
To Satisfy a Man

Big Dick

The wind blew that night as Kitty drove along the winding country road through forests and farmlands. Her headlights shone against clouds of leaves funnelling across the asphalt and she had to drive slowly to stay on the road and avoid slamming into a tree when rounding a bend. Why had she taken this route when she could have driven to a major highway? Partly, it was a shortcut and she wanted to get home quickly after another lousy visit to her sister, Marlene. Plus, she was angry with her sister and wanted a chance to drive wildly through the night throwing caution to the wind. She wanted to be reckless.

Kitty hated those visits to her sibling. Marlene was such a stuck up, competitive bully of a sister; if it wasn’t for their mother, who lived far away, Kitty wouldn’t visit Marlene at all because she was such a nosey, opinionated princess, always prying with questions about Kitty’s personal affairs and asking pointed questions. Had she met any men? Were they handsome? Had she had sex with any of them? Okay she didn’t exactly ask outright, but she might as well have. The worst of it was that, although she hadn’t admitted it, Marlene could see right through her—there had been no sex for months. Had she even been kissed? Kitty was at her wits end with the constant, withering line of questioning each time she ventured near Miss Perfect. But damn it, she was family, and heaven help her if her mother found out she had stopped visiting Marlene. There would be hell to pay, and Kitty wanted to stay in her mother’s good books if no one else. Still, what a pain in the ass it was to pay this visit every time, like intentionally beating your head against a wall.

Rounding a curve on the dark road, she cursed her sister, who always dressed to the nines each time Kitty visited. She had felt obligated to put on a dress and heels herself. This time she’d worn a little number with a plunging neckline because she knew, yes she knew, that Marlene would attempt to destroy her ego at some point during the visit. The red dress was flouncy and sexy, and Kitty knew it. She wore such a thing despite the fact that it was a summer dress now it was definitely well past summer.

Kitty gripped the steering wheel, feeling angrier than ever. Not only had Marlene had the temerity to tell her about the exploits of Billy, Marlene’s boyfriend, she also had the audacity to suggest to Kitty that she didn’t have what it took to really satisfy a man, considering she hadn’t found a steady guy. After all, she was years past being a teenager. Kitty had steered the conversation to less hostile topics, but now, driving along, her blood was still boiling from a slap in the face like that. She gritted her teeth, smirking at the thought of Billy. It was true he was tall and lanky and drove a big pickup truck with very high suspension, but in Kitty’s experience, the bigger the truck, the smaller the balls, and she had a feeling Billy fit that category. So! She couldn’t satisfy a man? Well. She’d show Marlene once and for all. Kitty would satisfy a man all right. She’d find a man and have him begging for her, and then begging again. None of this sissy stuff, none of this romantic love. Kitty was good and ready for some hot, hard, grinding sex, and she was going to find it at the first opportunity.

Harder and harder the wind blew as Kitty drove, planning which bar she would visit, what kind of man she would seduce, when suddenly the headlights illuminated a large branch in the process of falling across the road. The car careened into the branch and skidded to the edge of the pavement, spinning hard with a bump! One wheel slid over the edge of the road and spun in mid air over a ditch. She sat with her hands locked in a vise grip, feeling her heart beating wildly. It took several minutes for her breathing to slow enough for Kitty to take stock of her situation.

“Don’t back up,” she told herself. “Get out of the car.” The engine was still running and the headlights shone at a strange angle up into the trees. Their black shapes careened about in the wind. She got out and surveyed her situation. She might be able to get the car righted, but it didn’t look too good with one wheel lost in the darkness. But—what else could she do? There was nothing for it. Slipping back into the driver’s seat, she revved the engine, put it in gear and tried to lurch the car forward to freedom. Instead, it slid back, threatening to disappear altogether into the darkness of the ditch. She yanked the keys from the ignition, opened the door and jumped out as the vehicle slid slowly back until it settled with two wheels pointing up, and the back half submerged in what sounded like mud.

She thanked her lucky stars her purse was still slung over her shoulder, and pulled out her cell phone. There was plenty of battery. Good. She pulled out a card and dialled the Automobile Association to send a tow truck. The wind whistled and Kitty listened. She dialled again, but all she could hear was a fast beeping tone. She tried a third time with the same result. Examining sarıyer eskort the phone more closely, she saw that there were no bars. No reception. Nothing to connect her with the outside world. The phone was useless.

