
Alexandria , Andrew: No Secrets


Author’s Note: This is a novel-length (100k+ words) slice of life story where we follow twins Lexi, who really needs to figure her life out, and Drew, who has mostly figured his out, during the first year of the pandemic.

Because of the length, I want readers to be aware of what their time will get them: bisexual girls, polyamory, incest, f/f sex, m/f sex, m/f/f sex, masturbation, oral, vaginal, anal, toys, and roleplay, all with consent, which is a big theme in this story.

All characters are 18+

1. Drew: The End of an Arrangement

Andrew gazed down into his girlfriend Stacy’s eyes as she guided his cock into her pussy. He worked himself in and out of her a bit to spread her wetness, then slid all the way in, feeling her tightness engulf him. He leaned in for a kiss, but she threw her head back and sighed in pleasure, so he planted kisses up and down her smooth, slender neck instead.

He fucked her gentle and slow, sliding all the way in, then pulling almost all the way out, loving the feel of her pussy around his cock, holding, gripping. She grabbed at his upper arms and wrapped her legs around him.

“Faster,” she urged, her eyes intense.

He grinned and tried to kiss her again, but she turned her head at the last second and he got her on the cheek instead. He picked up the pace, fucking her the way she wanted. Her face, neck, and upper chest slowly flushed pink with her excitement.

She pulled him closer, burying her face against his neck while he pumped in and out of her, the bed starting to squeak as he got more worked up.

“Yeah, baby, that’s it,” she whispered, kissing his neck and caressing his shoulders. He loved the way she felt at his muscles with her fingers, like she was tracing the contours of a statue.

The encouragement spurring him on, Drew sped up, pounding her, forcing her down into the bed with long, wet strokes.

Breaking into the sexual reverie, his phone went off, sounding an alert. He couldn’t help but glance at it. He slowed down in his lovemaking.

“Who is it?” Stacy asked him, an amused tone in her voice.

“Family,” he said, trying to focus on what he was doing.

“Is it important?”

After a quick glance, Drew was relieved to see the angle was bad and Stacy couldn’t see his phone screen. He did his best to ignore a pang of guilt at the situation, because the message was from his sister Lexi, and Drew had, uh… well, he’d never told Stacy about her. Drew and Lexi hadn’t been on good terms for a long time, so he’d never even mentioned his twin sister to his girlfriend, which was definitely not going to backfire someday.

“I doubt it,” he said. “I’ll check it later.”

Stacy tickled his ribs, causing him to jerk and spasm. “Why? You busy right now?”

“Oh, I think you know the answer to that,” Drew said, trying his best to keep the action going.

“Yeah,” she breathed, closing her eyes. She flexed the muscles in her pussy, squeezing his cock. “You’re answering me good.”

He cracked up at that, which really messed up his rhythm.

Her eyes popped open and immediately narrowed. “You better keep answering me, Andrew.”

“Damn it Stacy, stop it.” He gave her an exaggerated, toothy snarl. “I’m trying to get it on right now.”

“Oh are you?” Stacy said, a sly look in her eye.

Rising to the challenge, Drew picked up the pace, really giving it to her good. He focused on the sensations. Stacy’s wet pussy taking in his cock, over and over, the bed squeaking and creaking, the familiar smell of her excitement, and Stacy’s rapid breathing as she let him fuck her with wild abandon.

At last, he reached his peak. He pulled out and stripped off the condom. Stacy grabbed his cock and started jerking him off until he came, his orgasm welling up and bursting forth in long ropes of cum. She aimed him at her chest, his cum hitting her breasts, which she thrust out and up at him. He loved that pose, ever since the first time she’d randomly done it. The curves of her breasts and the lewdness of the sight were the sort of thing a man could witness and then die happy. With a crooked grin, she even rubbed the tip of his cock on her nipple, making sure to get it all covered in cum.

Spent, he flopped over on his back next to her, panting from the exertion.

“You got me good,” she said, gently stroking his deflating cock with a fingertip. “You’d make a good teacher. You sure liked answering my questions.”

“Oh god, stop,” he moaned, hiding his face under his arm, and she laughed.

“Fine,” she said, reaching over to tickle his stomach. “You fucked the hell out of me, and it was awesome.”

Drew pulled his arm out of the way just enough to peer at her with one eye. “That’s better.”

