
Jenny and the Storm

Hair Pulling

“I swear. If I didn’t know better, I would think you had planned all this.” My wife is still grumbling, even though she knows there’s nothing to be done. Corporate crashed our reorg plan, and we have to rework and resubmit by Monday after next…vacation plans or not.

“I won’t lie and say I’ll miss spending a week with your cousins in Tennessee…I don’t know any of them, and it’s a long way to go for a wedding. But putting in 50 hours on the computer next week isn’t going to be much fun either.”

“Well, at least it solves the Jim problem.” Jim was our 16 year old son, who recently started his first full time summer job. He didn’t want to go to the wedding and lose his job, and now that I have to stay home, he can too. Jim’s younger sister Jamie wouldn’t miss a wedding for the world, of course.

“When are you guys leaving?” I ask.

“My sisters family gets here late Friday. We’ll put everyone up somewhere, then load their Suburban and get out Saturday morning. We should be back late next Saturday night. You and Jim will have to bach it for a week.”

“I think we can manage. Between his job and girlfriend, I don’t expect to see much of him. Plenty of peace and quiet to get my work done.” Yeah, right. That plan lasted two days…right up to the Thursday before they all got here.

“Uh huh. I don’t know, I think so. I’ll check,” my wife puts her phone down, and looks at me: “That’s my sister. She wants to know if…well…if they can drop Peg and Jenn off here when they come tomorrow. Jenn has to fly out for her grad trip on Wednesday, and Peg seems to have the flu. They couldn’t leave them at their house alone, and now that you’ll be here anyway…” she smiles weakly at me.

Oh crap! From peace and quiet, to kiddie summer camp. Jim was going to be ok, and Jenny and I got along great. Dave’s child from his first marriage, she was 8 when he married Judy, my wife’s sister. We had hit it off immediately – she was smart and sweet, and kind of left out of her parents new relationship. During summers, she and her friends would hang out at our pool, and we became buddies…I was her cool uncle, and she was my gawky niece with the skinned knees.

But Peg…she was one of my sister-in-law’s twins. One was quiet, one was a hellion…but I couldn’t remember if it was Peg or Meg. Heck, we hadn’t seen any of them for 5 years or so anyway, ever since they had moved to Oregon. The twins must be, let me see…9? That would make Sam 10, and Jenny 16 – no, 17. They had just moved back here to Virginia a couple of weeks ago, and we were all going to get to know each other again on this trip. So much for that plan.

“What choice do we have?” I say, shrugging at my wife. She smiles, kisses my cheek, and picks her phone back up. “He said yes. Yeah, I know…he’s ok.” Wink.

I work a half day Friday, just organizing everything so I can get the work done next week at home (it should actually take about 30 hours if we don’t hit any snags…but what husband is honest with his wife about how long a job will take?). I get home after lunch, and start to set up sleeping quarters. Jim moved into the rooms above the garage after his 16th birthday, Sam can sleep with him there. Grownups in the guest room, and the twins can sleep with Jamie in her room. That leaves Jenny on the couch in the study – it all works! Now, if Meg/Peg is too sick, we can…

My wife halts further planning by corralling everyone and leading us to the front door. “They’re here!”

Judy and Dave’s huge black Suburban pulls into our driveway, and people start to spill out. My wife runs up to hug Judy, I shake Dave’s hand and the kids giggle and mix. “We missed you guys!” “You kids have grown so much!” “How was the drive?” My wife leads everyone into the house, while Dave and I go get the luggage they will need overnight…and that is when I first see Jenny.

There are so many different types of feminine beauty to be appreciated. Each age has it’s wonderful attractions. But there is a special moment…a magical time, when a girl’s body has finally changed into a woman’s…but has yet to grow fully accustomed to it. Usually occurring in late adolescence somewhere between 15 and 20, it was a time when the girl’s final growth spurt lengthened her legs and arms, and flattened her hips. With little fat to spare, she was often slim with smallish breasts. In a small percentage of girls, this was a time of utter loveliness, of beauty and natural grace. That was Jenny…simply blooming.

I’m glad my wife was in the house, because she would have recognized my reaction. Dave was busy with the suitcases, and Jenny was in the middle of racing into my arms for a big hug…but my face showed it all. Gone were the chicken legs and knobby knees…now, her beautiful slim legs stretched from her baggy gym shorts all the way down to kiss the ground. Large, expressive blue eyes, small nose and pink lips in a face who’s beauty had been revealed as the baby fat melted away. Hugging me tightly around the neck, I feel her small Sivas Escort waist and tight body as I hug her back…and curse myself for noticing how her small breasts press against my chest through our shirts. We squeeze (a couple of seconds too long), then I disengage and hold her out at arm’s length to look at her.

