
LeGuerre’s Folly Ch. 01


Hi everyone! I am venturing into authoring enjoyable stories. I turn 50 in a couple of months, and I figure it is about time to start doing things I enjoy. Please let me know creative criticism, if you truly enjoy this story, and if I should continue or hang up my hat.

Thank you,



“Hello Etienne! How’s everything up your way?” said Eddie LaFlamme as the older logger walked bow legged into Eddie’s Bakery on Monday morning. Etienne gave his customary grumble, in his thick French Canadian accent that the bitch could go to hell in a hand basket. The bitch he was talking about was his ex-wife who decided one day to just up, and move to Montreal because she didn’t like the country life, or that Etienne was a logger and came home caked in mud, and smelled of chainsaw exhaust every night. It had been nearly 15 years since then, and Etienne had sworn off women.

Ginny LaFlamme came out from in back carrying a tray of fresh donuts.

“Eh,” Etienne asked Eddie, “who’s the new one?” “Oh, this is my sister Ginny. She just finished school over at UVM, and was good enough to come by, and give me a hand this summer with the bakery, and the folks ya know.”, said Eddie.

“Ginny, this is Etienne LeGuerre. He’s one of our regulars that comes down across the border to shop. He generally stops in every week or so.” Ginny smiled, held out her hand and said, “Hello, Mr. LeGuerre. Nice to meet you.” Etienne grunted, not bothering to acknowledge her greeting. Ginny looked at Eddie, who said, “Pay no attention to this old fart. He doesn’t have any decent manners were women are concerned since his old lady took off.”

Etienne looked at Eddie and said, “Just get my order, Eh?”

Eddie turned to get the order, and Ginny went to the counter, and said “Mr. LeGuerre, is there anything else I could get you? Coffee, juice?”

“Nope, just my order” but as she turned to walk away, Etienne gazed at her 22 year old breasts, and thought to himself how he would like to hold them and suck on her nipples hard. He liked larger women. It gave him something to hold onto as he was taking his satisfaction. Her big hips and round butt wiggled as she went in the back.

As Eddie was giving Etienne his order, Ginny was looking out the window from behind the counter, and caught Etienne’s eye. She smiled at him, and waved. He turned and walked out the door. She ran out the side to try to catch him, as she just wanted to try to make his Balat Escort day better, by giving him an extra pastry. Daddy always said, try to make at least one person’s day better every day. Today, it was Etienne’s turn. She ran over to his beat up old logging truck as he was starting to get into it.

“What do you want girl?” he said gruffly.

“Just trying to make your day better Mr. LeGuerre.”, she grinned. “Well, there’s only one way to do that girl, and you are not going to want to do that.” he grumbled.

“What could I do for you to make you smile?”

He got into the old Mack truck, slammed the door, and rolled down the window, looked down at her and said, “Fuck me!” With that statement he started the cranky diesel engine, and drove off, and left Ginny there, dumbstruck, open mouthed with the bag with the pastry in it.

Ginny walked back into the bakery, mouth still gaping. Eddie started laughing at the look on her face, “What’d he say to you?”

“I can’t say”, Ginny said incredulously.

“He’s a hard-nosed old French Canadian, that never gets out of the woods, so don’t give his rude manner another thought.”

“Does he come down here a lot? Does he live in the area?” Ginny questioned.

“He doesn’t live too far, but he is Canadian. I think he lives up near Magog, and comes down once or twice a month. Why?”

“I just have to wonder why he comes all the way down here to go shopping. Seems like it would be better for him to shop up in Sherbrooke.” Her brother said, “They don’t have a Wal-Mart up there.” “We don’t have one here either.” she said. “Well, he sometimes drives over to Littleton, NH for supplies.”

Ginny shrugged, and said “Whatever!”

She was thinking differently however. There was a slight tingle in her gut. What he said to her, has never been said to her before. In fact, no one ever suggested fucking to her. Not a guy, not a girl. No one. She was always the best friend, the person someone would confide in, the person who had the ever strong shoulders to cry on, but she was never the person that was considered sexually attractive.

