
Getting Away


I needed a vacation. I needed a week without speaking to anyone or listening to anyone. In the last three months I had two years worth of BP&M and that was too much!

BP&M? It means Bitch, Piss & Moan. As a project manager I get to hear it all day, every day, from about a third of my team.

As I drove away from the city I listened to the weather reports on the radio. They were exactly what I wanted. Rain and lots of it. If the voice was right I had about six hours to get up into the mountains, park and hike for seven miles before the sky opened up. I pressed a little harder on the accelerator.

Even without closing my eyes I could picture the cabin. My Dad, my two brothers and I had built it when I was a kid. My Dad left it to me. My brothers didn’t love it the way I did. I knew it was stocked with dried foods, medical supplies and firewood. I had added metal braces and bars across the doors five years after Dad died and a year after someone had broken in.

I parked my car behind the motel in town. It was safer there than two hundred yards farther down the road at the trail head. I waved at Mike who owned the motel and he waved back. We were fine. I’d buy him dinner when I got back.

As soon as I was out of sight of town I started unwinding. For the first mile my legs protested. Too many days and weeks behind a desk. In the second mile my lungs hurt. Not enough time in the mountains. In the third mile I got my wind and started feeling at home.

I noticed the changes along my way. I could see where a fire had scorched a hillside, where someone had planted marijuana and someone else had burned the crop. I kept moving and checking my GPS often.

My watch told me I had less than an hour to stay dry. My eyes and the changes in air pressure and smell said I had less than that. I saw the cabin and stopped. A tendril of smoke curled out of the chimney! Someone was inside!

I moved cautiously around to the other side. From the front I had seen the metal bar and giant lock were still on the front door. When I saw the back door I saw that it was locked too. Whoever it was had gotten in through the small window in the bathroom. The other two windows had locking bars on them and were intact.

A huge rain drop hit my shoulder and I moved quickly onto the porch. I unlocked the door and removed the locking bar. I didn’t hear anyone moving around inside. My Glock was in my hand as I slowly opened the door. A quick scan told me whoever was inside had been there a while. The fire was down to embers. A pair of boots were tossed in the middle of the rug. Then I saw her.

I saw a plaid shirt and bare legs on the bed. One leg had a gash on it from her knee to ankle. It had bled but had stopped bleeding. She didn’t move when I made small noises. She was breathing so she was either passed out or sleeping.

I built the fire up and sat where I could keep an eye on her. The sound of rain on the metal roof was strong and somehow comforting. I was at home. She was a problem but at least she wasn’t giving me BP&M. Yet.

Suddenly the inside of the cabin was super bright and shook hard as lightning struck near the cabin. She screamed and fell off the bed! She looked around and screamed again when she saw me. After a three or four second delay while her brain processed she dove for her pack. I raised the Glock and chambered a round.

She froze with her hand a foot from her pack.

“I think you ought to sit right where you are and tell me your story.” I said.

She sat. Her leg hurt when she moved and I saw that it had started to bleed a little.

“I should ask you the same thing.” She said.

“Except you’re in my house, bleeding on my rug.”

She put a hand over the spot that was leaking. I got up and found a clean towel Zonguldak Escort in the kitchen part of the cabin. She caught it and pressed it on the wound.

“I got lost. When I found the cabin I had been lost for over a day and had fallen. My leg tore open on a tree branch and when I found the cabin I had no intention of breaking in. I just wanted a dry place to wait out the storm.”

She paused. I waited.

“I heard a cougar early this morning and knew it would probably smell my blood. I have a gun but I’ve never fired it. I needed to get inside and away from the cougar. I’ll pay to fix the window I broke.”

I nodded. I believed her. I’d seen cougar in this area quite a few times over the years.

“I’m Pete. This is my home. I have a pretty good first aid kit and if you’ll allow it I’d like to fix your leg.”

Another lightning flash and booming thunder. We both jumped and she screamed. I put the Glock on the table and knelt beside her. She was shaking. I wasn’t sure if it was fear or cold. Maybe it was shock. I looked at the gash and got my kit. After washing the wound I saw what needed to happen. I picked her up and carried her outside. I washed the wound again and picked splinters and rocks out. With a needle and thread I put three stitches in the worst place. She winced and whimpered once as she watched me work.