She gave him a sexy wink, then grabbed a small vibrator from her nightstand.

Drew caressed Stacy while she used the vibrator on herself. She liked to leave his cum on her until after she was done, too, which he didn’t understand, Didim Escort but he saw no reason why he should argue about it.

He ran his fingertips up Stacy’s inner thigh, enjoying her smooth skin, then decided a bit of multi-tasking was in order. He grabbed his phone with his free hand and took a look at Lexi’s message.

“Drew,” it said. “I’m not coming home for Christmas. Tell mom and dad.”

“No way,” he sent back, immediately annoyed at her. Forgetting himself, he angrily tapped at his screen. “Tell them yourself.”

They argued via text for a few minutes, but he refused to be Lexi’s errand boy.

Eventually, Stacy moaned and shuddered as she reached orgasm. Drew felt like an ass for ignoring her to text his sister, but it was too late. Stacy rode out the sensations, feathering her touch with the vibrator until she couldn’t take it anymore, then she pulled it away, panting.

“That was a good one,” she finally managed.

“Seemed like it,” Drew said. He leaned out of the bed and stretched to put his phone down on a nearby table while Stacy came down from her orgasm.

“Andrew,” she said from behind him, still a little out of breath. “We need to break up.”

“What?” Drew spun to look at her, but she was all business, sitting up and grabbing some tissues to wipe his cum off her sweat-slick breasts. “Look, I’ll put my phone on silent next time. I’m sorry I let it interrupt us.”

“Nah, it’s not that,” Stacy said, looking at him with a frank expression. “All we do is have sex. I mean, it’s good sex, sometimes fucking great sex. But that’s all we do.”

He just stared at her, so she shrugged and went on. “You knew what this would be,” she said. “I straight up told you I was really only looking for some action, not a relationship. You seemed okay with that at the time.”

“Well, yeah, I mean… shit.” Drew wasn’t going to win any speech awards today.

She fought off a grin. “You’ve been thinking of me as your girlfriend, haven’t you?”

“That’s because ‘I’m just boning her’ makes me sound like an ass.”

Her grin changed, growing in sincerity. “You’re a great guy, Andrew. You really are.” She tossed the used tissues into the trash can and inspected herself for anything she might have missed. “You’re starting to get attached. I can see it in the way you look at me.”

He frowned. “Is that such a bad thing?”

“No,” she admitted as she combed her fingers through her hair. “If the circumstances were different…” She sighed regretfully. “But they’re not. I’m moving away. As soon as I complete my last final.”

“What?” he said, alarmed. “That’s tomorrow!”


He tried to wrap his mind around this sudden development. “How far away?”

“New York,” she said. She caressed his chest with a finger. “And since our relationship is supposed to be just physical, that means it’s time for it to come to a friendly, mutual end.”

Drew exhaled noisily. “Probably should’ve just led with that.”

Stacy gave him a long look. “I have to tell you something.” Her expression turned serious. “This isn’t what I want. I think I was starting to break my own rule.”

“Which one?” Drew asked lightly. The mood was crashing and he wanted to do something about it. “Always use a condom? No fingers up the butt?”

Stacy laughed, which made him feel a bit better. “Look, you. We broke both of those rules, and you better not forget it, even if I was scared shitless until I got my next period.”

“I pulled out,” he reminded her.

She pressed her hand to her forehead. “Not the second time.” She looked at him, her eyes unreadable. “Honestly, getting knocked up is not something I want at this point in my life. Maybe never. I don’t regret the sex–it was so fucking hot–but the days after that were too stressful.”

It had been awesome, if stupidly risky. But she’d wanted to have sex without a condom. In fact, she’d wanted to try a lot of stuff. It culminated in having him cum inside her, which had been insanely hot at the time. Seeing his cum leaking out of her was a sight he’d never forget, but she was right, the worry about pregnancy had sucked, no matter how they’d tried to plan for the right time in her cycle.

“Then what rule?” Drew asked.

She tilted her head away from him and gave him a sidelong glance. “The feelings one.”

Drew sat up on the bed, but he had no idea what to say. For her to tell him that, after openly admitting she knew he had been growing attached to her? “So,” he said. “New York. That’s a long way away. Why?”

