were hanging off the other end above her head. I smiled as I watched her sigh lightly, finishing my sandwich off and copying her as I flopped down into my chair.

“Hey, you’re not sleepin’ on me, are ya?” Holly’s face appeared over mine, her brow furrowed sternly.

I swear to god she has a real father that’s a cartoon character. And how is she so damn quiet? I never hear her coming… I opened one eye and raised an eyebrow.

“I’m sorry, did you need something?” I asked.

“Don’t be silly, it’s nice outside!” Holly giggled.


I had the wind knocked out of me as Holly sat on me and immediately stared out the window smiling at the sun. At least she had a squishy ass. If she didn’t she could’ve broken something. Actually, hold on… well I’m pretty sure she pulled something anyway.

“Okay,” I wheezed, “l’ll take you to the lake!” Hehehe… The plot thickens…

“Oh, oh…! Really!?” Holly squealed.

“Unh!” I cried out as Holly leaped off me and started bouncing around excitedly. “Yeah really, let’s do it!”

“Oh, fun fun fun!” Holly cried out as she ran to the door to grab her shoes.

“Ah ah!” I called after her. She turned to face me, halfway through putting a shoe on.

I nodded my head toward the kitchen. “Dishes”.

“Yes sir…” She sulked as she slinked into the kitchen.

“It’s like raiaaaaain, on your wedding day! It’s a free riiiiide, when you’ve already paid!”

I just laughed as for some reason, Holly belted out Alanis Morissette on the 15 minute drive to the lake. She wasn’t bad, but let’s just say I wasn’t in it for her singing voice.

The sun was now bright and high overhead, and with the windows rolled down it really felt like summer for the first time this year. The warm blasts of air carried the post-rainfall smells of nature into the car, and the air itself seemed alive and buzzing, matching mine and Holly’s excitement. She had finally showered and she’d put on a cute summer dress for the special occasion of going to the lake. I was ecstatic. I couldn’t have asked for a better day to spend with my beautiful girl, and at this point nothing could really go wrong.

As we approached the lake, I turned into the driveway leading down to the small dockyard, parking by the small office hut just in time to see Holly’s friend Beth scoot inside to make sure Holly didn’t see her. There was only one little dinghy at the dock; I assumed it was ours. Fortunately Holly was looking the other way when Beth went by.

“Why are we at the dock, Danny?” Holly asked me. “The trail starts back down the road…?”

“Come on, Holly, it’s a lake! Who needs a trail?” I pointed at the dinghy. Holly looked confused. Denizli Escort

“But, it’s not ours… We can’t use it.”

“Au contraire!” I beamed as I whipped the keys to the engine out of my pocket.

I hopped into the little boat and started the engine, patting the seat next to me as I smiled at Holly. The look on her face was priceless. She had a confused look on her face that was battling with a delighted smile, but it didn’t take her long before excitement won out. She hopped in the boat and I untied us before giving it some gas.

“Where the hell did you get a boat?” She asked.

“A friend.” I replied simply. I didn’t bother specifying whose friend.

Being Holly, she stopped really caring pretty soon, and by then we were out on the open water, racing toward the center of the lake. Beth had given me some pointers on how to operate the dinghy and rules of the water, so I wasn’t too worried about killing us both in a fiery ball of rubber and gasoline.

Lake Culmery was a very popular tourist destination in these parts, and when Holly and I were kids our families would take us out here once or twice a summer for a few days of boundless fun, swimming and hiking, camping and exploring. It was a big lake, with a long trail around it and plenty of different areas to explore. Where we left from was the beach area, where most of the tourists wind up. But off to the northwest there’s a campground with another small beach. It’s usually much emptier and cleaner so that’s where our parents used to take us, and then to the northeast is a wooded forest area. The only thing going through there are a couple trails, so if you really want to relax you can go lose yourself in nature for a while. Unfortunately, when we were 12, a family friend told our parents that Bridget Lake was half an hour closer and actually a little nicer and more secluded, our summer trips began ending up on those shores. Of course, now we lived much closer to Culmery and it was much easier to just come down for the day and get your bearings.

I pulled up on a secluded little piece of shore near the northeast area of the lake, ever so conveniently parked right next to a pile of sand tools, a mishap of plastic buckets and shovels in all different colours. Huh. Will wonders never cease?

As soon as I secured our ride I strode over to the pile of tools and picked up a bucket.

“What are you doing…? Those aren’t ours…” Holly asked perplexed.

“Au contraire!” I beamed at her.

“Yeah, you know, just not feeling that one.” She said with a disapproving look. “Why don’t we do a rain check on ‘au contraire’?”

I winked and smiled at her as I started building. She sat on the sand and watched me curiously as I worked. It took me a good half an hour or so, digging sand, collecting water, shaping buildings and such. The entire time Holly just watched, smiling absently. Eventually she lay down where she had been sitting, enjoying the warmth of the sun while I worked in silence.

I continued labouring away, filling in holes in my buildings where the sand crumbled away and doing my best to shape little sand people along the “streets” between my sand houses. Eventually I had a small neighborhood going, with detailed houses, a few little people waving to each other, and even a little corner store!

“Ta da!” I announced.

Holly was startled out of her dozing. “Huh!? What, what’d you do?”

I simply waved my hand over my creation as Holly sat up, a little groggy.

“Oh my god!” Holly laughed. “That’s so great! Wait, is that supposed to be our street!?”

“Yes ma’am,” I smiled at her.

“Oh man, that’s adorable! I love it!” Holly laughed. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and snapped a picture.

“Man, mom’s gonna love this!” Holly smiled.

