
She, Au Naturel


She walked languidly along the heavily worn pathway beside the shore, feeling the constant sea breeze blow through her long, silky, dark, brown hair. It tossed it about, across her face, causing her to constantly thread it behind her ear. She watched the waves come rolling in, curling as they came closer to the shore and then smash with force into the break wall. The spray flew up into the air and was caught by the breeze, misting her skin and cooling it. The warm sun was unrelenting in heating it back up again, but it was a welcoming feeling. Her golden, brown eyes squinted against the reflecting rays of the sun glittering off the ripples of the water, making little lines appear at the edges of them.

A sudden gust of breeze blew at her unbuttoned shirt, wrapping it around her body and baring her light t shirt to the elements. She could feel the cool mist caress her breasts and made them tingle, making her nipples start to swell from the sensation. She closed the shirt with the bottom two buttons and covered herself, the delightful tingles remaining, to entice a sensuous feeling of pleasure within her.

Her exposed, tanned legs, extending out from her khaki shorts, were glistening from the sunscreen she had applied and tiny droplets of mist twinkled, as they clung precariously on them. Several of them combined and ran in a small rivulet down her thigh, her invisible lover tracing the lightest of touches over her skin. It sent shivers of delicate intimacy up her leg and caused her to feel a warmth grow between her thighs.

She smiled openly at the inward thoughts of her pleasure, created by the natural enticements, her lover intimating a sensual foreplay. Her movements were slow and unhurried, knowing there was no place to be and savoured the quiet moments she had the chance to enjoy. The sounds of gulls squawking and chattering, and the constant sounds of the water, filled her ears with the music of soothing relaxation. Her mind and body felt the joy of the invisible elements sensuously caress her, bringing a sense of arousal to her no tangible thing could do.

She continued walking, until a fork in the path caused her to stop and contemplate her destination. She chose the one that ventured away from the shoreline and the approaching people and rose uphill. The increased strain caused a slight burning that added to the warmth her legs were feeling. It was invigorating to feel her heart beat faster and feel the blood surge throughout her body. The çapa escort hill rose to a plateau, an area high above the coastline and the view along it was breathtaking. The sight awed her in the beauty she observed and contributed to her heightened state of sensual arousal.

She found a seclusion of grassy openness among the bushes and trees that afforded her a moment of private repose. Looking around her, she could see there was no one anywhere in the vicinity of where she was and her desire to expose her body to her lover, consumed her with need. She undid the two buttons holding her shirt together and lay it on the ground, spreading it like a sheet. Her translucent t shirt clung to her body, aided by the thin layer of perspiration she had, painting it on to her skin and accentuating her breasts and her light, brown nipples.

The instance of fresh, cool air touching her skin, sent little shivers through her, as it was slid up her body. Her breasts were caressed by the cool of the breeze and the warmth of the sun, the unified opposites slightly swelling and perking her nipples to the contrast. The heat at the juncture of her thighs grew, as she was seduced by the natural elements of her sensual lover.

She cupped the mounding of her breasts and delighted in the feel of her own hands joining her invisible seducer, pleasuring herself and revelling in the glow of passion they both created. Her nipples bulged from the pulse of aroused blood flowing through her veins, the aureola crinkling at their exposure to the sun’s intense rays. The warmth of the solar caress spread across her body and she inhaled the fresh, saltiness of the air, her lips, full and parted, breathing in the breath of her lover.

She reached for the button on her shorts and enjoyed the immediate feel of release it gave, then slowly pulled the zipper down, bringing her closer to full exposure to the all-encompassing eyes of her phantom lover. Her hair blew wildly as the breeze carried it, whipping it lightly over the sensitive flesh of her breasts. The mild stinging delighted her and she smiled, inwardly thankful for the intricate pleasures it gave. She slid her shorts down her legs, wiping away the delicate beads of perspiration that had formed. The breath of the wind blowing on her skin made little bumps form on them and she smoothed her hands down her thighs, tingling, as they erased them.

