
Coming Down on Daughter Ch. 05


I want to apologize for the gap between chapters in this story.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. This story is only going to get hotter and hotter so stick with it.


Waking from a pleasant dream, Ashton stirred. Her eyes opened sleepily and as reality dropped back down on her like an anchor falling determinedly to the ocean floor she quickly became aware of two particular oddities.

Though she realized within a set of her own heartbeats that, yes, she laid in her own bed, and yes, it wasn’t quite 6 a.m., thus she was on schedule for the day, she wasn’t alone. She was laying on her side and there was a heavy body spooning her from behind and an arm draped over her mid-drift.

Just as her right hand flew up to her face to clear some stray strands of hair out of her face and wipe sleep from the corner of her eye, her memory returned to her of the circumstances in which she went to sleep.

I slept with my brother last night! What the hell is wrong with me? The thoughts came rushing to the front of her mind. Ohhhh, but he has such an amazing cock, and his body is so sexy, too! And that orgasm he gave me! I can’t believe I squirted! Ugh, my pussy is super sore. And what is that hardness underneath — Oh! Wow.

The realization came to her easily. Clearly, her brother was sporting an erection and it was splitting her legs, resting right underneath her vagina. A “morning wood” as they are referred to by the male sex, something Ashton heard her brother talk about on occasion. Common or not among males, this one was different.

For one, Ashton was feeling her brother’s cock underneath her. Secondly, it wasn’t just underneath her. Ashton reached down to massage herself, to feel how wet she was because though she felt sore, she also realized she felt amazing. She was warm, she was cuddled and she felt genuinely aroused. Her sex was pulsing. An electric wave was slowly coursing its way up her groin through her body and into her brain.

As Ashton fingered herself, she kept brushing her brother’s hard shaft and she soon realized how far beyond her mound it extended. There was ample cock for her to grab and stroke if she dared! She was amazed. It seemed to her like it was hers, coming off of her own body.

Ashton’s hand flew up to her mouth. She was a little nervous, uncertain what to do. She felt her brother’s breathing coming rhythmically just behind her head. He seemed to be still soundly asleep. He had no idea he was fully erect and resting just another his sister’s hot sex (for it was undeniable at this point). At the same time, she knew they needed to get up and get ready for school, and furthermore, that she wanted some cock in her mouth. Her best friend Tess — if she were to ever find out — would probably murder her with a hatchet Ashton thought evilly, and that’s why she would make sure she never did. What she don’t know, won’t hurt her, thought Ashton and she extended her hand down just in front of her crotch and felt the front half of her brother’s penis.

Fuck, it was thick. And hard, too. Yet, it wasn’t quite as thick as she remembered him being last night. He’s probably not fully hard, she realized and that fact awed her, too.

She stroked him for about a minute when she felt her brother start to squirm behind her. Good, he’s waking up. She rolled out of bed and then quickly got back on. Both siblings were still naked from the previous night’s activities so she had free access to the object of her desire as she lowered the covers down to her brother’s thighs.

She settled herself on the back end of the bed and steered her brother’s cock toward her mouth as she bent down. She had to open wide to get her mouth over the head. Quickly, she was slurping over five and six inches of her brother’s massive shaft and glorifying in the act as well as the taste of him in her mouth.

Ashton loved that she was able to care for her younger brother like this just as much as the knowledge of how close she felt to him in this moment. Anthony was close to his two older brothers (and so was she), but the two of them always were packaged together in their youth being just 13 months apart and the two youngest. Birthday parties, being babysat or attending the fair. Anthony and Ashton were a pair and it was Ashton that looked after Anthony in those early, formative years. She still felt like she looked after him now, but these days Anthony was so busy and independent that he probably felt like he was the one looking out for her.

The thoughts put a smile on her face, though it was likely indiscernible as you looked on her sucking away at her brother. Anthony stirred, rolling over onto his back, his legs kicking open nearly knocking Ashton in the head. They missed though, and Ashton sucked on undeterred. Anthony moaned and opened his eyes to take in the scene before him.

“Good morning, little brother,” Ashton said sweetly as she picked her head up off of his cock momentarily.

