
Jack Pt. 01


It was the evening of her work Christmas party and she knew she was in for a fun night. She was looking pretty cute in her brand new short flowy dress and of course she had topped off with her outfit with sparkly little reindeer ears; it was Christmas after all.

Getting to the restaurant pretty much on time, she was surprised that there were so many people there already. Grabbing herself a drink, she sat at the table with the rest of the younger single crew. She smiled to herself when she noticed who she was sitting opposite. Jack, the one she had a weird little school girl crush on. She always found it funny that his name wasn’t really Jack, everyone just called him that because he was tall like a beanstalk. She was taken aback when he stood up and came to sit next to her.

“Mind if I sit here?” he asked, leaning into her ear, he whispered “I have a feeling you’ll be a little more interesting to talk too.”

“Of course,” she said, looking over at who he had been sitting next too, and trying not to giggle. “Are you sure you didn’t want to stay there and get your ear chewed off all night though?”

He playful punched her arm as he sat down. Throughout the night they realised that they had never really had a proper conversation before and actually had a fair bit in common. It was a great night, full of flowing drinks, laughter and a decent amount of flirting. After dinner a small group of them decided to go dancing. Being with just their work friends and away from the rest of their co-workers they all really let their hair down.

The next morning she woke up disappointingly alone. A lot of the night before was fuzzy, though she did remember Jack giving her a piggyback ride through the streets, while she was trying not to show the world her arse. She had a feeling it wasn’t the only time she had been flashing it that night. She also had a fuzzy fleeting thought of stealing a sneaky pash with him in the nightclub toilets, she wasn’t certain if that really happened or not though. Monday at work was going to be interesting, she knew that much.


She was making her morning coffee in the lunch room when she felt someone close behind her, almost too close.

“Hi there, Prancer.” Jack whispered in her ear.

“Oh my God, don’t do that!” she exclaimed, pushing him in the chest. “You scared the crap out of me.”

“Haha, gotta get your heart rate up somehow.” He said with a cheeky wink. “Here, I thought you might want these back.” Handing her the reindeer ears.

“I wondered where those had gotten too. How did you end up with them?”

“You don’t remember? maraş escort You insisted I wear them because, and I quote – You look so pretty.” He said mimicking her voice. “You know you’re a little crazy when you’ve been drinking. Fun, but crazy.”

“Ohh God, did I embarrass myself?”

“Not at all Prancer, not at all.” He laughed as he walked out of the room.

“Nice ass by the way.” He said as he left, leaving her groaning into her hands.


A few weeks had past with just the standard odd flirty comment between them here and there. They did seem to often awkwardly bump into each other in the same doorway almost daily though. He had also started trying to scare her whenever he could. Secretly she knew he only did it because he loved it when she chased him afterwards to hit him. They definitely both enjoyed playing around with each other. Sometimes a bit to much.


One night curled up in bed, she decided to add him on a few socials. She was surprised how quickly he responded, adding her as a friend. Scrolling through his page, she was a little disappointed at how few photos he had on there. Judging from the vivid dream she had that night though, it was all her imagination needed.


“Had a dream about you last night.”

“Oh yeah.” He said to her, giving her the look of his that always made her melt a little. “You going to tell me about it?”

“Haha, maybe later if you’re lucky.” She chuckled as she continued her work.

“Okay tease.” He laughed. “Clearly it was a good one.”

It didn’t take long after work had finished that she heard the little ding of her phone. She had a feeling she knew exactly who it was.

“So you going to tell me about this dream of yours?” The message from Jack read.

“I don’t know if I should.” She wrote back.

“Ok then tease. I know your gagging to tell me though.”

“Gagging, ha. Maybe you do know me a little too well. Ok well… It started off with us living in a random share house with heaps of people. For some reason everyone else had gone out for the night, so it was just us 2 at home. I was annoyed because I was cleaning up everyone else’s mess in the kitchen yet again.”

“So clearly a dream.” Came the cheeky reply.

“Yeah okay smart ass, want the rest or not?” She sent before continuing. “Just as I was finishing wiping down the benches, you came up behind me and said ‘Nice job, that looks clean enough to eat from’ Too which you picked me up, sat me on the bench, lifted my skirt up, underwear down and started eating me out.”

“Whoa, nice dream. mardin Escort No wonder you couldn’t look at me properly today.”