When she finished posting, Holly gave me a kiss.

“Come on, let’s go explore!” I said to her.

Holly smiled as I grabbed her hand and we walked up the beach toward the trail. We walked in relative silence along the shoreline of the lake, both of us feeling incredibly alive today. Holly, because that’s just the way she was. Mine was more of a nervous excitement. I gently grabbed Holly and pulled her in front of me, hugging her as we walked. It was hot outside, but I never seemed to mind adding her body heat into the mix, no matter the situation. Having her around was never a bad thing. A woodpecker broke the monotony of the waves on the shore.

“It’s a woodpecker.” Holly whispered sharply, sounding like a dog who’d just heard a cat in the bushes.

“Wanna go look?” I asked her.

She turned around with big wide eyes, and a huge grin. She nodded her head abruptly. We turned off the path, hand in hand, and slowly, quietly made our way through the undergrowth. We heard the woodpecker again much closer, and tread very carefully. Finally, we rounded a tree and saw it, standing on a branch. Jet black plumage and a bright red head, it stood out Diyarbakır Escort from the surroundings like a sore thumb. Holly and I watched as it drilled its way once more into the tree trunk.

“Coo!” Holly shouted out in the worst imitation of a birdcall I could safely say I’d ever heard.

The woodpecker stopped dead and didn’t move. Holly giggled quietly to herself, and didn’t seem able to stop. I looked at her with amused curiosity.

“What the hell’s up with you?” I half asked, half laughed.

“Mhm. I scared him…” Holly giggled.

“You did too.” I played along. “How does that make you feel, big scary human?”

Holly laughed.

“Please, I’m goddamn tiny!” she scoffed. “Nothing has any right to be scared of me. ‘Cept spiders. Fuckers gonna get what’s comin’ to ’em.” She turned serious.

I laughed. Then I laughed some more. And then I broke into a laughing fit that really scared the bird off.

“See!?” Holly yelled at me, smiling. “You can scare him, you’re a big scary human! He probably didn’t stop ’cause he was scared, he was probably just sizing me up as prey!”

I was still laughing as Holly stood there, grinning and feigning indignation.

“Come… come here.” I told Holly as I grabbed her arm. I dragged her further through the bush. The detour was unexpected but we were close enough to the other trail now that it’d be easier to cut through the bush. After a minute and 6 questions from Holly, we arrived at a little clearing with a picnic blanket and basket laid out. I strolled over and looked in the basket.

“Okay… I’m just going to assume this is yours too?” Holly asked, a little incredulous.

“Yes.” I replied simply with a mouthful of strawberry. I patted the spot on the blanket next to me. Holly came slowly and sat down.

“Well,” I started, “We’ve got roast chicken, some berries, a green salad with some dressing, and mashed potatoes. What do you want?”

“Um… a little of all?” She asked.

“Yes!” I shouted. “Right answer!”

I started loading our plates with food, and we ate quickly. I realized it had been a while since we ate, and we both finished our plates quickly and lay down on the blanket, staring up at the broken canopy of trees above us as the sun set at our backs. I could feel Holly turn toward me.

“So… what the hell’s going on?” She asked with a smirk. “You’ve either made an overnight transformation into some kinda kleptomaniac, or you’ve gone to a lot of trouble to plant stuff around here for us. How did you even know we’d be out here today?”

“Well, I’ll be honest, I didn’t know. I hoped!” I smiled at her. “Oh hey! Stand up right there, I need a picture, the sun’s just right!”

She gave me a faint smile as she stood up in front of me, facing the setting sun. I got on my knee to steady my phone and snapped the shot. It was perfect, just as I’d imagined it…

“I’m assuming you didn’t bring me out here to take my picture in the sunset, Danny-boy. Even if I am absolutely stunning.” She said this with just the right amount of fake pretentiousness, while she pretended to puff her hair with her nose in the air. I enjoyed the sight for a second.

“Actually no.” I responded, smiling. I pulled the box out my back pocket. “I wanted to give you this too.”

Holly turned back to me. Her eyes went so wide I was actually worried for a split second. It was all coming to a crescendo now. My heart was pounding.

I lifted the lid as Holly stared bug-eyed. Even I was in awe of how the diamond inside sparkled in the sunset.

“Holly Jane Anders” I started, trying to keep it together. “Will you marry me?”

I smiled hopefully up at her. She was having trouble breathing, air audibly catching in the throat, but a smile was slowly spreading across her face. And then I saw tears. Of course, this all seemed like it was unfolding over a matter of minutes, but in reality it was only a few split seconds before she started nodding more and more vigorously, until she finally croaked out a yes.

I was having a very hard time holding back my emotions now too, and as she flung herself at me and knocked me back onto the ground I let go too. She was squeezing me so tight I could barely breathe, but that fact was as far as possible from my mind in that instant. In truth, there wasn’t much in my mind then. Pure, raw emotion was all I could identify, and I laid there stunned, holding her while I tried to process. She startled me by lifting her head up and looking down at me.

“So, you little klepto…” She sniffled out through her tears. “You buy that, or are you proposing with someone else’s ring?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I laughed so hard I couldn’t give her an answer, even though I think she may have wanted one. We both laughed for a good minute or so before I regained enough control to answer her.

“No… no I bought it. My dad paid, and I’m gonna pay him back when I can.” I smirked. “Being a student kinda sucks!” We both laughed.

“You know,” I said, “You’ve got some great friends. Remind me to thank them again when I see them next.”

“Oh my god, I should have known! It was Beth wasn’t it! I totally forgot her dad owns the marina here! Damn that makes so much sense now…”

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