
Waco Ch. 01


My name is Will O’Connor. As to looks, I’m about five-eight with straight brown hair, which I keep long enough to tie in a pony-tail. I’m slim, I’d say– definitely not a muscular dude… My wife, Denise, is a sweet-faced, blue-eyed redhead with very pale skin; her looks belie her passionate do-it-all personality that surfaces when she gets turned on. She’s about five-four and very shapely; she knows she’s hot… She normally doesn’t travel with me, though; she enters this story later…

I’m 28 years old, a guitar player, singer and songwriter, trying to build a career in the studio and on the road. I’ve traveled a lot around the U.S., but not much in the South, and I’d always thought of Texas as a state full of well-armed rednecks and straight religious folks– until I played a concert in Waco, where I learned differently.

My crowds are relatively small since I’m not well known, and I often stay in people’s homes to keep costs down. I wound up with a four-night stay in Waco since I’d arrived a day early and the concert following that one had cancelled. When I learned I was going to be staying in a pastor’s home there, I was only a little worried worried– I have relatives in the clergy…

‘I know how to fit in’, I thought. ‘Even if the people are a little rigid, I’ll survive it…’

The pastor, Jon Rogers, and his wife Sara met me at the door that afternoon, and I was surprised to see they were close to my age and wearing shirts and jeans– I had expected an older, formally dressed couple. She had long, straight blonde, almost white hair; his was straight, too, shoulder-length and a lighter brown than mine. Both were quite slender; he was a couple of inches taller than his wife but not quite my height– maybe five-six.

When we shook hands, his brown eyes held onto mine– it was only a second, but there was an intensity there that I didn’t expect. The same intensity was in Sara’s, but she dropped her gaze immediately, blushing… That kind of thing had happened before with other fans, so I dismissed it. We exchanged pleasantries and I followed them inside, carrying my guitar while Jon lugged the suitcase up the stairs and down the hall to the room they had for me.

Sara pushed the door open and motioned for us to follow her inside. “I hope this works for you,” she said, smiling.

We walked into a large room with a king-size bed and a private bath. Jon laid my suitcase down on a chest at the foot of the bed.

“Wow,” I said. “Thank you. This is perfect…”

“Jonny and I have loved your music– and identified so much with your lyrics– ever since we first heard you,” she said, then stopped, taking both my hands and looking up into my eyes; hers were a pale blue. “We’re so excited that you’re staying with us, Will. Let us know if we can do anything for you… anything…”

She kept her soft hands around mine, gazing at me until I looked away, embarrassed, turning to open the suitcase.

I’d have thought that her last sentence was a sexual come-on if it hadn’t been a pastor’s wife delivering it, with him right there in the room! I dismissed even this rather obvious hint as my own invention– I thought about sex all the time, anyway.

“Thank you… uh, I– I’m glad you like my stuff,” I said.

“If you’d like to have dinner with us, we’re going to eat about six-thirty,” she continued.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” I said. “If it’s okay, though, I’d like to get a little rest now…” I’d left Baton Rouge pretty early that morning.

“It’s perfectly okay, Will,” Jon said, putting a hand on my shoulder and smiling at me. “Schlaf gut. One of us will give you a shout if we don’t hear from you before dinner time.”

When they left, I fell back on the bed, my mind immediately going to Sara’s confusing actions. ‘Was it really a sexual invitation? Jon was standing right there when she said it… Is it possible that they both want to have sex with me– or have I made up something suggestive out of nothing?’ I needed to get that cleared up, one way or the other…

I dozed off wondering about it, sleeping for over an hour. I got up, splashed some water on my face and began to unpack a little, putting my things in the dresser across from the bed. As I knelt to transfer my clothes from the suitcase, a lock on the bottom drawer caught my eye. The key was in it, so I opened it, expecting to see a place to keep jewelry or something else valuable. Instead, lying in the bottom of the drawer, on top of some photos, was a note:

Dear Will,

Both Sara and I are intensely attracted to you, both spiritually and physically. What that means to us is that we’d love to be as intimate with you as we can– in every possible way. And, since there are only a few days before you leave, we don’t want to waste any time. Hopefully, these five photos of Sara and me will show you clearly what we mean– and Kocamustafapaşa Escort also encourage you to join us.