“Sticks! You’ve grown so much! Last time I saw you, you were 12 years old and excited about middle school. Now look at you…you’re old enough to drive!”

“More than drive Unca Jay…I KNEW that was Auntie who sent the birthday card!” She looks at me accusingly, “I had my 18th birthday last month…you sent me a gift card…and signed your name with Auntie’s handwriting.” Pouting, she slaps my chest.

18?! Damn…it must have been SIX years since we saw them last. It was easy to make the mistake – slim and fresh, she didn’t look a day over 16.

“Yeah yeah…I know. I spent hours on it trying to copy her handwriting.” Weak comeback, but I’m still trying to calm down from the shock of seeing her. She laughs, slaps my chest again, and shaking her head mutters “Men.” The three of us grab the bags, and head into the madhouse.

Wives giving orders, kids and teens running around – some helping, some not – I bring the bags up and show the kids their rooms. Peg (or Meg?) seems ok, so all three girls in the same room looks like it’ll work. As Dave brings his and Judy’s bags in, I show Jenny the couch in the office.

“It’s pretty comfortable. I’ve slept here a few nights when I was working really late. Big and soft, I think you’ll like it.”

“Is this my room while you’re working,” she asks, a hint of worry creeping into her voice.

“No, just for tonight. Tomorrow, when everyone leaves, you get to move down to the guest room, while Peg will stay in Jamie’s room till she feels better.”

“Oh…you haven’t heard. Peg isn’t staying. She says she feels better, and doesn’t want to miss the wedding. Mom and Dad talked about it on the way here, and figured she’s over it…so they’re taking her with them.”

Well…that’s great news! Now all I have to take care of are a couple of teenagers, and they are pretty self sufficient anyways.

“Sounds good. So…what are your plans for the next few days?”

“Pretty open. I just wanted to hang around the pool and do my laundry tomorrow…I’m almost out of clean clothes. Sunday morning I’m going to meet Taylor for shopping and lunch. You remember Taylor…she was one of my friends here before we moved – we haven’t seen each other in a loooong time! No plans Monday or Tuesday…then I fly out Wednesday. My plane leaves at 3…can you give me a ride to the airport?”

“Sure. It sounds nice and relaxing. I’m going to be working on an idiotic mess up in the office most of the time…but if you need anything, just call. I’ll probably need the break!”

Half an hour later, and everyone’s pretty much settled down. Jim takes Sam and Jenny up to his rooms to show them his video games, the ladies go into the kitchen to ‘cook dinner’ (which involves opening a bottle of wine and watching the spaghetti sauce simmer), while Dave and I grab a beer and head out by the pool. Nearly sunset, it’s still warm and muggy. The weather has been hot and damp for a week, and we’re all just waiting for this heat spell to break. Jamie, with the twins in tow, comes running out to see if they can go swimming before dinner. Dave and I, of course, do the right thing – the only thing that makes sure we stay out of trouble – and tell them to go ask their moms.

We can hear some mumbling from the kitchen, then some ‘yippees!’ and a wail. Thunderous footsteps racing upstairs to change…and an unhappy Peg comes stomping out to sit with us. “Mom said I’m not better enough to go swimming. If I go, I have to stay home and miss Aunt Cara’s wedding.” Crossing her arms and lowering her chin, she drops into her ‘this isn’t fair’ pose. A couple of moments later, and two shrieking kids in bathing suits streak across the deck and launch themselves into the pool.

“No running!” I shout – too late, as always. Splashing all over the place, they both look up and yell “Daddy…come in!” Dave and I look at each other, shrug, then quickly pull our shirts off as we cannon ball into the pool in our shorts. The water is a cool relief after the long hot afternoon, and energy starts to flow back in. Tossing the girls around, we splash and play for a couple of minutes…when all of a sudden Jim and Sam come diving in. As he comes bubbling to the surface, Sam says “Jenn’s coming too…she had to change.”

All the noise brings the ladies out to watch for a while. Resisting calls to join us, they claim their kitchen duties are too onerous to allow for such joyous relaxation – as they open their second bottle. Dave looks over my head, yells “incoming!”, turns away…and a streak of flesh and blue flies over my head to land in the water a yard in front of me. Despite her best attempt, Jenny’s cannonball doesn’t make much of a wave…110 Sivas Escort Bayan pounds just can’t make that big of a hole in the water. She comes to the surface sputtering, then climbs on Dave’s back to rest.

