
Janet and Kim Ch. 01-03


(*) The new neighbor (*)

Janet and I have been living in our house for the last six months or so. Last month the old couple living next door has moved out, and their apartment remained empty up to last week. We were hoping that the old couple’s place would be taken by new neighbors who will share our age group, so that we could have more friends our age.

Last week, on Sunday morning, we had a knock on our door. I’ve open it to the sight of a beautiful woman, roughly our age, holding a pharmacy bag and a slightly embarrassed smile. I’m slightly social awkward, so as she has introduced herself as “Kim”, I didn’t exactly know what the appropriate reaction was. I’m not used to speaking with women other than Janet, as I somehow I reckon it would lead to cheating on her. Luckily, Janet came over just in time to rescue the situation. Unlike me, she’s very friendly, and immediately tried to engage Kim in a cheerful conversation. We had a relatively shot talk (“we” being mostly Janet and Kim), during which we’ve discovered that Kim is our new neighbor, that she is single and currently unemployed, adores shopping and really must go to put the stuff in her bag inside her new apartment.

Later on Janet and I were sitting in our living room and Janet said she’s glad about Kim moving in next door. She was determined of taking Kim on a get-to-know-your-new-neighborhood tour the next morning. And so, when I was at the office the next day, I’ve got text message from Janet saying “Cruising the hood with our new neighbor!! XOXO,” and a picture of both in the local clothing shop, making kissing-gestures to the camera and holding some bags.

Over the next weeks, my Janet and Kim have got real close. They were hanging at each other houses, go shopping and doing girls’ stuff together. As time went by, they became almost inseparable. One night I came home from work to an empty house. Naturally, I went over to Kim’s and knocked on the door. As I knocked, I’ve heard a loud slam and a high-pitched scream. I was worried that something had happened in there, thus started knocking harder on Kim’s door, calling her name and asking if everything’s OK. A few moments later, Janet had open the door. She looked a bit mixed-up and shocked. She said she’s been helping Kim with her stuff, and some of it just fell on their heads. She said she’s OK and promised to come back home in a few moments – she just have to help Kim finish. Of course, I understood and went back home – only to hear some more screams later on. I’ve started to get up, but before I got a chance to exit the apartment and head over to Kim’s, the door slammed opened, with both Kim and Janet on the doorstep. Both were red with anger, and Kim said that my wife is crazy, and that she has made a mass all over her place. Janet seemed very embarrassed and without a word walked passed me and entered our apartment. I apologized to Kim, saying I don’t know what’s gotten into Janet and that she’s usually fine. To that Kim has responded that Janet is indeed fine, but that she’s also just a bit crazy, and maybe I should watch over her more closely. This was all very strange indeed, and when I tried to confront Janet about it later on, she just said she’s sorry and started giggling. When I asked her if the stuff falling on their head were actually her fault, she said she doesn’t want to talk about it and went into the shower.

(*) The movies (*)

Sometime later, Janet came up with the idea that the three of us should go to the movies together. She said that Kim and I are her two favorite people, and that she would like it very much if we could all hang out together. Besides, she added, she feels like she’s been neglecting me for some time now, since hanging out with Kim actually takes most of her time and energy. She was a real sweetheart suggesting we’d go to the new horror movie. She is not a big fan of that kind of movies, and her suggesting for us to watch one was a beautiful gesture. In addition, it turned out that both I and Kim like horror films – which is another thing common for the both of us, as Janet suggested (the other being herself).

At the cinema, the three of us sat on the top row of the theatre, with Janet sitting in the middle, holding an enormous popcorn bin. I could see she was a bit nervous because of the film, and though I couldn’t have seen Gültepe Escort what was going on the Janet’s other, left side (where Kim sat), I could figure that Kim was holding Janet’s hand by the fact that Kim was using her left hand to grab popcorn from the bin located in Janet’s right hand (and in between her legs, as from time to time she’d go on and grab my hand). During the show itself and on some scenes of the movie, the girls whimpered in fear and excitement, sending Janet’s right arm away from the popcorn and into my palm, sometimes dragging both our hands down towards my crouch. I felt a bit aroused by her hand being so close to my man-parts, but felt bad for it, as I knew these gestures were nothing of a sexual nature, as this was made unconsciously out of the stress the movie had put her in: I saw her shut her eyes and move uncomfortably in her seat – and I just loved her more for the sacrifice she’s made for our relationship. As for Kim, she seemed to be just as excited and frightened by the horror film as my wife, but I saw her occasionally smiling to Janet, trying to make her comfortable.