We realize that what we’re offering isn’t for everyone, so we’ll wait for you to make the next move– and if you don’t mention this note or the photos, neither will we… They never existed.

However, our hope is that you’ll choose to share all of yourself, including your sexuality, with us. Ecstasy waits behind openness…

With much affection,

Jon and Sara

Of course, I had to look at the photos. The first shot was of Sara sitting sideways on Jon’s lap on a couch, leaning up against him; he was fully dressed and she was naked. Everything about her– her upturned breasts, flat belly, and long legs– was incredibly sexy. The next picture was a close-up of Jon’s hard cock as she licked it, looking lasciviously at the camera; his cock looked very much like mine, which had started getting hard…

Then, she was on her back, legs wide, smiling into the camera as Jon pulled her bare cunt against his mouth; this one was followed by Sara in the cowgirl position on top of him, eyes closed and mouth open, Jon’s wet cock about halfway in her. The last was of Sara on her knees, her back arched with Jon’s cock nearly buried in her ass as both of her hands clutched the sheet. Jon’s six-pack was noticeable in that shot; his ass was rounded and full, too. They wore eyemasks in the pictures…

I was pretty hard by then. ‘Wow… I guess they’re serious,’ I thought. ‘Now what am I gonna do? Act like I never saw this? Nah… That’s not only childish, it’s cowardly and dishonest. I really need to talk with them…’

My hard-on had softened somewhat before I headed slowly down the stairs; I intended to be open with this attractive couple, but I was worried that the very topic of conversation would make things get awkward…

Besides, I hadn’t decided if what they were offering me was wrong (like I’d been taught all my life), or if it was okay– and that I’d been up to my ears in religious bullshit… In either case, I had no plan of what to say… My body said go, in every way, but my head was giving me some speed bumps; I hoped talking would either smooth them out or turn them into a stop sign.

Jon and Sara were sitting at a small kitchen table drinking coffee when I walked in, and they looked up expectantly. I smiled, trying to put them at ease, and asked if there was any coffee left; Sara jumped to her feet to get it.

“Do you like anything in it?” she asked.

“Da woiks,” I said. “Cream and sugar.”

She handed the mug to me and pointed to a chair. We sat down simultaneously.

“Those photos in that drawer were a serious, hard-core turn-on, you guys,” I blurted out immediately. “You’re both very beautiful… and incredibly sexy… but why do you want me to join you? Why me? Do you do this kind of thing very often?”

“Well, there was another person once,” Sara said, looking directly at me with a smile in her eyes, “but that was several years ago. Tad lives in Thailand now…”

“And as for your first question,” Jon chuckled as he began, “We began to think of you like this when we first saw you perform about two years ago at that concert in the east end. It seemed like every line you sang was about us… you knew everything in our heads and hearts… Sara and I both started imagining the three of us together that night– neither one knowing the other one was doing it.

“Last year sometime, Sara finally mentioned that she’d been fantasizing about having a threesome with you. I told her I’d been doing the same thing, and we laughed about it like it was coincidence, neither of us thinking it could ever actually happen… But when we heard you were doing a concert in town again, I decided to do some investigating. Jerry, the guy promoting your concert, is an old friend, so I asked him about your accommodations…”

“…and we could hardly believe it when he said he needed a place for you to stay…” Sara said, blushing. “I thought it could never be more than a fantasy…”

We were quiet for several seconds before anyone spoke; then Jon continued, “I realize that it feels weird to get hit with such strong emotions from people you don’t know, but we feel like we already know you through your songs. And seeing you up close, now, face-to-face… well, it only re-confirms what we feel. I knew that leaving those photos for you was risky– you could easily have thought that we’re just swingers looking for a hot night, or worse.

“I didn’t know how else to get you to consider our request, though, since we’d never met– letting you find those photos seemed less confrontational than a verbal invitation… I was hoping that you’d respond physically when you saw the photos and then begin to think of us positively Escort Kocamustafapaşa that way… and I’m glad you came down to talk to us… I can tell that some difficulty remains, though– we feel like we know you, but you don’t know us at all, even through a songwriter’s filter…” His eyes, large and brown, stayed focused on me.