“I’m broke,” she said. “All three of my roommates are moving out. Two of them are already done and gone, the other one is leaving tomorrow, too. This place is way too nice for me to afford by myself. Hell, it was a bit much even split four ways. I can’t afford books for next semester, let alone tuition, let alone housing, food, all that shit.”

“What about–“

“Stop,” she said, holding up a hand Didim Escort Bayan like a traffic cop. “I’ve already looked into every option. Jobs. Scholarships. Loans. Moving in with some dude in exchange for sex.” When she said that, she winked at him and definitely looked at his penis. “I’m going to stay with my aunt. She’s who I lived with before I came here. She pretty much raised me.”

“That moving in part seems like it’d work,” he grumbled, but she just laughed good-naturedly.

“I’m gonna take a semester or two off. She has a job lined up for me. I’ll work full-time for a while, save up, and then… after that I’d like to come back here. But I can’t string you along.” She grimaced. “I hate being taken care of, but it is what it is.”

“You never mentioned your family,” he noted. “At all.”

“Neither did you,” she said. “It wasn’t that kind of relationship.”

He shouldn’t be hurt by this, he told himself. Deep down, he really did know what this relationship was about, but he’d hoped, and wanted, and now that was all going away. He’d been dumped before, but this was a totally different experience.

Clean enough, she got out of bed and bent down to grab her panties. “I had a lot of fun with you.” She pulled her panties up her legs, covering up her freshly-fucked pussy. Drew almost reached out to touch it one last time.

She didn’t seem upset. She was carrying on like they’d finished up a class project and now it was time to head home for the night. She bent over and grabbed her pants. “You were a great partner to my depravity. Willing and more than up to the task.”

“Uh, you’re welcome?”

She laughed as she sat on the bed to pull on her pants. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get a big head. I’m glad I met you. I’m glad I said yes when you asked me out.”

“This is a weird breakup,” Drew said, watching her get dressed.

“That’s because it’s not a breakup,” she said simply. “Our arrangement is just coming to an end, that’s all.”

“Okay, that makes it slightly less weird.”

She grabbed her shirt and bra from where they had been tossed on the floor. “You rocked my world a few times there,” she said, turning to look at him while she put her bra on, covering up her luscious breasts. “And yes, I’m aware of what I’m leaving on the table.” She pulled on her shirt and stood up. “Maybe when I come back, I’ll give you a call so you can rock my world again.”

Stacy winked at him and gave him a crooked grin. “I’ll see you around,” she said. “My roommate won’t be home until late. Lock up when you go.” And then she left.

Amazed, Drew finally managed to rouse himself. Here he was, naked and still sticky from sex, in the apartment and on the bed of the girl who just dumped him so good-naturedly, and his feelings were way more conflicted than he’d let on.

“What the fuck?” he said to nobody.

2. Lexi: Coming Home and Dreading It

Alexandria, or Lexi as she was currently going by, stood with one hand on the handle of the door of her family home, frozen with indecision. She stared at the door handle, so familiar and oft-used, seeing nothing, momentarily lost in thought.

It had been a couple years since she last actually lived here, long enough to make it feel weird to just walk in, even though she’d grown up here. She glanced at the truck in the driveway. Its owner was inside, and she simultaneously dreaded and longed to see him.

With a resigned sigh, she turned the handle and opened the door. The pleasant, familiar smell of the house immediately summoned a wave of homesickness strong enough to form a lump in her throat. She did her best to ignore it and the accompanying memories, and squashed the refrain of time to run that arose within.

No more. She had spent the whole long drive home steeling herself for this, summoning the courage. She stepped across the threshold.

“I’m home!” she called out as soon as she was through the door, but there was no response. She looked around. “Hello?”

She could hear noises coming from the back of the house, so she went to investigate. Her brother Andrew was out on the patio, on his knees with his back to her, doing something that was mostly blocked by his body. She watched through the large glass windows for a moment, then decided to get it over with. She opened the sliding door and said, “Hey Drew.”

He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her over his shoulder. His expression was guarded. “Didn’t expect you ’til later.”

She shrugged. “Wasn’t much traffic.”

He stood up and dusted himself off. He was at least six inches taller than her, which she very well knew, but enough time had passed since she’d last seen him that his height was actually a little intimidating. His body language was wary, and she realized she was tensing up, too.

She fought the lump that still lingered in her throat. When she got home, she could have ignored Drew and just gone straight to her room and kept Escort Didim to herself. But that’s not what she wanted. Not after that long, lonely drive, with too much time to think. She was committed to this, now, and she had to say some things that needed to be said.