Looking at Jim’s face, I can see he’s noticing the same things I am…but he’s much worse at hiding it. In shorts and t, Jenny was beautiful. In a blue sports bikini, she’s…well…undeniable. Long pale legs and arms, slim hips and flat stomach, with small but perfectly proportioned breasts – all bundled into a blue swimsuit that looks at least one size too small. I wisely look away, but Jim is caught…and just stares. My wife notices, then gives me a meaningful look – “You’re going to have to watch those two” her eyes say. My small nod back tells her “I’m on it.” She smiles, gives me a (somewhat bleary eyed) thumbs up, then goes back in with Judy to finish dinner…or their bottle of wine.

“Chicken fight! Chicken fight!” Meg and Jamie are screaming, so I take my daughter while Dave takes his, put them on our shoulders and wade in to do battle. As we’re thrashing around, I see Jim approach Jenny, but she shakes her head and swims off. Subdued, he gets Sam on his shoulders and tries to join the battle. Pretty soon we’re all drowning, and Jenny yells “My turn!” as she swims right towards me. “Oh no no no” I think, and turn and grab Jim. “OK, us Virginians against you Oregonians” I say, diving under to get Jim on my shoulders. The last thing I see as I dive under is an apparently disappointed Jenny climbing onto Dave’s shoulders. And the duel begins.

Jim’s having a great time, but he’s too strong, too competitive…and after dunking his cousin 3 times, she comes up saying “Not fair! You two are too big, we should trade partners to even it up.” Dave sits down and pushes her over his head to get her off, then grabs Jim and says “Let’s do this.” I look over at Jenny, take a deep breath to steady myself, then dive under water and wait so she can mount me.

I feel her smooth thighs as she slides into position on my shoulders, then her cute little butt wiggling into position on my upper back. As I close my hands across the top of her slippery thighs, I feel her crotch snug up against my neck. I tell my self I will NOT think about her pussy rubbing up against my neck, with only a thin layer of cloth separating our skin…so of course that’s the only thing I can think about. I lean forward to start the advance, and feel her legs spread a bit and her little vaginal mound squeeze up against my neck. Damn…I’m glad I’m mostly underwater. AND that my wife is back in the kitchen.

Jenny is brave, and strong…but no match for a 16 year old boy, and down we go. She remounts, tries again, and this time when we fall, we get all tangled up in the water. I feel her soft, slippery naked skin brush mine in many places…then, my hand accidentally slides down her shoulder, over her small breast, then down and off her stomach. I yank it away like it burned me, but Jenny doesn’t react…she must not have felt it. I SURE DID! Soft yet firm breast, B cup…maybe smaller. Tiny yet unmistakable nipple, swim suit tight over everything.

She hangs off my neck so she can rest, and says “If you’d held on tighter we could’a won!” I look at her face, inches from mine, and say “If I’d held on tighter, we would’ve drowned!” She laughs, pushes off me to swim away, and I turn to the shallow end to climb out. But…not yet! I play with the smaller ones till I can get out without causing a scene, then dry quickly and go help the ladies in the kitchen.

“Jenn has really blossomed…don’t you think?” My wife asks, raising her eyebrow and giving me that questioning look.

“Yeah, she’s really grown up. I guess six years is a long time.” Damn…can this woman see right through me? Her next words put me at ease:

“Well, Jim has certainly noticed. You better keep an eye on those two while she’s here.” Relieved, I remind her that Jim has a girlfriend, to which she just snorts – but then Judy says “Jim is 16…two years younger than Jenn. She won’t be interested in a younger man.”

“Well, keep your eye out anyways. Better to be safe, you know? OK, we’re ready. Can you go call everyone in for dinner?” Happy to be out of this conversation, I go out back and ring the dinner bell. Handing out towels, the last one goes to Jenny. Standing up, dripping from the pool, I see she’s almost average height. About 5’4″, maybe 5’5″, she just looks shorter because of her slim build. Her wet bathing suit sticks to her body, so I can see the soft curves of her small breasts, two visible nipples, and a little bisected bump down between her legs. I turn away, wrap my towel around my waist to shield me from prying eyes, and go up to change.

By the time I get down, dinner is in full swing. The four smallest sitting at the “kid table” (Sam’s mad), the rest of us at the big one (Jim’s proud). Huge bowl of spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and plenty of wine for the grownups…we eat, talk, Escort Sivas catch up, and just have a wonderful hour long feed. Jenny fits right into the adult conversation, but Jim keeps breaking in to make some comment to her. You can tell by her face she’s not enjoying his attentions, but doesn’t want to make a scene so just goes along with it.