When she was bandaged I carried her back inside and put her on the bed. She looked up at me and said, “You did good work. You a doctor or something?”

“No. Medic when I was military. You did good, too. I expected screams and crying.”

“I have six brothers. I learned early that crying is seen as weakness and doesn’t get you much. It did hurt.”

“I’ve got some Tylenol. Want a couple?”

“No, thanks. I have food in my pack.”

I opened her pack and found her supply of food and her .32 snub nose. I put it on the table. “Good thing you came inside. That pop gun would have really pissed off the cougar if you hit her. Killing her would have taken a while.”

“The guy at the store said it was all I needed.”

“When you get home go back and kick his ass. He could have gotten you killed.”

Dinner was easy. I combined one of her freeze-dried dinners with one of mine and we ate. Outside, it stormed hard. It got dark. After we ate she took two Tylenol. Then she fell asleep. I watched her sleep for a while and decided we should both get some sleep.

One bed. No problem.

Slowly and carefully I undressed her. The flannel shirt was easy. The cargo shorts were easy once the belt was loosened. That left her in white panties and white bra. I left them on. I skinned down to my skin and covered us both. It was a cozy fit, warm and comfortable.

I was asleep when lightning hit a tree outside and three seconds later the thunder shook us awake. She screamed and sat up. I woke up but didn’t move. She screamed again when she realized we were in bed together.

“Relax. I never have sex with women before I know their name.” I smiled as I said it. Her sense of humor was switched off.

“You undressed me!”

“Yes. I figured you’d sleep better without all those clothes. If you want them back I’ll get them for you.” I started to get up.

“Wait!” She reached under the blanket and said, “You didn’t strip me completely.”

“No, I didn’t. lots of people sleep in underwear. Most don’t wear cargo shorts and flannel shirts to bed. You want to talk fashion or sleep?”

“Sleep.” She snuggled back under the blanket and was fine until she moved, just a little and bumped into my skin. She jumped and asked, “Are you naked?”


“I’m afraid.”

“Listen! If I wanted to rape you, it would have already happened. I found you passed out in my home. We’re Zonguldak Escort Bayan miles from anyone or anywhere. You’re beautiful! If I was the kind of man who would take advantage it would have already happened. I haven’t touched you inappropriately. I haven’t even stripped you so I could see your breasts. I want to sleep. Can you just lie still and worry about cougars while I sleep? Please?”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

The next time I woke up it was morning. She was dressed and sitting near the fire wrapped in her jacket.

“Hungry?” I asked.

“Yes! More than that I’d love some coffee. I would have made it but I’m a little afraid to go outside to get water.”

I got up and grabbed the water bucket in the kitchen. I went outside and quickly filled it from the rain barrel. While there I drained my bladder off the edge of the porch. When I came back inside she was looking away. I was naked. Too late to worry about being seen.

The coffee started brewing and I went back to bed. “You never told me your name.” I said.


“Glad to meet you, Tina. Please tell me why you left the bed.”

She blushed and said, “Your thing kept pressing against my butt.”

“You have six brothers and you call it my thing? I only have three sisters and I know the proper names for all your parts. And, I use the proper names most of the time.”

“Well, it’s hard to sleep while being poked!”

“Wake me. Tell me to take it outside and pee. As soon as I do, it stops poking you.”

“I’ll remember.”

“Good. While we wait for the coffee please come back to bed.”

“Why? It’ll be ready soon.”

“Because holding you while we slept felt good. Because I like how you smell. Because … because I asked you to.”

She limped into the kitchen and filled a big mug with coffee. She took a sip, smiled and came to bed. She handed me the cup. I took a sip and held the cup while she got in beside me. We traded sips until the mug was empty.

“Can I ask questions?”

I smiled. “You’re a woman. Isn’t that what women do?”

“Why isn’t your wife with you?”

“Translation: Are you married? Addendum: If you are, what next? If you’re not, what next? Answer, I’m not married. I was. She decided I was too strange to stay with. She hated this cabin. She now lives in Miami Florida and is married to a man from Cuba. What’s next? That totally depends on you.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I won’t make you do anything. I came up here to get away from people, away from their complaining. I wanted peace and quiet, the sound of rain on the roof, a good fire, and a warm bed. I got a beautiful, sexy woman in my bed. I’m happy, however it goes from here. You want to get dressed and limp out of here? I’ll miss you and I’ll be happy. You want to spend the week right here with me, playing house and sharing everything I have? I’ll be grateful and I’ll be happy. I came up here to be happy. I am. What’s next? Up to you.”


