
Building a Dream: Part Twelve

Big Dick

Building a Dream: Part Twelve

Continues directly on from when Jay has finished telling her husband Steve about the unplanned orgy with the three wives and has just asked how he and Manus got on with getting into the house in Dorking to check out the paintings.

“So, how did you get on?” Jay asked. I wasn’t sure how to answer. I knew I had to tell her that both me and Manus had fucked Sonia but how I would go about that was an uncertainty.

“We got on okay,” I replied, trying not to sound guilty. “We met Sonia, got in the house and saw the paintings. They really are quite stunning, although she has reframed them into some cheap, crappy ones from Ikea.”

“Why would she do that?” Jay asked, rubbing bubbles from the bath up and down her arms. I told her about the antiques dealer and his interest in the paintings and how he tried to ‘blag’ them into his possession by saying the frames were worth something but not the paintings.

“Just what Lovejoy would do,” Jay said. I nodded in agreement, my thoughts exactly. “What’s she like?”

“Very attractive and fit,” I blurted out before checking myself. “I mean, for her age, she’s kept herself that way through yoga and staying healthy.”

“Really?” she asked, lying down in the bath again until only her head was above the water. She looked at me with a suspicious look as if she knew there was more to this than what I was telling. “How did you get in the house?”

I told her how Manus had blagged that he was a pornographer and wanted to film a porno there and how she had reluctantly considered it before letting us in.

“She’s trusting,” Jay said. “You could have been anyone. You could have been muggers, robbers or rapists.”

“It was our natural charm,” I said, squirming a bit, knowing that I had to tell her the full story soon. “She was quite relaxed with us and very open about Neil and his horrid brats. From what I can gather, Neil’s a bit of an abusive twat.”

“In what way?”

“She said there’s certain things that he wants to do to her like anal and weeing on her. When she doesn’t give in to his demands it’s a quick, emotionless hard bang with no consideration for her. They haven’t had sex for a year.”

“She told you all that?” Jay said, sitting up in the bath and now taking more of an interest and looking at me even more suspiciously. “Why would she tell you that? That’s a very personal thing to tell two strangers she’s only just met.” She carried on rubbing bubbles up and down her arm then looked directly at me and asked, “What happened there exactly?”

This is it. I had to be honest. I took a deep breath and replied,

“We had scoped the house out, found the paintings, took pictures and were ready to go when she offered us a cold drink. I was gagging for something cold so we stayed to chat for a bit. But the conversation led to her confessing to being a nude model years ago. Manus said she was still a beautiful woman and offered to prove the fact by taking some nude pictures of her. He said it was for his private portfolio and that she could have copies. So, she agreed and we went upstairs and she stripped off for us. It must have turned her on because she didn’t need much persuasion to start playing with herself. After that, one thing led to another and we ended up fucking her. Both of us. I’m so sorry. Really very sorry. It just happened and although I could have walked away, but I didn’t. I really am sorry.”

To my surprise Jay smiled and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.” she said, reaching for a towel. “After everything that’s happened to us this week, it really doesn’t matter. How many times have I been fucked this week and by how many different men? I’m starting to lose count. For fucks sake, I had a female gangbang not a couple of hours ago. You’ve already fucked Kylie and Katy so why should I be bothered or surprised if you fucked someone else. We’re only here for three more days so let’s just say that for the remaining time we’re in London, we just let go and enjoy ourselves. Judging by the way things have been going so far, I reckon I’m going to get laid again so why should it matter if you get laid too? Let’s agree that ‘whatever happens in London stays in London.’ We’ll be home and back to normality soon so it doesn’t matter. Will Manus tell Sara?”

“Yes. He reckons she’ll be okay with.”

“Well, if she’s okay with it then I certainly am. You achieved the objective. I’m actually feeling a little proud of you.”

This was a surprise. A nice surprise. She got out the bath and dried herself before wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a long kiss. “I love you; you love me and we’ll always stay with each other. That’s what’s important. What was she like, this Sonia?”

How do I answer that one?

“She certainly seemed to enjoy it. She’d never had a threesome before.” I said hesitantly

“Neither had we until this week. Good for her.” Jay replied folding the towel on the rail before we went into the bedroom and she picked up the hairdryer. Before she switched it on she asked. “So what now?”

I told her we had been completely honest and told Sonia everything and how she was willing to give us the paintings on the condition that an actual porno was filmed there with Sonia in a starring role.

“That’s a bit odd, isn’t it?” Jay asked running a brush through her wet hair. “She’s just had her first threesome and now she wants to star in a porno?”

“I think she just wants a bit of revenge on Neil, not to mention that she’ll get laid, several times no doubt. Manus is going to ring her when we’re ready which, hopefully, will be in the next couple of days before we go home.”

Jay looked at me and said smiling, “I’m looking forward to meeting Sonia. This plan is going to take a bit of organising though. Are we meeting Manus and Sarah tonight?”

“Yes,” I replied. “And I said we’d let Katy know so she could come along.”

“I bet you did.” Jay said giving me sly glance. “Well, I’ll be keeping my legs firmly shut tonight. I think I’ve had enough up there for one day.” At that she switched on the hairdryer and commenced getting ready for the evening while I rang Manus and then Katy.

