
The Golden Goose Ch. 01


Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, or non-consensual sex or scenarios.


This story deal with the unorthodox and out of the mainstream kinks so don’t bother going further only to leave an outraged comment at the end if you’re not into exploring these corners. Also, although I’ve been speaking it for a while, English isn’t my 1st language so don’t mind the possible occasional grammar errors and typos. Finally, yes all characters involved in sexual acts in this story are 18+ yrs old.


The loud noise of a heavy metallic door closing on the floor above resonating in her cell, a young woman woke up from a deep sleep, startled and confused.

The first sensation that struck her as she sat up in panic on the old cot she was laid on was the prickling sensation from the needle hole in her neck followed then by the ambient cold on her half-naked body. Slowly standing from the uncomfortable bed, fighting against the last strands of grogginess left by the now gone substance in her system, the young lass analysed her surroundings.

Despite the general obscurity, she could make out that the tight cell she was occupying was just one of a series of about 2m X 2m plexiglass holding units laid against one of the longer sides of a vast central rectangular room of around 8m X 15m which she assumed was in a basement from the wide construction timber staircase that looked newly built on the opposite side of the room as well as the raw concrete walls. On one of these walls were fixed large metal racks filled with hoses, pipes and instruments the young woman couldn’t identify in the dark and that covered nearly all of the concrete surface. Facing her cage, the remaining side of the capacious room had two metal doors leading to other areas of the chilly underground installation but she had no way of knowing their layout or function.

Come to think of it, she still wasn’t sure what the purpose of this whole place was besides a prison but the answer was probably under the thin tarps covering whatever was lying on the two large stainless steel tables in the center of the main room.

The captive brought back her attention to her own exiguous confinement area and its content; apart from the small cot there was only a metal tap embedded in the plexiglass wall itself with plastic tubing connecting every cell to provide cold water with a little basin underneath, a crude toilet in the form of basically a mere hole made through a foot high seat molded in the back wall itself which went through the whole cell row as one continuous bench likely carrying wastes at the end with a stream of pressured water and a thick rubber mat covering the floor.

Making her jump for the second time, the loud metal clashing noise from earlier went through the cells immediately followed by the sudden blinding light of the fluorescent ceiling lighting turned on all at once.

Then, the girl heard light footsteps going down the stairs.

-Chapter 1-

Munich has pretty much seen it all as a city from holding credible claim as one of the most venerable capital of Europe with having went through politics turmoil in the age of the nobility, disease outbreaks, fratricidal religious strife and then industrialisation, communist insurrections, Allied bombing to finally more than a decade of mass immigration and lockdowns five years ago.

But the “Home of the Monks” certainly wasn’t done witnessing crazy things happen on its soil as a prime breeding ground for the development fields of the industry and their facilities. Among the fastest growing sectors were the pharmaceutical corporations and countless were the researches carried out within their walls which was a sure way to tempt the neighbouring nations brightest young minds to move in the area to obtain a place in the limited ranks of interns employed to assist into said experiments more menial sides while hoping for a chance to reach the higher echelons of science in both recognition as well as station in the corporate and academic hierarchy.

The Netherlands had been a source of such talents for some times now and Eefke had hoped to be one of them but the road had been harsher than expected. The young bright-eyed redhead had left her hometown for the Bavarian capital eight months ago and hadn’t manage to stop feeling like a stranger ever since despite getting fairly accustomed to the city’s layout at this point or at least the relevant parts to her daily life once she was leaving her little flat in the early morning to walk the 40 min jaunt to work. A shy discreet person by nature, Eefke wasn’t asocial by any means and liked people in fact but opening up on an individual basis had always been a slow process for her and even with her homework done in that regard, the language difference in this context added on top of that was still certainly hindering the progresses.

These traits were even manifesting at the expense of her physique own strong points as indeed Çeşme Escort she was a looker by any casual point of view but her own preferences for low profile clothing choices made her a sleeper. Which is not to say she was careless about her appearance at all as the young woman considered it a mark of respect towards femininity to care for fitting, decent looking garments in addition to a well maintained, well groomed body. But a sleeper Eefke definitely was because had she been the attention seeking type of girl, she would have had all the necessary assets to get way more of it.

At 5’7 she was maintaining a 27” waist on top of a nice 37” set of hips with strong graceful legs from all the walking done to get around for years and despite never having really specifically trained for it, a fine shapely rump. Combined to that, a lovely visage with a flawless pale skin framed by a luscious coppery mane which was sure to draw the eye in a crowd if sported loose. And the Dutch lass wouldn’t mind much these little perks if it wasn’t for the biggest attention magnets the genetic lottery had bestowed upon her namely the stupendously hefty tiddies she was carrying on her tight svelte frame.

Yes while many other women would kill to possess such a natural pair of stunners at that body mass, for this particular girl they had always been mostly nothing else than an embarrassment and hindrances in the daily life. With having trouble sometimes fitting into even E bras, these things had been the deciding factor into begrudgingly leaving cross country running behind as puberty went on to do its magic and go for less bouncy options to keep in shape. And then there were the boys.

