
Two Wheel Desires Ch. 09

Big Tits

Leaving Gary lying in the courthouse parking lot with his mother hovering over him, I drove back to my apartment for peace and solitude.

I should have felt happiness but instead, I felt just the opposite. Seeking a way to rid myself of the deep depression, I drank the only bottle of Scotch I had, downing it straight from the bottle. It relieved my tensions but not much else. Taking a few aspirins, I stretched out on the bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

The phone rang a few times during the evening but I didn’t bother to answer it, knowing it had to be someone asking how the divorce hearing went. That was the last thing I wanted to discuss with anyone.

It was around midnight when I awoke to the sounds of thunder and rain. Strolling out to the patio doors, I looked out at the lake. The rain streamed down the glass, blurring my view but I stood there, looking out anyway. I felt alone, a feeling I always hated. The ringing of the telephone startled me for a moment but I hesitated to answer it. At this late hour it had to be a wrong number. I listened to it ring, hoping each one would be the last.

Going back to bed, I tried to sleep but all I did was toss and turn. With no one to cuddle up with, the feeling of loneliness consumed my thoughts. I thought about calling Kelly and asking her if I could borrow her husband for the night. I wanted a warm body to hold me, not for anything else. Realizing how ridiculous it sounded, I put it out of my thoughts. Somehow I managed to fall asleep, listening to the storm pass towards the east.

I awoke around 7:30 Saturday morning. I didn’t hear it raining but I wanted to make sure. Rushing to the patio doors, I saw the morning sun breaking through the clouds. It looked like a good day for riding. Slipping into the shower, my mind mulled over various places to ride. It really didn’t matter as long as I was out riding.

While I was getting dressed, the phone rang. At first, I thought about ignoring it but it continued to ring incessantly. I decided to answer it, if for no better reason than to get it to stop ringing.

“What’re you wearing?” My father inquired.

“Believe me, you don’t wanna know.” I replied, wearing just my bra and panties.

“Ok. I won’t pursue that any further.” Dad jested with a laugh.

“How about joining me for a day of golfing?” He inquired. “Before you say no or come up with some bullshit excuse, I just thought we could spend the day together.”

“Well…I was planning on going out riding today.” I stammered, trying to turn his invitation down without getting him upset.

“Oh…well…perhaps another time.” He responded, sounding disappointed.

“What course are you going to play?” I asked, having second thoughts.

“Pebble Creek.” My father replied. “I haven’t played there for awhile. I used to shoot par for thirty-six holes.”

“How about I meet you there?” I suggested. “I won’t play but I’ll drive the golf cart and try not to laugh out loud.”

“Wonderful!” Dad exclaimed. “I’ll meet you there in an hour!”

With my plans suddenly changing so did my wardrobe for the day. Instead of leather riding gear I wore black dress slacks and a frilly white blouse with high-heels. Granted it wasn’t what you’d wear to play golf but I wasn’t planning on playing. Being my father’s golf cart chauffeur, I wanted to look nice for him.

Arriving at the golf course, I drove slowly through the parking lot, looking for my father’s Hummer. The “Black Beast” as I called it was easy to spot amongst the other vehicles since it sat high above the ground. He’d spent several thousand dollars having his Hummer tricked out at one of the local performance shops. I figured it was to impress his golf buddies more than anything. At least that’s what I accused him of.

Spotting my father standing with a group of his friends near the first tee, I strolled out across the lawn towards them. Dad put his arm around my waist, squeezing me into him.

“Gentleman, this is my daughter, Kaitlyn!” He announced, sounding proud of the fact. “She’ll be joining us so she can watch me whip your butts!”

Dad introduced me to the other members of his foursome. All were about the same age range as my father, in their mid-fifties. I couldn’t remember their names but I remember two of them were prominent physicians and the other was an advertising executive from Chicago.

The foursome teed off, driving their balls straight down the fairway. I didn’t laugh like I thought I would, seeing they looked like they knew how to play. Sitting behind the wheel of my father’s golf cart, I sped off across the manicured grass. I was waiting for my father to inquire about the divorce settlement but he jabbered on about the new golf balls he was trying out. I’ll have to admit, I was enjoying myself even though I wasn’t out riding one of my motorcycles. The air, smelling of freshly mowed grass, was an added bonus.

The foursome had just finished playing the fifth hole when someone suggested we take a break for some liquid refreshment. Artvin Escort A large cooler, strapped to the back of one of the golf carts, had cold beer iced down. I wasn’t all the thirsty for beer so I split one with my dad.