A couple of hours later we arrived at a Chinese restaurant in Soho’s Chinatown where Manus and Sara were sat at a round table waiting for us. The girls sat together with Manus and I sat either side, the spare seat between us waiting for Katy who arrived shortly afterwards. Sara and Jay were whispering something to each other that I couldn’t quite hear but I had no doubt what the subject was. We ordered drinks and a ***********ion of food that soon arrived and was placed on the lazy Susan in the middle of the table. We ate amongst general conversation; Katy telling us about her photoshoot in an artist’s studio where she did the models makeup for that afternoon and Sara telling us she had met with a gallery owner to look over some pictures. No mention of what else had happened to anyone that day was bought up until we had almost finished eating.

Sara put her chopsticks down and said, “The gallery owner I met up with today is someone I’ve dealt with over the years. I asked about the possibility of getting some legal copies quickly made of the paintings and it’s a big zero. It can’t be done in such a short space of time. Six months is the earliest he could manage”

“I don’t think we have six months,” I said pushing my bowl away. “There’s an antiques dealer sniffing around the paintings at the moment. If he turns up when Neil is there and makes a cheap offer then we might lose them.”

“Hang on, hang on,” said Katy looking at all of us. “You need to back up a bit. I’m a bit behind here. You haven’t told me how you got on today in Dorking.” Manus looked at me and I gave a slight nod sideways towards Jay, letting him know that she knew what we had done.

“Well,” he quietly said to Katy. “Today we got to the house, met Sonia and told her everything. She’s going to help us.”

“That’s kind of her,” Katy said, looking at me and Manus. “How did you manage that?”

Manus didn’t reply straight away. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully as he said, “Well, we were kindly invited in and we got talking.”

“You got talking.” Katy said in a suspicious tone, again looking from one to the other.

Manus was about to reply when Jay said shaking her head, “What Manus is trying to say is that they both fucked her. She’s now on our side. Cheers” she raised her glass of Sake to which we all hesitantly clinked our own glasses, apart from Katy who was wide mouthed in total surprise.

“What the fuck!” she exclaimed as we all took a sip from our drinks. “I think I need to hear about this.” Between me and Manus and without being too graphic with the sex de***********ions, we described our time in Dorking and how Sonia has decided to help us, providing we do the porn film with her in a starring role.

“Wow!” Katy said topping up her Sake glass. “You guys are unreal. Is there five minutes in your day that any of you don’t have sex? Jay, what did you do today? Please tell me it wasn’t anything like these two rascals.”

“I went shopping and had lunch with the wives of three of the men who gangbanged me. We then went back to our hotel and had our own lesbian orgy.” Jay replied quite nonchalantly.

Upon hearing this, Katy, Manus and Sara all looked at Jay with surprise on their faces.

“Oh fuck!” Exclaimed Sara, a big smile on her face. “You did what?”

Jay gave a little laugh and told everyone how she had been set upon by them in the hotel room, how they told her they knew she had fucked their husbands and what followed after. She didn’t hold back with the details either, at times, being very graphic. Manus, Sara and Katy were agape as they listened to her. The odd comment of ‘nice, nice,’ came from Sara as Jay described how she had been arse fucked with a strap on and exclaimed, ‘Oh my goodness!’ when Jay said how she bit Cheryl’s clit which threw her into the almighty orgasm.

Jay finished telling them and sat back, content with all she had said. “I also told them about Kylie and that we’re planning on getting the paintings back. They’re offered their services and I don’t doubt the husbands will be roped in as well and I’m sure Simon and Jim will be persuaded as well.”

“Wow! Said Katy, wide-eyed, still in shock.

“Wow! Said Sara raising her glass in salute to Jay.

“I wish I could have filmed that,” said Manus also raising his glass.

“You people are unbelievable,” said Katy looking slightly flummoxed. “Sara, please tell me you didn’t shag the gallery owner?” Sara shook her head and replied, “No. Albert is too old for me and a good friend. I haven’t had any action today, well, not yet.” With that Manus jumped as Sara had evidently grabbed his cock under the table.

“Me neither,” said Katy, although she did briefly look at Jay as she said this who winked back at her. “So what now?”

“Now,” Manus said pulling out his wallet and indicating to the waiter that we were ready to pay and leave. “We need to go and see our friend at the sex shop, or rather, the real pornographer.”

We left the restaurant and made our way through Soho in the direction of the sex shop; the girls walking together arm in arm while me and Manus followed. Occasionally the girls would stop and look in a shop window before continuing and reaching our destination. The same shopkeeper was behind the counter when we entered and recognised us as he did a double take while serving a customer.

We approached the counter and he gave us a smile. “Hello guys,” he said shaking the offered hands from all round. “How are you all? You alright?” he said to Jay having seen her earlier in the day but not indicating that he knew her.

“I’m fine thanks. Sorry about earlier. I was with some, er, friends.” She said.

“No worries. Discretion is my middle name, well, it’s actually James, but you know what I mean. I’m Brian, by the way. What can I do for you all?” he asked looking at the five of us. Manus leant on the counter and led the discussion.

