



Alex was one of the whitest people you would ever meet. His longish hair was the palest blond, a micro-shade shy of white, his eyes were light blue and his skin looked bleached. He was born in Iceland to an American serviceman and an Islandic woman of Norwegian descent. He moved to the U.S. before he could walk. He wasn’t really an Albino; but ‘Albino’ was his nickname.

The moniker was tagged onto him by his boss at work. Alex worked days as a line cook at Bertha’s, a busy restaurant near the shopping district. His boss George, the kitchen manager and “Chef” as he liked to call himself, was always handing out nicknames to the employees, and not usually complimentary ones. George was an overweight, bigoted, pompous ass and universally despised by the help, but his family owned the joint so they were stuck with him.

Originally Alex was ‘Cotton Head’ but then George got clever and started calling him ‘Albino’. A girl in the kitchen cut her thumb chopping onions and was ‘Bloody Mary’ from that day forward. A busboy with a limp was ‘Hookfoot’. The dishwasher, a teenager with an afro was called ‘Bush’. A gay waiter was dubbed ‘Rice-a-Roni’, as in The San Francisco Treat. Old George, he had a million of them.

Nobody liked George but nobody would kill him. He wasn’t worth the trouble. No matter how obnoxious or insulting he was, everyone knew he was just an asshole and couldn’t help himself. So they just let him rant and blew him off.

Lorna was one of the waitresses. She spoke with a lilting, sultry southern accent which Alex adored, and had smooth chocolate skin and a shoulder-length head of frizzed black hair. When she’d pick up her orders she’d smile and say ‘Thank You’ in her sexy drawl, and look Alex in the eyes from the other side of the reach-through. Alex would admire her slim, tallish body and stare at her ass when she walked away with her orders. He thought she was hot and her body was fine, that he could see even with her wearing the plain dress that all of the waitresses wore. But he knew she had to be quite a bit older because he’d heard that she was divorced and had a daughter graduating high school. Alex was twenty-six.

George’s nickname for Lorna was ‘Redbone’. It was another subtle insult of course; Lorna was black, and not what you’d call light-skinned.

Alex often thought about Lorna. He would picture her smile in his mind, and imagine her speaking to him in her fleecy, erotic voice. He wondered if she thought about him. Her eyes and her smile and her voice penetrated him somehow. But he knew deep down that with their age difference and the fact that he was whiter than snow and she was dark as night, it was probably a long shot that she’d be interested. There wasn’t that much opportunity at Bertha’s for the kitchen help and the wait staff to mingle so he tried to let it go.


Lorna was a theater buff. So was her daughter Savannah. So on Savannah’s eighteenth birthday, a warm, humid Saturday night in early June, Lorna took her to see a play at a theater downtown. They had dinner at a nice restaurant and then went to the performance.

Afterwards, as Lorna and Savannah were exiting the theater they heard the reedy sound of a woodwind filtering through the voices and footfalls and car horns and other noises of the night. They migrated toward the music and came upon a young, blond-haired white man dressed in a black tuxedo, seated on a stool, playing a clarinet. A plastic tip bucket was on the sidewalk in front of him, full of bills. They paused and stood off to the side to listen. After a minute or so Lorna realized the clarinetist was Alex, the cook from the restaurant.

Alex didn’t notice them; his eyes were closed as he concentrated. He would nod when someone contributed to his tip bucket, but otherwise he was in his own musical world.

When Alex finished the piece he heard a couple of people clapping faintly off to his right. He peered over and saw Lorna; she looked exquisite in a red dress, snug against her lean, toned body, and showing off her long, black coffee legs. With her was a younger version of Lorna in a blue skirt and a white blouse. Alex’s face broke into a wide smile.

“Wow, I knew you were handy in the kitchen, Alex, but I had no idea you were so talented in other ways!”

“Talent?” he said. “Oh, I‘m full of it, that’s for sure.”

“You sound great. Alex, meet my daughter Savannah.”

“Hi Savannah,” Alex said. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” she said. “You sound good. And nice threads.”

“My tux,” Alex said. “Rented it for my high school prom and never took it back!”

“Well, you look good. Can you play any blues on that thing?”

Alex immediately jumped into an up-tempo Duke Ellington tune, ‘Things Ain’t What They Used to Be’, bringing smiles from Lorna and Savannah and a smattering of applause and a couple tips from passersby. He played the head a couple times before launching into an improvisation. After a couple minutes, still winging it, Alex saw Lorna take a bill out of her purse and hand it to her daughter. Then Savannah walked over and dropped a five into the tip bucket.

Alex nodded his thanks and looked at Lorna. She had a grin on her face and lipped ‘Gotta go’ as she gave him a wave. Alex rose and took a bow without missing a beat.


“Damn, that boy is white!” Savannah said, as they walked to the car. “How do you know him?”

“From work. He’s a cook,” Lorna said.

“Wow, he’s so white he’d glow in the dark!”

“So what, you like white boys.”

“I know, but he’s really white!”

“You don’t like him?”

“No, I do. But he’s so extremely white it’s almost like he’s black.”

“I think he’s cute,” Lorna said. “I can tell he checks me out at work.”

“Kinda young, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I don’t know. He may be older than he looks. Old enough, anyway.”


That night and over the next day or so Alex couldn’t stop thinking about Lorna and her tight body wrapped in that red dress and her sexy chocolate legs. And her smile, God he loved that smile.

Alex looked forward to going to work Monday morning. He wanted to set his eyes on Lorna. He first spotted her in the dining room filling up the salts and peppers. The waitress dresses were pretty plain, but damn if Lorna didn’t look fine in hers. It had short sleeves and buttoned all the way down the front, but it highlighted her curvy ass and long arms and legs. And her face—creamy carob skin and a pearly smile framed by her foxy, kinky hair. He was smitten but not sure what to do about it. He was afraid Lorna might be out of his league.

“Good morning, Maestro!” she said in her sweet, southern drawl.

Alex looked up from his prep work and there was Lorna smiling at him. He grinned and said ‘Good morning’.

“Did you bring your clarinet this morning? You gonna serenade us during your break?” she asked.

“No,” he laughed. “I left it home. Don’t want George to give me another nickname.”

Lorna looked over at George, who was coming out of the walk-in with a box of frozen clams.

“Interesting gig you have there, playing that thing,” she said. “How did you get into that?”

“That’s where I make most of my money. I sure don’t make much here!”

“You get paid more than you’re worth, Albino,” George said, chipping in. “So stop yakking and get back to work. You too, Redbone.”

Lorna smiled at Alex and rolled her eyes, then turned and walked back to the dining room.


Lorna and Alex continued to flirt and trade smiles and their brief conversations here and there became more comfortable and more than just snippets. A couple times when their breaks coincided and they had a little down time they had a chance to get to know each other a little better. She told him she was originally from Louisiana and was a divorced, single mom. She lived with her daughter in a small, two bedroom bungalow in an older part of town. Savannah had just graduated from high school and was working at a clothing store. She’d like to go to college but there wasn’t enough money for that.

“So, how did you get into busking in a tux outside the theater?” Lorna asked.

“A couple years ago I was broke and needed money so I started playing sax on the street and found I could make some money, especially if I could play requests. So I practiced like hell and learned all the standards and show tunes I could. I’d find a busy corner and play for hours. Then I thought of the theaters. There are six large theaters downtown that present plays year-round and hundreds of people go in and out of those theaters before and after the shows. I studied the start times and running times and found that most nights I could hit two theaters when people were going in, and two when shows were letting out. And those people tip. So I dug out the old tux and switched to clarinet because it’s light weight. People look at me as a serious musician instead of some bum on the street. The money’s great most of the time and it’s only a couple hours of playing.”

“How often do you do it?”

“It depends, three or four nights a week. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are good. Sundays and early in the week they don’t tip as well.”

“Unh, unh, unh,” Lorna said, shaking her head. “I thought you were just a cook in the kitchen and here I am finding out all kinds of things about you. A talented musician and a creative entrepreneur on top of your day job. You’re an interesting fellow, Alex.”


Alex thought about Lorna a lot. The ice had been broken but he was still unsure of how to proceed. Was she interested in him? There definitely seemed to be some chemistry between them, but the age and color barriers held him back. Should he risk asking her out? He was shy and didn’t want to screw up and possibly make things awkward at work.


Lorna checked the theater listings, and then called each box office to find out the approximate times that the shows ended. Since all of the theaters were within easy walking distance she thought perhaps she could happen upon Alex outside one of the playhouses near the end of the night and maybe they could go out for a drink or something.