Her skin went hot and then cold. She was in the middle of nowhere, there were no other vehicles on the road, and it was night. She slammed her fist into the car in frustration. The anger she had felt earlier boiled over into despair. She bit her lower lip, thinking. There wasn’t only forest around here, it was farm country. There had to be a house somewhere. She would have to walk, but which way? The wind was still blowing and had parted some of the clouds. She could almost see the moon from time time. Kitty tried to remember if she had passed a farm, but her mind had been focused on Marlene. She looked ahead and it appeared as if the forest ended some distance away, so she headed off in that direction, hoping someone would drive by to rescue her.

Plodding along and buffeted by the wind, she squinted through the dark and cursed her heels. She felt a drop of rain, and then another, and in no time it was pouring. She held her flimsy coat over her head and tried to hurry along, when out of the darkness ahead she saw a faint light. Finally. As fast as she could, Kitty made towards it and indeed, it was a small farmhouse set back from the road at the edge of the woods.

As she squelched the last few yards toward the house, she felt competing emotions welling up within her. Anger at Marlene. Frustration at the situation. Lust for a man. Despite herself, she hoped she would find a man alone at home. Kitty was no damsel in distress. She was a big cat looking for a meal.

Collapsing against the door, she banged on it, breathless and dripping.

The door opened and Kitty almost fell into the room but was caught by a man with large warm hands.

“Darlin’, what are you doin’ out on a night like this in those gorgeous clothes, all wet?”

She was so tired from moving quickly that she couldn’t speak right away. He was a about six foot three, and looked as if he was about forty, with a bald head, dark eyebrows and a twinkle to his smile that made Kitty begin to warm to him immediately. Was he alone? She looked around and sensed he was, because things weren’t as neat as she would expect if a farm wife was in the picture. But she had to find out.

“I got caught out in the storm and my car was … I hit a branch … and there’s no cell phone reception, so I … maybe your wife could make me some tea?”

“I see,” he said, still smiling. His eyes danced like diamonds as if he were very glad to meet her. “Well there’s no wife. It’s just me, so I’ll have to be the one to put on the kettle. And you’d like to use my phone, or have me drive you into town or get someone to help you with your car, is that it?”

“Well yes, I…,” she said, looking at his huge frame and glancing down at his bulging bluejeans. He was very handsome and appeared to be very muscular under the cotton sweater he wore. His biceps must be larger than her thighs, and she felt something between them stir. Something wanting.

“To tell you the truth,” she continued, “I need to warm up and dry off and yes, get my car out of the ditch. My name’s Kitty, by the way.” She struggled out of her wet coat, showing off her red dress, and leaned over and shook his hand, giving him a view of her cleavage. He obliged, shaking her hand as he looked from her eyes to her breasts. He wouldn’t be hard to seduce.

“I’m Leon,” he said, not taking his eyes off her, “and it’s great to meet you, though I wish the circumstances were better. Kitty, you could have a shower while I throw your clothes in the dryer, and then—”.

Kitty gave him her best seductive look, went on tiptoe and put her arms around his neck, kissing his mouth. His lips were full and rough. In no time their tongues were exploring each other frenetically. There was no hesitation on his part. She felt him move closer and the bulge in his jeans pressed in to her a little. Finally she ended the kiss.

“Mmmm. that’s what I call friendly,” he said, looking as if he didn’t want to stop kissing. She knew he was hers.

“Tell you what,” she said, “let’s both take a shower while my clothes dry.” She raised one eyebrow.

She had thrown in her chips, but he upped the ante. Squeezing her body to him, he whispered in her ear, “let’s take a shower and then I’ll introduce you to my bed.”

No, Kitty didn’t want this. She couldn’t have him the dominant one. She would have to be in control tonight. She shot right back, “all right, but only if I drive.”

“All right,” he said, looking her up and down once again, “you have yourself a deal.”

