
A Mother’s Conflict Ch. 04


“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Alan pumped himself hard in and out of Selena. The parking lot was empty at this point and the happy couple were too lost in each other to notice. Selena was in heaven; Alan’s cock felt much larger than the last time they had sex. His throbbing cock pulsed with each thrust, seemingly getting bigger and bigger. She wasn’t just taking him either, she was on top; her legs on either side of his hips and she matched his pace, thrust for thrust.

“Ooooh goddamnit! Harder, Alan!”

Her demands only further aroused him, making him go crazy on her. He watched her face twist in ecstacy each time he pushed in. He couldn’t see a bit of her body since both of them kept their clothes on in the back seat of the hovercar, but his arousal didn’t falter. Something about the way she moved on top of him and the way she looked at him as they fucked touched him. For the first time, he hadn’t thought of Joaquin and instead focused on Selena.

She was a very beautiful woman. Her mocha skin was smooth in all the places that counted. Her face hadn’t shown obvious signs of aging aside from the natural wrinkles one gets when having an expressive face throughout life. Her hazel eyes glew, even in the darkness of the theater parking lot. He wanted to kiss her, but he wanted to stare at those eyes longer. His hand slipped up her arm to the back of her neck as if ready to pull her down for a kiss, but he hesitated. She, however, didn’t and dove in for his lips.

The moment their lips touched, Alan lost all hesitation and gripped her hair, adding more force to his thrusts. Her big lips practically covered his, making him feel as if he didn’t know what he was doing for a second. His body was on fire; he couldn’t believe this woman willingly gave herself to him again; even after he’d revealed to her that he’d made her son’s life hell. Sure, he apologized and explained away his reasoning, but no one in their right mind would be in this position the very next night. He felt as if the stars aligned and granted him a wish, but the truth was Selena was more of a freak than she let on.

Suddenly, he felt a huge shockwave of pleasure course up his spine as Selena grabbed his hands, pinned them down to the seat and began riding him violently. Each time she slammed down, it hurt him, but the pain amplified his pleasure as he already felt he was on the cusp of his orgasm. He wasn’t sure how close she was, so he held out a bit longer. She wasn’t saying anything like before; the only thing that echoed through her lips were cries of pleasure and his name.

“Alan! Alan!! ALAN!!”

He answered by growling out her name as best as he could.

“Ugh! Selena!! NNFGH SELENA!!”

Something about the way her name rolled off his tongue made her feel like dancing. She was giving this young man one of the hottest experiences he’d ever had. She knew it because the moment she pinned his hands down, his lengthy cock twitched inside of her tight pussy. She had full control over him during sex; exactly what she wanted. Alan noticed one of her soft breasts hanging out from her dress and decided to use his teeth to pull down the rest to let those pillows rest over his face. Selena smirked and arched her back, shoving her breasts hard into Alan’s face.

“Mmm, that’s right, Alan! You like my tits, don’t you?!”

She spoke like she was in a porno. In her experience, younger guys always adored when she talked like that. The juxtaposition of a mature mother of two speaking as if she were in her early twenties appealed to a wide variety. Alan seemed no different as his tongue sprung out against her dark flesh, searching desperately for her nipple. She knew exactly what he was after and waited for the moment where he found what he was looking for. That moment came soon as Selena felt his slithery tongue dance over her areola.

It was a paradise for Alan. Her nipple tasted sweet, making him suck on it that much harder, sending Selena into overdrive. Her hips continued slamming down on him and her tight walls closed in, driving Alan even closer to his orgasm; maybe a bit too close. Without warning, Alan shot off a thick wad of cum inside Selena. She was so drunk on the pleasure Kibar Escort that she didn’t notice her hips warm up from the sensation. As Alan continued sucking on her breast, he shot another thick load, finally signaling Selena that he was done. She continued teasing him by swiveling her hips as she moved, but Alan was spent after that.

Her lips curled into a satisfactory grin, knowing that he came in her. With a pop, Alan let her nipple go to catch his breath. Her tight grip on his wrists loosened, giving him the opportunity to use his hands again. Alan just laid beneath her in pure bliss. His thought process began resurfacing as he realized he just came inside of Selena, Joaquin’s mother. A giddy excitement washed over him as he placed a hand over her cheek. She leaned into his hand, closing her eyes, smiling softly as she slowly pulled herself off his member.

“Damn, babe, that was outta nowhere.. What got into you?”

With a wink, she responded to him in kind.

“Looks like you did, Alan.”

She felt his spunk drip out of her, causing a surge up and down her spine. The added excitement of doing this with her young lover in public added to her excitement. After surveying their surroundings, she noticed everybody had left and she began pulling her dress back up to cover her chest. Her nipples poked through her dress as she was still incredibly turned on despite feeling wholly satisfied. Alan took a bit to get to his feet since he was dazed from what they’d just done. The moment his feet touched the ground, reality hit and he realized not only was the parking lot empty, but the theater was closed down.

