
Sian and Her Twin Sister Ch. 05


Author’s note:

This is the fifth chapter of a longer erotic story so this might not have as many sexy times as you would like. I recommend starting at chapter 1 if you’re new to the story.

All characters that have the sexy times are 18+

As always leave a comment to give suggestions and critique as they help a lot.

Thanks for the comments on chapter 4!

Sorry that this is slightly shorter than the previous chapters. I wanted to get this out since it has been over a month after the last chapter. As a result it might have some errors and seem a little rushed, once again I’m sorry.

The next chapter will be out when it’s done and I’m happy, so don’t expect it quickly.

I’m going to do rewritten versions of chapters 1 and 2 as well, so expect to see them before chapter six.

Hope you enjoy!


There were various noises, which Sian could distinguish between blackouts. The occasional beeping machine and distant sounding voices being the most common. She knew she had been rushed to hospital. She laughed, into the blackness, at the irony of having to be rushed to the hospital after a most wonderful evening with her twin sister the night before.

Sian could feel the bed underneath her, it was hard and uncomfortable. A hospital bed, most likely. She had her eyes closed and could faintly hear various voices and machines mixed into a muffled buzz of noise. Her head felt groggy, like when she had woken up to her bleeding nose. This was different however, her head just felt groggy and heavy. She wasn’t bleeding.

Other senses started to kick into action. Her mouth was dry and she felt unbelievably thirsty. Her entire body felt stiff and she could feel something heavy on her stomach. Sian could smell a sweet aroma as she breathed through her nose, her clear nose. Her right hand felt really warm, compared to the other and she realised her hand was held, fingers interlocking, with someone else’s.

The smell gave away who it was. Lilly was holding her hand. Her twin sister must have her head on Sian’s stomach as well, creating the heavy feeling. Now fully awake, with her eyes still closed, Sian could feel Lilly’s hair on her neck and could sense that her twin sister was the only person near her. She felt that Lilly must be asleep, due to her slow and steady breathing.

Suddenly feeling disorientated at the amount of time that had passed. She needed to know, now.

Opening her heavy eyelids; Sian had to squint, at first, because of the light hurting her eyes. The curtains were pulled around her bed and somehow she could sense it was night. The lighting was actually quite low, the source coming from a hallway outside her room. She had been given a private room; not a good sign.

Lilly was indeed resting her head on Sian’s chest as she slept. She was facing away from Sian, facing towards her feet. Lilly’s right hand entwined with Sian’s and her left arm was curled up and around by Sian’s head. Sian couldn’t see her face, but she could sense that Lilly had been there a while. Lilly looked awfully uncomfortable.

She raised her left hand and ran her fingers through Lilly’s soft hair. It was slightly less fresh than usual. Usually Lilly liked to curl her hair, at least a little, but it was uncared for and uncharacteristically straight.

Sian started to get tearful as she realised the amount of emotional pain Lilly must have gone through. She would have to make it up to Lilly somehow, Sian thought. It was then that Lilly started to stir. Lilly’s hand started consciously gripping Sian’s and her twin sister’s head started to raise and turn to look at her. Sian breathed in deeply as she looked over her sister’s face.

Lilly had bloodshot eyes from crying and she didn’t have her usual amount of makeup on. In fact it didn’t look like Lilly had put any effort into her appearance at all. She actually looked almost ill, she was pale and her eyes were baggy.

Lilly gasped when she saw Sian was awake. She immediately shifted to lean forward and starting kissing Sian repeatedly on the lips and all over her twin sister’s face. It was a very wet and sloppy bombardment of kisses. Lilly had tears running down her face as she hugged herself to Sian as close as she could.

“I’m fine! I’m fine! Stop! Please, Lilly!” Sian had to beg and Lilly finally stopped kissing her.

Lilly pulled her head back to look Sian in the eyes. Her hugging arms retreated and then, very cliché, Lilly hit Sian on the right arm with her small fists several times. Lilly shouting through closed teeth as she did, “Don’t ever worry me like that again!”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Sian laughed. Clichés exist for a reason.

Before Sian could say or do anything, Lilly then leant in and gave Sian a proper kiss on the lips. They both breathed in each other’s scent as they kissed. A very familiar feel, yet it felt almost forgotten.

“I’m sorry Lilly.” Sian said after their lips departed each other’s again.