“You told our friends here that you do a bit of filming on the side. Would you be Beylikdüzü Escort interested in a project we’re planning?” Brian looked at each of us as we nodded and smiled with Manus’s request.

“It depends,” Brian replied. “What do you have in mind?”

“We’re looking at doing a full-length film. Well, probably about an hour, maybe more. It will be filmed in a private house in Dorking. Interested?”

“Maybe,” Brian said. “Hang on a minute. STACEY! THE DILDO’S DO NOT GO WITH THE BUTT-PLUGS. THEY GO IN THE NEXT AISLE.” Brian was shouting at a girl who had a trolley full of boxed goods that she was unpacking and placing on the shelves. She must have been about nineteen or twenty. Very blonde, very slim, very attractive. She looked back and shouted in a squeaky voice, “Sorry Brian,” before picking up the items and placing them back in the trolley before moving off to another aisle.

“Sorry about that.” Brian said, shaking his head. “She’s my neighbour’s kid. She hasn’t lasted more than five minutes in any job she’s had and you can see why. Great looks, great body and, according to local gossip from the lads in the pub, a great fuck. But nothing up here,” he tapped the side of his head to indicate the meaning. “Her dad asked if I could give her a chance and, well, you can see how it’s going. She mixed up the gay gangbang videos with the straight gangbang videos the other day. It took ages to pull each one out and put back in the proper place.”

He shook his head as we all watched Stacey push the trolley to another aisle and scan the shelves for the correct spot. She walked up and down the aisle and seemed lost as if she couldn’t find where they were meant to go.

“Poor kid,” said Sara watching the girl as she seemed to get flustered trying to find the correct shelf. “You lot talk; I’ll go and help her.” She walked up to Stacey and led her to the correct empty shelf and proceeded to assist her in opening the boxes and stacking the shelves.

“Where were we?” Brian said his attention back on us. “Right, you want to film a porno in a private house in Dorking. So, you’re thinking of a feature, not just a private film?”

“That’s right,” I said. “It will have a proper story line of burglars breaking in and the lady of the house giving in to their demands to stop them stealing anything.”

“Classic,” said Brian. “Been done many times but the old one’s are the best. So, is it just the lady and three men?”

“No,” Manus replied leaning closer and saying quietly. “It will probably turn into a bit of an orgy. The willing participants include at least seven, possibly eight women and maybe eight men. Ideally, we would like this to look as professional as possible. Can you do such a film? It may have to be done in the next couple of days”

Brian stood deep in thought for a few moments before answering, “I reckon so. I can get cover for the shop, but, depending on exactly how you want the film to look, I may need to use two, possibly three cameras which means I’ll have to get someone to help and maybe one of your people, if they’re not too busy at the time.”

“Sounds good,” Manus said smiling.

“Although I will need some decent lights. Lighting makes all the difference and I just don’t have anything like that.” Brian ran his massive hand through his beard as he thought of a solution. “I might be able to hire some. I’ll have to look into it.”

“What about Paul?” Jay chipped in. “He may be able to help with the lighting.”

“That’s right.” I said, realising what Jay meant. “He works for a photographer. Maybe he could borrow some lighting from there.”

“That would do it,” Brian said. “A couple on tripods and maybe a reflector screen would be handy.”

A young couple approached the counter, giggling and trying to discretely hand over a vibrator they wished to purchase. We stepped away from the counter to give them some space and privacy while Brian took their cash and put the item in a plain carrier bag which the girl took and left with her boyfriend, very quickly.

“Okay, let’s not hold you up any longer.” Manus said shaking Brian’s hand. “We’ll talk money another time, if that’s okay?” Brian nodded and they swapped numbers with the promise to speak once we had spoken to Sonia about when the house would be free.

“Where’s Sara?” asked Katy looking around. Above the shelving we could see Sara’s blonde hair with her back to us down an aisle so we headed in that direction. Stacey was bent over placing the last of the Dildo’s on a lower shelf while Sara stood behind her, admiring the young girls arse in her tight jeans.

“We’re all sorted,” I said as we approached them. “Brian’s going to do it.”

“Excellent,” said Sara turning to us. “We’re all done here as well, aren’t we Stacey.” Stacey stood up and from close up; I could see she was a stunner. Cute, tight arse, great tits and curls of her natural blonde hair falling down over her pretty face.

“Thank you so much for helping,” she said to Sara and gave her a hug. I think it was meant to be a brief ‘thank you’ hug, but Sara held on to her a little longer and a bit tighter with a stray hand brushing over her gorgeous arse.

“That’s alright Stacey.” She said giving her a peck on the cheek. “You’re very welcome. See you soon, yes?”

“Sure, cool,” Stacey replied as we headed for the exit.

Outside Sara said to us, “I’ve promised to meet up with her and help her to write out some proper job applications. I’ve got her number.” She held up a small piece of paper and flapped it around like a small trophy. “And yes, before you ask, I fully intend to fuck her.” We all laughed at the comment before Katy asked,

“So, what do you guys want to do now?” We all looked at each other shrugging our shoulders and unsure how to answer. We had only planned to meet for dinner and hadn’t considered where to go next.

