
Job Interview


“Honey?” My wife called from the other room.

“Yes dear. One moment.”

I was cleaning up and putting the final touches on dinner before we went to bed when my wife called me into the living room. It had been a nice quiet dinner. She cooks and I clean. She would like me to cook more often but I seem to screw it up every time despite my best efforts so that’s one domestic job she still keeps. Which is great for me. But, I do everything else. Clean the dishes, wash the laundry, straighten up the stuff, dust the chachkies, organize. Everything else I swear.

But, she called and, to be honest, it annoyed me for a moment as I was right in the middle of my chores and just wanted to get them done before it got too late.

I rounded the corner to the living room, “Yes? Um, oh, my…” I walked in to see her laying on the sofa, stark naked, with her legs spread so I could look right into her sex. She still had her glass of wine in her hand and she was staring me straight in the eyes.

“Kneel,” she commanded and I moved quickly right between her legs making sure to stare her in the eyes and not be distracted by what was right in front of me. My mind was going a mile-a-minute which, as always, meant all blood flow was headed south and I was getting more and more erect.

“I’ve been thinking,” she said. “Seriously thinking. And I want to give you a chance. You’ve earned it. You’re my husband and we love and care and adore each other. I know. You’ve given me so much and you really haven’t asked for anything in return. So, it’s only fair that I give you a chance.

“You gave me my freedom. My boyfriend. My little adventures. My pleasure. My love. And I know that deep down inside it cost you. Our lives changed. Our relationship changed. Our sex life changed. We still make love but it’s different than before. Sebastian’s love-making is so much better than yours and he’s such a better lover that you lost that job to him. His job is to be my lover. Your job is to be my husband. Think of it as a trade-off between sex and love. He gets 90% of the sex and you get 90% of the love. The other 10% goes to someone else. See? Just as he’ll have most but not all my vagina. You’ll have most but not all of my heart. I’m being open and honest here and there is one that Haymana Escort that is one hundred percent safe and that is your relationship with me. You are my husband. And you’ve been fantastic at it. Honestly!”

“Honey, I’m confused,” I stammered. I know better than to speak when I’m in this position but I really didn’t know what was going on. She and Sebastian had been an item since they started dating months ago. Years ago I asked my wife to become a hot wife. She didn’t take it right away but eventually grew interested enough to try it out. Back then, I asked her to find some sexual fulfillment apart from me. I told her that I found it erotic. I found it erotic to imagine her in the arms of another man. She asked me pointe blank what I wanted. Did I want her to have some perfectly meaningful one-night stands or a steady boyfriend?

I asked her to find a boyfriend. Someone who could help coax out her inner vixen. Someone she could grow close to and expand her sexual boundaries. It was someone I knew who would capture some of her emotions and passion and love. It both scared and excited me. This was a change for us and I felt confident enough in our relationship to open it up this way.

And now, I am no longer the primary source of sex for her. That was Sebastian’s job. Whenever she wanted to be taken. To be seduced. To be fucked. Sebastian was a short call away. My new role was to be the husband. To give her love. Snuggles. Cuddles. Massages. Encouragement. It was a different type of emotion that I was now responsible for and it initially hurt to give part of my role away but we’re stronger now for it.

“Don’t interrupt my dear. You know better.” She scolded but I did know better.

“I’m sorry.”

“I know. I can’t imagine the flood of emotions that go through your head everyday. I don’t understand it. I told you that. But I do accept it. I accept that you want this fantasy. That you want this reality. And I’m committed to helping you find that bliss. You are finding bliss in our new relationship, aren’t you?

“Yes,” I answered. And whether or not I believed it was irrelevant. There was only one answer and I had to answer with conviction or else this whole thing would be over. When I first confessed that I wanted Haymana Escort Bayan to be a cuckold and for my wife to take a boyfriend she gave me one first rule: No jealousy.

I was not allowed to be jealous. I wanted this and, after we went through with it, I was not allowed to cry and complain about it. If I hesitated or admitted any misgivings then she would want to know why and I couldn’t say ‘Because I’m jealous. I want to be your lover too’.

“Good.” She replied, “Now let me finish.

“You have a very, very important job for us and you have been fulfilling it admirably. There is just one little problem. I’ve found someone who is better at part of your job. Someone who I just feel has more passion and committment to the job than you and I want to give it to her.” She paused while that settled in.

“Her,” I was a bit set back?

“Yes. Her name is ‘Tiffany’. She’s an ex-girlfriend of Sebastian’s. He introduced us. We’ve been chatting a lot recently and got together for lunch the other day. You were at work and, well, we ended up back here and had a really good time. You catch my drift?”

“I think so.” I replied.

“Good, Well, her tongue and her lips were just divine and this is the crux of my dilemma. She’s better with them than you are.”

“Really,” I was afraid of where this was going. My imagination had me now kneeling between two women offering my oral skills for their satisfaction but I knew better than to think that that is where this was going to end up. Since taking Sebastian as her lover my sexual role had been reduced to just oral skills. My wife no longer favored my hands or fingers. If we were being intimate, and as husband and wife she insisted that we maintain a healthy sex life, then it always ended with my lips on hers. I sometimes got satisfaction. She did take mercy on my frustrations but was always quick to remind me of how she liked to reach orgasm when she was with me.

She continued and I just stared into her eyes, “This is hard for me. I’m tempted to give her that job. You would still have certain duties but your job would change a little bit. How do you feel?”

“Scared,” I was honest. ‘Change’ but how? Right now, my penis, hands, and fingers have no business Escort Haymana engaging with her on a sexual level. My lips and tongue are my only window into that part of her. If she takes that away then where does it leave me? Sure, I get to pleasure her in an untold number of ways that no one else does, not even Sebastian, but those are sexual in nature. There are many non-sexual things that I get to enjoy with her and those are my domain. Yes! I own those and I don’t want to give them up.

Foot massages; all mine. Shopping for lingerie with her; all mine. Prepping her for her dates; all mine. Lying together in bed when it’s cold; all mine. Riding roller coasters; all mine. Craft shopping; all mine. Snuggling; all mine. Picking her up from the gym; all mine. Driving her to Sebastian’s for a quickie and waiting outside; all mine. But, sexually. My role is different. I have my lips and tongue. I no longer have my penis, hands, or fingers. Those are Sebastian’s job.

But sexually, I still had my lips and tongue. Before her dates; all mine. After her dates; all mine. Watching TV; all mine. At the dinner table; all mine. In the hot tub; all mine. After her workout; all mine. She reserved that role for me and I was about to lose it to Tiffany and I had absolutely no idea who this Tiffany is.

“You see,” she said matter of factly, “she’s got a tongue ring and really knows how to use it. And, she isn’t afraid to make a real mess down there and I’ve told you before, the wetter the better. God! Just thinking about her is getting me wet. Have you looked?”


“Have? You? Looked?”

“No. I respect your body and I will look when you’re ready. This is serious stuff.” I replied. These are some dangerous waters so I had to be careful what I said.

“You’re right. Look now.” She ordered and she was right. Absolutely right. She was dripping just talking about all of this. The muscles in my neck started to tighten as I was instinctively leaning in but I caught myself. She’ll let me know when to move in and this is not the time.

“So. Consider this a ‘job interview’. Right here. Right now. Convince me to let you keep this job. Don’t worry. You’ll always have a role here at our ‘company’ but this one role. You’ve got competition. Stiff competition. Tiffany is good. Real good. Can you bring the passion and drive necessary to win?

“Are you up for the challenge?”

I put my hands on her knees, slowly pushed them apart as far as they would go, leaned in, and worked until my tongue was on fire as though my life depended on it…

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