
One Step at a Time



Claudine quelled a moment’s rush of irritation. Her step son, Phillipe Joubert, was late meeting her but she knew better than to fret about it. He took after his father in so many ways, but Phillipe had not abandoned her as Armand had done a matter of days ago.

She felt angry and emotionally raw from his betrayal of her, but she would live on. Their apartment, as she should stop thinking of it, was her property and it was set in a choice arrondissement of Paris. It was not at risk when it came to the terms of a divorce settlement. She was in no rush to get that process started even if, as the aggrieved party, she had every right to do so.

Armand would be left to stew for a while on when their marriage would be officially brought to an end. The man had to think she was blind, or ignorant, of his feckless and cheating ways. He was welcome to the other woman, whoever it was that he had taken up with. Phillipe might know her and reveal her identity. She no longer cared, her patience and acts of forgiveness exhausted long ago. Consolation, if it was the right word, could be found in the knowledge that she had not seduced Armand away from another woman.

She did keep a place in her heart for Phillipe, however, but she had taken to wondering if he too would abandon her. The gifted internet entrepreneur had his attentive ways, and she had forgiven him long ago his sense of dress style that confounded what so many continued to think was typical of the urban rich.

‘Come on…come on,’ she muttered impatiently, shifting in her seat. The passing crowd was looked at as they sauntered along the pavement beyond the café’s terrace, the box hedges in their tubs neatly clipped and offering her some seclusion. The edges of the awning, above her head, snapped and rustled in the late autumn breeze, the lazy drift and swirl of leaves carried along close by.

‘Claudine…here you are,’ she heard a deep cultured voice say. She was startled to feel a moment’s touch to her shoulder, then a squeeze. ‘I know that I’m late…’

‘Not by much,’ she smiled, lifting her face to meet a moment’s kiss to each of her cheeks. She was thrilled to see how he projected his unshakeable sense of dress, a white waistcoat worn under a black leather jacket, along with a blue and white striped shirt, checked tie and sky-blue chinos. ‘It’s gone chilly…’

‘So I have even less excuse to be late…but a meeting ran over. I couldn’t get away, much as I wanted to.’

She loved to hear him say it.

‘I forgive you.’ Claudine saw him tug away a silk scarf that had been loosely wound around his neck, then drawing away of his darkened glasses before she met his look upon her as he slumped down in a chair close by her side. ‘I just wanted to see you…to know that we can still be friends.’

‘It matters doesn’t it?’ he smiled and on a touch to her arm, the sleeve of her wool jersey dress soft to his touch.

Like him, she shad chosen to wear a scarf, only his was colourful, hers a dull grey that he soon noticed matched her thick stockings. What she wore seemed to complement her subdued mood. He also saw it in her grey-blue eyes, the stern set of her lips. Armand, his father, had abandoned a slender woman for someone quite different, and for reasons he had not explained when he had broken the news to him.

‘Yes it matters. I need your help to get me through to a new stage in my life. That’s what my friends are for, and I count on you as being one of them…’

The man seated beside her had been an adolescent when she married Armand, and she had not gone through the troubles some of his age caused and with whom they had no blood tie. She’s nearing fifty-tree to his thirty and she realised that they may look like the odd couple, a sense that he dispels as their lunch progresses and their stop-start conversation touches on many subjects, but mostly for her to get up to date on things since they were last together.

Phillipe smiles considerately as a moment’s silence falls between them. ‘You want company…’

‘Yes, and you don’t know how badly. Suddenly there’s a yawning gap in my life where it concerned family…or those who made up my family here in Paris.’

She looks away but still touches his hand that she felt on her arm as she spoke out. It had sounded more of a confession, a sign of weakness that he would not have seen in her before recent events had taken a hold. The hair on his hand is silken, not like the stubble on his slender face that she had felt when he had kissed her in greeting. There’s consideration in his look upon her, no frown of doubt on what was playing out between them and creasing his broad forehead and marked by a straight hairline. It seems de rigeur to go unshaven these days. She’s always thought him to have an open-faced, honest, appearance that goes with his direct ways of speaking.

‘Shall I walk you back to the apartment, keep you company for a while longer?’ he asked reasonably, ‘I could see what Armand has left behind and that needs to be collected…’

‘I’d beylikdüzü escort like that, but don’t want to impose on you…cut into your time by doing that.’

‘I set the afternoon free to be of some help…’ The slender faced woman seated beside him was lost. She sought reassurance, and he sensed this in her touches to his arm or hand, and in her look upon him when they talked. He’d taken in how she brushed back her bob cut of auburn-blonde hair and met the haughty look in those wonderful eyes of hers. Perhaps, Armand had wanted a woman with evident passion, not one so in control of herself. What he had done to her had brought about a change in Claudine; her street-style chic gone for the moment.