“I’m knackered.” Jay said and she did look it. I could see that she was flagging and it was no surprise after all the earlier shopping and what followed. “I think I would like to just go back to the hotel and sleep.”

“Okay,” I said to Jay. “Let’s get a cab back.”

“No, no,” Jay said giving me a quick kiss. “You stay out and have fun. I just really need some sleep.”

“I think I will call it a night also.” Manus said rubbing his temples. “I’m actually not feeling too clever myself. Since we got back from Dorking I’ve had a bit of a headache and it is now, as you British say, ‘thumping.’ Share a cab?” He asked Jay who nodded tiredly as he beckoned a passing black cab. Sara kissed him asking if he was alright to which he nodded and kissed her. “I think a good night’s sleep will help.” “Okay,” she said hugging him. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

“Try not to wake me when you get back.” Jay said giving me another kiss as Manus opened the door of the cab for Jay to enter before he got in. The three of us who remained watched the cab leave and stood on the pavement all looking at each other, waiting for a suggestion on what to do next. Katy broke the silence.

“Back to mine for a coffee?” Sara looked at me and nodded to which I nodded back. “That’s agreed then.” Katy said and, taking us both by the hand, led us across Charing Cross Road towards Covent Garden. Ten minutes later we arrived at her flat. The front door was between two shops just around the corner from the old fruit and veg market, now a trendy hang out. There was an entry system that had three buttons and names besides them and looking up, I noticed it had three floors, one for each flat. Kylie unlocked the door and led us up the wide and plushly carpeted staircase to the top floor to her flat, the only one on that floor. She unlocked the door, went in, threw her keys in a bowl on the telephone table by the door and beckoned us in.

The flat was outstanding. We walked down a short hall with doors leading off to, I presumed, bedrooms and bathroom into a large and spacious living room with modern furnishings and lots of bookcases full of books. The kitchen was large and open planned leading off one end of the room. This too was extensive with a large range and all modern appliances. The whole flat was neat and tidy with nothing out of place. Katy told us to sit while she made the coffee. Sara and I looked around then at each other and instantly took our shoes off. There were two large sofas and an armchair all facing a large, plasma TV. I sat on one while Sara made herself comfortable on the other, putting her feet up on a footstool.

The walls were adorned with film posters going back through the years from the 1930’s, among photographs of Katy with the celebrities she has worked with through her TV and film work. The size of the flat and its location said to me that either Katy charged a lot for her skills or she had won the lottery.

Katy bought three cups of coffee through on a tray and having passed one each to Sara and me, sat on the sofa next to Sara, also putting her feet up on the footstool. Sara asked if she could use her loo and Katy pointed down the short hall from we had come in. She excused herself and left the room. We drank our coffee in silence, enjoying the taste and aroma. It was very good coffee and, judging by the flat and furnishings, probably expensive. Sara returned and I excused myself so I could go.

The bathroom was large, clean and tidy. It had a big bath running along the far end wall below a large window and a large, long shower cubicle, big enough to fit at least eight people, on the left side wall. I was surprised by the addition of a Bidet. I don’t know anyone who has one of them, until now. Having relieved myself and washing my hands using some expensive soap and drying them on some very luxurious towels, I returned to sit to finish my coffee.

“You had quite a day then?” Katy said to me as she sipped her coffee.

“You could say that,” I answered, not really wanting to say too much about what happened with Sonia, especially with Sara being close. “At least we’ve got a result with the paintings.”

“You certainly have and we get to make a porno. Yay!” Katy said with a cheeky smile and giving a little clap. “I presume we all get to appear in it. That would be fun. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“It’s easy,” Sara said cradling her coffee cup. “You just let yourself go, exaggerate your orgasms and have fun but remember not to look directly at the camera.”

“You’ve done one?” Katy said with a bit of astonishment. It didn’t surprise me, to be honest. Judging by what Sara had told us about what her and Manus get up to in Amsterdam.

“I’ve done one, yes.” Sara answered. “Manus arranged it for our wedding anniversary about ten years ago. It was an eight-man gangbang and, oh boy, it was great. It was filmed in a private studio by a well-known Dutch pornographer. Only three copies exist. We have two of them and the pornographer kept the other. It’s online on a Dutch porn website somewhere. I really should look it up one day”

“What’s it called?” Katy asked, standing up and picking a large tablet from the table before sitting back next to Sara and turning the device on.

“It’s called, ‘Sara de gelukkige huisvrouw en de kostgangers.’ Which translates as ‘Sara the happy housewife and the boarders.’ Here, let me type it in.” Sara took the tablet and typed on it in Dutch before scrolling through some sites and saying, “Here it is.”

She placed the tablet on the footstool and Katy beckoned me over to sit between them so we could all watch. It was a large tablet with a large screen so she put the film on full screen and pressed play.

The film started with a much younger Sara dressed only in a Basque and stockings sprawled on a sofa reading a book. Two men appear and casually start a conversation in Dutch.

“I don’t speak Dutch.” I said as the conversation started on the screen.

“Nor me,” Katy said, getting comfortable between me and Sara.

