
The Peregrination Ch. 05



Martin’s Beach, Miskatonic County, MA

Scotty sat at lunch the circular lunch table, and although he couldn’t say what it was, he could feel that something had changed. Curtis, the tall black entertainment director at the resort sat with them like he always did, telling funny stories, and dominating the discussion, but that wasn’t it.

His mother Mary sat next to Curtis, lighting his cigarettes, taking the first drag, then handing them over to the big man. That may have been the difference, lighting someone’s smoke could be considered an intimate act.

He looked closely at his adoptive mother, she was dressed in a bathing suit with a light wrap around her body. She had a grin that wouldn’t go down throughout the meal.

‘Perhaps it Stevie’s folks?’ Scotty thought to himself. ‘They had always been less noisy than everyone else, but now they were almost silent.’

Scotty dwelt on that; they seemed sour and distant, and often sharing long silent glances with each other. When lunch broke, they quickly departed with few words.

“Hey boys!” Curtis said in his deep voice. “I’m headed into Arkham for supplies for the bicentennial, want to come along?”

Scotty and Stevie didn’t blink as they both shouted eager yeses! However when his mother spoke up, he was confused.

“I’d like to join you boys if that’s alright?” Mary asked.

“I thought you were sick?” A surprised Scotty asked.

Mary made a confused look of her own as she replied. “Oh, I feel better now.”

“Curtis do you mind if I drive?” Stevie asked as Mary and Scotty chatted.

“Sure, here’s the keys to my love bug!” Curtis said handing them over.

When they pilled into the small beetle, Scotty found himself in the front passenger seat with Stevie, and because of all the boxes they carried, his mother had to sit in the middle next to Curtis. As soon as they got started she lit a smoke for Curtis, then went to sleep on his shoulder.

On the return trip from Arkham the car was so packed with fireworks that Mary was forced to sit in Curtis’ lap. The cramped car with filled with laughter and loud music as they drove.

“Mom!” Scotty shouted over the music to be heard. “Quit shaking my seat!”

“Oh!” She shrieked. “Sorry dear, it’s just so.. Uh… tight back here.”

Her apology meant nothing as she continued to giggle and bump his seat. When Karaköy Escort they neared the resort she screamed with an intensity that Scotty hadn’t seen since she found him drunk on the sofa weeks ago. Curtis too yelled, but Scotty couldn’t make out the words.

After she nearly ripped his seat out, Scotty’s mother, and Curtis went suddenly quiet. The music still played and a confused Stevie looked into the rear view mirror to see them both passed out.

At the resort everyone scattered, Curtis had fireworks to deal with, Mary said she need a shower, and Stevie and Scotty wanted to get drunk before dinner! They snuck into the kitchen, but we’re shooed out by the staff.

“Man!” Stevie said in frustration. “What I would do for a drink!”

Scotty nodded in agreement, but lacked any suggestions. Susanne walked out with a smile and asked the boys what was wrong. When they weren’t forth coming she guessed it pretty readily.

“If it’s a drink you seek.” Susanne said in a riddle. “Then don’t be meek, I’ll show you something unique.”

Scotty laughed, whereas Stevie frowned and declared. “I’m not going to have tea with you!”

Scotty suddenly stopped laughing, ‘had Stevie been seduced as well?’

“Come to my office and the three of us can share a…” She said letting her words hang.

“Better be a trick Susanne!” Stevie warned. “No tricks!”

Scotty couldn’t help but laugh harder than before! Stevie had been seduced!

Susanne lead them to her office, which was near the main entrance. Staff and guests smiled and waved at her as the strolled by, she was a popular lady at her resort.

Once behind closed doors, she set out three shot glasses and poured liqueur into them, then handed them out.

“What is this?” Stevie demanded.

“Does it matter?” She asked as they clinked them together.

Setting down her glass she took the bottle and poured the boys another.

“To two-hundred years!” She said, the boys cheered than drank.

The liqueur was strong, very strong! Scotty was no light weight, but as Susanne topped up a third glass he wondered how many he could take!

“To America!” She cried out!

Scotty and Stevie made the fluid disappear in an instant, and she re-poured a forth. Stevie was giggling at a joke that wasn’t spoken allowed and sure what it was about, Scotty laughed too.