“So, you’re a single woman, I take it?” Dad questioned, after getting me off to the side.

“Yeah. It’s over.” I muttered. “Gary didn’t get a dime except what was his.”

“That was a helluva gamble.” He declared. “It could have gone the other way.”

“Everything’s a gamble.” I proclaimed. “Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you.”

The foursome played eighteen holes before breaking for lunch at the clubhouse. The men made over me like I was some sort of guest of honor. I figured it was all the beer they’d been drinking so I didn’t think much about it. Still, I did enjoy their attentions.

My father wanted to play another eighteen holes but none of the other gentlemen seemed to have the energy for it. I think they were just tired of losing to my father but they wouldn’t admit it.

“How about you Kaitlyn, you wanna call it a day?” Dad asked, hoping I’d say no.

“Not really.” I answered. “I don’t mind driving if you wanna play another round or two.”

“Great!” He exclaimed with a grin. “I was hoping you’d say that!”

About to tee off on the first hole, two guys approached us, asking if they could join us since they’d never played the course. Seeing they were quite young, both in their mid-twenties and novices to the course, my father just had to engage them in a friendly wager!

I didn’t catch their names but their looks I took great notice of. Both guys were extremely handsome with fairly athletic builds. While one of them had short, light brown hair, the other had slightly longer dark hair with gel grooming agent in it. Both were neatly dressed in Docker dress slacks. The short haired guy was wearing a tan polo shirt, the other, a light blue dress shirt.

My father teed off first, driving his ball halfway to the moon. Both young men stood with their mouths open, then looked at each other like they’d been duped. Neither of them were very good golfers, topping the ball or missing short putts but they seemed to be having a good time.

“I’m not doing worth a damn today!” The dark haired guy grumbled approaching my golf cart. “I’ve never play this bad!”

“Perhaps you need to keep your eyes on the ball?” I suggested, looking over the top of my gradient tint glasses. “Instead of looking at me!”

“I was hoping you hadn’t noticed that.” He blushed.

“Ohhhh…I noticed.” I muttered flirtatiously, looking away from him.

“I’m Brock Townsend.” He stated, extending his right hand. “Sales rep for Barton Pharmaceuticals.”

“I’m Kaitlyn McConnell.” I responded, clasping his hand. “Vice-President of the Regency Investment Group.”

“Oh.” He muttered, quickly releasing my hand.

“That bothers you, I take it?” I surmised, stunned by his reaction.

“Ah…no. It’s just…” He stammered, not knowing what to say

“That’s alright.” I spoke up, controlling my anger. “I get that reaction once in awhile.”

The guy walked away but I sensed he’d be back to apologize. He just seemed like the type who couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t.

Finishing the ninth hole, Brock had yet to approach me but I noticed him glancing at me whenever he got the chance. My father suggested they join us for a drink at the clubhouse. He offered to buy since he’d taken both men for fifty dollars. They eagerly agreed, getting over their embarrassment rather quickly.

Sitting out on the clubhouse patio, we drank cold beer and watched the other golfers. My father was chatting with the short haired guy, something about the golf balls he was playing with. Brock was looking out over the course, avoiding a conversation with me.

“Well Dad, I’ve got to be going.” I affirmed, rising to my feet. “I’ll see you Monday.”

“Ok Hon.” Dad responded, barely interrupting his ongoing conversation.

I leaned down, putting my arm around Brock’s shoulders. My actions caught him totally off-guard.

“And as for you Lover!” I whispered in his ear. “I hope you fuck better than you play golf!”

I walked away, hurriedly striding, hoping he’d follow. I didn’t have to look back. Hearing Brock’s sneakers running over the brick pavers, I knew he was catching up with me. He slipped his hand around my waist, lightly at first, to get my reaction and see if I was serious.

“I’ll drive.” I asserted, retrieving my car keys from my purse. “You’ll need to conserve your strength.”

“Are you always so bossy?” Brock asked as I sped out of the parking lot.

“Sometimes…sometimes not.” I replied with a smirk. “Does that bother you?”

“Let’s just say I’m the one who’s in control when it comes to sex.” He replied. “So I want you to be prepared.”

Arriving at my apartment I had my blouse partially unbuttoned before I reached the door. Brock was right on my ass, pushing the door open as Artvin Escort Bayan soon as I had it unlocked. I made a beeline for the bedroom, unfastening the last of the buttons. I could feel Brock’s hot breath on my neck.