“No, don’t be. It was my fault that you had started bleeding.” Lilly Telsiz Escort started to tear up again as she continued, “It was my fault! That blow to the back of your head was worse than we thought. Apparently it caused some sort of disruption to your blood flow, the doctor said. You almost had a subdural haemorrhage, or something.” She sniffled and had to wipe her eyes. “They had to give you blood, you had lost so much. They said you might not even make it.”

Sian was once again worried for herself, but that was nothing compared to the pain she felt at causing Lilly to cry. “I’m sorry.” Sian said again; tears streaming down her own face now.

They both broke down into sobbing as they held onto each other. It was some time before they eventually calmed down and started enjoying holding each other again. Their tears were of happiness at seeing and talking to each other again. Sian could feel how weak her body was, she must have been in quite a bad way.

They spoke about what happened since Sian had woken up with her extreme nose bleed until her waking up in the hospital. Almost two weeks had passed. Sian’s body had needed to recover and Lilly had only been allowed to see her twin sister after the ‘critical’ period had passed. Their family was okay and Lilly texted their parents saying Sian was awake; they would be there soon was the reply. Their parents hadn’t gone to the wedding in the end. It was a little past midnight and Sian was appalled that Lilly hadn’t been offered a bed since she was staying overnight; apparently the hospital was quite busy with it being the summer holidays and they didn’t have any to spare.

Lilly had apparently spent only six of the nights that Sian had been in hospital, at home. Only when Lilly hadn’t been allowed to see Sian, because of her ‘critical condition’, had Lilly stayed at home. Ever since her family was allowed to visit her, Lilly had spent night and day by Sian’s side. This made Sian tear up more than anything. Lilly truly does love her, even to the point of not leaving her side.

Even when it meant sleeping in a chair, Lilly hadn’t gone home. Apparently the only time Lilly had left the hospital was to get more clothes from home and the things she would need to stay at the hospital. The staff had even brought her hospital breakfast and dinner every day. Sian’s private room also had an on suite toilet with a sink and shower. Once Lilly had gotten her things, she had never left.

Sian was truly touched at how much Lilly cared about her. Sian told her so as well, but Lilly made sure Sian didn’t feel guilty about it. It was easy because of how much Lilly loved her.

Her parents visited her soon after she had woken up and stayed with her throughout the morning. It was still early in the morning when Megan and Eve visited as well but the parents left soon after. The day was a blur as she repeatedly fell asleep. Even just talking for an hour at a time exhausted Sian and soon it was just her and Lilly again.

She also had several visits from doctors and nurses throughout the day and eventually a very typical, almost cold hearted doctor told Sian that she would have to be careful for quite a while. Something to do with very slight brain damage that would give her serious problems if she were to have any more knocks to her head. He talked with cold precision about how she could get random headaches or light headedness and maybe even the occasional nose bleed. He said they shouldn’t be too bad, but to immediately come to the hospital if they got worse. Sian could have sworn he contradicted himself when he said not to worry too much as they would eventually stop happening. Just before he left, he also instructed Sian to take all the care she could, for the next year at least, with regards to travelling and going to college or work. He also recommended Sian reframe from driving until told otherwise.

It wasn’t unexpected, given the critical condition she apparently was in, but Sian would have been depressed if it wasn’t for Lilly’s company. Hearing that she would have to be careful, for an entire year! At least! She was frustrated with how her ‘condition’ would affect the next year of her life, at least! She was effectively disabled, albeit temporarily.

Eventually, very late the same day she woke up, Lilly wheeled her out of the hospital in a wheelchair to Lilly’s car and took her home. It was a fold up wheelchair and the doctor recommended keeping it just in case, he had said. Not a good sign, Sian thought.

Their parents had taken the day off in their jobs to see Sian home and make sure she was made comfortable. Sian couldn’t help feeling it was mostly just a gesture that they do care, at least a little. It was Lilly that attended her every need, even helping walk Sian to the bathroom.

Life returned to normal for everyone else apart from the twins during the next day. Sian was sitting up in bed watching TV while Lilly snoozed beside her. It was getting towards one in the morning, of the day after, but Sian’s sleeping pattern was very Escort Telsiz off. Lilly of course didn’t mind at all that Sian was staying awake. She couldn’t exactly go to sleep, but she didn’t care, Lilly was just happy that Sian was mostly okay and home safe.