He led her to the bathroom and very willingly helped her out of the dress, which was partially wet. His eyes never left her smooth, shapely skin and she saw him gaze distractedly at her taut nipples and the triangle between her legs. He took off his clothes too, and she got her first look escort at his solid chest and arms and his sculpted thighs, but she almost choked on her own saliva when she saw the size of his package. Oh. Oh! Below the dark hair at his waist, an enormous thick, curved cock sprang up. Its circumcised head was as big as a large plum. His balls were the biggest she’d ever seen, as if somehow a doctor had implanted a tennis ball in each one. Hello. Her legs began to feel weak. But only for a moment. Her mouth began to water.

He turned on the tap and they stepped into the generous shower. She allowed Leon to lather her shoulders and wash her breasts, but as he cupped her pubic bone she grabbed his wrists with a commanding, “Wait”.

Kitty felt a rush of desire. She soaped his chest and torso, and slid her fingers along his thighs and held his balls in her hands, feeling their weight while running her tongue along his slick chest. His cock felt sensuous in her fingers and indeed it was like a moist, delectable banana. She knelt down and took his shaft in both hands and licked the head, looking up at him. He moaned with a rich, guttural voice as she tongued him, finally slipping the entire head between her lips and easing it into her mouth. God it was big. His hands were on her wet hair and his eyes were closed. She could see he didn’t get this treatment very often, if ever. She began to wonder when the last time those huge balls had been emptied. She felt like trying to go further with him right now, but no, she wouldn’t do more than tease him here in the shower. With his cock between her lips, Kitty remembered Marlene. Couldn’t satisfy a man, huh? Oh, she would. She wouldn’t stop until this man was thoroughly fucked, and thoroughly exhausted.

She gave his shaft a final squeeze with her fingers and then stood and turned off the shower. His pre-cum had tasted delicious and lingered on her tongue—she couldn’t get enough. Lust was coursing through her mouth, nipples and legs.

“Here,” she commanded, grabbing a towel and handing it to him, even though it wasn’t her house. “Dry off. I want you in bed. Now.”

The big man did as he was told, his bald head shining as he towelled off; the smile of anticipation never left his lips. Kitty dried herself and wrung out and patted her hair before taking him by the hand.

“Show me,” she said, and they walked naked down a short hallway and into a bedroom that smelled of wood. An enormous oak headboard graced a functional queen sized bed covered with a beige duvet. A thick rug covered the floor.

Inside the room, Leon picked her up, kissed her mouth hard, and threw her onto the soft bed with a bounce, but Kitty would have none of this. Somehow she sensed he wasn’t as strong willed as she was. She gave him a hard look but still a shade playful.

“Remember, you agreed. I’m driving. Now, get up here on the bed and lie on your stomach. Now!”

Her directive charms must have done it, because he did her bidding.

When he was in position, Kitty leaned over him, brushing her breasts on his back, and said in his ear. “Don’t you dare move a muscle until I say so.”

She began by licking his neck as her fingers kneaded the big muscles in his shoulders. The guy was built, from top to bottom. She could feel the tenseness of his sinews as she worked him over with her hands. He began to moan and she could only imagine how stiff his hard, pink rod was getting. She massaged slowly down his back, sensuously, roughly, deep into his tissue, down to his butt and back up again to his shoulders. When he finally seemed to be relaxing, she began kissing the skin on his back. Her lips kissed and licked their way down to his lower back and then up to his neck several times until finally she went much lower, licking the center of his ass. She danced around his most sensitive spot before going lower and exposing her wet tongue and mouth to the skin of his balls. The weight of them looked immense. She doubted she could get one of them into her mouth. Instead, she used the flat of her tongue to wet and heat the twin objects of his masculinity. His moaning began to sound like the rumbling of a waterfall and she could tell she was making him ache to spew his load.

“Please…” he began to beg, “I really need to—”.

She cut him off.

“Sorry honey. I know what you want and you can’t have it yet. Roll over onto your back. Lie back.”

He made as if to grab at her breast but she slapped him full across the face. It occurred to her that he was much stronger than she and he could easily overpower her, but she sensed she had a dominant psychological advantage. She didn’t want him angry though. She put her hands gently on his face and kissed his mouth with her sultry tongue.

“Don’t try that again, Leon. You’ll get what you want. I’m just a very forceful lady when it comes to foreplay. I’m sorry about your cheek. I promise to make it up to you.” Her voice was sweet but not so sweet that it was mocking.