Tossing the blouse to the floor, I worked feverishly at the zipper on my dress slacks. Brock was out of his sport shirt and Dockers, leaving them in a pile by the doorway. Kicking my high-heels off, my slacks quickly followed. Reaching for the clasp at the front of my bra, Brock wasn’t about to wait.

I found myself flat on my back, lying diagonally across the bed. Brock pressed his lips to mine; kissing me like no man had ever kissed me before. I felt myself succumbing to his desires as our lips worked over each other’s. We were both gasping for breathe when we broke our kiss. Brock’s heated breath wafted over my face but just an instant. We kissed again, this time much softer but just as passionate. We were like two animals trying to devour each other, savoring the taste of our kiss.

Our bodies quickly warmed to the point of perspiring. Our lips parted for another quick gasp of air. Lifting himself off me, Brock unhooked the clasp on my bra, slowly spreading the cups apart. His hands gently massaged my breasts, watching my nipples growing hard and erect as he stimulated me. His breathing seemed more labored than ever. My hands brushed over his arms as he continued working my breasts. Leaning down he suckled gently on each nipple bringing an immediate gasp of from my lips. Grabbing the back of his head with both hands, I arched my back, crushing my breasts to his handsome face. At that moment, I never wanted any man more than I wanted Brock

His moist lips kissed down over my tummy, stabbing at my bellybutton with his tongue. Sweat was dripping off his forehead onto my tummy as his mouth reached the elastic waistband of my panties. I lifted my hips to allow Brock to wisp my panties off. Lying completely naked before him, I watched as his eyes took in every inch of my perspiring form.

Brock’s fingertips traced lightly down my legs, provoking me into spreading my legs. His touch was gentle and soothing but it was driving me crazy with desire, filling my mind with lustful thoughts. His lips kissed slowly up my thighs, getting closer and closer to my pussy. My juices were flowing, dampening the entrance to my pussy. His tongue licked lightly over them, sending electrical spikes up my back.

“Ohhhhhhh Brockkkkkk, fuckkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeee.” I moaned over and over

His lips continued teasing me, taunting my sexual desires until I screamed out. The orgasm jolted my entire body, trapping his head between my paralyzed legs. Quivering and shaking uncontrollably, I tried to roll onto my side but Brock’s strength was more than I could match. He held me tight, teasing my clit to keep the orgasm ongoing. It knocked me out for a few moments. All I could see was black, then blurred sunlight. I was breathing so hard, my lungs hurt with each gasp.

I felt the bed move when he climbed off to remove his white cotton briefs. Brock hovered over me, waiting until my eyes could focus on him. Leaning down he kissed me lovingly, brushing his lips lightly over mine.

“Oh God…I want you sooooo bad!” I muttered.

Brock eased my legs apart, positioning himself between them. His cock was long and thick, poised to impale my wanton pussy. He guided the mushroom-shaped head to the folds of my pussy, parting them. The juices, flowing from my pussy, lubricated the head, allowing him to slide it deeper and deeper inside me. I was flushed with desire, feeling his beautiful cock sheathed deep inside my pussy.

Fully impaled on his cock, Brock fucked me slow and easy several times before pulling me up into his arms. My ankles locked around his waist, my breasts crushed against his near hairless chest as we rocked back and forth. We held each other close, savoring the sexual stimulations we generated for one another. Small but frequent orgasms gradually sapped my strength. My hands were steadily losing their grasp on my lover. My clit was sore from having Brock rub the shaft of his cock over it.

Sensing I’d had enough, Brock repositioned me on my back. Thrusting in and out of me, I took pleasure with every stroke as his tempo increased until he was slamming into me. Brock was gritting his teeth to prolong the experience as long as possible. My orgasm was rising faster than I could fight it back.


Thick jets of hot cum flooded into my pussy, mixing with my juices. Brock kept pumping into me, sweat dripping off his chest onto mine with each labored stroke. He froze for just an instant, then collapsed, pinning me to the bed. His breaths came in long, deep gasps for several minutes.

Brock finally managed to roll himself off me. His eyes were glazed, staring up at the ceiling. Our bodies were covered in sweat, the sheets absorbing the perspiration Escort Artvin along with our cum.

“Give me a few minutes and we’ll go at it again!” He laughed, turning to face me.

Even though I had a smart-ass remark to counter with, I didn’t make it. It would have only ruined the feelings I was experiencing.