She refilled the coffee mug and returned to bed. We traded a few more sips.

“Your ex was right, you are strange. But, I think I like your brand of strange. Are you gay?”

I smiled. “Kiss me like you kissed your last lover. In the kiss you’ll know the answer.”

She put the mug on the floor and turned to me. Her hands held my face and our lips met. Hers were soft, warm and tasted like coffee. She opened her mouth a little and her tongue teased my lips. I put a hand on her hip. When she had enough, she backed away from the kiss and opened her eyes.

My hand left her hip and tossed the blanket back, uncovering my erection. She looked, smiled and kissed me again. In that kiss I became the aggressor, not forceful, just insistent.

When Escort Zonguldak it ended I asked, “What do you want, Tina?”

“I’d like you to finish undressing me.”

My hands went behind her and opened her bra. Growing up with older sisters around I was fascinated with their breasts. My mom said she had crumb catchers. Whenever we were eating and something fell it seemed to land in her cleavage, her crumb catchers. I looked in the laundry when I was about thirteen and discovered that a 38DD was how big she was. My oldest sister, Marleen, had crumb catchers too. She said they were boy catchers. Two years younger than Marleen was my sister Marilyn. She wasn’t as big chested as Mom or Marleen. When I did her laundry I found out she wore a 36C. My youngest older sister Melissa was two years younger than Marilyn and two years older than me. She used her 34A bra as a purse. Her school ID, her driver’s license, some money and some tissues lived on her chest. I decided at fourteen that Marilyn had the perfect sized breasts.

Tina had perfect breasts. I knew they were the right size when I undressed her the first time. Only two questions remained. What were her nipples like and how would she react to my touch?

The first part was answered when the bra fell away. Her areola were small, barely bigger than a quarter, and her nipples were like dusty pink marbles. Soft marbles begging for my attention.

The second part was answered in part when Tina asked, “Would you suck on them?”

My answer was to bend my face to her chest and gently take her areola and nipple inside. She leaned back, her arms went around my shoulders and she held me to her breast.

My tongue played with the berry. She moaned. I sucked a little. She moaned differently. My hand went to her other breast and held it.

“Pinch me, please.”

I did. She kept leaning back until she was on her back and I was above her. I sucked harder. Her moaned louder and said, “Just like that! I can cum if you keep it up!”

My lips held on, my tongue explored and the suction continued. “Suck harder! Oh please don’t stop!” She whispered, rasping, gasping for breath.

My mouth opened wider, as wide as it would open, and I sucked as much of her breast inside as would fit. I squeezed her other breast and sucked hard.

Tina’s back arched! She moaned from deep inside and her hands left my shoulders and found her pussy. A second later she screamed, “Nooooowwwww!”

Slowly I reduced the suction and finally released her breasts. I plopped beside her and held her close as she calmed down.

She looked in my eyes and said, “I know it’s a lot to ask, but could you finish undressing me?”

She helped me get her soaked panties off. I started to lean towards a closer examination of her vulva but she stopped me and asked, “Please Sir, could you fill me up?” As she asked her hand wrapped around my shaft and guided me home.

“Oh! You feel so good! Do I please you?” she asked.

I nodded and we moved together. The animals in our natures came together in passion and biology. The mystic and the druid princess joined as the rain danced on the roof above us. My back arched and hips thrust my cock deep inside her. My bellow filled the forest around us with a statement older than humanity.

Time passed. We napped. We ate. We sat on the porch and watched it rain. We joined and got to know each other intimately. The next time we dressed was to leave the cabin four days later and go back to the city. She had parked at the trail head. I gave her my card and a key to the cabin.

She kissed me again and asked, “What’s next?”

“Totally, up to you. This can be the best week of my life and go on as a memory, or you can follow me home and decide to live with me for the rest of our lives. I will love you either way. I do love you, either way.”

“Ok. I love you, too.” She turned and walked to her car. The limp was almost gone. I got in my car. I smiled all the way home, glad I had cleaned the garage before I left. There was room for two cars. We filled both places.

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