As the recess started, both girls looked somewhat startled by the movie and I thought I saw Kim shake and shiver just before the lights went on. I suggested then we would call it a night and go back home – but both wouldn’t hear about it. Kim argued that once they’d refresh in the cinema’s restroom, they would have calmed each other down and come back ready for the second half of the movie. I then realized Kim really was the cool girl Janet has been saying she is. I have agreed, and as both girls went down to the restroom, I caught a glimpse of a couple making out just a few rows bellow us. The guy’s tongue was deep in the woman’s mouth, and his hand casually caressing her breast underneath her blouse. Both seemed careless for the fact that other people were also in the theater, and that all of them might be able to see their actions. I hoped that my two female companions didn’t see this as they walked down to the restroom. This was very uncomfortable and vulgar, and I tried my best to not accidently look at the couple again, as the woman moaned with content and pleasure. The vulgarity of the situation was intensified as a young woman got back to her seat just below me, telling her friends nervously and secretly about some sexual activity going on one of the booths in the ladies’ room. I’ve then realized that my love and her friend could not have avoided overhearing or even seeing this, and felt sorry I didn’t insist more on going home.

As the second part of the movie started playing and the lights deemed, both Janet and Kim were nowhere in sight, and I starting worrying that they did not find the courage to come back into the theater and confront the scenes of horror that were about to appear on the screen – or that the sexual deeds going on in one of the booths next to them groused them out so much that they’ve decided to leave. I was thrilled to see however, a few moments later, both of them coming back to seat beside me, apologizing for getting back late. I smiled at them both, assuring them everything was OK and that they did not miss any major part of the plot. Unfortunately, the second half of the film was horrible for the girls, even more than its first half – although in my view, it was less scary. Janet has literally squeezed my palm with an extensively sweaty hand and both girls sobbed and whined throughout the rest of the movie – and I could see that under Janet’s bag (now laying in her lap and taking the popcorn’s place), Kim’s hand was petting her leg, trying to comfort and calm her, which was very brave of her, considering that Kim herself was shimmering. As I tried to get a better look (which was hard due to the dimmed lights in the theater), I noticed that while Janet’s right hand was squishing my palm, her left hand was somewhere in Kim’s lap, probably comforting and encouraging her as well – since as mentioned earlier, Kim was also trembling with fear. I then leaned down to Janet’s ear, asking her if she is OK – to which she replied by a chocked whimper and a nod that she was – and if she wants to leave immediately and go home – to which she responded by a determined, stubborn-like sideways nod of her head to imply that it was absolutely not an option. She was determined Gültepe Escort Bayan to let me watch it all through, for which I was grateful.

As the film has ended, Janet told me that going back home right after that experience, as she put it, was not coming under consideration and that we should go on and calm ourselves down by going somewhere exciting. I knew just the perfect place for that – a place where Janet and I went through some exciting dates – and the three of us made our way there. As we’ve arrived, we have ordered some drinks which certainly lightened the girls’ (and mine) moods. As everyone felt better, I thought it would be alright to mention the conversation I had overheard in the seats bellow me at the cinema, and have asked Janet and Kim if they’ve noticed anything while being in the cinema’s restroom. They have replied me with nothing but a laugh, and I have realized I was a jerk for bringing this up and for embarrassing them. But that did not cloud the rest of our evening. On some point, Janet was sitting and bouncing in Kim’s lap, kissing me and laughing at some jokes we’ve made, half drunk. On another, I was dancing with Janet, who was then pushed aside by Kim, who danced with me in a jokingly-seductive manner and sent deliberately teasing looks to Janet, making her jealous and declaring that if Kim was going to dance with anyone in that manner it was going to be with her. Saying that, Janet has pushed me back to my seat and started dancing with Kim. As I was amused by all this, I decided to go get us some more drinks and headed to the bar. When I returned to our table a few minutes later, I was able to notice Janet taking Kim by the hand for the toilets. I reckoned the drinks they had been having were taking their toll, and decided to skip the drinks I just brought and head back home once the two came out of the toilets.

It took them forever, but finally Janet and Kim came out of the toilets, conjoined on exit as on entry, both with silly smiles on their faces and Janet with a stain on her dress’s lapel, which she explained as the stupid soap they use in these places’ fault, and a slightly smeared makeup, which was, in her words, thanks to the hellish humidity in the toilets and hers and Kim’s lack of foresight concerning bringing enough makeup from home to compensate of the such. She then kissed me, and her breath was smelly due to the way-too-many drinks she has had. I then suggested that we all head back home. This time neither of them have refused. As we have gotten next to Kim’s door, she acted as drunk as she was and kissed Janet on her mouth, for a long sweaty moment, and then slapped her ass and stated that Janet is a great, sexy as hell friend – as well as a deranged woman with a lot of potential. As she noticed the shocked expressions on both Janet’s and mine faces, she smiled, laughed and said to me that I am all in all a good guy, and an adorable piece of work. She then smiled again, kissed me on my mouth, grabbed my crouch and winked and Janet. A brief goodnight later she has disappear into her apartment, leaving me utterly confused and Janet drunkly sniggering. Janet has the apologized for the friend’s drunk and reckless behavior as we went into our bedroom. She was a bit drunk herself, and laughing mid-way through her apology, which made her apologize again. This was adorable of her, and then she’s asked me to make love with her, grabbing my crouch – but of course, I couldn’t since I too had one too many a drink. She then masturbated as I cuddled her, and both of us went into a deep, long sleep until the morning after.