“True enough,” I said, “and that means that any decision I make is gonna be a shot in the dark…”

“Not completely, Will,” Sara said with an easy smile. “First, I know you can tell we have no motive other than to give ourselves to someone we’ve grown to love and desire. And second, you’re attracted to us, too, or you wouldn’t be here discussing it… So, why not open up and try something new– something that has such a huge potential for excitement… joy… and fulfillment? Why not try us?”

She blushed again. “Oh, wow… I’m sorry, Will. That was quite a pitch… I didn’t mean to get so pushy…”

“So how do we start?” I asked, making them both sit up straight and smile; I chuckled, glad I could surprise them. Actually, I’d just surprised myself… ‘I guess I’m going through with this,’ I thought.

“Seriously… I mean, this first time is really important,” I continued, thoughts forming as I spoke. “Trying to get from here to where we want to be could get really awkward if we assume too much and then try to blunder through…”

They laughed, nodding. “So, how do you see it happening?” Sara asked.

“Do you get high?”

Both of them smiled broadly. “Is a bear Catholic?” Jon responded, laughing. “Yeah, we do, Will… and, we’ve got some really powerful shit, too…”

“Well then, I propose a dimly lit, romantic setting where we get high and naked– in that order… and then we just do whatever and everything we want… You know, whatever feels right… no pain, no violence, though… How does that sound to you?” I asked.

“Perfect,” Jon said, “except, I’m incredibly sorry to say that I have one more appointment this afternoon. I’ll meet you guys back here at six, okay?” We both nodded. “I’ve gotta run…” He got up, went upstairs two steps at a time, came down quickly and disappeared out the front door…

“Counseling,” Sara explained. “Too many people don’t know what to do with their lives…”

I got up. “I think I’ll take a shower,” I said and headed off for my room.

I’d barely gotten my back wet when Sara pulled the shower door open and got in with me– naked, of course. Her platinum blonde hair was tied back, and she pressed her breasts against my chest as she looked up at me with a big smile. My cock was instantly hard– no turning back now. She pulled my head down for a long, deep kiss, then used her hands all over my body as she squirmed against me.

“Jon won’t mind if we start early,” she said softly, panting slightly. “Besides, I’m a slut– I couldn’t wait…”

She took a step backwards against the wall of the shower and looked down at my cock as she stroked it with her small hand.

“Ohhhhhhhhh… that’s so nice and loonnnng,” she said, almost to herself before looking up. “And such a nice, big head, too… do you mind?”

Without giving me time to answer, she dropped to her knees, licking and sucking with a loud moan that only stopped when her mouth was filled. In a matter of seconds, she’d pulled my cock into her throat and her face was against my stomach, her hands on my asscheeks as she pumped the bottom side of the shaft with her tongue. Then she slowly pulled her head away, stood back up and wiped her mouth off, smiling, and kissed me. I stuck my tongue in her throat, tasting the sweat from my cock, pushing against her, pressing my hard cock up against her soft belly.

“I just wanted you to know we’re not playing games, Will. You’re into a good thing,” she said after we ended the kiss. “We really want you to be part of us… Here, why don’t you let me help you shower,” she said, grabbing the gel bottle and squeezing it onto my chest, then lathering it all over my front, finally down to my cock and balls.

She looked up at me. “I know I just licked it clean,” she said, “but I want to hold it again. God, I can hardly wait to feel this thing inside me… Oh, well, turn around and let me wash your back…”

I obeyed, and she washed my back and ass, taking quite a long time on my cheeks, particularly in between them.

“Okay, now you do me…” she said, handing me the bottle as we changed places. I very slowly soaped her shoulders and breasts, moving down to her tiny waist and then between her legs, reaching around to do her round little ass. I explored her anus for a moment, but wasn’t sure just how far I should go.

“You can finger-fuck me in there just as far as you’d like, Will,” she said as she leaned forward against me. “In fact, I’d love it… I’m very… um… Kocamustafapaşa Escort Bayan anal… uh, here– use this.” She handed me a bottle of water-based lube. I turned her so she was no longer underneath the streaming shower, lubed my fingers and slid the first one inside her puckered little hole. She immediately moaned and pushed back on it, squirming on it and squeezing it.