Standing up, she slid her fingers into the tiny waistband of her lacy, white fatih escort panties and seductively undressed the last part of her feminine charms to be exposed. She stood naked and complete, exposing herself to everything natural and felt as one with her lover. She basked in the sun’s rays, warmly covering her body, feeling them accentuate her aroused state. The cool of the breeze, wafting gently up the slope countering the sun’s warmth, left it’s erotic effects on her body as well

She lay down on her shirt, stretching her legs to welcome her lover to touch her intimacies. She wet two fingers and lightly coated her erect, hard nipples and allowed the breeze to blow on them, tantalizing them, thrilling her sensitive nerves and bringing a gasp of pleasure from her lips. She ran her fingers under the creased skin of her breasts, cupping them up and offering them up to be lavished by whatever her lover desired to give them. The hot rays made the delicate tips throb from anticipation and she rolled them in response to her desirous need.

Her legs opened widely, laying them splayed for the fullest exposure of intimate caress. A delicate parting with her finger, opened her wanton sex, the tepidness of her fluids instantly in contrast to the cool air, brought a resurgence of flow from her. A light stroking of her fingertip along the wet chasm, the fluid clinging to it, she brought it to the sheath of her desperate nub, Gently she rolled her finger over and around the sensitive flesh, the breeze instantly attacking the warmth and cooling it off. She delved again between the folds, retrieving more of the viscous fluid, re-coating the flesh in her attempt to give the sun its chance to pleasure her in its warmth.

She felt it heat up and the hidden tip, engorging from the flow of excited blood pumping through her, peeked out and exposed itself to the playful teasing of the elements. It enjoyed the tender touch of her wet fingertip and then the rush of cool breeze immediately assaulting it with contradiction. It throbbed with excitement and she pleasured it more and more , with help from her lover. Her fingers slowly delved inside to feel the soft, juicy, skin envelope her, wrapping the slick folds of her femininity around the hardness of them.

Her throbbing nipples begged for equal attention and she lovingly attended to their needs. The tips of her fingers rolled and pulled at them, tweaking them to as erect a state as they could stand. The sun sarıyer escort bayan baked down upon them, heating them even further. The heat of her own passion and that brought on by her lover, spurred her higher to a need of erotic deliverance.

Her fingers inside her wetness, brought forth a surge and an increase to the deluge, being exuded from inside her depths. The resplendent flow oozed past the petals of her feminine flower, to gather in the pool of her milk chocolate coloured rosebud. She breathed in a gasp of warmed air and felt the loving breath invigorate her body.

The sun played on, the breeze breathed softly, as she felt them lavish her with caressing intimacy and skill, to bring her to the apex of her desire. Her body tensed in spasm as she rode the crest of her lover’s attentiveness, feeling incredibly happy to accept this token of her lover’s gifts.

A whimper escaped her lips as she rode on higher, wanting to know the heights she could be taken to. Beads of exhaustive perspiration gathered and ran down along her body, providing the most tender of touches, exciting her further towards her impending climactic end. Her body gave itself willingly, to all her lover wanted from her, never denying anything that was hers to offer.

In the grandest of expressions, she cried out her joy and gave of herself all that she could. Her passion, her joy, her love, was released in a fury of wet offering, flowing from her as freely as it was expelled from her

She lay spent and exhausted, emptied of all her offerings and thanked her lover for the pleasure it had bestowed upon her. Laying spreadeagled, limbs outstretched and shivering from the intensity, she felt the cooling of the soft breeze wash away the sheen of perspiration, the radiating heat from the sun warming and drying her body and relaxing her in a soft blanket of loving embrace.

Languid moments passed and soon she felt the strength to move again. She slowly dressed and stood, smiling happily up at her lover. A silent thank you passed from her lips and a gentle kiss given to the breeze that came up to greet her. She walked slowly down the hill to the coastal path that had brought her here. She tucked one hand into the pocket of her shorts and held the invisible hand of her lover in the other.

The sun smiled a little warmer and the breeze blew a little stronger, as she walked with her lover. Her smile, to all who passed her as she walked back, was secret in thought, but returned to her with one of their own back to her.

Love filled her heart and renewed the sense of belonging to the one she would remain faithful and true to, the one who desired her, who she desired herself. The one she would always know as, Au Naturel.

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