“Wow, how long were we at it for?”

Selena checked her phone and saw the time had passed midnight.

“An hour. We were in that backseat for one whole hour, Alan.”

“…And what an hour it was,” he muttered as he crept up on her from behind, laying kisses to her bare shoulders. As he showered her with affection, he realized the possibility of pregnancy and decided to tease her.

“You could get pregnant from what we just did.”

“Mmm hmm hmm,” she chuckled as she turned her head to lay a kiss on his cheek, “Not likely.”

“Oh? You on the pill?”

“Alan, I had my tubes tied years ago; I can’t handle another little one at my age.”

He continued kissing up her shoulder. Hearing her say that kind of disappointed him, but he quickly changed his mind as pregnancy would only serve to mess his life up instead of hers. Not to mention she’d lose her perfect form and that wasn’t something he was willing to deal with. As they embraced, Selena’s phone went off.

Selena pulled it out and waited for her eyes to focus and see that it was Joaquin calling. Alan caught a glimpse of the name and immediately smirked as he gripped Selena’s hair and bit her neck, making her tilt her head for him.

“Gonna answer that, babe?”

“Mmh, g-give me a minute, Alan. This should be quick.”

She loved her son very much, but right now, she was more annoyed than pleased to hear from him. Here she was having a good time on her date and this disrespectful child just calls, wanting to know where she is. All she could think about was what she’d just done with Alan and how soft his lips felt against her neck. Alan was none too pleased with this interruption either, but he knew that if he opened his mouth, it would be something vitriolic and hateful towards Joaquin that would definitely snap Selena back to reality. Unfortunately for him, reality did snap back for her as she realized he was only checking up on her as she was usually home by that hour. She ended the call with an “I love you, mijo,” and hung up. Alan’s kissing intensified the moment he saw the call ended.

She adored his affection, but began winding him down, letting him know it was about time for her to go home. Clearly, he wanted her to stay, but she insisted. Reluctantly, he let the woman go and walked her to the passenger side of his hovercar and laid kisses on her cheek as he did so. Before taking her seat, Selena turned and laid a kiss of her own on his lips.

Once everything was settled, Alan hopped into the driver seat and sped off into the Kibar Escort Bayan night sky; taking his date home.

“I had fun tonight..” Alan muttered through an exasperated sigh.

“I did too.. I almost don’t want to go home tonight..” admitted Selena as she fixed her hair, combing her fingers through her dark brown, curly locks.

“..You don’t have to.. You could stay at my place for tonight and I’ll drop you off tomorrow.. I’m sure precious little Joaquin would understand.” He spoke with a disdainful tone. This time, he didn’t care if he came off as such toward Joaquin in front of her as he saw she was frustrated alongside him.

“No, I can’t leave him alone.. My son gets lonely and without his mom there he-“

“Selena, how old is Joaquin?” Alan cut her off in frustration, feeling as if she was making excuses to not spend more time with him. “Are you seriously telling me that a twenty two year old boy can’t handle a night by himself or do you just not want to spend the night?”

Although agitated at him for cutting her off, he did have a point. The way she would caress Alan’s arms as he drove and her sheepish tone anytime she mentioned going home did suggest she truly would rather stay with Alan tonight instead of going home. He also made another good point by pointing out that Joaquin was a man who could be self sufficient, yet Selena still felt as if he were a weak child.

“Hey, I get it, Jojo’s probably too busy crying over not having his mommy and you just want to go home and soothe the prick..” Something inside of him had snapped as he began running down Joaquin once again in front of Selena, not caring if she struck him. He was fed up with pretending he was on good terms with Joaquin and was about to utter a truly heinous statement against him until it became Selena’s turn to interrupt him.

“Alan…you’re right.”

He was stunned to hear her say such a thing; about her own son no less. He pulled the car over and landed in the parking lot of a convenience store and turned his head to her.

“I’m right? About what?” A feeling of excitement washed over him as he never expected to hear those words in that specific order come from her mouth.

“Maybe I’m being overbearing..”

He groaned and slammed his hand on the steering wheel in frustration. That wasn’t what he wanted her to say, but he knew it’s what she would say. Selena shifted back a little bit as he unloaded his frustration. She didn’t know why he reacted that way, but she understood he was very frustrated with how the night was ending after that amazing session in the backseat just a few minutes earlier.

“…This. This right here, is why I can’t stand your son..” He declared in a now calm tone.

She raised her brow at him, getting a little bit defensive at first, but decided to hear him out.

“I thought you saw potential in him?”