“That wasn’t even the best bit.” She quickly messaged back. “Then you turned me over, laid me on the counter and fucked me with my legs wrapped around your arse. Apparently you’re the perfect height for kitchen benches.”

“Oh honey, I am definitely the right height for kitchen benches. Nice dream. Looking forward to picturing it again when I see you tomorrow. Night.”


Over the next few weeks their harmless flirting and odd comments ramped up to a whole new level. She often caught him slyly looking over at her, especially if she was bending down. The little lift of his eyebrow he would do when he knew that she had noticed drove her crazy. The amount of times she imagined his hands all over her was almost distracting.

One day they both happened to be in the far corner of the warehouse. Realising that they were actually alone and possibly only for a few minutes, without a word she put her hands on his chest and pushed him up against one of the walls. Standing on her tippy toes and looking up at him, her heart rate went crazy as he pressed his lips into hers.

“I’d almost forgotten how soft your lips are.” He murmured. “And your so warm.”

So they did kiss at the Christmas party, she thought to herself.

“God, you smell amazing.” She murmured back into him, inhaling his cologne.

“Good to know, I’ll wear this one more often, just to drive you a little more insane.”

That afternoon as she walked past him at his desk, she lightly ran her fingertips over the back of his neck. His reaction was priceless and she recognised it straight up, she had the exact same sensitive spot on the back of her neck.

When she got back to her own desk she saw she had a message on her phone.

“OMG, please don’t ever touch me there while we are at work. I have the biggest hard-on right now.”

“You sure you wanted to admit that to me.” She sent back, along with a whole range of inappropriate emojis.

“BTW, I’m leaving early today but I’m expecting a package, if you see it can you grab it for me. It’s kinda NSFW and I don’t want anyone opening it by mistake.” She sent.

“Oh, sounds interesting. Only if you show me what it is.” Came his reply.

“Only if you’re lucky.” She sent back.


The next morning she was early to work again, she always enjoyed the quietness of the office first thing. When she got to her desk she noticed the package hidden in the perfect little spot. She would mersin escort have to thank Jack later. As she went to make her coffee she opened the lunch room door and realised she had opened it straight onto someone.

“Oh I’m so sorry!”

“Its okay, lucky I didn’t spill any coffee on myself, only the floor.” It was Jack, of course it was Jack.

As she helped him clean up the mess she questioned him. “What are you doing here so early anyway?”

“Well, I kinda knew what time you normally get here and well that package and comment yesterday has me a little intrigued.” He grinned at her with that fucken look of his. How could she resist.

“Haha, okay go about what you were doing, but keep your phone on you.”

As she grabbed her package and her phone she couldn’t help but skip to the far barely used toilets. After taking her skirt off and putting on the new thigh high stockings, she set up her phone and pulled her new vibrator out. Just as she moved her panties to the side and inserted it inside of herself he answered her Video call.

“Fuck me, that’s hot.” He watched open mouthed as she continued to fuck herself. Getting a little carried away and really getting into the moment, she jumped a mile when she heard the single knock on the toilet door. Looking back at her phone she realised of course it was him.

“Babe, let me in.” He whispered.

Instantly he put one of his fingers up to her lips, indicating that he didn’t want her to talk. He then took the toy out of her hands and turned her back around. They were both facing the mirror above the sink. Looking at him, she hadn’t realised how much taller than her he was. She looked tiny compared to him. Her whole body started shaking as he rapidly inserted the vibrator in and out of her. As she lent her body forward slightly, pushing her arse into his crotch she could feel how large he was growing. He was huge. As her body started really convulsing he pulled the toy out of her throwing it in the sink. He then pulled her underwear completely off her and inserted his long fingers into her. Instantly she began to climax, hard. The way he maneuvered his fingers inside of her, spreading them apart, moving them around, feeling her, exploring her.

She grabbed onto the sides of the sink as her knees weakened, she was doing everything in her power not to scream. After she came, and was trying to get her breath back, she whispered. “Did that really just happen?”

He kissed the side of her neck as she closed her eyes, opening them to see him slowly licking his fingers clean. As he left he quickly rearranged himself, leaving her to dress and gain her composure.

For the rest of the day she tried her hardest not to even look in his direction, because every time she did she could feel her panties getting moist and her legs couldn’t help but squeeze themselves together.


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