Sensing that her twin sister was still awake, Sian asked a question that had been in her mind since getting into bed after returning from hospital. “Lilly? What did everyone say when they saw our bed?”

“Hmm? Oh, they actually thought it was, aw-yaaar!” Lilly yawned loudly half way through her sentence but continued on without missing a beat, “they thought it was actually quite clever. They said it was a good idea because it made our room feel bigger and that it didn’t matter if we were technically sleeping in the same bed because we’re twins.”

“Really? That’s good then.” Sian smiled happily at how easily they had gotten away with it. She couldn’t help but start regretting not having this relationship with Lilly years ago. She also started feeling a bit down about her ‘condition’ so decided to at least try and go to sleep.

Turning off the TV, Sian threw their room into darkness just before she threw the controller for the TV somewhere over the side of the bed. Even though she didn’t feel tired, Sian just wanted to hold Lilly. Sian snuggled up to her twin sister for a change and breathed in Lilly’s sweet scent. It was actually starting to annoy her that she couldn’t think what Lilly smelt like; something… sweet. Lilly’s smell would forever be connected to Sian’s memories of being in bed. It would now be the smell of waking up and going to sleep for her.

“I haven’t forgotten; I still need to take your virginity, don’t I?” Sian sensually whispered into Lilly’s right ear. Lilly was lying on her back, still not yet asleep.

Lilly did feel wide awake upon hearing Sian’s whispered question however. “Mmm, yes. You do.” Lilly bit her lower lip as she whispered back. Despite her immediate arousal, Lilly’s caring nature once again pushed to the forefront of her mind. “Not tonight though. You need to get your strength back.” Lilly almost chastised Sian; motherly scolding Sian about not considering her health.

Lilly could sense Sian’s pout as she silently huffed and fidgeted. While Sian obviously didn’t like being reminded of her weakness right now, Lilly was right and Sian made no objection. Sian made a mental promise to herself not to let her head injury get in the way too much.

They stayed awake for a while, talking about how Sian would need help around the house for at least a couple more weeks. Both of them knew that if anyone else was telling Sian this, she would not accept their word at all. Lilly would be the one taking care of her however, and that made them both happy.

Sian eventually fell asleep with Lilly, both smiling and sleepily kissing as they did. Lying face to face as they held each other close and finally falling asleep together.



Her twin sister’s head was throbbing painfully the next morning as Sian woke up. Lilly had woken up with Sian, due to her sister’s moan of pain. She didn’t mind at all. Sian wasn’t bleeding and that was good. They still needed to get Sian the prescription for pain killers the doctor had recommended. That would be the first priority for the day, Lilly thought to herself.

“G’ morning” Lilly said, then yawned herself more awake.

It only took a moment for her mothering mode to go into action. Lilly was quickly fussing over Sian, propping her twin sister up in bed and going to get her breakfast.

In her groggy, very similar to a hangover state, Sian couldn’t keep up with Lilly and just mindlessly did as she was told. Not moving too much and rest. Before she knew it, Lilly had already gotten Sian her pain killers and was tucking Sian into bed again.

Despite Sian’s protests of not wanting to be confined to bed, Lilly was unpersuadable and unstoppable.

Sian was still very tired, most likely due to the drugs still in her system and now the pain killers; but she couldn’t stop her prideful side and refused to let herself fall asleep

Apparently the day was now a Monday. Their parents were at work as usual but Sian’s two other sisters were at home, on the sweltering summer’s day.

Sian and Lilly’s older sister knew better than to keep Sian from resting and only came in to check on her a couple of times throughout the morning and afternoon.

Their younger sister Eve was hardly ever out of their room, however. Constantly talking about nothing of any importance, Sian thought. She was not able to get the strength to tell her to FUCK OFF and instead had to resort to ignoring Eve as best as possible.

Sometime after noon, Lilly eventually rescued Sian from Eve’s unintentional torture, telling her to give Sian some rest and was rewarded with the silent treatment from Sian for not coming to the rescue earlier.

Once again the day seemed to be a blur to Sian’s memory, only this time for different reasons.

Bringing Telsiz Escort Bayan Sian out of her silence wasn’t easy but eventually Sian forgot about it. “How are you? Do you need anything?” Lilly once again asked for the umpteenth time. This time was different, drawing an analytical look from Sian because of Lilly’s obvious tone of preluding to something.