On Friday night she went to one theater and Alex wasn’t there, and then she went back to the same theater where she’d seen him the week before but he wasn’t there either. There was another one two blocks over so she started walking. As she neared the theater she heard the familiar lyrical sound of the clarinet. She quickened her gait.

Alex spotted her coming this time. She looked radiant in a light blue sleeveless jumpsuit, her licorice arms swaying as she strode toward him. He aborted ‘Over the Rainbow’ mid-verse and jumped loudly into ‘Things Ain’t What They Used To Be’. Lorna beamed like a klieg light and stood a few feet away to listen. Alex played two verses and blew a grandiose coda. Then he rose from his stool and Lorna walked close.

“Hi Lorna!” Alex said enthusiastically. “What a nice surprise. What are you doing here?”

“I don’t know, I guess the music drew me. I must be a groupie for your one-man band,” she said.

“Well, thanks for coming.”

“Are you finishing up soon? Can I buy you a drink?”

“As soon as I saw you I was done. But no, you can’t buy me a drink because I’m buying you one. Or two.” Alex reached down and picked up his tip bucket, brimming with bills. “Hold this,” he said, handing it to Lorna. Then he disassembled his horn and put it in its case and folded up his stool. Then Lorna watched as he stacked his cash and pocketed it.

They walked to a nearby pub. The place was packed inside with the after-theater crowd so they made their way out to the backyard patio and found a table. Alex put his instrument case, bucket and stool in one chair and took off his tuxedo jacket and draped it over top. As soon as they were seated a server appeared and took their order: a pitcher of ice cold beer.

“I must say Alex, I am impressed. I am with the best-dressed man around town tonight,” Lorna said.

“And I’m with the sharpest-dressed woman. I thought you looked hot in your waitress dress, but when I saw you strutting up in that jumpsuit my eyes about popped out of my head. I even hit a couple sour notes. You look incredible.”

“Thank you,” Lorna said, blushing.

“I’m so glad you came. Such a nice surprise.”

“I debated whether I should or not. I wondered if it might be too forward.”

“I’ve wanted to approach you for some time, but I wasn’t sure how. I was attracted to you the first time I saw you. And then I heard your voice. It’s so sexy.”

“Oh, please…”

“No really, Lorna. But I guess I was just too shy and not sure how you’d take it if I asked you out. I was hesitant.”

“Why were you hesitant? Was it my color?”

“Well, no, I was very attracted to you. It was more my color.”

“Your color?”

“Yeah, I wasn’t sure if you’d really be interested. And…”

“Was it my age?”

“No, it was more my age. I thought you’d think I was too young for you.”

“How old are you, Alex?”


“How old do you think I am?”

“I don’t know. I know you have an eighteen year-old daughter, so I’d guess mid-thirties. But you look like late twenties.”

“Bless you. I’m thirty-seven. Is that too old for you?”

“No, it’s just right. You look fabulous. Is twenty-six too young for you?”

“No, and you look great too. Especially in that stolen tux.”

They both burst out laughing. As if on cue their pitcher arrived and their waitress poured them beer in frosted mugs.


They spent the next hour and a half drinking beer and talking up a storm. Their conversation flowed just as well as the beer. They shared an appetizer and made eyes. Here and there they touched: his hand on hers and hers on his, occasionally on their arms.

They both opened up and learned a lot about one another in a relatively short time. Alex found out that Lorna had been divorced for nine years from Savannah’s father, who was not a totally deadbeat dad but he was close: he had very little to do with Savannah and was usually a month or two behind with her child support, and that support would end with her turning eighteen and not continuing in school. She’d never gone to college and had worked at Bertha’s for a few years and she got by but it was never enough.

Lorna learned about Alex too. He had a bachelor’s degree in history, but once he graduated he had nowhere to go. He had no interest in teaching so he got a restaurant job and played music at night. He’d played in bands but that had been a dead end, so he started his career as a street musician. He’d stumbled onto the play-music-in-a-tux-outside-the-theaters idea and was doing okay. The day job was just to look legit for the taxman.

At the end of the second pitcher they both knew instinctively that it was time to call it a night.

Alex walked Lorna to her car which was parked in a lot seven blocks away. She opened her car door and turned to Alex.

“Thank you,” Lorna said. “I had a nice time.”

“Can I see you again?” Alex asked. “Would you have dinner with me?”

“I’d love to.”

“How about Sunday night?”

“Yes. I just cleared my schedule,” she said, and they both smiled. She gave him her address and phone number.

Lorna rose slightly up on her toes and kissed him. Not smack on the lips, but not flat on the cheek either. It was right on the edge of his mouth.

Alex lugged his gear nine blocks back to his car and drove home, savoring her kiss all the way.


On Saturday night Alex cleared just over three hundred dollars playing on the theater sidewalks, not a bad night. On Sunday he called and made reservations at a swanky restaurant outside of town overlooking the reservoir. He’d never been there but it was always getting rave reviews. Since it was a Sunday he was able to get a reservation on short notice, although it was for a later time than he preferred.

He called Lorna and told her the plan. He’d pick her up around six and they’d have a drink at the bar until their table was ready. He could tell Lorna was impressed; she said she’d never been there either and had always wanted to go. He couldn’t wait to see her.

Her home was in an older neighborhood which had seen better days. It was a blue-collar area full of small homes, some neat and well-maintained and others not so much. He parked his car in front and walked toward the door. Just as he approached the porch the front door sprung open and Lorna emerged.

“Alex is here, goodbye Honey,” she called behind her, and pulled the door shut.

Once again Alex was amazed at how wonderful she looked. She wore a black, pin-striped pantsuit. The jacket was short, barely reaching her waist and hugging her breasts, with a low-cut white top beneath it. Her slacks were tight, stretched across her crotch, and her open-toed shoes showed off bright red toenails. A short gold chain surrounded her neck, contrasting her dark flesh, and gold earrings dangled in her black curly locks. Damn, Alex thought, she looks good, and felt a tingle in his trousers.

“Hi Alex,” Lorna said, and planted a quick kiss on his lips. They turned and walked to his car. Alex opened the passenger door for her and then walked around and got in behind the wheel.

Lorna grabbed his hand, squeezed it and said, “Savannah’s giving me a hard time. She’s probably peeking out the window at us.”


“She’s teasing me.”

“Teasing you? Why?”

“Because I’m going out with you. I haven’t done this for a while.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this for two days!” Alex said.

“So have I,” she said.

“You know Lorna, you look more amazing every time I see you.”

“Thank you. I like what I see too!” She squeezed his hand again, tighter this time. “Let’s go…before Savannah wets her panties.”

They laughed and Alex shifted into gear and drove off. He thought that was funny.


“So, do you think Savannah doesn’t approve of you seeing me? Or is she just messing with you?”

“She’s just having some fun. She likes you, she already told me that. She’s just being protective of her old mom. Like I said, it’s been a while.”

After a drive of about twenty minutes, the last part through park land, they pulled into the lot of the restaurant. They walked in and checked with the maître d’ to let him know they were there. Then they went to the outside bar overlooking the vast lake. They sat at a small table and ordered drinks, white wine for Lorna and an imported beer for Alex.

They were quiet for a moment as they took in the view. The far side of the reservoir was thickly wooded and there were a handful of small boats puttering around.

“This is beautiful!” Lorna said. “A lot different from Bertha’s!”

They laughed and Alex said, “That’s for sure. How long do you think George would last in a place like this?”

“Just long enough to get his ass kicked,” Lorna said. “I’m surprised somebody hasn’t done it already. How do you put up with him, working beside him in the kitchen?”

“I just ignore him. I know he’s a jerk, and he will always be a jerk. His problem, not mine.”

“That’s a good attitude,” she said. “If I worked back there I don’t know if I could keep quiet. I might have to hit him upside the head with a frying pan or something.”

Their drinks arrived and Alex suggested a toast.

“I guess we’re not going to toast George, huh?” he said.

Lorna laughed. “Don’t think so, unh unh.”

“I could toast to being here with the foxiest lady in the joint,” he said.

“Or I could toast being here with the most handsome man.”

“I don’t know about that,” Alex said shyly, glancing around.

“Here’s to Albino and Redbone,” Lorna said, raising her glass. “The cutest couple in the place.”

They tapped their glasses and drank, and Alex leaned over and kissed Lorna on her lips.


They had just ordered their second drink when they were informed that their table was ready. They were seated at a table overlooking the water. Their dinner was sensational as they expected it would be. It was steak and lobster for both, and their conversation was a like a steady current of electricity, never lulling, and they shared a number of laughs as they went from Florya Escort one topic to the next. They talked about books, movies, and their jobs. They talked about Savannah, they talked some about their pasts and even touched on the future.

