
A Tale for the Middle Ages Pt. 01


In the first story “The Reluctant Neighbour” Rob has met Shannon, a woman less than half his age. You don’t absolutely have to read it before this story but it is best that you do.

This is the first in a several part sequel to that tale. I hope you enjoy it.


This was a moment Rob revelled in during their lovemaking. He was in awe that this incredibly smart and successful woman would allow him to be in her bed, to be deep into her body, to release herself into the moment with him. He loved seeing her beautiful sweaty back from this position but mostly he just enjoyed staring at her hips, her behind, her thighs while slowly moving in and out. He loved to lean over her, push her hair off to the side and run his lips over her neck, around her ears and to hear the soft moans coming from her mouth. From behind and leaning over her to the side, pressing her back into his chest, he can just see her smiles and her fluttering eyes, sometimes squeezed tightly in pleasure and then wide open in surprise as he thrusts deeply. From here they can dart their tongues out and just touch the ends, tongues straining to be close and in each other’s mouth. He loved to pull Joanne up and back and wrap his hands around her breasts and stomach. He loved the soft feel of her ass as it nestled into his stomach, his cock buried deeply inside her. He loved the whimpers and moans when he drops his hands down to her sex. For this brief moment he almost feels like he is in control.

Rob flipped her over and re-enters as he is getting close. He prefers ending with lips touching, face to face. This is really now about him. He had gotten her off earlier in the evening in her favourite ways – gentle massaging of her her vaginal lips, finger in and thumb on her clitoris, then his tongue applying the right pressure. This now is about his orgasm. Joanne is simply enjoying Rob’s passion for her. Thighs rubbing his and legs wrapping around his , hands grasping at his ass and then her hand reaching under and caressing and squeezing his balls. Her hand on his balls brings him seconds away from orgasm. He pins her hands off while he steadies on the crest. In the end he can’t resist the feel. He moved his hand off hers and she moves her hand back to his balls and squeezes again and he crashes over the edge, shaking and pumping and gasping.

After coming down for a few moments he said, still shaking, “Joanne, have I ever told you that your hands are amazing when you do that?”

“What Rob, do you mean mussing up your hair? Yes, you tell me that every time, but keep doing it, I like to hear it,” Joanne said smiling.

“Yes of course, the hair, absolutely nothing to do with the hands, down there.” He shudders again at the memory of her gentle touch. He also realizes how much he is beginning to love this woman. What she really thinks about him, however, is locked deep behind those eyes and he is afraid to probe there.

He also loses a bit of the glow at the thought of the conversation he has to have with her tonight.

Joanne sends Rob down on a mission to the kitchen while she heads for the bathroom. Picking up the bottle of merlot off Joanne’s kitchen counter , he pads back upstairs to his bedroom, clad only in his boxers. Joanne is sitting up in bed smiling, her small but beautifully shaped breasts resting on the covers as he returns to the bed and pours them each a glass of wine.

Joanne was thoroughly enjoying the afterglow of sex. This is what she enjoyed the most about her relationship with Rob. While he was smart, good looking and funny he also knew how to unwind her and then make her body hum. And then, contentment.

Rob met Joanne through his sailing club. From her office high above the city core she had looked out over the harbour towards the islands for probably 15 years, watching the coming and goings of the ferries and sailboats. She had never really focused on anything particular in this view. Her mind was always on the details of the cases on her plate when she gazed over the water. One beautiful day she looked out and watched closely for the first time a boat turn into the wind, raise its main, unfurl its headsail and then move across the water towards the passage out to the lake. At that instant, after all these years she decided that she had to have that experience. That desire to be on a sail boat had led her to Rob and his crew. And not long after it had led to their affair.

Joanne had made partner in the law firm after only four years. Her mentor was one of the most respected and well known lawyers in the country, almost a household name which was very unusual for that profession in Canada. And now Joanne was about to eclipse even her mentor’s notoriety. Recently Rob had been spell bound while watching the evening news as she stopped Escort Bayan and spoke briefly on the courthouse steps with her famous client standing passively behind her, his fate mostly in her hands. She had stood serenely above the crush of pushing photographers, journalists and police as she spoke with quiet authority. Rob shook his head slowly thinking that this brilliant woman was going to be in his arms – and more – that night. He was in awe of her intellect and power and couldn’t believe his good fortune that some small part of her was his.