“Don’t worry,” Sara explained. “The talking is irrelevant. The premise of the story is that Sara, me, lives in a big house with eight lodgers or boarders. She is relaxing before going out for dinner with her boyfriend, you’ll see Manus later. Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan Two of the boarders get chatting to her, complimenting her on how sexy she looks. She likes that and things start to happen. Then the other six appear and the gangbang really gets going. At the end of the film you’ll see Manus appear who will fuck me last, but not before a lot of action. Do you want to watch it all? It’s nearly an hour long and you might see some things that may surprise you about us.”

“Like what?” Katy asked, her eyes not leaving the screen where Sara is on her knees alternatively blowing the two guys.

“Watch and find out. If you think what happens is too much for you, I’ll stop it.” Sara made herself comfortable and put her feet up next to the screen as the film played.

Judging by the different angles of what went on throughout the film I estimated that here must have been at least three discretely placed cameras to capture the action, one of which must have been hand-held to get the close ups.

After about ten minutes of Sara blowing the guy, she mounted one guy and was bouncing on his cock while blowing the other stood before her as the other six guys walk in. They looked stunned at the action on the floor in front of them before they all strip off and join in. Sara blew each guy in turn while still riding the guy. She then climbed off, laid on her back and three guys took turns fucking her while she carried on wanking and sucking the cocks offered.

She then got on her knees and a big cock is slowly inserted in her arse which makes her gasp but then shout with joy. The guy fucks her arse for a while before it gets replaced by another cock who fucks her for a short while, then another and another until each bloke has a turn in her arse. All the while she carried on wanking and blowing the other guys. She then mounts a guy and as she’s riding him a cock gets quickly shoved in her arse and another in her mouth. Each man using his movements to fuck her in every hole. This carries on for a couple of minutes.

The cock in her arse being replaced about three times before she climbs off the guy underneath and mounts another lying next to them. This time she guides the cock slowly into her arse before proceeding to bounce up and down on him, his cock fully entering her arse up to the balls. She then stops and another cock is lined up against the one in her arse. It slowly forces its way in beside the already implanted cock and pushes in until both cocks are in her arse. We could see Sara’s knuckles turn white and a small scream come out of her as she gripped on to the rug below her while her arse was stretched and filled by two very fat cocks. The new man’s cock slowly begins to jab into her, rubbing against the cock already implanted in her and making both move in and out fractionally with each thrust.

Sara is clearly enjoying it and is screaming some Dutch words of encouragement as she takes the pounding which has sped up to a steady rhythm. After a couple of minutes, the cocks leave her and she lies on her back, allowing three men to take turns to fuck her normally. None of them cumming but getting close enough to stop and be replaced by another. She then gets on her knees and a guy starts fingering her cunt with two fingers, then three, then four before lining his thumb against them and slowly pushing his hand into her, curling it into a fist as he went. As he fists her, she carries on blowing the guys lined up in front of her, quickly going from one cock to another. The fist in her is turned slowly from left to right and enters a bit more each time until the fist and wrist are pressed deeper into her. It speeds up its turning in her and begins to move in and out faster and faster until it is like a piston pushing her to any limits she may have. At that point, she let out a scream and squirts around the wrist in small jets, juice leaking out and pooling on to the rug below.

After a couple of minutes the fist is gently removed and Sara collapses on the floor, lying on her front and panting to get her breath back. Someone turns her on to her back and kneeling over her head, puts two fingers in her mouth to pull it wide open and hold it there. The men lean down and took turns to spit in her mouth, nothing really vile, just thick globs of collected saliva which collects on her tongue before dribbling down into her throat. She attempts to swallow the gathering pool of spit several times before the fingers are removed and she takes a big gulp. Three men kneel over her face, wanking over her face while her legs are lifted up high by two others and a cock is quickly slid into her arse.

The three men start to moan and murmur as they wanked, all pinching her nipples with their free hands. They then cum within a split second of each other, cum landing on her face covering her cheeks, nose and filling her open mouth. The man in her arse then groans and judging by the pace he had picked up, starts cumming in her arse. The man slowly withdraws and is replaced by another who starts thrusting into her, no doubt desperate to unload after holding back for so long. The remaining three men kneel over her face and repeat the procedure of the others; pinching her nipples and pointing their cocks close to her face as they came in long, ropes of pearly white cum, covering her face and her closed eyes. One man rubs the cum from her eyelids allowing her to watch and encourage the man fucking her arse to cum deep in her which, within a minute of hard thrusting, he did. Sara let out a scream and threw her head back, flicks of cum splashing off her face and on to her hair and shoulders as she felt her arse filling with a second load of the warm, creamy liquid.

The man stops and slowly removes his cock. The camera pans in on her open arse and catches a pool of both men’s cum starting to trickle out.

Sara stays lying on the floor and the men stand over her and give her a clap. Through her cum covered face you can see her smile as she thanks them in Dutch and English. A surprised voice is then heard and the camera turns to the door to show a Young Manus enter. No one moves as he walks and stands over Sara, wagging his finger in a jocular manner as if he is giving her a telling off. He says something in Dutch and points to a door leading off from the room.

“He is saying that I’m a dirty slut and that I need a shower,” Sara told me and Katy who, I had only just noticed, had her hand under her skirt and was clearly playing with her pussy while watching the film. “Watch this.”