The slight blush growing on Lilly’s cheeks caused Sian to start growing suspicious. Ignoring Lilly’s preluding question, “What are you thinking?” Sian asked pointedly.

Well this might go badly, Lilly thought to herself. “Um… Do you want me to help you have a shower?”

Anger would have been her first response normally but it only took a second for Sian to laugh instead. “Wow, what a leading question.” She sighed, but quickly thought it over and saw her opportunity. “On one condition.”

She had never played poker before but Lilly felt that Sian would easily beat her at doing a poker face. Lilly couldn’t see or sense Sian’s thoughts at all. Sian was obviously forming some sort of plan but she only had a vague idea what.

Lilly knew how this ‘shower’ could end, but it was going to happen sooner or later; Lilly made the excuse for herself again.

Of course Lilly had to say yes to the one condition but Sian didn’t tell her what it was. So soon they were both naked in the shower. Even though Sian wasn’t at one hundred percent, Lilly still kissed and caressed every inch of skin that was revealed when taking off Sian’s clothes.

Lilly took off her own clothes and together they stepped into the warm rain of the shower. They thoroughly enjoyed rubbing body wash over each other. Taking turns and using only their hands, they lovingly stroked and squeezed each other’s skin. Releasing the tension in each other’s muscles, they massaged their twin sister’s naked body.

Sian, being the slightly more athletic and toned of the two, usually was tenser in her muscles. However Lilly’s whole body was stiff and painful to even the gentle massaging of her twin sister. It was painful, but it was a good pain.

Lilly stood, completely naked in the shower as the water streamed down her body. Her head tilted back with her eyes closed, she stood and allowed her twin sister’s hands to glide over her skin.

Crouching down in front of Lilly, using Lilly to block the water from getting in her eyes; Sian massaged up Lilly’s legs. Squeezing and releasing and rubbing Lilly’s muscles. Firmly using her fingers spread wide to press into Lilly’s smooth legs.

Up from her ankles, up her calves and even further, right up to Lilly’s hips.

“Uhhh. That feels sooo good!” Lilly cried out.

Sian just smiled as she continued to massage up and down Lilly’s legs repeatedly.

Once satisfied that her sister was very much relaxed; Sian’s hands started getting more adventurous. She held onto Lilly’s right leg with her left hand on the outside of Lilly’s thigh and ran her other hand up the inside of her thigh. Taking advantage of ‘while I’m down here’ thoughts.

She was so relaxed by now that Lilly’s whole body jerked at the sudden jump in how sexual the massage had become. Looking down, she saw Sian grinning up at her as Sian’s hand continued on its inevitable path up the inside of Lilly’s thigh.

“Oh, I see. So you’re going to seduce me?” Lilly fully realised Sian’s intentions and jokingly asked. Suddenly she felt nervous that this would most likely end with her losing her virginity, as she had thought before getting into the shower.

“Mmm, I can’t wait. Let’s go to the bed.” Sian said, and to emphasise her desires she started to rub her fingers up Lilly’s labia.

“Hmm, yes okay.” Lilly quickly caved despite her nervousness.

As exotic as having fun in the shower was, it was immediately apparent how rather uncomfortable it would be. Their curiosity about doing things in the shower now dashed, they quickly wrapped towels around themselves and rushed back to their bedroom.

The door was barely shut and locked before they were ripping each other’s towel off and jumping onto the bed together.

Lilly was of course still nervous about losing her virginity but was caught up in Sian’s girly excitement. Their hair and bodies were still wet but it didn’t matter as they urgently pulled each other close, lying on their sides facing each other. Their tongues chased each other as they kissed. Their hair plastered to themselves and each other. Their wet bodies sliding against their twins’ and their legs entwined.

Lusting like she was, meant Sian soon broke their kiss and started travelling down Lilly’s body with her lips and tongue. She started trailing her kisses down to Lilly’s breasts occasionally licking her twin sister’s skin. Quickly she found her first reward in the form of Lilly’s right nipple. Sucking it into her mouth, Sian proceeded to lick Lilly’s nipple and areola almost desperately; like she was dying of thirst but could only be satiated with Lilly’s skin.

Pushing Lilly onto her back; Sian’s heated passion brought absolute delight and pleasure to Lilly. Lilly had missed the physical side of their new found relationship. They had only just started to explore the pleasures of each other before Sian was rushed to hospital. It had almost seemed like a dream that had turned into a nightmare and then ended.

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