While having adhered to run-of-the-mill intersectional tenets a few years ago, Eefke’s experience of men wasn’t all that wretched with just a few thirsty lads making clumsy attempts at getting cozy with her to most likely have the chance to be the first one to gaze upon her twin marvels, in short leaving her to see that the average man was far from the uncaring handsy asshole constantly portrayed by the media and in fact she knew she was the one who had spoiled a good thing with the first and only long term relationship she had back home with a kind lovely young man named Sven by deciding her personal goals were worth sacrificing the bond.

While Sven and her had shared precious moments together such as their very first time followed by the rest of the common forms of intimacy most young couples goes on to experiment with; at some point the girl had felt she was missing on some things because of the attention she had to pay to the relationship despite knowing she was pretty free to do as she please as long as she remained faithful to her man.

But the young man clearly hadn’t developed an attraction for her from her physical assets alone, although he never shied away from having the girl know the effect her beauty had on him, as he had shown his willingness to support her in any life situation where she faced challenges despite the distance that separated them, preventing him from enjoying her presence close to him. That and the fact that Eefke had shown to have the same difficulties opening up sexually as she did socially like mentioned before so much so that it gave Sven the opportunity to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that he possessed a sexual as well as emotional maturity uncommon for his age which led her to believe deep in her heart that he was the man she’d spend the rest of her life with.

Or so the girl thought as, in the end, she learned she was the immature, selfish one in the relation and by the time she had realized that, the damage was already done and the bond gone.

So the heavy-hearted lass drifted a year or so in the higher education system before settling on microbiology to then, soon after, finding her way to an internship program that led to an unceremonious transfer into Munich’s vast pharmaceutical sector. And eight months later, here she was entering, by a bleak late January morning, the facility where she was assigned as a lab assistant.

By this point, the young intern was familiar enough with the setting and bored enough of the job she was performing in it that she didn’t really pay attention anymore to the faces of those above her in the hierarchy, being content with receiving the orders and executing the tasks so unbeknownst to her one of these faces had took an interest in her.

Dr Verena Sterkel was a senior researcher that had acquired a reputation as a taskmaster among her colleagues as a result of driving the work rate of her subordinates almost as intensely as she was her own. Indeed, while most researchers are known for a near obsessive dedication to their work, Dr Sterkel was in a class of her own in that regard as the near 43 yrs old woman had almost nothing in her life outside the walls of the research facility apart from a vast empty house inherited from her deceased parents that felt just as welcoming as when they were Çeşme Escort Bayan alive, the free weights at the local gym where she recreationally pursued strength training goals with almost the same intensity at which she was pursuing results in the lab and in the last few bits of free time left in the grueling schedule of this monkish lifestyle, the lukewarm water of the indoor pool at her alma mater in which she was trying to release the tension accumulated from the strain that all of the above caused to her mind and body.

And yet, despite the erosion that any reasonable person would expect to see a high pressure lifestyle of this sort causing on a woman’s appearance at this point in life, Verena, for her part, displayed none of it or at least not her flesh. Indeed, the quadragenarian was doing quite well for herself in the physical department probably in great part due to the impeccable life habits she had managed to maintain across the board throughout all her adult life even during its most demanding stages but even more so thanks to her vigorous Northern genetics.

In essence; within the right context, Verena would look like the epitome of the German femme fatale; at just under 5’11 with golden locks and statuesque facial features, her 72kg were inconspicuous to the untrained eye thanks to the compact powerful musculature hiding just beneath a 24/25% bodyfat yet well-proportioned enough that this reasonable adipose mass and the solid frame all of the above was built upon formed a subtly curvy hourglass figure that would have splendidly complimented a 40s nightclub singer dress. Even the functional clothes she was wearing on a daily basis for work wouldn’t allow to hide completely a certain flattering effect to her body, the necklace area’s appeal being the hardest to offset.

Verena’s proud bust was the sublime finishing touch to this gorgeous physique; while not enormous its respectable heft, with a firmness many girls half her age would envy, was naturally pointing impudently forward to the stern woman’s constant exasperation who had to counteract the stunning cleavage this gifted pair would form by wearing thick high neck sweaters and other similar clothing articles and that, even past winter time.

However, all the appealing assets of this matured gem were for naught as, like hinted above, while her flesh had remained untouched by the corrosion of age and stress, her eyes would tell a whole other story. The woman’s grey-blue eyes were cold but the color had frighteningly little to do with that as there was a hardness in her gaze that only individuals who have spent years stewing in noxious emotions display in theirs.

In Verena’s case, these emotions had been fueled by a combination of unfortunate factors and misguided life choices meaning that aside from that aside from the already stated constant soul-grinding effects her job brought through the frustrating trial and error nature of research as well as the unending workload required to make it happen, she was one of the millions of women who had sacrificed their fertility window for careers that were seldom rewarding in the long term.

The difference being that unlike most of them, given her adjacent expertise on the matter, Dr Sterkel was well aware of her status in that regard and had been so well before reaching that out of options status but despite herself couldn’t managed, in the last two decades of her life, to both let go of her natural propensity to muster an unyielding obstinacy to ever go further to get results in whatever field she was taking on as well as overcome early life issues that had acted as a significant barrier in the few attempts she made in her 20s to build a healthy love life despite the ample availability of proper suitors.