‘You’re not imposing, Claudine. That father of mine, Armand, may ask me to clear out his things anyway…’

‘The coward!’ she retorts in evident bitterness, ‘he can’t be bothered to do it himself.’

‘Yes, perhaps that’s so,’ he smiles on a knowing pout of his lips. ‘The hard business man has met his match in you…’

‘I don’t feel that way at all.’ She gathers up her things from under the table and pushes on her chair. ‘I don’t want to talk about it anymore…sorry.’

‘Then we won’t. I’ll just be company for you…’

‘I hoped that you would say that…and we see where it takes us.’


Claudine clutched his arm as they began to walk briskly in the direction of her apartment, their chatter easier and bright. She wanted to be let down gently from the turmoil that had become her emotional life. Her women friends still called her, or dropped by, but in Phillipe she found an anchor to how her life with Armand had once been. There had been times when roles had been reversed and she had offered a listening ear, or sympathetic word whenever Phillipe chose to divulge some mishap in his personal life. Armand had often called his son’s behaviour that of an ‘alley cat,’ but the circumstances she could not recall.

Now, as they stood in the echoing hallway of her apartment block and waited for the elevator, she clutched his hand and felt him draw near.

She would have an affair, even with her step son and use him as a means to selfishly seek closure to one period in her life before another began, and in whatever form it might take. Phillipe was accomplished enough, she had discovered already, to help her take the steps she thought necessary. He was also only too worldly not to understand what might be playing out between them.

‘Is it really ne that you want?’ he murmured, on a brush of his fingers over her face to ease away the tumble of her hair. Phillipe met her stilled, challenging look.

‘You can always leave…’

‘I could, but it wouldn’t end the hurt that you feel…make up for what’s happened and wasn’t your fault. The problem’s with him, not you…’

The tended beauty and grace that he had so often seen, and taken delight in, had faded. Her face bore the faint lines of strain, her eyes somewhat duller and her choice of that shapeless jersey dress so unflattering to the woman he remembered from happier days.

‘In spite of what you’ve said and the woman I now see, I know someone different…clever and passionate…and a woman who hurts.’

‘And who is lonely…who feels empty and lonely. I can say that, even to you…’

‘But how am I to mend you?’

Claudine struggled to stop the trembling of her lips as she took in all that he had told her, yet the reality confounded what she had thought of her marriage to Armand. The reasons for his affair, and then leaving her, might never be known but something in their marriage, whom she was and how she lived her life with him, had made Armand seek the comfort of another woman.

Now, she wanted the comfort of Phillipe, his company and touch. She wondered what it was that really lay behind the look of his stilled eyes upon her as the lift jolted to a halt on the floor of her apartment.

‘Just be with me in every way that I ask…just this once, please?’ She said it directly and on a press of her lips against his mouth, barely kissed him but her purpose clear.

‘We can’t do this …’ He was being seduced into pegging her, his father’s wife…his ex-wife, whatever. The reality of that still made him think, attractive enough as Claudine undoubtedly still was.

‘Why, because you think like that father of yours…I’m not the woman I was and, so, I can be pushed aside and out of his life,’ she said on a snap of her fingers, ‘just like that?’

Phillipe put one hand to her face, his grip unrelenting and Claudine impulsively pushed on his chest in fear of what he would do in response to her outburst. He stared into her eyes. ‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it!’

His mouth crashed onto her lips as he pulled Claudine to him. He embraced her fiercely, silenced Claudine’s muffled words of dismay with his kisses.

‘Phillipe’ she gasped, squirming as his hands gripped her buttocks and pulled her against him.

‘That’s better…we beylikdüzü escort bayan love …we don’t fight.’

He soon felt her relax into his arms and respond, her hands on his hips, her lips parting and in agreement that there was no turning back from this moment of a shared and lustful intent.

‘Make me feel wanted…forget everything else, please?’ she asked as they shuffled out of the lift.

‘And I don’t want what’s happened to destroy you…make you do things we may both regret.’

‘I’m not going to regret being wanted…even by you!’ she exclaimed, ‘if that’s how you feel and…and it is, isn’t it?’

The front door to her apartment closed behind them and he knew there was to be no turning back from this moment. He glared angrily at her for the choice of words, as if goading him to deny what he felt for her and that the promise of taking her to bed had so quickly aroused in him.

‘You need comfort…moments of loving comfort, I know…but from me?’

‘Yes…from and with you!’ she asserted, dragging away her scarf and the clip fastening her hair and shaking it free.

‘Claudine…Claudine…are you sure?’ he kissed slowly as if expecting reality to come crashing in on her.

‘Yes, I’m sure!’