The men helped to pick Sara up and she slowly walks into a bathroom which had a big shower unit which Sara enters and kneels down in front of the open sliding door. Manus pulls his cock out of his trousers in front of her and starts to piss over her face, one of the cameras having entered the booth with Sara to get a clear shot. She keeps her mouth open as the hot jet fills her mouth, which she closes, swallows then opens again. He aims his cock around her face and pisses at the cum lying there, forcing it to slowly slide down and on top her shoulders, arms, tits and stomach. He stops pissing then leans down and gives her a big kiss; Sara’s tongue covered in cum and piss forcing its way into Manus’s eager mouth.

Manus steps back and undresses before entering the shower and he helps Sara to her feet before bending her over and slipping his cock into her open pussy. Sara holds on to the side wall of the shower for support before each man in the bathroom approaches and pisses on her face and into her open mouth, Sara swallowing as much as she could each time. One at a time they all did this while Manus picked up his pace and gripped on to her shoulders for support, enabling him to push deeper with each thrust.

Several minutes passed until each man has pissed on Sara leaving only her and Manus fucking in the shower. Manus then starts to groan and picks up his pace before clearly cumming, his eyes tight shut as he releases all his cum into her very wet and stretched pussy. Sara yells as she cums in unison and a slight jet of her own cum is released from her as Manus eases his pace. He slows down and pulls his cock out and helps Sara to stand up having been bent over for so long. He turns her around, kneels down and pulls one of her legs up before placing his open mouth under her pussy and catches his cum as it starts to drip out between her pussy lips. He then clamps his mouth to her hole and sucks the remaining cum out, all the while swallowing as the cum flows down and into his throat.

Satisfied he has caught it all he puts his hands on Sara’s hips and moves his head back a few inches just as Sara pisses on to his face and into his mouth. He shuts his eyes and lets it flow over him and repeats the process of filling his mouth before closing, swallowing and opening again. It slowly subsides to a trickle and he clamps his mouth to her pussy again, sucking any remaining piss and cum from her. Satisfied he had caught it all, he stands up and they step out of the shower hand in hand to receive another round of applause from the guys stood around. They give a little bow before the screen goes blank and the film credits appear.

“Fuck,” Katy said as she withdrew he hand from under her skirt. “That was fucking brilliant! Oh fuck, Sara. They spat in your mouth and pissed on you. Fuck. I never thought that could be a turn on but, well, Steve. Feel this.” Katy took my hand and placed it under her skirt and I could feel how wet she was through her panties. I rubbed her pussy lips through the material and my fingers came back wet. She was sopping. I took my hand away and, as Katy watched me, I licked and sucked each finger. The moment was interrupted by Sara, who asked,

“What do you think?”

“I think,” Katy said standing up. “That I need to change my clothes before I ruin my sofa. I spent three grand on that and there’s no way I’m going to wreck it with pussy juice.” She stepped out of the room as Sara shut the tablet and looked at me for an opinion on her ‘acting’ abilities.

“Bravo,” I replied moving across the sofa to give us both a bit of space after being in such close contact for the past hour, and also to hide the erection that had sat in my trousers throughout. “You certainly looked like you enjoyed yourself.”

“Oh, I did,” she answered standing up and picking up our coffee cups, placing them on the tray and taking it to the kitchen. “Manus did too, as I think you’ve gathered already.”

Sara came back and resumed her seat and put her feet up on the footstool, her long legs stretching out from under her short dress. “It was a great anniversary present but did take four hours to film.”

“Four hours?” I exclaimed. “How could it take that long? The whole film is only about an hour long. Did you have to stop during the filming?”

Sara nodded. “Oh yes. Some of the men needed ‘perking up’ occasionally and I got cramp a few times. Clever editing and a resumption of the positions is the secret. That’s something to consider when we do our one.”

A voice behind us said, “Well I liked it.” Katy had got changed, or rather, a bit undressed as she came back in the room. She had changed out of her day clothes, and wet panties, and was now only wearing a T-shirt with a very deep V in the front. She leaned down in front of us sat on the sofa to pick up her tablet from the footstool and we both got an eyeful of both her tits down the V of her T-shirt. She moved the tablet to a side table and as she bent forward to plug the charger plug in a socket to recharge the device, it was clear that the T-shirt was all she was wearing. I could feel Sara’s eyes on her as, along with my own, we stared as her T-shirt rode up giving us a clear view of her bare arse and pussy.

She went into the kitchen and I heard the kettle being put on again. Sara leaned in close to me and whispered, “I fancy fucking her tonight, what about you?”

I must admit, I really wanted to fuck Katy again but would it be wrong without Jay being here? I ran through what she had said earlier about ‘what happens in London, stays in London,’ and how she declared that we would both get laid again before we went Escort Beylikdüzü home. The temptation was there but it was getting late, I was tired and Katy may not be up for it anyway.

“I don’t know,” I said quietly back. “That would be up to her. It’s getting late and she may want us to leave soon. I think I’ll probably have another coffee then get back to Jay.”

“Okay, you’re probably right. Let’s have that coffee and see what happens.” She nodded towards my erect cock, sitting in my trousers, excited again at seeing Katy in her manner of dress. “What are you going to do about that though? Surely you’re not going to wake Jay for a fuck, are you?”

