
Stacy wants to Play Ch. 06


I think I knew what was going to happen even before she said anything. I had heard the rumors about these girls. I was very curious about them; so much so that I invited them to my house for my eighteenth birthday party. My Birthday was actually a few Days ago but I wanted my party to be on the weekend. They were all so beautiful and so sexy that I found myself constantly staring at them. I never thought of myself as a lesbian or anything even close to that. It was just that these girls looked so hot I couldn’t help staring.

My friend Erin swore they were lesbians. She died when I told her I invited them. I had almost died myself when Stacy said they would be there. I had tried to ask her ten times before I finally walked up to her.

“Would you like to come to my party, it’s this Saturday.” My voice sound all weak and nervous, like a boy asking for a first date or something. I was so embarrassed but I stood my ground. Stacy had an amused look on her face. I had never even spoken to her before. She just smiled and looked at me for a good minute before she said anything.

“Well let’s see… my calendar is just so packed with things to do.” She was smiling at me. Teasing me I could tell. That was better than humiliating me completely I guess. I turned to walk away when she grabbed my hand. “I was just kidding silly, We would love to come to your party.” Her answer sounded genuine and could feel a huge smile on my face.

These girls were the most beautiful in the whole school, even if they were a little different. I was just imagining all the people that would want to come to my party just because they were going to be there. Erin would be beside herself when she found out. I couldn’t wait t to tell her. I was the newest girl on the Pep Squad and I so wanted to fit in.

I started to turn and walk away but she hadn’t let go of my hand. “Where are you running off to?” She pulled me back around so I was facing her. Stacy was sitting on the top of the table. “Sit down right where you are and let’s get to know each other better. We never get a chance to talk at practice.”

I sat down immediately right where I was standing. That’s when I looked around and saw there were plenty of benches. Stacy had a funny look on her face but she didn’t say anything. I wanted to jump up and grab a bench but then that would have looked even stranger, so I just stretched my legs out straight in front me trying to look casual. I couldn’t believe I had just sat right where I was, like a dog or something.

From where I was sitting I had to look up to see her face. I also had a pretty good view up her skirt. I tried not to look but I was having a difficult time controlling my eyes. Oh my god. She had been talking to me and I was so busy staring up her skirt I hadn’t heard her. I was so humiliated – she had to know where I was looking.

“Earth to Erica……” Stacy was waving her hand between my eyes and her crotch. Now I knew for sure she was aware of what I was looking at. “It is Erica right?” She was still smiling although she was laughing just a little.

“Oh, Yes my mind must have wandered sorry.” I was trying to save some self respect here. I had just got caught peaking up her skirt for Christ’s sake. I needed to get out of here before I was totally humiliated.

“That’s Ok, I just hope that your mind wandered to the same place your eyes did.” Stacy winked at me when she said that but she never closed her legs or adjusted her skirt. Just then all her friends arrived. This was, after all, their table. They sat here all the time, I knew because I watched them eat lunch almost every day.

They kissed each other on the cheek and then went and sat at the table. They all said hello to me like there was nothing strange about me sitting on the ground at Stacy’s feet. I could see the small grins on their faces as they each made sure to say hello to me.

Amanda walked over, knelt down beside me put her arm around mine, and pulled me up. Then she leaned in close and whispered to me.”You know, Stacy would have you sit there on the ground looking up her skirt for the whole lunch period, she just loves the attention.” I was just staring at her I wanted to say that was not what I was doing, but I couldn’t even find me voice.

“But we don’t want people to stare, do we?” I couldn’t even look away from her. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen and here she was looking me straight in the eyes.

“Besides we all know haw nasty the rumor mill can be around here.” With that she pulled me over to the table and sat me right next to Stacy. They all had salads and water in front of them on the table. Amanda took a little from each girl’s salad and put it on a separate plate, then she set it in front of me. That was when I realized I had not even gotten my lunch yet. Stacy just smiled at me as she handed me a fork.

“Eat up girl, we’re going to run some routines as soon as we get done here. I think you should join us.” With that she turned and started Göktürk Escort talking to the other girls. I was glad because I did not know what to say. When I looked up from my salad I saw Erin standing over by where we usually sat for lunch. Erin was looking at me like I was talking to Martians.