“I’d like to have my own business one of these days,” Alex told Lorna.

“Really? What kind of business?” she asked.

“I don’t know yet, that’s my problem,” he said. “I’m hoping that I’ll know it when I see it. I’ve been saving up so that when it happens I’ll have the start-up capital.”

They both noticed people stealing peeks at them, which seemed to bond them even more. They were a bit of an odd couple at the restaurant that night. Most of the diners seemed to be upper class white-collar types, and here they were, a waitress and a cook, and polar opposites on the color spectrum to boot.

After dinner they took a stroll on the boardwalk along the edge of the reservoir, and before long they were walking hand-in-hand. It was a perfect evening and they sat on a bench holding hands, looking out at the light of the nearly-full moon reflecting off of the water.

“My, it’s beautiful,” Lorna said.

“Yes, and so are you,” Alex said, gripping her hand tightly. He turned to face her. “May I kiss you?”

“Of course you can, Alex. You don’t have to ask.”

He put his lips to hers and there was no hesitation. Her lips parted immediately and she sucked his tongue into her mouth. Her mouth was large and her tongue strong and in control. He wrapped one arm around her back and placed his other hand on her hip, while Lorna held his neck, pulling him close. The kiss became more and more intense, two tongues probing, four lips meshing, and soon their hands were wandering. Things escalated in a hurry to a pretty heavy make-out session.

Alex’s hand had moved from her hip to her inner thigh and soon Lorna’s did the same. Alex’s dick was hard and she brushed her fingers along its length. She could tell that he was good-sized; she liked that idea. It had been quite a while since she’d been laid, but she liked big cocks. Her ex-husband hadn’t had many positive qualities in her opinion, but his big dick had been one of them.

They heard the voices of another couple approaching and they broke their embrace.

“We better go. You better take me home before I do something I’m not yet ready to do,” Lorna said.

They held hands on the walk back to the car and on the drive home. When they arrived at Lorna’s house they kissed and said goodnight in the car.

“I’d ask you in, Alex, but I guarantee you that Savannah is lying in wait and ready to pounce. She’ll want to know all the details.”

“I hope I passed the audition,” he said. “I had a wonderful time.”

“You passed with flying colors. And yes, it was lovely.”

“When can I see you again?”

“Soon,” she said. “Let’s talk tomorrow!”

After a quick kiss Lorna was out of the car. Alex stared at her butt until she was safely inside and had flashed the porchlight a couple of times.


It didn’t take more than a few days before all of workers at the restaurant realized that Lorna and Alex had become a couple. And an odd couple at that. There were whispers here and there about them, just as there are about almost any workplace romance anywhere, but Lorna and Alex either were good at ignoring them or just oblivious. There was a different look in both of their eyes…eyes for each other…and everyone could see it.

They would take breaks together when possible, and met several times after work for a drink. They met for lunch on a Saturday afternoon and Alex salivated when Lorna arrived in a pair of white shorts and a red tube top. He wanted to reach across the table and pull that top right off.

On a Tuesday night he took her to see a play downtown. They sat on the aisle and he held her hand resting on her thigh for the whole first act. Lorna was wearing an off-the-shoulder beige dress and Alex felt like bending his head down and taking a bite out of her shiny black shoulder, but being a gentleman, he resisted. Unbeknownst to him, Lorna was having similar thoughts.

As they were leaving the theater Alex asked her if she’d like to get a drink or a bite to eat.

“Let’s go to your place. I haven’t seen where you live yet,” Lorna said.

“You do?” Alex said. “It’s really kind of a dump.” He lived in a small apartment in an old house that had five different small apartments carved out of it. His was a one-bed/one-bath on the third floor.

“Is it clean?” Lorna asked.

“Yeah, it’s clean.”

“Let’s go.”

Alex drove them to his place and they climbed the stairs. He opened the door and led her into the small living room. There was a sofa against the wall, a chair and an end table with a lamp. There were shelves weighted down with books and CDs, and an old component stereo system. There was no TV.

“This is nice, Alex. Certainly not a dump.”

“Thanks. Want to sit on the couch? Do you want something to drink?” he asked, the awkward host at work.

Lorna came into his arms and kissed him with her open mouth, hungry for his. One of her arms went around his neck, the other rested on his ass.

“I want you. Why don’t we go into your bedroom?” she said. “I can’t stay out too late or Savannah might call 9-1-1.” She slid her hand from back to front, from his butt to his hardening member. “I’m ready for this.”

In the bedroom Lorna sat Alex down on the edge of the bed. “Unbutton your shirt,” she instructed, and she started pulling off his shoes and socks. Then she stepped back and kicked her own shoes off.

“You’re sexy as hell when you take control,” Alex said. “I’m going to tear you up. It’s going to be fabulous.”

Lorna reached under her dress and pulled off her red thong and placed it on the dresser. She knelt before him and started unbuckling and unzipping his pants.

“I know. But first I’m going down on you. I’ve been thinking about it all night. And I’m not coming up until I taste your cum in my mouth.”

She licked her lips when his stiff dick emerged from his lowered pants. It was long and hard and thick, the way she wanted it. She pulled off his pants and threw them aside.

Alex hissed with pleasure when Lorna licked his balls and the length of his shaft. He held his breath and exhaled with a low moan when she took him into her mouth and sucked him. Her mouth was large and Alex watched in awe as with each of her suctions a little bit more of his cock was taken in. He massaged her bare shoulders as he swung his groin into her.

Lorna gagged momentarily and his cock came out for air. She coughed and said, “Do you like deep throat?” Alex nodded and placed his hands behind her head, pulling it back toward him. She opened wide and Alex watched again as inch by inch his swelled white meat disappeared back into her head.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold it in much longer so he started pumping his cock into her. He knew this is what she wanted: to get his first ejaculation over with so she could then savor his second when he fucked her. So he held her head and fucked her mouth and he felt her fingertips digging into his ass.

They both grunted with each athletic plunge but her mouth stayed glued to his cock and its tip scraped the sides of her throat. He came with a roar and one final head banger and then ropes of cum shot up, through him and out, shiver after shiver, into Lorna’s thirsty throat.

Alex felt a tingle as while removing her mouth from his cock her teeth dragged along it from the bottom to the top. Lorna stood up and stepped out of her dress and draped it over the back of the chair. She unhooked her bra and dropped it. Alex sat there admiring her finely-tuned bare body and they were naked together for the first time. She sat beside him and they kissed, his cock still solid and her mouth still coated with his unswallowed cum.

“Let’s make love,” she rasped.

They lay back on the length of the bed and their bodies were instantly wrapped like a crepe, kissing, and Alex craned his tongue deep into her mouth, reaching for the place where the head of his cock had been. They kissed long and hard with their lips mashed together and their arms gripped like a vise.

When they broke their lip lock Alex began covering Lorna with kisses. All over her face, her chin and her neck. And then he covered her shoulders the same way and Lorna nearly screamed when Alex sucked one of her stiff nipples into his mouth. He sucked both tits, not playing favorites, back and forth, until both nipples were hard like superballs, and he bit them playfully, bringing squirmy squeals of delight from his lover.

He traced his lips and tongue around her stomach and below, and kissed a small butterfly tattoo a couple inches and to the right of her bare, soaked twat. He ran his tongue along the folds of her labia and Lorna sighed loudly and her body shimmered.

“I shaved for you,” Lorna said softly. “I’ve wanted this.”

“Me too,” said Alex.

“Taste me. All of me.”

Alex buried his mouth into her. He licked every square centimeter of her luscious, Louisiana lips, and plunged his tongue into her. He gripped her ass with his hands as he lapped up her southern sauce, and then he decided to focus on her clit for a while.

Oh, what a clit: a big clit. It was long and hard and wet and hot like an andouille sausage, and when he put his lips around it, Lorna squealed and dug her nails into his scalp. He sucked that thing like she’d sucked him, with all of it in his muscular mouth and with all of the strength that it could muster. His fingers squeezed the cheeks of her ass and Lorna, writhing like a run-over black snake, wrapped her thighs around his neck. She scissored his head between her legs and squeezed, tightening the forceful grip of his mouth and her cunt, forcing her beefy member deep into his mouth, and she fucked his face with enough power to mix paint.

Alex was having a hard time breathing with his mouth filled with Lorna’s red hot and his nose mashed against her groin by her scissor grip. He sucked harder and dug his fingers into the crack of her ass. He started humming, playing Lorna’s clit like a kazoo. She groaned and her body shook, and then a high, squealy tone resounded from her mouth and her pussy exploded in violent spasms, and released a spray of her saved-up sap from her trembling trunk into Alex’s mouth and face. Over and over her torso quaked, each one slightly lesser than the one before, until her secretions were done.