Rob had carefully crafted this moment – post sex and with a good bottle of wine, in fact he dug deep into the higher end section of his wine cellar for this occasion. And during their love making he had paid particular attention to her favourite things, taking her into a very satisfied space.

However, Joanne sensed he was a bit edgy. She wasn’t sure if she was amused by his tiptoeing around or edgy herself about what might be on his mind.

Rob took a couple sips of wine while laying on his elbow beside her. With his free hand he gently ran his fingers up and down Joanne’s side paying particular attention to the curve of her breast and then he gently nibbled on her earlobe.

While enjoying the attention, Joanne also sensed a chit chat was coming.

Finally, “Hey, did I mention my young neighbour at the resort in Vietnam?” Rob said acasually.

‘Well … here it is’ Joanne thought. “Hmm, lets see, I heard about nice beaches, lots of young people, primitive accommodations and facilities, okay food, passable Australian wine, but I don’t think you mentioned neighbour. But please do tell.”

“Nice kid, a little aloof at first, but warmed up to me – the old fart living next door,” Rob said casually.

“And let me guess, female?” Joanne asked, a little interest stirring on the subject.

“Um .. yes.”

“Boyfriend with her?” Joanne probed.

“No one, surprisingly. She was on a victory tour after undergrad, financed by the Parent Bank. Her girlfriends had gone home to Calgary for work reasons.”

“Hmm, alone then? Pretty young for that I would think. Were the other guys on the beach not interested or was she not so attractive?” Joanne asked, wondering why he was mentioning her.

“Well, lets see, yeah, I guess she was attractive and she didn’t seem to care a lot about the guys, not sure why. They were definitely interested in her.”

“Okay, lets clarify this point.” Joanne, ever the lawyer, slipped into cross examination mode. “How attractive? Lets use the 1 to 10 scale.”

“Hey, its tough as, … well, I think all young women are attractive, from my perspective of course, so the scale is a bit skewed.” Rob knew Joanne would call him out for waffling so he added, “… okay, 9 or 10.”

“Wow! A 10 maybe! And I think you’re a hard marker! Give me some details.”

Rob was hoping that he could get the Shannon story out while skipping the details and particularly the full details of their relationship. The hope of getting off easy was now fading.

“Ummm … long honey blond hair, umm … great legs, ahh , very cute facial features, very short in height, all in all very attractive,” Rob replied. He blushed a bit as the image of Shannon smiling at him while walking out of the surf on the deserted island, totally naked in all her glory, was coming into focus in his mind.”

“Rob, from the colour of your face I think I could take a guess at the rest of her ‘features’ okay.” Joanne was definitely curious now, but mostly about why they were talking about her. She decided there was an important piece of information that she had to have and it might take some of her skills to extract out of him. Even that wouldn’t explain everything. She decided to start with name.

“Her name?”


“So, Shannon just completed undergrad. That would make her about 22, give or take, correct?” Joanne asked.


“Were you and her buddies right from the start or was there some … hmm … I’m searching for a word other than ‘seduction’, but lets go with that for now, was there some seduction involved?”

“Joanne, REALLY!? You know I don’t chase younger women, PLEASE.” Rob said, a bit taken aback about the suggestion.

In reality, he thought, there had been seduction going on, but it wasn’t from him, and he had mostly missed it. However he knew he wouldn’t easily make the case that Shannon had been doing the seducing.