“I don’t. When I look at him, all I see is a prissy little femboy who somehow gets everything and everyone to love him while I’m just a big, bad jackass who people should avoid. I’d try my hardest to be noticed, but he’d get the shine instead of me.” He took his hands from the steering wheel and drove off into the sky as Selena sat there, stunned at his revelation. She did feel a bit bad for Alan despite wanting to feel pride in her son. She started to feel as if maybe the roles weren’t so simple between the two young men.

The rest of the drive was utter silence between the two. As requested, he went straight for her home, but as it crept into view, Selena put her hand over his and laid her head on his shoulder.

“Take me to your place, Alan. Tell me more..”

Clearly distraught, she opted to understand Alan’s thought process a bit more. After all, that revelation only increased the tension, so she did her best to ease it. Surprised, Alan stepped on the pedal and drove towards his apartment. In his mind, his master plan was failing and her wanting to go home with him was a stroke of luck. He pulled into the parking lot and landed, taking Selena into his arms after they got out of the hovercar and guiding her up to his apartment.

“Here we are, home sweet home.” said Alan Escort Kibar as he unlocked his door, chucking the keys to a nearby counter without a care in the world. As he walked, he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt, sitting down on his chair as Selena followed behind and looked around for a place to sit. Seeing that there was nowhere else, she sat on Alan’s lap and cuddled up with him.

“Did my son hurt you before and that’s why you hate him?”

Her suggestion that Joaquin was the troublemaker while Alan was the hopeless victim sent uncomfortable shivers down his back. He felt disgusted at the very thought that Joaquin would ever stand over him the way Alan had so many times before.

“No. Fucking. Way.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose momentarily before feeling her lips press into his cheek. “That little shit could never actually hurt me. I can tell just by looking at him. No, I hate him because he’s just an annoyance. Everything he does is somehow perfect to everybody while everything I do is bad because I happen to be honest.” He continued letting off steam as Selena just cuddled up to him, listening to his grievances.

“He sugarcoats everything so that everybody around him hears what they want to hear, he hogs all the girls to himself, he’s adored by almost everybody, and he doesn’t deserve a single fucking second of any of it. He doesn’t know what it’s like to struggle and the way he carries himself with that smug fucking attitude of his pisses me off.”

All his years of resentment came pouring out and it became clear to Selena that Alan was a little bit jealous. The way he worded everything made it feel as if Alan simply wanted what Joaquin had. Admittedly, she grew more and more proud of her son with every revelation Alan laid out. Still, she knew Alan was resentful of Joaquin. Instead of feeling angry towards Alan for everything he said, she decided to comfort him. Sure, he just admitted upfront that he hated her son, but what Joaquin didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Besides there was a taboo excitement from the whole situation that appealed to her thrill seeker side.

She absorbed every word he said and began letting her fingers wander over his chest. His deep voice vibrated through his chest and her fingers. He suddenly stopped talking when he felt her fingers brush across his chest and looked down at her. Selena’s cheek was pressed firmly against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

“I’m talking all this shit about Joaquin and you’re still just..cuddling me. Why aren’t you slapping me like before?”

“Because..I don’t see a reason to this time.”

“How? I’m literally badmouthing Joaquin to your face and the last time I did that, you hit me pretty hard.”

“That’s because you were treating me like some sort of whore who slept with you only to get you to lay off my son.”

“Well, yeah, I thought that’s why you came back after I told you what I told you to be honest.. No mother in their right mind would just sleep with someone who admitted to harassing their child most of their life.”

He began feeling more freedom to actually speak his mind to her. Not getting slapped was a bit disappointing as he loved a little resistance, but at his core, he wasn’t a rapist. He wanted her to want him; that gave him true satisfaction.

“Alan, the truth is you’re the biggest I’ve had since my late husband. Before you, I haven’t cum as much and I crave that feeling.”

He slowly started grinning as she spoke. Hearing her admit that was music to his ears..and his re-invigorated cock.

“Whatever is happening between you and Joaquin..is between you and Joaquin.. I just want to be with you, Alan.”

“..You do know I won’t stop mistreating your son, right? I’m going to keep scheduling him long hours and running him ragged no matter how good the sex is.”

Without hesitation, Selena pressed her lips to his, kissing him softly as her arms wrapped around his neck.

“My Joaquin’s tough, he can handle the workload. After all, he brings you all the business, right?”

Instead of an answer, she received a loving kiss from her new lover. He took charge this time and gripped her leg, moving it over his hips, making her straddle him. The steamy makeout session lasted for a few minutes before Alan robbed her of his lips.

“So, does this make you my new girlfriend?”

It was her turn to answer him and that she did in much the same way he had minutes prior; with a deep, passionate kiss.

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