After Escort Karaköy the fifth, or sixth shot Scotty put his arm around Stevie’s should and decided to teach him how to sing Oh Canada. Stevie tried, but kept slurring the words. Susanne however unzipped her one piece red jumpsuit, then removed it before folding and laying it on the floor.

Scotty marvelled at the elder woman’s figure, she didn’t look like the eighteen year old girls who usually played with, but she did know a thousand tricks they didn’t!

“No tricks Susanne!” Stevie mumbled as she pulled his shorts down to reveal his semi-hard manhood.

“No tricks…” Susanne said tugging on his beef. “Well maybe one.”

“Ok, one trick, but that’s it!” Stevie said sipping from his glass.

Scotty felt left out, but Susanne hadn’t forgotten him. She pulled his shorts down as well and started pulling on his already stiff boner.

Looking down at the ancient woman blowing him and jerking his friend, Scotty was surprised at how much thicker and longer his friend really was! He knew that had to be that African blood in Stevie’s background that gave him such an appendage!

Scotty also took note that Stevie didn’t wear underwear, he had noticed this before when they jerked off in front of a window whilst staring at a nude woman. Why his friend would forgo underwear left him baffled.

Stevie swore loudly, then declaring the room too hot, he pulled off his shirt. Scotty did the same as Susanne set herself up on all fours.

“Remember!” She announced. “On me, not in me!”

Stevie mumbled a reply about her not being able to get pregnant, then sunk his tick man-meat inside her. She grunted loudly at this, then grunted with each thrust. Scotty laid down in front of her as she commenced with one of her magical blowjobs on his cock.

Scotty watched her work his flag pole with expert skill, several times he thought he’d explode her head with cum only to have her ease off and wait. Stevie had no such restrictions on himself, he fucked faster and faster, then bellowed as he came.

“Dammit Stevie!” She cried out. “Why did you do that?”

“Oh, sorry…” He said in the least apologetic apology Scotty had ever heard.

“Just don’t do it again please!” Susanne said as she turned around.

Scotty looked at the mess of orgasmic juices oozing Karaköy Escort Bayan out of her silver haired pussy, then shoved his pale white spear into her. She didn’t grunt like she did before, but he didn’t care. Her old womb was wet, moist and… squishy, was the best word Scotty could use to describe it.

Susanne pressed back forcing Scotty onto his ass, she then without pulling out she started fucking in his lap. He looked up to see her working hard to bring Stevie’s giant sex organ back to life.

When his friend was tick cock was fully hard, Susanne stroked him as her tongue danced under the head of his penis. Scotty listened to the sounds the three of them made, and it reminded him of something else, from earlier that day.

‘My mother fucked Curtis in that car?’ Scotty thought to himself amazed!

It all made sense now! Scotty found himself overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions. This bewilderment trigger an explosive and unexpected orgasm in Scotty! Susanne didn’t stop pounding his lap, but she did complain.

“Scotty!” She said taking Stevie’s massive rod from her mouth. “You promised not to do that!”

Stevie laughed, then Susanne laughed. Scotty took a deep breath then chuckled along with them. Susanne started fucking his meat, not wanting to miss out on his flagging erection. Scotty squealed, but with two creampies packed into her ancient and loose uterus, it wasn’t the usual discomfort he got after he came.

Scotty’s erection returned quickly, he wondered what Susanne had planned this time. It didn’t seem that she wanted to try anything new, as she kept her pace on his lap as she sucked his friend.

“Hold on as long as you can!” Susanne begged. “I want us all to cum at the same time!”

Scotty had no clue how he’d be able to do that, as Susanne was the one doing all the work!

Stevie laughed deeply as he spoke. “You better cum now Susanne, cus I’m as ready as a buck on the first day of spring!”

Susanne didn’t reply, she had a mouthful of dick to worry about! Scotty didn’t see Stevie cum, but he did hear it! His friend roared louder than Curtis in the love bug!

Scotty came too in a torrent, he also felt it push out the two previous creampies to pour forth on to his testicles. It was warm and gooey as it oozed forth, all three loads mixed into one.

Susanne stood up, dressed, then kissed the boys deeply. Scotty tasted her salty tongue and tried to push the thought from his mind. In a moment she was gone and he lay naked sweating and panting on the floor with his friend.

“Scotty!” Stevie said in a shrill voice. “You promised not to cum in me!”

The two boys laughed as they passed out.

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