“No, I can wait until tomorrow or have a wank.”

“I’ll tell you what.” She said, moving over and leaning close so her lips were almost touching my ear. “If we do just leave here after our coffee, we’ll find a quiet spot somewhere and you can fuck me. Deal?”

I was a bit taken back at the proposition and thought about it for a few seconds. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I said quietly turning my face to hers. “I’ve already fucked one person today behind Jay’s back and, even though she was cool about it, I’m not sure it would be right to do it again. And there’s Manus to consider also. We’re becoming good friends with you both and I wouldn’t want to do anything that would ruin that.”

“Where do you think Manus is now?” she whispered. “I don’t think he’s gone straight back to our hotel. I think he’s offered to walk Jay back to her room and is currently deep up to his balls in her arse.”

“No, I doubt that.” I said, although I wasn’t sure and Sara knew it.

“I don’t,” she said. “He’s probably turned on a bit of charm and has made it up to your hotel room. He’s buried his head between her arse cheeks, got her nicely lubed and wet and now has her on her hands and knees and is fucking the life out of her as we speak. Trust me. I know my husband.”

She’s probably right, I thought to myself. Jay’s sexual tension this past week has made her a different person and whether she’s tired or not, if Manus had turned on a bit of charm, she probably had her legs wide open and was letting him do whatever he wanted as we sat there drinking coffee and watching porn. I made my mind up.

“Okay, you’ve got a deal.”

Sara moved back across the sofa and smiled at me as Katy bought our coffee’s over and passed them to us before kneeling on the floor in front of us.

“I’m still too wet,” she said as she took a sip. “The carpets easier to clean.” We chuckled at that as we too sipped our drinks. Sara then asked her, “What did you like about the film?”

“Everything. I’ve seen a good few gangbangs at Kenny’s but this went beyond them. The spitting was a surprise. I thought that spitting in someone’s mouth would be disgusting but you looked fine with it and I found myself actually enjoying watching them do it to you. I really liked the fisting. I’m fond of watching that. Never tried it myself as I think I may be a bit too tight, but one day maybe. But the Watersports. Wow! I’ve seen it a couple of times of film but seeing someone do it who you know is totally different. I admit, it turned me on. It really turned me on. I don’t know why, it just did. It seemed dirty; it should be dirty, yet somehow erotic at the same time.” Katy’s eyes widened as she said this and I imagined her getting wetter as she thought more about it. “What is it like? I mean, does it taste bad?”

Sara shook her head smiling after sipping her coffee. “No, not at all. If the wee had been sitting around in their bladders for a couple of hours then it would have been richer, which could be unpleasant. But after they had all cum, we took a break for half an hour and they all downed a couple of pints of water. I had to sit there with cum dripping off my face while we waited. In fact, so much had started to drip off we had to get the two cameramen to wank on my face to top it up. By the time the guys were ready the piss was fresh and it doesn’t taste too bad. I’ve don’t it plenty of times since with both men and women. Manus and I still do it to each other when we’re in the mood.” She described the experiences so ‘matter of factly,’ as if it was an everyday occurrence of her sex life.

Katy drank her coffee in silence and by the look on her face, was clearly thinking about what Sara had said. Noticing this and, having drained her coffee, Sara leaned forward to Katy and asked, “Do you want to try it? Would you like to try it with me?”

Katy didn’t answer straight away. She pondered on it for a few moments before draining her cup and asking, “Do you mean that you would wee on me or I wee on you?”

Sara got up from the sofa and kneeled on the floor opposite Katy. She put her arms around her and said, “Whatever you will be comfortable with doing.” Katy looked like she was about to answer but before she could do so, Sara leaned in and kissed her to which Katy responded, wrapping her arms around Sara’s neck as their tongues met and explored each other’s mouths.

They kissed for a few moments before Sara slowly pulled Katy’s T-shirt up over her head and discarded it on the floor, placing her hands firmly on Katy’s tits and pinching her nipples as Katy clung tight to Sara’s neck to resume the passionate kiss. They kissed for a little while; Sara caressing Katy’s tits while Katy ran her hands down over Sara’s tits and squeezing them through her dress before lowering a hand down and between Sara’s legs causing Sara to moan when Katy’s fingers found her pussy.

Sara pulled away and lifted her dress off over her head; her big tits and pierced nipples with small rings attached coming free leaving only her panties which she laid on her back and tugged off, throwing them at me to catch. She grabbed hold of Katy and they were soon rolling around on the floor with tongues exploring mouths and nipples as they groped, caressed and explored each other’s bodies for the first time. As they embraced and kissed Sara ran her hand down to Katy’s stomach down to Katy’s very wet pussy; Katy opening her legs wide to allow Sara to explore and probe with her fingers as they rubbed her lips before inserting two fingers easily in and up to the last knuckle. She moved them in and out causing Katy to break her tongue away from Sara’s mouth and moan out loud and pant with the movements within her. Katy moved her own hand to Sara’s pussy and copied the probing and fucking with two, then three fingers. They both laid on their sides, legs wide open as they finger fucked each other; Sara adding another finger to the two already fucking Katy and lowering her head to suck and bite hard on Katy’s already hard and red nipples.