Brock’s hand glided over the sheets, grasping mine. He entwined our fingers like he was never letting go. I was dying for something cold to drink…and a cigarette but I wasn’t about to give up the intimate feelings we were sharing.

Minutes passed with neither of us moving a muscle or saying a word. We just lay there, staring up at the ceiling. The air conditioner gradually cooled our bodies, reviving some of our energy.

I was about to drift off to sleep when Brock rolled onto his side. Placing his lips over mine, we shared a prolonged, intimate kiss.

“How about something cold to drink?” I suggested, wanting to quench my parched throat.

“Sounds good!” Brock replied. “Anything but beer!”

Following me out to the kitchen, we shared a soft drink. Brock lifted the back of my short robe, checking out my tribal graphics tattoo at the small of my back.

“Bet that had to hurt.” He commented, running his hand lightly over it.

“Yeah but not as bad as the tattoo on my ankle.” I responded, lifting my left foot up so he could see it better.

“You’re big into tattoos? Brock asked.

“No. These two are all I’m gonna get.” I answered. “That’s enough.”

Lighting up a cigarette, we returned to the bedroom. I wasn’t sure if Brock wanted to leave or not. He was picking up his clothes, searching for his briefs. Finding them, he tossed his clothes onto a chair.

“You wanna grab a shower?” I asked, relieved that he wanted to stay.

“If you’ll take one with me?” He responded with a grin.

Stubbing out my cigarette, we rushed into the bathroom. Brock adjusted the spray and the temperature while I put out some fresh towels and washcloths. Soaping up washcloths, we took our time washing each other. Brook’s hands gently massaged my body, spreading the soap over every inch of my warm flesh. The smile on his face led me to believe he was enjoying it as much as having sex. I washed his athletic frame, thoroughly soaping his body.

Pulling me into his arms, we kissed passionately until our lips hurt. Holding each other tight, we stood under the warm spray, taking pleasure in sharing our body warmth. Quickly rinsing off, we stepped out of the shower to dry ourselves.

Brock’s dick was growing hard. He tried using the bathtowel to cover his arousal but he wasn’t having much luck. Reaching over, I snatched the towel from his hand, tossing it on the vanity.

“You seem to have a problem.” I quipped, taking his cock in my hand, teasing the sensitive head with my fingernails. “I better get to work on it.”

“Hmmm. Whatcha got in mind?” Brock asked, smirking.

“How about I suck the life out of it?” I murmured in a sexy tone of voice. “I’d love to find out what you taste like.”

“Really!” Brock exclaimed, looking quite stunned.

We made a hasty retreat back to the bedroom. Brock was harder than ever, his cock protruding proudly from his groin. Lying on his back, his head resting comfortably on a pillow, I stroked his shaft, my fingertips tracing lightly over his throbbing flesh. He was succumbing to my stimulations, gritting his teeth, his entire body tensed. I had an inkling he’d never had a blowjob. If he hadn’t, I was going to make sure his first one was most memorable.

Tightening my grip around the base of his beautiful cock, I lowered my mouth slowly to the mushroom-shaped head. Brock was watching me intently, his eyes growing large. I stuck my tongue out, licking all around the head of his cock, covering it with my heavy saliva.

“OHHHHH GODDDDD!” Brock moaned, his body shuddering. “GEEZZZZZZZ!

I glanced up at Brock, giving him a malicious grin. Sliding my mouth slowly down his hot shaft, I took as much of it as I could, feeling the head hit the back of my throat. Brock’s body arched uncontrollably. I gradually pulled my mouth back, lubricating his shaft with my thick saliva. Brock relaxed but only for a second. I plunged my mouth downward, engulfing his cock until my lips touched my hand, still grasping his shaft.


I kept plunging my mouth up and down on his cock until I felt he was nearing a climax. Pulling my mouth off his cock. I massaged his balls, feeling the warmth permeating into my hand. I let his body calm down, waiting until his breathing was less labored. I massaged his legs, easing the tense muscles in his thighs. Brock was watching my every move, his eyes looking at my face, then at my hands.

Leaning over him, I dribble a huge glob of saliva from my mouth. It landed directly on the head of his cock, slowly running down his shaft. His eyes grew wider when I slammed my mouth down hard on his cock, sucking his shaft as hard as I could.


Tightening my grip at the base of his cock, I pumped his hard shaft with my mouth until he begged me to stop. His balls exploded their nectar, spewing warm cum down my throat until I choked.

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