“Wow,” Anthony returned, Bolu Escort caught in surprise. “I’ll say. A good morning it is, that’s for sure. I honestly can’t believe what happened last night.”

“Why?” Ashton asked, though she was hard to understand, her mouth full and all.

Anthony smirked at that.

“Ash, I told you last night. It’s YOU. You’re my sister and the hottest girl in school. I never thought in a million years I had a shot at doing THIS with you.”

Ashton was sucking on his balls, her brother’s cock sliding through her right hand as he finished his response. She pulled her mouth away and climbed up to her brother, leaning over him.

“Well, I’m not off limits. Not for you anyway,” Ashton replied. She leaned down and kissed her brother on the lips. “I’m going to get in the shower, you can join me if you want. I have to be at school at 7 today so I gotta get moving, Anth.”

Anthony watched as his naked 18-year-old sister sauntered off into her en-suite bathroom with a wry smile on his face. I could get used to this, he thought as he sat up and then rolled out of bed. The invitation from his sister took little thought. Let’s see, he pondered, shower with his gorgeous sister he’s been crushing on for the last four years or go upstairs and shower on his own? That, I mean, that is a tough one.

Ashton was already in her shower, the water cascading over the front of her body as she began to lather up a loofah to wash.

Ashton’s shower was a modern, shower-only set up with no bathtub featuring dark porcelain tile finish on the walls and a stone floor. There was no door even, just a walk in with a 4-inch lip and then a 4-foot glass wall on the near side. It was certainly sexy. There was also plenty room enough for two.

Brother and sister washed each other over the next 10 minutes with what should have been award-winning restraint. Though, there was no sex, the siblings enjoyed the feel of one another. Anthony fondled his sister’s shapely figure and nestled his massive member — still fully erect — in the crack of her ass as best he could. They took turns washing each other’s back and Ashton took liberty to wash her brother’s sexy package.

“I’m sore,” Ashton said while her brother washed her back. She tilted her head up into the wonderfully warm water and closed her eyes, feeling the water cascade over her, warming her entire body.

“Huh?” Anthony returned. He wasn’t sure if he heard her right, and if he did, what she was referring to.

“From last night. My pussy is really sore,” Ashton said, her hands now in her hair, smoothing it out underneath the water.

“Damn, I’m sorry,” Anthony replied a little sheepishly. He never wanted to hurt her.

“It’s alright, Anth. It was to be expected. You’re pretty big,” Ashton commented. And I had a lot of sex last night, she added in her mind, a smile forming across her face.

“Are you going to be alright today?” he asked, holding her around the waist now as she turned into him. His cock was pressing into her belly and Ashton forced it up towards her chest.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I have to make sure I don’t let anyone notice. Can’t really talk about being sore from sex when enough of my friends know I wasn’t with my boyfriend,” remarked Ashton.

Ashton spun around her brother, allowing him to get under the water and began to wash his back.

“Oh yeah,” Anthony said. “How is he?”

“Fine,” came Ashton’s curt response. “I mean I’m busy and he doesn’t like that.”

There was a period of silence, Ashton was crouched down behind her brother scrubbing his ass and legs while Anthony soaked under the water. She got up and Anthony turned. His cock poked her again, but Ashton took a step back to open space and took some of the soap from the loofah in her hands and started stroking his shaft. She crouched down again and came face to face with it as she stroked. Anthony idly massaged her scalp, thinking.

“It’s whatever,” Ashton finally said. “I’m sure we’ll have a fight soon.”

Anthony picked her up after she kissed the tip of his penis, finished with her wash. He hugged her.

“You should come to my practice today. You and Tess can talk. She’ll be there,” he offered.

“Hmm, maybe I can make it for an hour or so. I might be able to talk to her at lunch, too, if not in English,” Ashton replied, thinking. “I’ll let you know.”

She stepped out and toweled off. Anthony followed her out a few seconds behind after turning the water off. Dry save for the towel around her hair, Ashton went out to her room and slipped into her casual morning attire. She turned on her hair dryer and dried it out quickly.

Anthony was throwing on his clothes from the previous night and waiting for her return when she re-entered her bedroom.

“We have to be careful going up,” she said. “I’ll enter the kitchen first, make sure the coast is clear and then alert you.”