So now at just a season away from a bitter additional candle to her 40s, on that cold dreary morning, the stern doctor discreetly watched Eefke nonchalantly walking in the research department to get to her work station after having put on her lab gear.

Ever since she had landed in her unit, the young woman had been puzzling the senior researcher as she was used to see pretty young faces that had moved in the great city, like the Dutch lass, party their free time away and hating them for it as they squandered the fertile youth that Sterkel herself was so bitterly missing on nights of drinking and pointless casual sex while Eefke, despite having all the necessary assets, would just quietly go back to her small flat at the end of the day and as far as Verena heard, leaving it on the weekend mostly to go exercise a bit or run personal errands during the day. So for the first time in years, she took interest in another human enough to decide to get familiar with said individual.

And not as clumsily as she expected herself to be after such a long time living as a hardened loner, Verena quickly managed to gain Eefke’s trust in the following weeks and by the end of the next month, an almost motherly relationship had bloomed Escort Çeşme between her and the girl since not so surprisingly she clearly hadn’t been the only one of the two to be emotionally deprived. Acting as both a mentor for work in the lab and a guide for everyday life around the city, the fair haired lady’s support allowed Eefke to finally experience something the lass had sought after ever since she had put down the last box of the small set of personal belongings her tiny flat storage space had allowed to follow the Dutch girl from home; a sense of belonging.

And it wasn’t long before she became a regular guest at Dr Sterkel’s imposing domicile near the shores of Lake Starnberg, getting picked up by the now smiling woman in her old Mercedes SUV, almost every weekend and sometimes even for evenings during the work week, for the 35 min ride out of the city to the quaint and quiet little town of Starnberg where she’d be treated to her beautiful host’s invigorating fine cuisine in the vast dining room, admiring the gorgeous view of the frozen lake while savoring her meal as well as a very welcomed abundance of space, both outside and inside, after the last several months of urban daily grind and cramped living quarters while her new friend, for her part, would gain a new source of life in the house, anytime she received the coppery mane young woman under her roof, making it feel like her own home once again for the first time in a very long time despite the literal relative emptiness remaining to it.

Almost fifteen years ago, Verena had sold the majority of the non-essential furniture as soon as she had gained ownership of the luxurious property through inheritance while she was still a student going through her PhD as a way to both provide a quick source of funds to compensate for the sudden addition of bills to pay so to not be forced to go live in the city for the remaining of her studies and also get rid of a source of painful memories now that she was the only one left to remember them; not having bothered since then to refurbish the place outside of minor replacements here and there throughout the years given how little time she spent home on purpose anyway. However, most of these details, the lady kept to herself when Eefke shyly tried to inquire about it so the girl went back to lighter topics.

And so went by almost six weeks of this blooming relation until the 2nd weekend of March where, on that Saturday, was organized by the PR department of the corporation who employed both women, a massive party to highlight International Women’s Day. All female employees working in the Munich facilities were invited to partake, throughout the day, in the free meals served in the administrative headquarter offices by the caterers hired for the event and later in the evening, the free drinks poured both in these same offices as well as many of the city’s bars; on the corporation’s tab of course.

Although Verena and her young protégé would both have shunned the event not so long ago on account of the former and latter’s respective personal issues as previously touched on, now that Eefke’s spirit had been reinvigorated by the doctor’s good care; she felt a need to go forward and connect with the world around her when she heard about the occasion. So despite her once stern friend’s lingering reluctance towards social settings, the lass managed to convince the tall blonde to make an appearance with her at the event.

So both girls dolled themselves up a little; slipping out of their usual functional garbs and into more complimenting clothes for the first time in a while; months for Eefke and damn years for Verena but they both did a pretty great job and when the latter came to pick up the Dutch cutie at her apartment, a few guys walking by were visibly struggling to avoid staring at her and the cold look her powerful friend shot at them while getting back in the SUV didn’t help lessening their discomfort. Eefke found her hostility a little odd but her excitement for the coming festivities of the day quickly made her forget about it and the subject was avoided.

When the ladies arrived at the gathering in the offices, they were greeted with surprised looks given their long established reputations as loners but everyone remained cordial and the day went by smoothly and pleasantly with Eefke quickly becoming popular among a certain group of young women of similar age. Verena, for her part, contented herself with small talk with the few senior colleagues present while keeping an eye from afar on the beaming young lady; her closed heart warming up again for the first time in near two decades at the sight of such a radiant smile on the pale lovely visage.

The evening was quickly approaching when Eefke came up to the doctor; asking for a quick ride back to her flat to change back into more comfortable clothes; explaining in excitement that her new group of friends had invited her to join them to continue the party at the bar. Once again it took a bit of convincing but although the woman wasn’t thrilled at the idea of letting the newly socially revived young lass venture in the nightlife of a city several times the size of the town she grew up in with folk barely just met, she gave in to the ecstatic pretty little thing’s demand.

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