When we’re finally done, Dave and I clean up and start the dishes, while the three older kids head back up to Jim’s rooms for some more video games. The moms get the younger kids in their pajamas, then sets them up in the family room with blankets and a video to watch.

Finally, we are all in the living room, drinking wine and talking about the trip. We hear the video end, then Dave and I go check on the kids – all asleep in their chairs. We carry them upstairs, tuck them in, then come back down. Jenny has come back to the house, and we all decide to turn in…it’s been a big day, and tomorrow is going to be bigger. Twice during the night I wake up, aware that I was dreaming about Jenny – but both times I put it up to simple stupid biology, and banish my unclean thoughts and go back to sleep.

Saturday dawns hot and humid. Adults and little kids are up early, the teenagers appear to be planning an early afternoon wake up. We get ’em up anyway, and the house dissolves into a flurry of activity and packing. We finally get everything just about done, they’re almost ready to go… but we’re so late we decide to have lunch here before they take off. I make sandwiches in the kitchen while everyone else loads the car and tries to remember what they’ve forgotten.

I haven’t seen Jim in a while, so I ask Sam where he is. “He’s mad. Jenn told him off last night and now he’s mad.”

“Really? When did she ‘tell him off’?” I ask.

“After dinner. He kept talking goofy to her, and when I went to the bathroom he tried to kiss her. She got mad, called him ‘Jimmy’ and a little boy, and walked out telling him to grow up.”

‘Jimmy’? Oh boy, he hated that name. Just like Sammy…he said he’s too grown up to be called that anymore. I can imagine what Jim felt like having his beautiful older cousin calling him a child. Hey, if boys hated their names with a ‘y’ on the end as they got older, why don’t girls?

“I wonder why Jenny doesn’t mind being called that,” I mused aloud.

“Oh…she does! She likes to be called Jenn, and will pinch you if you call her Jenny. I think you’re the only one she lets call her that name.”

Well, what do you know. I go tell my wife we won’t be having any trouble between Jenn and Jim…she smiles at the story, but says keep an eye out anyway – she’s heard of weirder courtships.

Against all odds, the crew is ready to go after lunch. Jim finally comes down from his room over the garage, and the three of us wave as Dave’s giant vehicle – loaded to the gills – backs out of the drive.

“Bye!” “Bye!” “See you in a week!” “Drive careful!”…and they’re gone. Jim looks morosely at Jenn, then me, then walks back up to his room. I turn to Jenn, and say “I’m so sorry! Sam just told me you like to be called Jenn, and I’ve been calling you Jenny this whole time. Mea culpa.”

“Oh, that’s OK. Now that I’m grown, I think ‘Jenny’ sounds too much like a little girl’s name. But that’s what you’ve always called me,” I interject my other two nicknames for her “And Sticks. And Pretty Girl,” and she nods and smiles, and says “and I like it when you call me Jenny. Reminds me of good times we’ve had.”

“Jenny it is then. So, what’s up for this afternoon?”

“Laundry! These are my last clean clothes,” she gestures to her baggy gym shorts and girl’s t-shirt with a teddy bear on front. “I figure I’d put everything else in the washer, then lay out by the pool till they’re done.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll be upstairs in the office getting some work done…call me if you need me.”

Ten minutes later, I’m trying not to look out the office window at the pool, when I see Jenny walk out wearing a baggy t-shirt and spread her towel on the deck. Taking off the t, she reveals a different bikini from yesterday. This one is small, and tight, and light colored with some kind of pattern on it. Not as conservative as yesterday’s suit, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary…but she was. The gentle recurve of her back – into her tiny waist – then back out to her slim hips…her cute, tight little butt, the small but perfect swells that were filling out her bikini top. The bloom of youth and vigor she was radiating. She was simply astonishing.

She was also spreading sunscreen on herself, and that alone was fun to watch. After a couple of minutes, she turned over onto her front, then looked up at my window and called: “Unca Jay…can you come put sunscreen on my back?” “Sure. Wait a sec,” I answer, walking down the stairs while yelling internally at myself to be cool…be cool…be cool…

As she lays face down on her towel, I kneel next to her and squirt some sunscreen into my hands. I start on her small shoulders – spreading, then gently rubbing the lotion into her soft skin. Top of her shoulders, move her hair and get the back of her long neck, then down the middle of her back to her bikini strap. More sunscreen, then down the back of her arms and on to her lower back.

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