“Goddamn, Alex,” Lorna said, pulling his head up so it was even with hers. “I can’t ever remember coming like that! Must be all that clarinet playing. You know how to play me.” She kissed his mouth and their tongues slithered in the slick of her oil.

“You taste good,” Alex said.

“Yeah, not bad,” she said, licking her lips. “But now you got to fuck me.”

Alex rolled on top of her and put the head of his penis to the opening of her gash. He moved into her and she swallowed it up. Her pussy was loose and wet and he slid all the way in easily until his balls were kissing her lips. He felt Lorna’s cunt muscles squeezing him and they soon were swaying in sexy syncopation, first slow and easy, but they picked up their momentum after four or five swings. Before they knew it, Alex was winging it into her pretty good and Lorna was groaning with every push. He hoped he wouldn’t throw his back out. Lorna had her hands on his back, assisting, pulling him and smacking him against her with each poke.

“Ooh, fuck me, Baby,” she grunted.

Alex grabbed her ass, his fingers tightening her crack like a winch. He put his middle finger to her sphincter, not sure what Lorna’s reaction would be. But she just kept grunting and fucking, so he pushed his finger into her asshole and was surprised when it slid all the way inside with greasy ease.

“You like my ass?” Lorna said.

“Yes,” Alex said. “I like all of you.”

“Good, because you’re gonna get all of me. I lubed my ass in the restroom at the theater and I’m gonna give it to you. I’m giving you all of it. Albino’s gettin’ all of Redbone.”

This made him fuck her harder. Alex’s dick was sliding around in Lorna’s big cunt.

“Squeeze my cock,” he said breathlessly.

He felt her walls tighten around him. He fucked her energetically with his cock making use of its newfound snugness. He turned his finger up a notch as it jolted her asshole.

“Oh God, I’m gonna come again!” Lorna barked. “Yeeooowww…”

She wailed and her body shook. Alex slowed his pace as she shuddered and he felt her watery wash surround his cock and exit her body. With his knees he could feel Lorna’s discharge adding to the puddle on his bed.

Once still, with his cock still within her, she said, “You didn’t come did you?”

Alex shook his head and said, “Your ass is mine.”

“You’re sexy as hell when you take control,” Lorna said.

Alex rolled her over on her stomach and put the head of his packed pecker to her asshole.

“Oh, so now you’re gonna fuck me like a dog, aren’t you?” Lorna said.

Alex dipped his hand into Lorna’s cum puddle beneath him and slathered it over his dick. He spread her and pushed it in. He heard a hitch in her breath and felt her body tighten. It was tight but with minimal resistance, like a slow train entering a narrow tunnel and scraping the sides. He pulled most of the way out, then pushed all the way back in, then again, and again and again, each time a little faster and a little harder. It was divine; Alex’s cock had never had it so good.

Lorna chirped like a rabid bird as she was getting ass-fucked. Her vocalizations were higher pitched and more staccato-like than her moans and groans when Alex was eating her pussy or fucking it. She squawked like a mud hen with each plunge.

Alex became even more turned-on watching his whitewashed dick slide in and out of Lorna’s coal black hole. Yin and Yang. He was thinking this was the coolest and hottest woman he’d ever met. He made a mental note to buy some lubricant. He felt her legs twitch each time he fully entered her.

Soon it was Alex’s turn to twitch. His cum rose in a sudden rush and he snorted like mad bull as he came. He lowered onto her so their bodies were flush and reached beneath her and grabbed Lorna’s tits for better purchase. He pumped her a dozen more times and squeezed every drop of cum out of his tube and into hers.

After a quick few minutes lying in the afterglow Lorna said she had to get going. They got out of bed and hastily dressed.

They held hands but didn’t say much as Alex drove Lorna home. Her house was still well-lit inside when he dropped her off.

“Well, Savannah didn’t call the cops, at least, but I’m sure she’ll want a full report,” Lorna said.

“I hope I passed the audition,” Alex said.

“You kidding? You play me better than you play that clarinet and you’re just getting started!”

“It was a hell of a first time, wasn’t it?” he said. It was the best he’d ever had.

They made their good night kiss short and sweet in case spies were watching. When Alex got back to his apartment he noticed that Lorna had left her red thong on the dresser. He picked it up and breathed in her essence.


Now that they were lovers, Lorna and Alex got into the happy habit of getting together several times a week to have sex. A couple days a week they’d go to Alex’s apartment for an after-work workout in his bed, and then usually on the weekend they’d meet for lunch and then go back and fuck all afternoon.

They thought of each other constantly when they were apart. Lorna craved his white body on and inside hers. She furtively purchased a flexible white dildo and would masturbate with it deep in her pussy and also her ass to keep it ready for him. Alex could almost taste her when he closed his eyes and jerked off, sniffing her leftover thong.

One Saturday they had spent the afternoon in Alex’s apartment fucking each other’s brains out. Over nearly four hours they each managed five orgasms, a new high. Their last time they came simultaneously with Lorna on her knees and Alex’s dick balls-deep in her back door.

Alex was lying naked in the bed watching Lorna get dressed and wondering when he might summon the energy to get up. As she was tucking her red shirt into her white jeans she asked him what he was doing the following night.

“No plans,” Alex replied. “Why?”

“I’d like to invite you over to my house. I want to cook you a nice dinner. Would you like that?”

“I would love that. Any opportunity to be with you is fine with me.”

“Great!” Lorna said, as she pulled on her shoes and sat down on the bed. “Come over around six. I’ll serve you dinner and you can have me for dessert!”

“I’m there. What about Savannah?” Lorna had kept their affair outside of her home so far, not wanting to make her daughter uncomfortable.

“I think it’s time she got used to the idea. It’s not like she doesn’t already know what’s going on.”

Lorna kissed Alex and wrapped her long black fingers around his doughy dick and began stroking it. By the time she removed her tongue from his mouth his cock had begun to take shape. She lowered her head and took it into her mouth and sucked him. Within a minute Alex’s flagpole was again at full staff and Lorna took her mouth off him, kissed his lips again and stood up.

“Goodbye, Honey,” she said, pointing at his swelled cock. “If you want to try for number six, you’re on your own. See you tomorrow.”

She turned and Alex watched her tight ass sashay out the door. He closed his eyes and fondled his erection.


Alex arrived at Lorna’s house at six o’clock sharp. Lorna opened the door and immediately kissed his lips and briefly sank her tongue into his mouth. She looked great as usual: barefoot with cut-offs and a short sleeve white sweatshirt.

“Well, hello to you too,” Alex said. “Nice greeting!”

“Yeah, I thought I’d plant a good one on you just in case any nosy neighbors are watching.”

“Really?” he said, as she closed the door behind him.

“Oh yeah, everybody watches out for everybody in this neighborhood. And you’re surely the whitest face they’ve seen around here in a while.”

The enticing aroma of the spicy, succulent food simmering on the stove wafted through the air of the house. “Wow, Lorna, whatever you’re cooking up smells fabulous,” Alex said.

“I hope you like it,” she said as she handed Alex a bottle of beer. “It’s just about ready.” Alex sipped his beer while Lorna put the finishing touches on the meal.

“Hey, Maestro,” Savannah said as she entered the kitchen.

“Hello, Savannah,” Alex said, “Nice to see you again.”

“You too. You gonna play for us tonight?”

“No, you lucked out. It’s my night off,” he laughed. “Had to save my energy to eat whatever it is that smells so good.”

“That’s Mom’s specialty, you’re in for a treat. She saves it for special occasions and special people. That makes you pretty special.”

“Savannah…” Lorna said.

“I’m serious! Have him over anytime. More good food for me!”

Lorna smiled and said, “Okay, help me dish up so I can feed this man.”

They sat down at the dining room table to a small feast. Alex saw huge bowls of a thick, meaty stew, rice, cornbread and a giant bowl of a mixed green salad. A huge pitcher of iced tea.

Lorna said a short blessing and they dug in. The stew was chock full of vegetables and thick with ground meat and chunks of sausage and shrimp and who knows what else. The cornbread was obviously homemade, so sweet and moist you would eat it plain. Alex was quickly amazed at the sensation when the amazing blend of flavors and seasonings bombarded his taste buds.

Alex was trying hard to use good table manners but it was difficult not to wolf down his dinner. It was thick and tasty and full of meat and flavor that lingered after every bite.

“Lorna, this soup is delicious!” Alex said. “The best I ever had.”

“Thank you, I thought you’d like it.”

“Where did you…”

“Family tradition,” Savannah chimed in. “It’s Mama’s Chiligumbo.”