“Ohhhhhhyeahhhhh… another one, Will… do another one, too… ohhhhhhhhhh… Agh! Jiggle it a little, okay?” she asked as I inserted the middle finger alongside the first; it felt like a very tight fit… I did as she asked, then drove both fingers deeper when she began pushing back. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself up, her thighs going around my waist before she lowered her tight, wet cunt onto my cock; my fingers were beginning to slip out of her ass, but she reached back quickly and grabbed my wrist, shoving them in again. She kissed me again, squirming on the double impalement.

Then, as suddenly as she’d started everything, she released me, climbed off and stood back on the tiled floor.

“Just an intro,” she said. “There’s only so much we can do in this damn little shower… If waiting’s not your thing, though, I’ll be in our bed as soon as you’re done here. I’m sure we can find some fun stuff to do until the cat gets back…”

She got out, closed the glass door, and disappeared. I turned off the shower, stepped out and dried myself, then used the blower on my hair. My cock was still hard underneath my robe when I walked down the hall and into the master bedroom. Sara was in a robe, too, sitting cross-legged on the bed with a tray next to her holding wine, glasses, several joints, and three kinds of lube.

She smiled at me and licked her lips as I sat down by her, then lit a joint and handed it to me; we passed it several times before she laid it in the ashtray.

“Can I put on a show for you?” she asked, blushing. “I like Jon to watch me touching myself… I want to make you get hot, too– just from watching me…”

“Of– of course,” I managed to say; what idiot would deny a request like that? “I’d love to watch you do anything…”

She smiled in response, licked her lips, then got up and turned on the stereo– a slow thumping rocker began with breathy, airy vocals. She turned around slowly and let her robe fall to the floor. One hand reached down to stroke her bare cunt… I stared at her perfectly gorgeous body as her other hand moved slowly over it. She stared into my eyes.

“I want to tell you a little story, Will… ‘bout how I got like this… you really need to understand…” She said, turning around quickly and leaning her gorgeous ass towards me. I immediately grabbed it and shoved my face as far between her cheeks as I could get it, curling my tongue up into her cunt as my lips sucked. She pulled away, though, momentarily confusing me, then quickly turned around and pushed me down on my back on the bed. Then she knelt over my head, facing my hips, her cunt right over my mouth. I eagerly buried my face in her delicious flesh, moaning as I wrapped my arms around her hips; I could feel her lips sliding down my cock again… down… down… ohhhhhhh…

I moved a hand onto her full, firm ass and pulled my mouth up tighter against her, shoving my tongue inside as far as it would reach, then using the fingertips of the other hand on her button. Just a few seconds later, it seemed, she began to tremble and push, rolling her hips against my head and my hand. Then her knees opened even wider and I heard her scream around my cock for several seconds before she pulled off of it, gasping for breath, hugging my hips tightly to her, both of her hands on the backs of my thighs.

When she’d caught her breath, she pulled me into her mouth again, but not ravenously like before; her head was now resting on my hip as she stroked my cock and sucked idly on the head, moaning softly.

“I can barely believe that I’m actually sucking you…” she said, her voice husky with lust. “…that I finally got your cock in my mouth, Will O’Connor… and what’s even better is that it’s such a long, perfect cock… and you’re gonna fuck me in every hole with it, aren’t you? That’s what I want, Will… I want you to fuck me in every hole… but… well… in my ass, mostly… mmmmmm… you’re so fucking delicious… mmmmmmmm… ohhhhh, this is so hot I can’t choose…”

I rolled her onto her back and quickly got between her legs, thrusting my hard cock all the way to the hilt in her hot, slippery cunt.

“Ohhhhhhh, baby!” she cried. “I can’t believe it’s you, I can’t believe it’s really you… Ohhhhhh… fuck me, Will… drive that magic cock deeper… ohhhhhhhh… yeahhhhhhh… one more time… ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm… you should make a habit of that one…”

She pulled me down and kissed me, wrapping her legs around me while her hands held my head. She drove her tongue into my mouth, then sucked on mine.

“I’m never gonna get enough of you,” she said, her cunt squirming on me as she looked in my eyes. “Your cock is so fucking long… ohhhhhhhhhhh… fuck me, Long John, fuck me, Will… ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Oh, yes… Oh, yes… oh my God…!”

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