I watched with an aching hard-on in my trousers but I made no move to join in. I love watching two girls together and didn’t want to spoil the moment nor break the momentum of what has happening before me. I just hoped I would be allowed to participate at some point soon.

Katy sucked on Sara’s nipples and occasionally stopped to pull the nipple rings lightly between her teeth which bought out little yells from Sara who clearly enjoyed the sensation. She then kneeled up and turned so that she could lick and taste Sara’s pussy, offering her own to Sara so she may do the same. Sara opened her legs wider to allow Katy to clamp her face to her pussy and I could hear sucking sounds as Katy attacked and sucked Sara’s clit making her shudder as Sara planted her own face on Katy’s pussy. They clung on to each other’s arse cheeks as they sucked and licked the sodden pussies, little moans coming from them both as they pleasured each other. Katy was lying with her back to me and I could see Sara’s hand’s clinging on to Katy’s buttocks, one hand rubbing up and down the arse crack before pulling the cheek wide open so I could see Katy’s small, puckered arsehole that Sara started to probe with the tip of a finger.

Katy moaned on Sara’s pussy as she felt the tip enter and slowly push further in, stopping at the first knuckle before Sara withdraw it, lifted her face away from Katy’s pussy and leaned up between Katy’s legs to spit several times on the small hole. She returned her mouth to Katy’s pussy and again probed the arsehole with her finger, gently pushing in a little before withdrawing and pushing in again. This carried on until she had the finger fully in causing Katy to yell and pant as Sara picked up a pace as she finger fucked Katy’s arsehole.

Katy moved on to her back so Sara could lay fully over her, keeping her arm under Katy’s arse cheek so she could keep the frantic fingering on her arsehole. Katy continued sucking on Sara’s pussy as she moved a hand to her arse cheeks and parted them revealing Sara’s own arsehole. She moved her mouth away from the pussy and firmly planted her face between the arse cheeks, her mouth movements clearly showing that she was probing Sara’s arsehole with her tongue, probing and sucking on the tender hole as she moved a hand to Sara’s pussy to rub the clit fast and hard.

Sara let out a shriek and sped up her jabbing in Katy’s arse, adding another finger and then lunging with her tongue and teeth on Katy’s clit. From between Sara’s arse cheeks I heard a muffled shriek from Katy at the intensity of what was happening to her own arse and clit. Both girls now moaned continuously as they kept the onslaught going, the moans getting more frequent and louder as they approached their climaxes. Sara pulled her head back and let out a scream as she came first, drops of her cum splashing down on Katy’s tits as her clit and arse carried on receiving the probing tongue and rubbing fingers.

Sara squeezed her eyes shut, let out a further yell and attacked Katy’s arsehole with more vigour, fully plunging her two fingers in and chewing on the clit which made Katy fling her head out from between the arse cheeks and shout “YES, YES, YES, FUCK!” as she also came. I could see Sara’s face getting wet from Katy’s pussy as it squirted a little, splashing down on the rug and Sara’s hand, moving like a blur as it quickly plunged the fingers in and out of the arsehole.

Katy laid her head back on the rug and said to Sara, “Stop, please stop, I’m fine. I’m done” Sara pulled her fingers out of Katy’s arse and moved up to lay next to her to kiss her. They laid for a little while in a soft embrace, kissing gently between heavy breathing while their bodies recovered.

I hadn’t moved. I had stayed firmly where I sat watching the action before me. I still had my hard-on and as I watched the girls lay on their backs next to each other relaxing, I wondered if that was it or would I get a turn on either one of them.

Sara leant up on her elbow and stroked Katy’s face. Her blonde hair was completely dishevelled and hanging down over her face. She had that ‘just been fucked rotten’ look and it was a very sexy look. Although I knew I was starting to develop feelings for Katy, it was Sara I really wanted to fuck right now.

“Enjoy that?” she asked Katy who had got her breath back and was now visibly relaxed

“Fuck yes,” she replied running her own hand over Sara’s face. “That was great. So, so great.”

She looked over at me and smiled then looked back to Sara. “That was so good. I think being very turned on by the film with all the spitting and the weeing helped. I got so turned on watching that. I was so ready for that orgasm. ”

Sara looked up to me and winked before looking back down on Katy. “Open your mouth.” She said. Katy looked a little surprised at the request before the penny dropped on what Sara was asking. Keeping eye contact with Sara she opened her mouth wide over which Sara leant and after building a collection of saliva in her mouth, she dribbled down and onto Katy’s tongue. Katy didn’t move; she allowed the frothy liquid to pool on her tongue until Sara stopped. She closed her mouth and swallowed showing no signs of reluctance or disgust.

Without being asked, she opened her mouth again and Sara repeated he action, dribbling more this time into Katy’s open mouth then following it with her tongue so she can kiss and mix the saliva more with Katy responding. They stopped kissing but Sara stayed leaning close to Katy saying, “Would you like me to wee on you now?”

Katy didn’t looked shocked, nor surprised. She didn’t reply, she just nodded.

To be continued in part thirteen when some Watersports take place and the group get together and start planning.

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