Rob continued while slowly circling a finger tip around the aureola of Joanne’s right breast, but not touching it or her nipple, “I barely noticed her the first couple of days and she definitely was showing no interest in me. That changed somewhat after she came home really drunk one night. I don’t think Escort she was much of a drinker but had got caught up in drinking games with some Auzzies. Anyhow, after they dragged her home, sometime later, she stumbled out towards the communal washroom and had a violent retching fit on the ground outside our veranda. We shared adjoining rooms and verandas in the same hut. To make a long story shorter, I got concerned about the puking and her general state and went out to see if she was okay. I helped clean her up and get her back to her room. After that incident she started to warm to me just a bit.”

Rob slid a leg across Joanne’s thighs and started to massage and kiss her breasts. He was becoming aroused and started to regret bringing up the subject of Shannon.

Joanne could feel herself respond to Rob as always, however she knew they hadn’t got to the point of the Shannon narrative and she was becoming more curious. She turned on her side slipping Rob’s leg off her, took his hand in hers and between kisses to his fingers asked, “Rob, when you say ‘warmed’ I’m assuming you mean you became friends, or are you trying to tell me there might be more to it than ‘friendly neighbours’?”

“Umm, at first she just seemed to hang out with me on the verandah, my verandah to be exact, or she followed me to the beach for my morning swim. We went for a long walk on the beach once and even went sailing one day over to an offshore island,” Rob explained. On the mention of the sailing trip he blushed while remembering frolicking in the ocean with a naked Shannon and then caressing her ass with suntan lotion while skimming his fingers over her anus. Joanne could see the uncomfortable look cross his face.

“Okay, I think I’m getting a picture here. Rob please tell me you didn’t push yourself on a vulnerable 22yr old? I really thought you had more integrity,” Joanne said, getting concerned as to where this was going. She stopped kissing and licking his fingers and stared hard at him while still holding his hand. Even if he did, why was he telling her this now?

Rob was now very much regretting starting this conversation as he foresaw the rest of the evening taking a bad turn. He continued with the narrative, “No! It wasn’t really like that at all. I was probably misreading or missing entirely all the signals from her. I really didn’t think she was interested at all in me as – well you know what I mean – as a man”

“Do you mean as a lover?” Joanne asked.

“Yeah, I guess so”

“Go on,” Joanne prompted. When a witness is about to hang himself, don’t get in his way was her instinct as a lawyer.

“Frankly you know I was mostly there for work reasons and I was making progress, however one evening she was hanging out on my verandah and was becoming agitated and annoying. When I finally had enough I insisted she get what ever was on her mind out into the open so I could deal with it and get on with my work. You will never guess what she said?”

“I’m stumped, please go on.”

“She said that I was treating her badly by not showing any interest in her sexually and that I must think she was fat, homely and I was making fun of her,” Rob continued.

“So what DID you think of her? I thought you said she was very attractive. Were you thinking of her at all that way? Joanne pressed for an explanation.

“Hey baby! You are my fantasy woman – PLEASE. Yes, she was gorgeous which any guy with a beating heart and an ounce of blood flowing could see, and yes I thought it would be fun to sleep with her, which I tend to think in a cerebral sort of way about many young women. But really, I wasn’t seriously lusting after her. I really wasn’t planning or expecting anything to happen. The age difference was just too significant,” Rob said, trying to be convincing, but while true, he suspected most women thought all older guys constantly lusted after younger women.

“Rob, what did happen?” Joanne asked

“I told her that I thought she was gorgeous and that she lit up the day for me. If so, she said that she didn’t get why I had never tried to be intimate and I think she was hurt by that. She is really very sweet. She also has a sense of entitlement which I think comes with the age these days and she made it clear that she wanted me and that I was hurting her by not returning any interest. I was having a hard time believing she really did want me. I didn’t get it. There were lots of younger men around.”

“Rob, I’m being direct and honest here. You are a beautiful man. You are also charming in your own unassuming slightly nerdy engineer kind of way. And likewise, all heterosexual women with a beating heart and blood flowing are going to be attracted to you on some level. A woman of her age might not see it immediately but trust me, in that kind of Bayan Escort setting its going to happen to her.”

Joanne continued, “And now – deep breath, I’m ready for the truth, did you and Shannon do it?