He didn’t say anything but his eyes kağıthane eskort betrayed surprise and lust, and glancing down she saw that he was very aroused. His phallus was even bigger than it had been in the shower. She certainly hadn’t turned him off with her slap and commanding tone, in fact it appeared to be just the opposite.

She climbed over him facing his cock, and straddled his face, her moist thighs very close to his lips. “Suck me,” Kitty said as she bent over and lapped at the plump head of his penis, tasting the sensitive skin under the glans. Not only was he big, but his cock was succulent. She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t get enough of the taste of him. Licking him was making her thighs ache.

Leon responded behind her by probing her with his tongue, showing surprising dexterity. She felt his large hands around her waist and his hot tongue licking her outer folds. He wasn’t sloppy but his tongue was deliciously wet. As they licked each other and her craving grew, she realized he was avoiding her inner lips. He was teasing her.

Well. Two could play at that game. She ran her tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip, and wondered how much of this monster she could get in her mouth. She closed her eyes and relaxed her throat, opening her lips to engulf him, grasping his cock in both hands to steady herself. The head felt pliant and warm inside and now the taste was masculine and earthy. She moved her mouth up and down, easing his quivering pink member down her throat, amazed she could do it and avoid her gag reflex. She was so turned on by his tongue on her pussy lips that she hardly noticed how far his cock was going into her throat until she was half way down the enormous hard flesh. She could feel him beginning to move in tandem with her downward motions and by the sound of his deep guttural moans he was getting close to coming. Her thighs were aching for him to suck her most sensitive parts, but so far he continued to lick either side of her mound which was driving her crazy.

His breathing increased rapidly and she could tell he was about to empty those huge balls. At the last moment she took his cock out her mouth and squeezed it hard in both hands. He let out a huge moan as if he had come, but her hands held back the tide.

Behind her, Leon had stopped licking and she could hear him panting. “Aughhh. god you’re good,” he said through labored breaths. Kitty was slick now and her cunt was dripping with swollen hunger. She turned around to face him and straddled his left leg, beginning to hump him and offered him a nipple.

“Suck me,” she said, her eyes glittering.

She had to admit, Leon knew how to suck when he wanted to. He circled her round, C-sized breast with his tongue and then took her nipple between his teeth, squeezing rather than biting it, and then began to suck, drawing her tight pinkness into the succulent heat of his mouth. With one hand she grabbed his shoulder and with the other pumped his cock, all the while humping his leg as he sucked. The hard sinew of his muscular legs grinding against her pussy soon had its effect and she knew she would come soon. Her eyes glazed over as she moaned more and more loudly and finally began to spasm with a deep orgasm. It rippled throughout her flesh in waves of whole-body delight. She could feel him about to come too, and once again and the right moment she squeezed his cock for all she was worth, and he came, but without ejaculating.

His eyes opened wide and through his heavy breathing he muttered, “oh god, oh god,” ending with a growling, “fuck you’re good.”

She wasn’t done with him yet, not at all. She changed legs and pressed her other aching nipple between his lips, this time pumping his still hard cock with her other hand. The sucking was heavenly, and the heat from his mouth seemed to permeate not only her breast but her whole torso. He had a way of drawing her nipple in tandem with the way she was pumping his cock that made her wonder if she’d lose all control. In no time she was at the top again, the luscious pulsing in her thighs rippling throughout her again. The big, purple head of Leon’s cock flowed with clear pre-cum, and she pumped its wetness up and down. Once again, at the moment his breathing reached a crescendo she squeezed him tight, and with a roar he came, but without spurting a drop from those mighty orbs.

“Kitty, please. Please! Let me fuck you.” His begging was urgent and insistent.

She felt the power of being beautiful, of being desired, of being in control. She played with him, brushing his giant prick between her breasts and down into her belly button. She could feel his tidal wave of lust. She grasped it harder, rubbing it against her pussy lips. She wanted to play with him forever, but she couldn’t endure it any longer either. Now it was time for the main event. Leon had come three times, and now she was going to ride him, ride that huge hard sausage. This time there would be no stopping those yearning balls.

She met his eyes as she straddled him, placing the beefy head into her thighs. He was still breathing hard and stared right back at her, wordlessly daring her to take his entire length in. She glanced down at it. Could she? It felt big—very big—but she was ready.

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