She took an unsteady breath. “Drew, I’m so sorry. I’m not mad at you… or at us, I guess I should say. But I didn’t know how to handle it, so I avoided it.” She swallowed. “Because that’s what I do.”

He walked up to her and stopped a couple steps away. He had a long metal object in his hand. A file, she realized. On the ground where he’d been kneeling was a large pair of loppers, and he’d been sharpening the blades. She recognized them; she’d used them to trim the bushes in the backyard. And to cut a hose one time, which had gotten her in some trouble with her dad.

She realized she was trying to distract herself with mundane details, so she forced herself to focus as he set the file down on the patio table. He looked at her, his face conflicted. “I know,” he said. “You said as much at Christmas. Mom and dad were sad you didn’t come home, but I think your story was good enough. I’m pretty sure they bought it.”

“But you didn’t,” she said, a little embarrassed as she picked up on his meaning.

He shrugged. “You can’t fool me. They don’t know what we did at that stupid graduation party.”

“Stop,” she said, but he ignored her.

“We made it weird,” he said seriously. “It was our own damn fault. We played No Secrets and things went too far. I wish we’d handled it better. But what’s done is done.”

No Secrets had been an old game of theirs, reaching deep into their childhood. It started with innocent things, like stolen candy, or a broken toy that Drew admitted was his fault, but as they got older, the game changed with them, and the secrets became more intimate. That was how Lexi had first told Drew she was attracted to girls.

“We kissed,” she said, and the admission made her heart race, even as the memory made her blush. “After we told each other we were attracted to each–“

“I thought we agreed never to talk about it,” he interrupted, giving her a look.

“You brought it up!” Lexi insisted.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I tried to talk around it. That’s why I’ve been saying all this other stuff.”

“We made out, Drew.”

“I know, Lexi. I was there.”

“With tongue!”

“Yeah, I know what making out is, damn it. Stop already. I’m really uncomfortable.”

She forced herself to shut up. Drew really did look uncomfortable. She wondered how she looked.

“Anyway,” Drew said, when it was clear she wasn’t going to continue. “That happened, and then we made another mistake by letting it completely derail our relationship.”

The words rang true, and she felt it in her heart. A longing resurfaced in an instant, a wish that things could be the way they were. She missed him, missed her brother. “Yeah, that’s the part that really hurts,” she admitted.

He watched her for a long moment. “We didn’t fix it before, but now… now the world caused a pandemic to force us back together.” His lips twitched, giving him away.

“Oh, shut it,” she said, a smile trying to find its way onto her face. “As if the world gives a shit about us. But here we are, and…” she bit her lip. “I don’t want it to be weird between us anymore. I hated it. We used to be best friends. You were always there for me and I was always there for you, and…” She struggled for the right words.

He looked like he was going to say something, but she wanted to finish first, so she hurried on. “Can we–” She wasn’t sure how to do this. She usually ran from her problems, so confronting one was especially hard for her. “Can we, maybe, be friends again?” Her smile was tremulous, but she tried her best to make it hopeful.

Drew tightened his jaw, then swallowed visibly. His face… his familiar, handsome face. Lexi searched his expression, seeing in it signs that he was struggling with his emotions. Her pulse quickened. She desperately wanted him to agree, and the suspense was killing her.

He suddenly relaxed and took a step forward, spreading his arms, and as soon as she saw it, she sprang into his embrace, relief washing through her as they fell into a much-needed, long-overdue hug.

She fit just right in his arms, and the feel of him, the very smell of him, made her homesick all over again, even though she was home. He was sweaty from the work she’d interrupted, but she didn’t care as she pressed up against him. If anything, it made it more comforting. He was real. This was real.

She squeezed him and he squeezed her just hard enough to make her grunt, the way he always used to. “Thanks,” she mumbled into his chest, trying to keep from crying. “I’m so sorry about what happened.”

“Me, too,” he said. “And… I’m glad you’re home. It’s really good to see you.”

She pulled back enough to see his face. Blinking away tears, she grinned, and finally let her guard down. She allowed herself to really take in the sight of her brother, and she gasped. “Look at you! You’re growing your hair out!”

He shrugged self-consciously in her arms. “Yeah, seems that’s the style these days.”

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