“Isn’t that your friend?” Stacy had leaned over toward me and I could feel a rush of excitement at being this close to her.

“Yeah, that’s Erin” I really wanted to get up a leave this was all too much for me. But they had been so nice and each given me a little of their salad, I knew I had to stay.

“Amanda, could you grab Erica’s friend and bring her over here please? She can sit with us.” Amanda stood and went over to talk to Erin. I could tell how shocked she was by the look on her face. Amanda put her hand around Erin’s shoulder and led her back over to where we were sitting just like she had done me. If anything Erin looked more nervous than me. Amanda sat Erin between Lacy and herself and removed Erin’s lunch from her tray.

“Wow big eater huh?” Amanda asked and she winked at me when she said it. I knew she was just teasing Erin and I hoped Erin knew it too. She still had a little “babyfat” on her and she was so self conscious about it. I always told her it was sexy and just more to love. I could see Erin blush. I knew that was my lunch on the tray too. That was why there was so much there.

“Actually most of that is mine” I wanted to keep Erin form being to embarrassed. She had refused to tryout this year for pep squad, swearing she was just too fat.

Amanda had sorted the lunch out and placed a plate of vegetables and salad in front of Erin. I could see Erin looking at the hamburger and french fries still left on the tray as she started picking at what Amanda set in front of her.

“Well I guess you won’t be needing this anymore.” Amanda was staring me right in the eyes when she said it. I looked at Stacy she was still leaning quite close to me and smiling but she didn’t say anything. I just looked back at Amanda and shook my head.

Amanda turned and dumped what was our lunch into the garbage can. “You guys should really watch out for that cafeteria food. The grease is horrible for our figures.”

I looked over at Erin but Lacy had her full attention now. She was playing with her hair and telling her how pretty she thought it was. Erin had a huge smile on her face and was eating the salad with a little more gusto now. Everyone always said Lacy had the best hair in school it was so long and she always wore it with small pig tails and ribbons, a lot of ribbons. I wondered how she had time to do that every day.

Stacy leaned over to me and was talking really low. “Lacy seems to have taken quite an interest in your friend Erin. I know she didn’t try out this year but do you think she would join us for a little practice before lunch is over.” I just shrugged my shoulders then I nodded. I knew I could talk Erin into it.

I had finished every bit of my salad and I noticed that most of the other girls had barely touched theirs. No wonder they were so thin, they hardly ate at all. Amanda was gathering up all the plates and Erin managed a few more bites before Amanda got around to her. Stacy stood pulling me up along with her I noticed Lacy doing the same thing with Erin. They were practically dragging us to the gym.

We all lined up in the middle of the gym And Erin went to sit on the end of the Bleachers. Lacy immediately grabbed her hand and put her on the line with the rest of us.

“I am not even on the squad this year, Lacy” Erin protested but Lacy wasn’t having it.

“So you still know all the routines! Besides, there is no reason you shouldn’t be.” I saw Lacy wink at Erin, then Stacy began calling the routines. I can’t ever remember practicing so hard. I was covered in sweat and we had only been going for about twenty minutes. When we had finished I knew there would be no time for a shower and I felt so ripe. When we quit Lacy and Meghan herded Erin into the locker room. I was set to follow when Stacy grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the coach’s office.

“Hey Coach Bell!” Stacy said once she had pulled me into the middle of the coach’s office.

“Hello Stacy” She said without even looking up when she did she saw me standing there. “Oh and hello Erica how are you?” She was looking at me like there was more to the question than she had asked.

“I am great Coach Bell, just worn out.” I was still breathing hard.

Coach gave me a weird smile. “Yes, I heard you lady’s getting a little extra practice in.” Then the coach looked at Stacy with a stern face. “Stacy if Erin wants to practice in the future she needs to get her butt in here and get a uniform. School rules say in order to practice she has to be on the squad.” Then The coach went right back to working on the papers on her desk.

“Yes ma’am I will let her know but we are going to be miss our fifth period Göktürk Escort Bayan class so can you take care of that for me.” Stacy asked in the sweetest voice.