“How?” Anthony asked.

“I’ll either knock twice on the Bolu Escort Bayan door or send you a text, ok?” Ashton figured that should work.

Anthony wasn’t sure. If the coast was clear, it would be no problem. But if either one of his parents were there? How was Ashton going to create enough of a diversion and then give him the signal at the same time? It could be a little tricky but he figured she would figure it out. Worst case scenario he could take a chance and just open the door and then quickly spin around, close it and then open it again as if he quietly came down and needed to grab something from the basement.

“Fine,” he said.

The two left Ashton’s room, went down the hall and headed up the stairs to the main floor with Ashton leading.


The bounce in Henry’s step was evident from the moment he got out of bed and made his way into the master bathroom. It was 5:15 in the morning, he could see the first signs of the day’s light starting to creep over the horizon through his bedroom window and the birds were chirping.

The song of the birds might as well have been emanating from within Henry’s soul for he felt prime, invigorated, full of life and ready to take on the day like he hadn’t for as long as he could remember. Without waking his wife, he bounced over to the shower and turned it on to a lukewarm temperature. Henry prescribed to the belief that cold showers were best for the body and always started out at that neutral point where the last bit of hot water was felt before it turned to cold, colder and then essentially ice. He shed his boxers and stepped into his shower letting the water cascade over his toned body.

It wasn’t just the sex that was lifting his spirits on this early June morning, for he was having a lot of it over the last few weeks. No, it was the quality of the sex and the state of where relationships were at as well as where he saw them headed over the summer. Henry and his wife were in an excellent place and on top of that, the relationship he was developing with his daughter Ashton was better than he could have ever envisioned. The opportunity to embark on a sexual relationship with his gorgeous daughter was the cherry on top of the best sundae ever crafted.

Finished with his shower after two solid minutes under cold water, Henry dried and shaved off his whiskers, applied deodorant, then brushed his teeth. In his closet, he picked out underwear, socks, a t-shirt and a comfortable pair of exercise shorts (he’d throw on his suit after breakfast) then made his way downstairs to start coffee and make a lunch he’d take off to work.

Twenty minutes later with the clock sitting at 6:15, Henry was sipping his coffee and reading the paper when his thoughts inevitably drifted to his daughter. He thought about her pretty face, her sexy figure, her brilliant smile that always came when she saw him and then they turned dirty.

He recalled the way in which he fucked her last night in a tight corridor between his truck and a parked semi in the darkened expanse of a parking lot where they wouldn’t be spotted. Henry remembered the feel of his daughter’s pussy around his cock, the look in her eye as he pounded away at her, the way she screamed and moaned. Before long his shorts were tented and he couldn’t help the matter.

Henry lost track of where he was in the story he was reading, shook his head as if to shake the illicit thoughts of his daughter from his brain and got up to refill his cup. As he reached the counter, he heard steps coming from the basement stairs and two seconds later his daughter was in the room.


At the threshold of the door, Ashton stopped, adjusted her shorts which were giving her a wedgie, pulled her hair up into a loose bun with a tie that was on her wrist and looked at her brother.

“Okay, sit here and wait for my signal,” she said quietly.

With Anthony standing halfway up the stairs and out of sight, she turned the knob and entered the kitchen foyer. She didn’t need to look hard. Her father was just off her right, sitting at the bar counter looking at her from over his shoulder. He greeted her warmly, but didn’t get up. He was reading the paper so Ashton dismissed that and strode over to him instead.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” Henry said as Ashton entered the room.

“Good morning, dad,” Ashton replied. She planted a kiss on his cheek when she reached him. Henry rose from his chair and hugged her, his hard on brushing up against Ashton’s bare tummy. He received her kiss on his cheek and released her, taking in her appearance.

“You look good as always, though a little racy,” Henry said, a light note of admonishment in his tone appealing to the short booty shorts Ashton was sporting with a crop-top t-shirt that didn’t reach her belly button.

Ashton, meanwhile, didn’t need to look her dad over to notice his cock poking her stomach. He was wearing a nice pair of fitted athletic shorts and and a plain white Escort Bolu v-neck t-shirt that hugged his fit upper body. His muscular chest and arms were looking especially good this morning.