“Well, it is incredible! It’s like a taste explosion in my mouth.”

“Thank you, Alex,” Lorna said.

The dinner conversation meandered all over the Escort Florya place and Alex did more listening than talking—although he did punctuate the discussion with an occasional ‘Hmm’ or ‘Yum’—because he was too busy feeding his face and keeping his taste buds busy. They talked about the restaurant, Savannah’s job and her saving for college. Alex learned that Dear Old Dad would be stopping the child support and would not contribute anything toward college. This meant that Savannah would have to work as much as possible to save for school and help her mother with expenses.

“Wow, Lorna, this is good!” Alex said at one point. “I can’t believe you’re slaving as a waitress; you should have your own restaurant!”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” Lorna replied.

“Oh, it’s a compliment, believe me.”

“Well, I don’t need the headaches of running a restaurant and dealing with crazy wait staff and temperamental chefs.”

With dinner over, Savannah excused herself and left the room. In a minute she reappeared with a backpack hanging off of one shoulder.

“Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone,” Savannah said, and she kissed her mom goodbye. She looked at Alex and said, “You’re not just messin’ with my Mama, I hope,” she added.

Surprised, Alex just shook his head.

“Good, I hope not,” she said, and bounded out the front door.

“Don’t mind her, Alex,” Lorna said. “She’s just looking out for me. She’s staying over at a friend’s house tonight. “Giving us our space.”

“Ah, a considerate daughter. I like!”

“You know what that means…”

“I can stay over?”

“Yep. And we don’t have to be quiet either.” They both laughed.

They were standing at the sink cleaning up when Alex again complimented Lorna on the dinner.

“Damn, Lorna, I can’t get over it. That Chiligumbo is good! Not good, better than good. Fantastic! I love it; maybe I could get a small care package to take home with me?”

“You sure can,” she said, turning to face him. “If it helps you think of me.”

“Chiligumbo makes me horny,” he said.

They kissed and wrapped their arms around each other tight and they lingered in a long, emphatic embrace. Alex’s pecker was perking.

“It will be nice waking up together,” he said.

“Yes, it will,” she said, taking his hand. “Come with me, I’ll show you my boudoir.”


It was barely past seven p.m., and there they were lying naked in bed, side-by-side, their bodies pointing in opposite directions, and Alex’s dick was in Lorna’s mouth and his tongue in her twat. They were both sucking wildly, and soon each savored a mouthwatering orgasmic dessert.

Soon Alex was pounding away on Lorna’s ass, hearing her moans and groans and dirty talk, truly thankful she liked it like that. His dick was digging her tight ass and trying to coax up a second load of cum, but his mind was a little distracted. He was thinking more about Lorna’s Chiligumbo than he was about her ass and the job at hand.

It was a relief when he shot his wad. Pounding his hard drive into Lorna, with a raucous grunt he uploaded his program, and four, five, six spurts shot into the depths of her rear. Then he pulled out and with a groan collapsed onto his back and watched the ebb tide of his cum drip out of her asshole.

“Something wrong, Baby?” Lorna asked, turning on her side.

“No, I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m just a little distracted, that’s all.”

“Distracted by what?”

“It may sound silly…but by your Chiligumbo.”

“What? My Chiligumbo?”

“Yep. I think I may have finally discovered my, or maybe our business idea: Your Chiligumbo.”

“I already told you, I don’t want no restaurant. I don’t have the money to start up a business anyway.”

“I know, I know. But I do. And I have an idea.”


“I’ll have to do some homework first, but I may have an idea that will get us out of that dead end restaurant, make us a good living, and people will line up for Lorna’s Chiligumbo.”

“What? Tell me!”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow after I do a little research.”

Lorna snuggled close and Alex put his arm around her and they kissed. Before long Alex’s cock was erect and ready for action so he rolled atop her as their kiss went on. She felt his hardness press against her and spread her open.

“Oh, God, yes,” Lorna said. She reached down to his cock and split her lips with its head and shoved it into her. “Fuck me again.”

They humped hard until they came and then fell into a heap and slept.


In the morning they awoke early and immediately broke into wide grins.

“Good morning, Lover,” Lorna said.

“Good morning,” Alex said, his wake-up dick straight as a board. “It’s nice to say ‘Good Morning’ to you while we’re in the same bed and not over the phone or at work.”

“Yes, it is.”

They started kissing and soon Alex’s mouth went down. He sucked her nipples and licked her navel and kissed her thighs before he latched his lips onto her sex.

“Oh, Jesus!” Lorna hissed, as he sucked on her firm tool, wet and stiff as a Gherkin.

She squirmed and vibrated as he sucked and chewed her and he kept it up until he knew her dam was about to breach. Then he mounted her and her pussy sucked his penis in. He swung in and out of her with all his might, aiming to make their first ‘Good Morning’ Fuck one to remember. Lorna screeched hoarsely when she came and rocked the bed frame like a dinghy in a three foot chop. When Alex was almost there he withdrew his simmering meat from Lorna’s overheated oven and ejaculated his semen in steady streams onto her tits. Then he licked it up and kissed her with a mouthful and their tongues slithered together in a pool of cum.

“Damn, that was hot,” Lorna said after, as they lay naked.

They showered together and then Lorna fixed them some breakfast and gave Alex a Tupperware container of Chiligumbo for the road.

Lorna headed out for Bertha’s, but Alex called in sick. He had homework to do.


“Food carts!” Alex said to Lorna, who had come over to his apartment after work.

“Food carts?” Lorna replied. They were seated on the sofa in Alex’s apartment.

“Yep, food carts. That’s our business. I spent the day at City Hall learning how it all works: the licensing, leasing different locations and all of the areas where it is legal. We can’t do it everywhere—restaurant owners don’t want the extra competition—but in areas where there aren’t too many food businesses nearby it is okay, and it seems like almost no one is taking advantage of it! I’ve already identified a half dozen locations that would be ideal.

“You have, have you?”

“Yep. And one is a half-block from the post office! That’ll be our first one.”

“You got this all planned out already, huh?”

“Pretty much. I checked out equipment too, and priced everything. There are different sized carts, but we can start with smaller ones and we can pull them behind the car. They’re equipped with propane burners and ice chests for drinks.”

“And we’re gonna sell my soup?” Lorna asked, with a blank face.

“We’re going to sell Lorna’s soon-to-be-famous chili and gumbo and Chiligumbo and hot dogs and polish sausages and chips and cold drinks and dessert cakes, Twinkies, whatever.

“And I’m supposed to go into business with you when I’m barely scrapin’ by as it is and have no money to invest.”

“Yep, that’s exactly why. Because I have the money and you have the product. And because you will soon be working less and making more money and won’t have to put up with all the bullshit at Bertha’s.”

“You have the money to buy food carts and propane tanks and all the products. And the ingredients in Chiligumbo ain’t cheap…”


“And I’m supposed to cook all this soup in my kitchen?”

“The plan would be to rent a small place somewhere to store everything, do the prep, et cetera.”

“Sounds risky to me,” Lorna said with a shake of her head.

“Well, there’s always some risk. But Lorna, I’ve been thinking about a business for a long time but nothing has struck me. But this is striking like a bolt of lightning! And what the hell, there will always be a restaurant job to go back to.”

Alex could tell she was wavering, but clearly up on the fence. He scooted closer to her on the sofa and took her hand.

“Lorna, listen. I have over $70,000 saved up. Cash, waiting for this. I’ll do the leg work, you just make the soups. You can even keep the job if it makes you feel safer, as long as you don’t mind chopping vegetables and cooking in your spare time.

“You have $70,000?” Lorna asked dubiously.


“Where you got all this money?”

“I have almost ten thousand in a metal box in my apartment. The rest is in a safe deposit box at the bank.”

“You saved all that from playing that clarinet with a tux on?”

“Yes, over the last two-and-a-half years.”

“And you’re willing to risk all that money on my soups?”

“I don’t see it as that much of a risk, but yes, I am. And I can’t wait to get started. I want to give my notice to George tomorrow.”

“You’re moving pretty fast, aren’t you?”

“Why wait? The time is right.”

Lorna sighed and said, “Okay, let me think on it.”

Alex squeezed her hand and kissed her. Let’s make love on it,” he said.


Lorna was sweating, getting rode hard and sticky wet. They were in Alex’s bed and he was on top fucking her with a newfound force, kissing her, grunting, snorting, pounding her into the mattress.

“Oh God, Boy, you know how to fuck me!” Lorna cried.

Her body was hot and dewy like a bitch in heat, and she gripped his cock with her pussy as she fucked him, plunging toward orgasm. When she felt her juices roiling and was just about to come, she succumbed to him, in more ways than one.