(*) Repentance (*)

Next morning was a Friday, and Janet went off to run some errands. I stayed at home, filling my morning with channel surfing and coffee. As I was watching some boring TV show, a knock came from the door, and I found Kim at our apartment’s entrance, very sorry-looking and holding a bottle of wine. She apologized deeply for her behavior last night and made self-jokes about how her peace-offering has been chosen poorly as an alcoholic beverage, like the ones causing her dubious behavior last night. I told her that on my opinion, wine is an excellent peace-offering, for the same reasons exactly, and offered her to get into our apartment and channel surf with me. I’ve promised her to remain a good Escort Gültepe guy and have assured her that Janet will be home soon enough. She didn’t seem bothered about it much, and though my invitation made me feel uncomfortable (as my constant fear that talking to other women – let alone spend alone time with them in our apartment – would lead to me cheating on Janet creeped on me), I felt like channel surfing with Kim would be the right thing to do given the remorseful, self-depressing look on her face.

We sat together in Janet and mine living room, watching boring shows on TV and sipping coffee, and despite my clumsy attempts to lift her spirits up, she remained generally grim. When Janet finally came back home, Kim started crying and went up to hug her. Through her tears, Kim mumbled about how sorry she was and about how she is such a horrible person. Janet signaled me with her eyes to leave them alone, while sitting Kim down back on the sofa. I got up and went to our study, leaving the two girlfriend to their own, occasionally glancing at the two sitting in the living room, one sobbing and the other petting her back, talking to her and offering her tissues. I realized how much they cared for each other, and how lucky I was for having Janet as my wife.

Later on, after the three of us had lunch together with Kim looking a bit better, Janet came up to me and told me that Kim was having some kind of a crisis, mainly because she was so lonely. She told me Kim would stay for the night, and sleep in the small room we have for guests. I was on the same mind, and told Janet what a great friend she is, encouraging her friendship with Kim, which is by far a better neighbor than the old couple who lived in her apartment before. Janet gave me a strange look and asked me if I had some intensions towards Kim. I replied, mumbling, that I would never and that Kim is just our neighbor next door and Janet’s best friend, and that my heart will always be hers. Janet told me watch it, mister, winked and bumped me. She made it look like everything was OK – but I’ve felt ashamed of something, even though I really didn’t do anything to be ashamed of.

The rest of the day went quite alright, as the three of us watched TV, played cards, talked and laughed – Kim seemed joyful and befriended, and Janet seemed to forget our previous talk. Kim watched as Janet and I have exchanged glances full of love and affection, and I believe it made her feel better about her chances in finding love and comfort. Despite all that, after Janet and I went to sleep we’ve heard noises similar of crying coming out of the small guests room, and Janet were quick to get up and see what’s going on with her friend. Soon enough she came back to our bedroom and hastily declared that Kim’s crying and that she is going over there to comfort her and probably even spend the night next to her, making sure she’ll get through the night OK. I nodded and kissed her, but as she has left the room, I seized the opportunity and got my laptop into my lap. I’ve plugged in the headphones and made my arrangements for a long night of porn. Usually I have very little time for porn, but now I cherished Kim’s hardship and were guilefully happy to have (probably the entire) night for myself.

I’ve masturbated long and hard, enjoying the sound and sight, as well as my hand’s touch petting my testicles and pumping my penis. The last video I’ve been watching before heavily cumming on the sheets was lesbian oriented, and as I came and took off my headphones I’ve kept hearing the two women mutually moaning and reaching orgasms, realizing with revulsion that my headphones were probably unplugged the whole time, and that all could hear my doings – especially the two girls sleeping quietly in the small guests room down the hall. Something strange and frightening had happened still: as the video came to an end, I could hear one more moan of lust and passion. This has filled me with utter panic, as I had no idea what Janet and Kim have heard and what exactly was happening with my computer. I than went shamefully to sleep, self-hating at fearing what tomorrow may bring. Needless to say, Janet did not come back to our bed that night, and I had a restless sleep full of nightmares. In the morning, I found the gusts room’s door slightly open, and the two girls sleeping peacefully each in her friend’s arms. As I was deeply ashamed of my last night’s doings, I’ve decided to leave the house for a long walk in order to clear my head and to let the girls start the day without my nuisance. I’ve written a small note, placed it on the kitchen’s table and went out of the house.


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