“Yes I will do it now.” she said as she reached for the phone on her desk. “What’s Erica and Erin’s fifth period class?” Stacy just looked at me and I realized I needed to answer. I was in shock that it was that easy for Stacy to get us excused from class. “We both have Art class, Miss Smith is the teacher.”

“Yes, I am well aware who the Art teacher is Erica. You two get your sweaty bodies in the shower and don’t come out of that locker room until Fifth period is over. No running the hallways.” She never even glanced our way and Stacy pulled me out of the office. I was in shock as she dragged me to the locker room.

“How in the heck did you do that?” I was not really asking just mumbling to myself.

“We practice a lot during lunch. We all have Study Hall after lunch so it is no big deal. We’ll have to get yours and Erin’s schedules changed.” What the hell was she talking about? Changing our schedules, I didn’t even know you could do that.

When we entered the locker room all the girls were naked except Erin and she was moving pretty slowly. I knew she did not want to get naked in front of these girls. I didn’t either, they were all so perfect. Even the twins, who had been unusually quiet this whole time. I realized that there was no getting out of it though because we had almost an hour to get ready. Erin didn’t know that yet but she would soon find out.

I walked over to Erin and whispered in her ear.”Stacy actually got us excused from fifth period so we may as well get this over with.” I could see her flinch when I told her that.

She looked at me with a mean look. “I am going to kill you!” Then she smiled and pulled her shirt off. I turned to go to my locker and Stacy was just looking at me.”

“I have an empty locker right next to mine Erica, move all your stuff over here.” I had always had the locker next to the shower so I could watch them while they showered. I know it makes me sound like a pervert but like I said, I just had to look at them. I removed my lock and grabbed all my stuff and started moving it to the locker Stacy had already opened. Stacy was just so confident, I couldn’t help but do as she said. She never actually asked but it never really felt like she was being bossy. I Just felt there was no way I could not do what she wanted. After I moved my stuff I started to undress. Stacy was already naked sitting on the bench next to me. Erin was naked too but still procrastinating and I saw Lacy grab her and drag her into the shower. I could hear all the girls in the shower laughing including Erin so I figured she must be over it.

I kept looking at Stacy. She had her legs spread lightly and was staring me right in the eyes. Then she just relaxed back onto the bench and her whole body was exposed to me.

“You really do like looking at me, don’t you?” Oh no, not again! I was so humiliated and I looked around to see where Erin was I – sure didn’t want her to hear this.

“Look I am really sorry I don’t know what is wrong with me.” I was whispering so Erin couldn’t hear.

“It is ok, like Amanda said I would let you look at me all day. That is why I am laying here right now just so you can look all you want.” Stacy was smiling at me and she was rubbing circles on her tummy while she talked to me. I was not even trying to look at her face, I was just watching the little circles her fingers were a making on her skin.

I was so embarrassed but I still watched. I could see the ripples in her belly when she giggled at me. I never even thought about looking away. I wanted to watch her touch herself and she knew it. Her hand was wandering closer and closer to her pussy, teasing me, never quite getting there. I could hear my breathing getting more ragged the closer she got.

“You know we have been watching you stare at us for weeks now. It was Lacy who figured out why your locker was so close to the shower door.” Her hand was rubbing along the top of her pubic hair now. Stacy was so neatly trimmed. I became self concious about the fact that I was not nearly so well-groomed down there. I was naked also but she didn’t seem to notice at all. Her eyes were closed.

“You were just so cute, every time I caught you, you would blush.”Her fingers were lightly tracing a line from her bellybutton to her hair line “Jessie wanted to say something to you a long time ago. But I was really enjoying all the attention. I felt so bad teasing you in the shower like that.”

“Do you want me to touch myself?” I had been listening to her monologue for so long it took me a second to realize that was a question.

“Erica, did your mind wander again?” I just nodded. “Well, do you want me to play with myself while you watch me?” I nodded slowly. What was this girl doing to me?. I was very much under her spell.

“I could Escort Göktürk make myself come for you. I think you would like that, wouldn’t you?” Oh yes, I wanted to watch her cum so badly.

Stacy sat up on the bench again. Grabbing my hands she moved me directly in from of her. “You would be much more comfortable if you sat down on the floor to watch.” I wanted to resist.