“I’ll do it!” Lorna barked as she let loose, her body writhing with the forces of fucking and bucking.

“Do what?” Alex cawed hoarsely.

“The food carts. How can I say no to a partner who fucks me the way you do?”


The next morning Alex punched in at the usual time, grabbed an apron out of the storage closet and wrapped it around himself as he walked into the kitchen.

“Well look who decided to drop by!” George’s voice boomed so all could hear. “If it isn’t Albino, the leisure man. How was your vacation?”

“Hi George,” Alex said. “Had an important personal issue come up that I had to take care of yesterday.”

“I’ll bet. You must be eating too much dark meat off the Redbone!” George said.

There was dead silence in the kitchen. Workers looked away and busied themselves. Alex glared at George.

“What did you say?” he asked sternly.

George stared blankly back at Alex.

“Listen, cocksucker,” Alex hissed, “Do you have even a single ounce of class in your big, ugly, fat ass?” He untied his apron and took it off. “I was going to give you two weeks’ notice, because it would be the right thing to do. But after that tasteless insult I think I’ll leave right now. Life’s too fucking short to spend another second around you.”

“Oh, C’mon Alex…”

“Oh, shut the fuck up!” Alex roared. “And my final check better be in my mailbox in two days, IN FULL, no bullshit, and you BETTER apologize to Lorna when she comes in this morning or you’ll be getting sued for sexual harassment. And if you don’t believe me, try me.”

Alex rolled his apron into a ball and threw it into the deep fryer and headed for the door.


Alex spent the day at the city offices getting permits and licenses for the first two locations he’d chosen, and at a restaurant supply business looking at equipment and learning how it worked. There was a used cart on the floor for sale, completely equipped, so he gave them a deposit and said he’d be back.

Lorna called him when she got home from work. “I heard you made quite an exit this morning,” she said.

“Yeah, well that asshole deserved it. Did he apologize to you?”

“Yes, he did. A couple people had to coerce him into it, but he did. I asked him what for but he said to ask you.”

“He just said the wrong thing at the wrong time, that’s all, and I’d had enough, and let’s leave it at that. It gave me an excuse not to give the bastard two weeks’ notice, so that’s good I guess.”

Alex started to recap his day when Lorna stopped him.

“Hey, Honey, Savannah’s at work, why don’t you come over for a while. I’ll fix you something to eat and you can tell me all about it.”

“Okay, I’ll be right over.”

“Good. And after dinner maybe you can eat a little dark meat off the Redbone!”


Lorna had nothing on but a long white t-shirt with her nipples smiling at him through the fabric. She took Alex by the hand and led him to her bedroom. She knew they only had a couple hours before Savannah would be home from work. She wanted to fuck her man and didn’t want her daughter coming home and catching them in the act.

Standing beside the bed Lorna unbuttoned Alex’s shirt while they kissed and then opened his pants. His cock was already hard and ready. They stripped and fell onto her bed. Alex immediately began covering her upper body with kisses and licking her toasty flesh. Lorna ran her long dark fingers through his hair and along the side of his neck. He licked the lips of her dampened pussy and tongue-fucked her, feeling her clitoris harden and swell in the process. Then he wrapped his lips around her package, plump and juicy and aroused, and sucked her for several minutes until she came, and with squeals and tremors she released her liquid onto him.

He climbed on top and his cock slid with ease into Lorna’s soaked cunt. He gripped her buttocks and fucked her hard, and in less than a minute grunted like a bear in a trap and shot his semen into her.

It was a quickie by their standards but they both knew when Savannah was due home. They showered together and enjoyed washing each other’s parts. Lorna enjoyed washing Alex’s cock, but the more she washed it, damn it, the more of it there was to wash! Alex especially liked washing the crack of Lorna’s ass.

“Go ahead,” Lorna said, turning to face the tile wall.

“What?” Alex asked.

“Fuck it. You know you want to. I want you to, but hurry up.”

Alex put the head of his dick to the hole of Lorna’s ass. She pulled her cheeks apart and Alex pushed in, and he hurried up and washed out Lorna’s asshole with his cock.


Alex ate a bowl of chili and half of a wheat baguette at the kitchen table and filled Lorna in on his day.

“I gave my two weeks’ notice today,” she said.

“Good news!”

“This better work.”

“It will, we’ll make it work.”

Lorna gave Alex a deep, make-out kiss at the front door as he was leaving in case some nosy neighbors were watching. Savannah came home about ten minutes later.

Later that evening Alex called Lorna.

“Will you and Savannah be home tomorrow night?” he asked.

“I will, I’ll have to ask Savannah. Why?”

“I’m going to bring dinner. And I want to talk to both of you.”

“Let me check. Savannah, will you be home tomorrow night?” she called. Alex heard Savannah reply in the background but couldn’t make it out. “She gets off at six,” Lorna said.

“Okay, good, I’ll come over at six-thirty. What kind of food do you feel like?”

“What kind of food? I don’t care.”

“Chinese!” he heard Savannah yell. “With seafood!”

Chinese with seafood it would be.


The next evening, after spending the afternoon having a trailer hitch installed, he ordered the food and took it over to Lorna’s. The dining room table was set. They sat down and started eating, sharing various uninteresting tidbits from their days. Lorna got to the point.

“So, Alex, what is it you wanted to talk about?”

Alex put down his fork—he’d never learned to use chopsticks—and took a sip of water.

“Well,” he said, I’ve been thinking. Savannah, I guess your mom has told you about this business we are starting up.”

“Food carts,” she said.

“Right, food carts. Selling your mom’s Chiligumbo and whatever else she whips up. And I have a proposal for you if you would join us and help in the business.”

“You want me to sell hot dogs and Chiligumbo?” Savannah had an unimpressed, blank stare on her face.

“Let me ask you a question,” Alex went on. “Can you still enroll in college for the fall semester?”

“I could if we had the money, there’s still a few days before classes begin. I was accepted at the local campus of State back in May. That was when we were still hoping Daddy-O would help out.”

“Here’s my idea. I’ll front the money to pay for your school if you help in the business, and you’ll get paid, of course. We are going to need people we can trust, we can’t do everything ourselves.”

“How can I go to college and study and still work for you?”

“Very carefully,” Alex said, with a smile, and Savannah chuckled. “Seriously, school comes first. Just schedule the time around your classes like any other part-time job.”

“Alex, we can’t let you do this,” Lorna said. “You…”

“Of course you can!” Alex interjected. “Savannah can be a big help…cooking, prepping, working a cart, weekend festivals. Plus she can go to college and work when she can.”

“Why would you do this for me?” Savannah asked. Her eyes were big and round and brown and moist.

“There are several reasons. The main one is this: I went to college, so I know what a great experience it can be. But when I attended I knew a lot of people who were just going through the motions. They were in college because it was expected of them. But they were partying, getting high, skipping class, just coasting on auto-pilot. But here you are: someone who really wants to go to college, a serious student who deserves to go, but can’t because of money. That’s not right. It would be a waste in my opinion. So, you help us and we’ll help you.”

Savannah looked at Lorna. “What do you think, Mama?”

“Another idea I had,” Alex said before Lorna could answer. “A college cart. Where half the profit goes directly into a fund for your college expenses. You work the cart, get paid, get the tips, and save for college and grad school and whatever. And I know a great spot right by the campus that we can get to set up shop.

“Wow, Alex, sounds like you have it all worked out. You said there were several reasons?”

“Like I said, we’re going into business and need people we can trust and we can help each other. Plus, I’m in love with your mother and I know how much she would love for you to have the opportunity to get a college education.”

Savannah turned to her mother. They both had eyes like saucers.

“He loves you, Mama, I told you!”

Lorna looked at Alex. “And when were you planning on telling me this, Alex?”

“I’ve been trying to get up the nerve,” he said sheepishly.

Lorna laughed, got up and walked around the table. “I love you too, Slick,” she said, sitting on his lap and planting a hard French kiss on his mouth. She turned to Savannah and said, “You’re going to college, girl.”

Savannah started laughing and hooting and hollering and dancing around the room. Then she broke into tears and hugged Lorna and Alex and covered them with kisses.

Alex pulled his wallet out of his pocket and took out a check and handed it to Savannah.

“Here, just fill in the payee and the amount. And don’t rip me off.”

Savannah got a fearful look on her face. Alex grinned and kissed her on her forehead.


Over the next few days Alex was a whirlwind of activity as he prepared to open for business. He took delivery of their first cart and placed an order for another. He priced and stocked up on canned drinks, bottled water, chips, cakes, hot dogs, sausages and buns and all the ingredients on Lorna’s shopping list. He rented a small commercial space with a kitchen and equipped it with storage racks and an extra used freezer, fridge and electric stove. When Lorna wasn’t working at the restaurant she made soups in large pots and put them in containers to be frozen.