“Dad, why are you hard?” Ashton replied, startled.

A sheepish grin appeared on his face. Henry settled on an honest reply. Honesty, after all, being the best policy, especially in his relationship with his daughter.

“This would be your doing. Thoughts of you,” answered Henry and he watched his daughter’s reaction. She was unperturbed. In fact, a grin flashed across her face.

At that moment, water started running and Henry knew his wife was just about to enter the shower. An idea, a very naughty idea entered his mind instantaneously as if it was just waiting for that signal and he ushered his daughter over to the galley between the sink and the range.

“Baby, come here,” he said.

Ashton thought she knew what her father wanted and saw her opportunity to free her brother. She let her father guide her towards the sink while she purposely fumbled her phone, letting it drop to the floor.

“Ah! Whoops,” she said quickly. As she crouched down to grab it, she quickly opened a message to her brother (she had their message thread on her phone already open), typed the single letter “K” hoping he would understand. Oh, I hope this works! she thought. Her dad was lowering his shorts to his ankles as she turned back towards him.

“Put that away and suck your father’s dick, Ashton. This is your fault after all,” Henry commanded sternly. He decided this morning as he shaved and brushed his teeth that it was time for him to take a little more control with her.

“Sorry, I was just making sure the screen wasn’t cracked,” Ashton said and placed her phone up on the counter. She turned to her dad’s naked lower half just as she noticed the basement doorknob turning from out of the corner of her eye.

Cued by the importance of the next two seconds, Ashton raised her voice a couple octaves while her dad palmed the back of her head and forced her towards his raging hard on.

“Ohh daddy, you’re naughty!” Ashton said a little too loud.

“Shhh, start sucking,” Henry answered, disappointed that she raised her voice in that moment. Behind him, Anthony cleared the threshold into the foyer, saw his dad facing the sink with a cup of coffee in his hand and quickly bounded down the hall towards the stairs leading upstairs without a second glance to where his sister might be or whether his father had spotted him. He hoped his father wouldn’t notice the basement door slightly ajar for he knew that he couldn’t slam it shut, nor did he have time to try to quickly and quietly close it. Instead he merely used his off hand to throw it as close to shut as he could without it actually reaching the lock.

There were two reasons he took to the stairs headed for his room instead of just spinning around and entering the kitchen as if he just came down. For one, he was wearing his clothes from last night and even if his father didn’t quickly pick up on that, he was sure eventually it would appear odd. But secondly and most importantly, he heard his parents’ shower running and knew he was in no danger of being spotted going up rather than down the stairs by his mother (which would’ve raised suspicion). So as quietly as he could, he tip-toed to the staircase and slowly took the stairs.

Unaware of whether her brother cleared the area alright, Ashton kept on sucking her father’s cock. Though, it wasn’t quite as massive as her brother’s, it was still quite the specimen in its own right and Ashton loved it from the moment she first saw it about a month ago.

Relishing in the power she had to turn her father on, and the fact that she could get sex whenever she wanted it now, Ashton was delivering one of her premium blow jobs hoping her father would soon cum all down her throat.

They heard the water cease from running upstairs and both father and daughter mentally understood they had precious little time to finish their elicit activities.

“Is that good, daddy?” Ashton asked as she took her mouth off his cock, held it straight up and tongued his balls.

“Mmhmm, you’re a fast learner, sweetheart,” Henry answered. “Your mother would be so proud.”

Ashton smiled and Henry picked his daughter up from her crouched position on the floor and turned her towards the range where she faced out into the open kitchen, the stairs and hallway off to her right. They didn’t have much time but Henry was still going to feel that glorious pussy before he left for work.

He gripped her shorts at the crotch and moved the seam over just enough to give himself access to his daughter’s soaking wet vagina. Fuck, it was wet and tight!

“Oh, shit!” Ashton yelled before Henry cupped a hand over her mouth to quiet her.

Ashton quieted herself, remembering their circumstances. She was standing straight up against the oven, her hands bracing against the marble counter top while her dad humped her from behind, his fully erect, 8-inch cock riding up into her cervix and bumping her stomach with every thrust. Her father had one arm looped under hers and curled around her neck while the other fell to her breasts.

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