What if the other girls came out of the shower? Erin would never let me live it down! She already made fun of me for watching these girls, even though she was as guilty as I was. Slowly I sat my naked butt on the cold concrete. My pussy ached but I still hadn’t taken my eyes off Stacy.

“Now isn’t that much better? You can see, right?” I just nodded – what could I say?

Stacy was rubbing herself now. Her fingers running along the lips of her pussy while I watched. It was the most exciting thing I had ever seen.

“Move closer Erica, I need to know I have your full attention.” I scooted forward without even thinking how close I was getting. I could smell her excitement and see she was starting to get wet.

“Lick these for me Erica, they are a little dry.” I opened my mouth willingly as she pushed two fingers in my mouth. I could taste her slightly on the very tips of her fingers. I moaned as she moved her fingers in and out a few time. My hands flew to my sex. I could have came right then.

“Don’t play with yourself yet Erica!” I was startled and I looked up at her face. “I want you to pay attention to me right now. I am, after all, doing this for you.” I let my hands fall back to my sides. I had to do what she said – I was afraid she would stop.

The fingers glistening with my saliva were now delving deeply into her pussy. Stacy moaned as she teased and played with her lips and clit.

“Oh my god they’re going to be getting out of the shower any second Stacy!” I was whining trying to get her to hurry. She was moving so slowly taking her time with her pleasure.

“Hmmmm,” She purred “Do you know what would make this go a whole lot faster?” She was pushing her fingers back into my mouth they were wet and tangy with her juices and I knew she just wanted me to taste her. Stacy took her finger out of my mouth and pulled my face up to look her in the eyes. “Do you, Erica? Do you know what would speed this right along?”

I knew of course the taste was still fresh in my mouth “If I licked you?” I had said it. Just like she knew I would. This whole thing had been carefully thought out. I didn’t care – I wanted it. I would worship her anytime, anywhere now.

“Oh Erica I think you are so right. I am glad you thought of it.” She was pulling my face to her pussy. I felt myself shudder as my lips made contact with her flesh. I had never done this before. Never even let my fantasies get this far.

I had received oral sex from my ex boyfriend. I knew what I liked that he had done to me. I also knew what I had wished he would have done. I was going to do all that for Stacy. I was consumed by her. I could hear her moan and gasp and when she did I did those things more and with more effort.

“Oh you are fantastic I am going to cum I all over your face Erica.” I was giving it everything I had. She was grinding back into my efforts. Then she came. It was a hard violent orgasm I knew in my heart I had given it to her. She was gasping and her breath was short and raspy. Stacy was the most beautiful sight. Her orgasm had taken control of her for a second I saw weakness where I never imagined it could live.

I wanted to do it to her again. I attacked her spreading her legs again. I lunged at her sex with my face. I wanted to see that again. She had exploited all my weaknesses. Forced me to meet my desire head on and now I had found my advantage. While hers had lasted hours possibly weeks, mine was only the merest fraction of a second but I had seen it. I knew it now and I would remember how to find it again.

Stacy pushed my head from between her legs and kissed me. The kiss was soft and gentle then she whispered in my ear. “I want you to play with yourself now. I want you to come while I kiss you.” My hands went straight to my pussy and I rubbed myself.

“I know you would love for me to lick you but that will never happen. ” I know she could see my disappointment after all I had done for her. She was pinching my nipples pulling them while I rubbed my clit. Stacy was still kissing me.

“I will let you do things to me and I will make you do things I want to see. And I will always make sure you feel loved but I will not lick your nasty little pussy.” I was starting to feel my orgasm building.

“I think you will be happy because I think that is exactly how you want it. If I dropped to my knees and licked that dirty thing you would lose respect for me. So I will do this for you so you can be happy.” I started cumming I knew she was right. I was going to do anything she wanted me to do.

“Let’s go join the others in the shower they should have another surprise for you.” Stacy stood me up as soon as my orgasm subsided. She pushed me into the shower ahead of her. I wondered if the other girls would be able to sense the humiliation I was feeling now, that the excitement was wearing off. I wanted to run now she had given me what I wanted .

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