“What should we call ourselves?” Lorna asked Alex. “Business needs a name, Florya Escort Bayan right?”

“Yes, Lorna’s Chiligumbo.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, why not? It’s your food, people should know that. You don’t like it?”

“I was thinking Redbone’s Chiligumbo. Sounds like food…soulful…funky.”

“You want to use the nickname that asshole George gave you?”

“Yes, it will piss him off, don’t you think?”

Alex laughed and said, “Yep, I bet it would. Redbone’s it is, you talked me into. I’ll get the cart painted.”


By the time Lorna’s last two weeks at the restaurant were up the first cart was in business. Lorna and Alex worked it together the first few days to learn the drill. Savannah observed when she could—she had scheduled her classes early and late in the day leaving middays open. Alex played clarinet sometimes to attract the attention of passersby.

Their first site was near the post office. The first day, a Monday, they started at 10:30 a.m. and stayed until two p.m. After costs, their profit was $208 plus $22 in tips. The next day they ran out of soups at 1:15 and hot dogs a few minutes after that; their profit was just over $300 and $32 in tips. They started bringing an extra cooler of food in the following days so they wouldn’t run out.

“This is amazing!” Lorna said on Friday afternoon when they were tallying the receipts. For the week they’d made almost $1200 in profit and over $100 in tips. “And to think how hard I had to work at Bertha’s just to make sixty or seventy dollars in tips!”

“And this is just one cart,” Alex said. “Wait until we have a whole fleet! Although this is a prime location, I’m not sure we can expect them all to do this well.”

The next week the take increased by over fifteen percent, as weather was good and more people discovered them. Some people inquired if they could buy the Chiligumbo, chili or gumbo in bulk so soon Lorna was taking orders for premade containers.

Three weeks later their second cart was delivered. Alex had it painted with their new ‘Redbone’s Chiligumbo’ logo in bright red and ‘College Cart’ in small block letters, and he spent a few hours training Savannah. With her class schedule she would be able to work the cart from about 11:15 until 1:45. Alex would stock it, deliver and pick it up.

“You know Alex, you and Mama are working so much together, you should be sleeping with her every night,” Savannah said casually as Alex was showing her how to slip bills into the built-in safe.

“Huh?” Alex said, stunned.

“Yeah, you should move in. You guys work hard and I know you two are having sex all the time, no reason you should have to sneak around to get down.”

“That wouldn’t bother you? It’s a pretty small house and it’s just been the two of you for so long.”

“Nah and I’m out a lot anyway with school and everything else. And I’ll get a pair of earplugs for when you all are doing it.” She grinned.

Alex laughed and said, “You know Savannah, you are one cool young lady,” and hugged her.


Savannah’s cart made money from the start, although the gains were more gradual. Within two months a third cart was ordered. Alex’s goal was to have six carts in operation after one year, and twelve after two years. He started hiring part-timers, preferably students or senior citizens, but he needed to find people who were honest and could work fast to maximize sales during what were very short business days.

Lorna noticed that as business grew and the income and challenges increased, Alex’s sex drive became even greater, and more intense. It was like a need he had like food or water or air. Lorna was sore most of the time from fucking, orgasms and cocksucking. Her pussy had never seen such action, Alex’s cock stabbing her, filling her up over and over until he shot his seed, and him eating her and sucking her sauces until she exploded in his face. And her asshole was getting a workout too; Alex never missed a chance to slide his widebody in and out of her butt. But she wasn’t complaining; she’d never had such incredible sex in her life and she planned to keep on pleasing her man. Lorna was the most-fucked woman in the city outside of a hooker, she was sure of it. The more she fucked Alex, the more energy he seemed to have.

Over the next eighteen months they added seven more carts and had ten operating around the local area. All were profitable, some moreso than others, but the money was rolling in. The business was definitely working. They had a number of part-time employees selling and preparing the food and stocking the carts. Lorna oversaw all the cooking.

Lorna had been bugging Alex for them to take a vacation. No soups, no dogs, no carts, just the two of them. It was the dog days of summer so they made reservations at an island resort. The plan was simple: relax, lie around the pool, take long happy hours and casual dinners, and make love.


They flew in at around 2:30 p.m. local time. After a death-defying cab ride they got to the hotel at around three, which was check-in time. They had a deluxe room overlooking the blue ocean, equipped with a stocked bar, Jacuzzi, kitchenette and champagne on ice.

Lorna sat on the side of the bed and pulled Alex by his belt so he was standing before her with his crotch in front of her face. She unbuckled him and opened his fly.

“You’ve earned this vacation. We both have. I’m gonna start it off right,” she said.

Lorna pushed his pants and boxers to the floor. She slid her butt to the very edge of the mattress and pulled him close. She fondled his penis, kissed it and gently sucked his balls into her mouth. It quickly took shape and she traced her tongue along the length of it. She stuck her middle finger into her mouth and sucked on it, soaking it with her saliva and the placed it at the rim of his sphincter. Alex sighed with a loud, breathy rasp when she pushed her long finger in.

She took his now-stiffened cock into her mouth and sucked him and fucked his ass with her finger and Alex could feel the piercing jabs of her fingernail deep inside him. Then they became one, working together as they had countless times before, in their yin/yang, black/white, salt/pepper carnal harmonic balance.

Bonded and blended, Alex’s hands were on the back of Lorna’s head, his cock fucking her face, her finger fucking his ass, and her mouth sucking him, drawing up his cum like an oil drill digging for crude. They swayed and pumped in unison and Lorna’s gurgles and gags were punctuated by Alex’s grunts and the slapping of the flesh of face and groin.

A low groan came from deep down in Alex’s gut. Lorna sucked and reamed him harder and Alex’s legs half-buckled as he shook and swung his ejaculating meat into her mouth, and he released spurts of sperm into her mouth and throat.

When his hose was empty, she continued sucking, getting every drop, and then licked off the excess that had escaped her mouth. She stood and kissed him, ramming her syrupy tongue into his mouth, her finger still wedged all the way up his ass.

“What a way to start a vacation!” Alex said, beaming.

“Thought you’d like it, Baby. Now let’s go hang out by the pool for a couple hours before dinner.”


They spent some time poolside sipping cocktails under a big umbrella—Alex was not much of a sun-worshipper—and then had a nice dinner at a table with a panoramic view. They went back to their room for dessert: pussy and ass for Alex and more cock for Lorna. After, they were lying in each other’s arms.

“You know something Lorna? Without being crude, the first time I saw you I knew I wanted to fuck you. I didn’t think I ever would, but even if I had, I never could have managed it would be so good, that you’d be so good. And so addictive. You’re a sexual dynamo.”

“Oh, Please,” Lorna said.

“No, you are! I can’t believe I have you.”

“You’re not too bad in the old sack either, and I’m glad we have each other. I gotta please my man. I don’t to lose you.”

There was an awkward silence as the words hung.

“What do you mean?” Alex asked.

“Just what I said. The way to a man’s heart is through his penis, so I want to please you. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Lorna, why do you say that? You’re not going to lose me. I worry I’ll lose you.”

“I love you but sometimes I worry I’ll lose you,” she said softly.

Alex rose up onto his elbow and looked at her. “Why do you say that?”

“Do you ever think about having children? Did you think you would be a father some day?”

“I guess when I was younger I did. But I haven’t thought about that for a long time.”

“Why, because I’m older?”

“No, not really that. I just figured that you’ve already done that…and did it well by the way, Savannah is an incredible kid because of you…and you wouldn’t want to do it again.”

“I have thought about it,” Lorna said. “I’d love to have a child with you. And I’m afraid you are going to want to have children but I can’t give you any.” She cried softly.

She explained about some female problems she’d had in the past and the operation that would prevent her from becoming pregnant again.

Alex kissed her and held her tight until she calmed down. They talked in bed for two hours about adoption, about surrogate mothers, about whether Lorna really wanted a new baby in her late thirties. Alex assured her that when he fell in love with her having a baby was not even on his radar. But he could tell her emotions were mixed.

He started kissing her again. First on her lips, but then her neck and her revived nipples. Lorna moaned when he slipped his fingers into her vagina. She again was sopping. He mounted her missionary-style and stuck his expanded cock into her. They made love again, slowly fucking, building toward their climaxes, all the while Alex cooing sweet and salty in Lorna’s ear, telling her how hot she was and how much he loved her and loved kissing her and how good of a fuck she was and how much he loved eating her pussy and sucking her clit and loved the way she pleasured him with her mouth and he treasured fucking her like he was now and licking her ass and putting his cock up there. She made him feel so desired and so loved he would never leave, kids or no kids.