A long pause ensued. Both were lost in their own thoughts. Rob had rolled onto his back, pulled the sheets up, picked up his glass and slowly sipped his wine.

Finally, Joanne almost whispered, “How was it?” She didn’t really know why she wanted to know this but felt the story had to be completed.

He swung his head towards her, peered into her eyes and asked, “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes,” she said quietly.

Rob sensed he had nothing further to lose so went on, “Joanne, her body is flawless. Shes tiny, but perfect. In the end I couldn’t resist that perfection. I hope I’m not risking everything here but I savoured every inch of her. I loved how she responded. She was going crazy on me. I thought the whole resort was going to pound the door down she was so vocal. You have to believe that for some reason she desperately wanted me and I could see the lust and want in her eyes. There was going to be no stopping that. I think in the end it was also her basic sweet nature that I couldn’t resist. It wasn’t just her body. Have you heard enough? Do you want me to leave?”

There was a long pause.

“Yes, and no, at least I don’t think so. But I’m going to put my jammies on for now if you don’t mind.”

Joanne, got out of bed totally naked, pulled some pyjamas out of her dresser, quickly slipped them on and then got back onto the far side of the bed. Rob loved the sight of her body and was wistful as she covered up. Worse yet, the pyjamas were pink with images of flying pigs on the fabric. The night was turning out worse than he thought. But when you just admitted to your girlfriend that you were sleeping with a another woman half your age on the other side of the planet, what really could he expect.

Rob was despondent, “Okay, I’m not surprised. Thanks for maybe letting me stay. I’ll go if you want. I guess I’m just a jerk.”

After letting that statement hang out there for a while she finally said quietly, “Rob, if you knew some of the men I have defended and what they have done to women, you are a saint in comparison. Still, there is one thing I don’t yet understand, why are you telling me all this now? It can’t be just guilt, can it? But first, was this once only or did you continue to have sex?” Joanne asked, still a bit perplexed.

“Frankly Joanne, once that line was crossed, well, … she had a lot of pent up tension and energy. Soooo …” Rob admitted.

“Okay, I’m not really surprised,” Joanne continued. She revelled in Rob’s lovemaking. He projected a desperate need for her body when they made love. To a horny 22 year old, he would be irresistible despite the age gap. His enjoyment of sex was really centred around a woman’s pleasure and Joanne shuddered at the thought of not having sex with him again.

“Now back to why are you telling me about Shannon?”

“She lives in Calgary where her father is an oil patch exec, a very highly placed one I gather. She did her undergrad in biology at UBC and applied to med schools around the country,” Rob said.

“Un huh, I think I know where this is going,” Joanne replied.

“Yes. She is coming to Toronto, U of T med school.”

Rob added, “She asked if she could stay with me while she finds a place to live.”

Joanne then said, “Whew, I guess I may get to meet this perfect package. Or do I? ”

She continued, “Rob, I get that you are uncomfortable with this situation. Its uncharted waters for you and maybe me. But keep in mind: we are not married. I don’t own you. You are still a free man to do as you please.”

“Joanne, please believe me I have no intention of losing you over this. Yes, I fucked a gorgeous kid, we fucked a lot in fact. I’m not overly proud of doing it, but through all of it I never stopped wanting you, needing you. I am falling for you so unless you kick me out of your life I want you. Okay, please tell me you understand how much you mean to me despite the fuckup I may be.” Rob implored her, desperation creeping into his voice.

“Rob, seriously?? Okay, we are going to have to talk”

“Joanne, I will talk with you anytime for as long as it takes. Please let me hold you.”

A long pause ensued. They both stared at the wall across from the bed.

“I don’t want to talk now though. I’m going to turn over and go to sleep. You can curl up to my back if you want,” she finally replied.

“And Rob, You know this is going to be complicated?”

Yes, Rob had already guessed that.


Thank you for reading – and voting. Please check back for the next chapter in “A Tale for the Middle Ages”.

Also, please add your comments. The positive ones encourage me to continue writing and the constructively critical ones help me to become a better writer, which is a large part of the reason for writing these stories. Thanks!

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