Ginny was on the larger side, with large K cup breasts, and she weighed around 250. It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty, in fact it was just the opposite. Ginny was extremely attractive. Long auburn hair, flaming green eyes, adorable freckles, great breasts and sexy hips and ass. The problem is that Ginny didn’t believe Balat Escort Bayan she was attractive, and that negative voice inside her head kept her down, telling her that she wasn’t pretty, and not desirable. Of course there were the bullies that just loved to torment her with names, like fat pig, cow, and whale. When that happens to anyone, then they start believing it. When he came back, she would ask him if he was serious, and if he was, she would be ready with an answer.

Etienne kept thinking about that auburn haired beauty as he was driving back to the woodlot. In fact, he thought so much about her, he realized that he was getting an erection. It had been a while since that had happened. He had sworn off women, sex, and had been living pretty much as a celibate hermit since his wife left some 15 odd years ago. As he hopped up in the skidder, he couldn’t help but think about her genuine smile, and the constellation of freckles on her generous cleavage. Since it was a nice spring day, and he knew he was alone, he opened his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, reached in and pulled out his semi-hard cock, then sat upon the skidder seat. He closed his eyes, and lifted his face to the sun, and began to imagine what her nipples looked like. Were they small, long, inverted? Oh he wanted to feel them between his teeth. He wanted to smell her hair. He wondered if the hair on her pussy matched the hair on her head. He wanted to smell her scent and lick her juices. In his mind all his wants were directing his hand to stroke faster, and faster, until he was just about to cum, but stopped. He could not let himself feel that. That release. That moment of joy. He wanted to share it with someone, if that were ever to happen again.

He woke up horny every single day since he had been down to the bakery. Something he was able to push away every other time he got the urge, until now. Now every morning he stroked his hard cock until he was just about to cum, and then stopped himself. Today, he just had to see her, to see if his memory of her was real or fantasy. He hopped in the truck, and headed south across the border with an erection the entire way.

“Hey Etienne, what’s up?”

“Came to get some goods. Those donuts were pretty good, and went fast.”

Ginny heard the accent from the back, and was hoping it was Etienne. She peeked out the window behind the counter, and her heart jumped. It was him. She stayed Escort Balat in the back and got an extra pastry ready for him, and met him out the side door, when he was finished with his business inside. “I’m glad to see you again Mr. LeGuerre. How have you been?” said Ginny smiling.

“I wanted some more of your donuts, so had to come see you again.”

“You wanted to see me? Why would you want to see me?” Ginny asked with genuine shock in her voice.

“Because you’re the prettiest thing I have seen in a long time, and when I saw you last time I was here, it gave me thoughts and other things I thought were long dead.” Etienne said. “I was very rude to you, in my manner, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t mean what I said.”

“That you want me to fuck you?” She couldn’t believe she was saying it, much less believing that someone wanted that from her, unless they just have a fat fetish.

“I understand if you don’t want to, I’m nearly twice your age.” he said.

“No, no, no, it’s not that at all, I just. . . Well. . Why would you want to?” she said looking down feeling ashamed.

“Good God girl, because you’re the hottest thing I’ve seen in years.”

“But I am so fat” she said nearing tears.

“You are, but the fat isn’t what I am seeing. I see a beautiful, desirable, woman that I want. It isn’t the packaging on the outside, it’s the person on the inside that has me all in need”, he said with honest caring.

“Really? You would want me?”

“Girl, if we weren’t in public, and at your brother’s shop, I’d show you just how much I want you.” “Well, I wouldn’t mind spending some time with you.” She said.

“Do you have a passport?” said Etienne, “I would like to show you my cabin, and maybe get some fishing in?”

“I love to fish, and yes I have a passport.”

“Would you be willing to drive up?”

“Yeah, I have all weekend off, and since we’re a bakery, we close up at around one, so would you like me up sometime Friday, or Saturday or even Sunday? But I do have to warn you, I have never been with anyone before.” She said.

“That’s not why I’m inviting you up there. If we get to that, we get to it. If not, it’s all the same to me. I just feel something for you, I haven’t felt in over 15 years, and I want to keep feeling it.”

“Well, ok then. When would you like me to drive up? I need an address, or directions.”

He gave her the address, and directions, advising her there was no cell service where he is, so it would be unlikely that she would get GPS all the way to his place. He said, “Why don’t you come up on Friday afternoon, and we’ll take it from there. If you want to leave because you don’t like it, feel uncomfortable or scared, you can leave at any time.”

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