The vacation was a welcome diversion and it ended all too soon. The days ran together, a collage of swimming, touring, eating, drinking and fucking. Then they were back to work.

All of the carts were staying busy and making money and they had a reasonably stable group of employees that were working out. Savannah was doing especially well in school and with her college cart. She worked school days weather-permitting and was constantly seeking out weekend venues to make more and more money for herself and her college fund. Her cart had paid for all of her college expenses to date, and had a hefty surplus as she headed into her junior year.

One Sunday afternoon while Savannah was out with friends, Lorna and Alex had a little horizontal rodeo in their bed. While lying together basking in their after-sex glow, their conversation drifted back to the issue of children. No matter how much Alex tried to assure Lorna that he loved her with or without kids and was fine without, Lorna couldn’t shake her fear that one day he’d change his mind and she’d be unable to deliver. They talked again and rehashed all the things they’d said before. They agreed that adoption was a bad idea: despite all the screening they still would not know what they were getting. A surrogate would be a crap shoot too: half of the gene pool would be an unknown, and probably not the better half. And even if they went that route, and all of the expense, what if the mother had a change of heart and decided she couldn’t give up the baby after carrying it? Who needs that kind of angst? They would be accepting of their fate and be thankful that they had each other and a successful business.

Lorna and Alex didn’t realize that while they were in the midst their throes and voicing their noisy comings, Savannah had returned and slipped into the house unheard. And standing in the hall just outside their bedroom door, which was ajar, she had heard their whole conversation.


Over the next few days Savannah thought a lot about the conversation she’d overheard and it saddened her. Her mother wanted to have a baby with Alex but was unable to. Alex said he was okay with the idea of not having a child, but she had a feeling that maybe he was being a stoic to reassure her mother. She thought about the struggles her mom had gone through to provide for them for years with limited assistance from her father. But they’d done okay. And then Alex came into their lives and things had gotten better, life became easier in many ways. She was doing well in college, on the Dean’s List, thinking about graduate school, and was earning and saving good money for her education thanks to Alex’s business plan, which initially seemed so bizarre. After days of deep introspection Savannah told her mother she had something on her mind and wanted to talk to them.


She sat them down in the living room, Lorna and Alex on the sofa and Savannah in an armchair that she’d scooted closer so she could look them both straight in their eyes. Alex sipped beer from a long neck.

“I want to start with an apology,” Savannah said. “I came home last Sunday afternoon and your bedroom door was open a few inches. I heard you talking. And I’m sorry, but I listened.”

Lorna and Alex looked at each other. They both had puzzled, deer-in-the-headlights looks in their eyes.

“You were talking about a child, a baby,” Savannah continued. “I heard it all, forgive me. I couldn’t stop listening. Because I found out my mother wants to have your baby, Alex, and can’t. And you say you don’t care either way, but my gut tells me you’d love to have a baby with my mother if you could. And you don’t want adoption and don’t want to risk a surrogate. Am I close so far?”

Alex and Lorna nodded and held hands.

“So here is what I wanted to talk to you about: I want to carry your baby.”

The bomb dropped and a silence ensued.


“No way!” Lorna said. “Thank you, Honey, but it’s out of the question.”

“Yes, Savannah. Thank you, but that’s not…”

“Why, Alex? You two love each other! She’s my mom! I love her too! I want her to be happy. You make her happy. You’ve done so much for me. I want to help you.”


“Mama, listen. You love Alex, I know that. I love him too, I’m in college because of him. What he did is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me! You want to have his baby and can’t, but I can. I’m half you!”

“Honey, you’ll never know how much it means to both of us that you even thought of the idea, and it just touches both of us so deeply that you’d offer. But you have your own life to live, you have your studies. You don’t want to take nine months out of your life and be pregnant and deal with the doctor’s appointments and the morning sickness and…”

“Mama, I’m in a position to help, and I really want to. And I think it would be a great experience. I would be doing something wonderful! It would make me feel so good to help you and Alex. Please let me help you. I would feel like I’m giving back. If I could get pregnant around Thanksgiving I would have the baby next summer so it would only affect me during one semester.”

“You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I told you I had.”

“But the surrogate process takes time, the agency…”

“Mama, we don’t need all that. You don’t need them. They screen people and hook you up with them and monitor the process. You already have the perfect surrogate: Me. Plus I’m just dying to see what kind of baby we can make with a man as white as Alex!”

Lorna laughed and shook her head. “We’d still need them for the insemination, and it’s bound to be a long, drawn-out process…”

Savannah shook her head. “We don’t need all that. Why can’t I just fuck him?” she asked.


Over the next couple of weeks, every time Alex and Lorna made love there was a cloud hanging over the bed: the cloud of Savannah’s offer. The more they talked about it, and the more they appreciated the magnitude of it, the more they reiterated to themselves that they could not let her do it.

And then there was the prospect of Alex sticking his dick inside Lorna’s daughter, perhaps multiple times. Alex remained fairly mum on that subject, although Lorna gradually became more accepting of it.

But at the same time, the more they talked about it, the less outlandish the idea seemed, and the more open they became to the thought of it. Finally they agreed that if Savannah was truly willing then they would be too.


“Savannah,” Lorna began, “Alex and I have agonized over this for the last two weeks. We have talked about it until we were blue in the face. And as much as we’ve tried to tell ourselves no, this isn’t right, this isn’t fair to you, we have agreed that we would love to take you up on your incredible, loving offer if it still stands.”

They were all seated at the dining room table.

“Of course it still stands,” Savannah said. “I was dead serious. I wouldn’t change my mind.”

“Okay, good. But there are some conditions we will insist on,” Lorna said.

“All right, what are they?”

“Number one,” Alex chimed in, “We are going to pay you for it just like we would any other surrogate.”

“Alex, I’m not doing this for the money, I’m doing it because I love you guys and I want to help and make you happy.”

“I know and thank you, but that’s not negotiable,” he said. “You can do whatever you want with the money. You can use it for school, spend it, donate it to charity, it’s up to you. But your life will be altered for a few months so you deserve it. Your mother and I wouldn’t feel comfortable any other way. Okay?”

“Okay. What else?”

“Two more things,” Lorna said. “I will supervise the whole procedure. And I will be in charge of foreplay.” They all chuckled at that.

“Sounds like a plan,” Savannah said. She rose from her chair and gave her mother a hug and a kiss. Then she hugged Alex and said into his ear, “Thanksgiving is just two weeks away. An appropriate occasion to do it, don’t you think?”


There was an excited tension which increased day by day the closer they all came to their moment of truth. They had decided on Wednesday night.

Savannah was lying on her bed. She wore only a white t-shirt. She was covered up to her waist by a sheet. Alex wore a t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants with a drawstring around the waist. Lorna sat on the edge of the bed.

“Are you ready, Honey?” Lorna asked.

Savannah nodded and said, “Yes, I’m ready.” Her eyes were wide with anticipation.

“Do you want me to mask your eyes?”

“No, I want to watch. I want to see your faces. Your smiles.”

“Okay, I’m going to get Alex ready now.” Lorna pulled Alex closer so he was standing right in front of her, his groin inches from her face. She stroked his cock through the soft cotton as she untied his pants and then she pulled them down and took him into her mouth.

Savannah watched as Lorna pulled down Alex’s pants and stared at the back of her mother’s head as it bobbed slightly as she sucked his cock. She fingered herself beneath the sheet.

Within a minute Lorna removed her mouth from around his cock and Alex moved into position at the foot of the bed and Savannah saw his hardened cock for the first time.

“Wow, Mama, now I know one of the big reasons you love Alex so much!” Savannah said with a grin.

“You hush, Girl,” Lorna said, laughing.

Lorna pulled the sheet aside revealing Savannah’s naked bottom half. Alex eyes viewed Savannah’s clean, nubile pussy, and he scooted closer on his knees so his cock was now inches from it.

Lorna squeezed Savannah’s hand with her left hand and guided Alex’s cock with her right.

“Is it okay if I enjoy it?” Savannah asked, her voice cracking.

With a weary smile Lorna said it was.

“I love you, Mama.”

“I love you too, Baby. And Thank You.”

“I love you, Alex,” Savannah said, her eyes wide and wet and staring right at him.

“I love you too, Savannah. You are a wonderful young lady.”

He kissed Savannah gently on her lips. Lorna directed his cock into Savannah’s vagina, which was already wet. Alex closed his eyes, pushed himself all the way in and started fucking.


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