Phillipe’s fingers caressed her neck as he sought the button fastening of her unflattering dress and began to draw the zip down. ‘Then come to me…let go of the hurt…do that with me?’

She needed no words of encouragement or to explain her actions. She wanted to be taken to bed and now pushed his jacket off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She kissed Phillipe’s face as Phillipe tugged away his tie and fumbled for his waistcoat buttons, her kisses stifling his gasps of surprise as one hand clamped on the swell in his pants.

‘Go slow…’ he gasped, feeling how his prick strained to be set free.

‘No, I don’t think you want to do that either…’

She made no secret of what she was after, a pegging and without the wordy foreplay; a purposeful fuck with a good-looking young man who would take her mind off everything except what they would each pursue of the other.

The sophisticated woman, many thought her to be, would have an affair, even with her step son and use him as a means to selfishly seek closure to one period in her life before another began, and in whatever form it might take. Phillipe was accomplished enough, she had discovered already, to help her take the steps she thought necessary. He was also extremely worldly not to understand what might be playing out between them.

‘You can always leave…but company is what I need and hope that you’ll bring to me…’

‘I could do that, sure, but it wouldn’t end the hurt that you feel…make up for what’s happened and wasn’t your fault. The problem’s with him, not you…’

The tended beauty and grace that he so often saw, and took delight in, had faded. Her face bore the faint lines of strain, her eyes not as bright and attentive.

Claudine struggled to stop the trembling of her lips as she took in all that he had told her, yet the reality confounded what she had thought of her marriage to Armand. The reasons for his affair, and then leaving her, might never be known but something in their marriage, whom she was and how she lived her life with him, had made Armand seek the comfort of another woman.

She wanted the comfort of Phillipe, the only other man, apart from Armand, to know her best and she met his bemused look upon her.

‘Make me feel wanted…forget everything else, please?’

‘And I don’t want what’s happened to destroy you…make you do things we may both regret.’

‘I’m not going to regret being wanted…even by you!’ she exclaimed, ‘if that’s how you feel and…and it is, isn’t it?’

‘Where…where do you want it?’

‘In the bedroom, it seems the only place to make it right…’ Claudine didn’t wait for an answer but stepped away, her hands already loosening the fastening of her dress, his restraining hold to her arm shrugged off. ‘Undress…as I will.’

Her voice was cool and commanding. She saw his reflection in the tall mirror, its wooden stand close to her dressing table, the wide bed she had once shared with Armand. She held a hand out, behind her back as he drew near, his lean body softly tanned, his still flaccid penis swaying with every step that he took.

‘You’ll mend me with what you bring….I know it.’ She clamped on it as he held her to him, cupped her small, firm breasts in his large hands and bent to breathe in the heat of her scent.

‘Lie down,’ he commanded,, licking his lips suggestively. ‘I’ll do what you ask…share in this…this one time.’

He would pleasure the woman his father had abandoned, the reasons becoming clearer the longer they were together.


Her fingers dug into his shoulders as Phillipe knelt between her parted legs, bent to offering sliding kisses to her skin as he worked from her knees up to her shaven mound, his fingers escort beylikdüzü pressing into her and parting moist lips. Claudine could not control the rush of longing that coursed through her body, her grip on him tightening as he nuzzled her, finally pulled away her panties and delighted in what he saw.

‘Don’t stop! I want more of that!’ she demanded, and shivered as her panties were finally torn away, the scrape on her legs a sign of the urgency that she had aroused in him. ‘Naked…we’re both naked, at last! Now, do it for me…quick and passionate, no frills!’

‘My way…you’ve got me this far,’ she heard answer gruffly, his voice muffled as Phillipe buried his face to her.

‘Oh…ugh!’ she moaned when his tongue finally found her and she felt it flicker, then lap at her juices in slow seducing licks until it poked into her. It had her feel that it had gone way beyond what she’d thought possible. She gripped his shoulders, put from her mind how long it had been since she’d been eaten out in quite these ways, and certainly not by a young, well-hung guy and who happened to be her ex’s son.

What wonderful and sweet irony!

Phillipe had only to look up at her to see that Claudine was into it. She’d hooked her legs over his shoulders, with little coaxing from him and she had grabbed the top of the headboard, trembled and grabbed at whatever she could to keep in position for him.

His tongue worked furiously, and she became dizzy from the sensations he aroused, her clit claimed by his lips as she felt two fingers slowly slide deep inside her.

‘No…this is crazy!’ she yelled, bucking her hips up and meeting his claims as she climaxed, her orgasm hard and jolting. ‘No…oh no…another?’

‘Yes…let it all go, Claudine! I won’t go on….’

‘Yes you will, but differently,’ she laughed on a groan of release and disbelief that his ways had left her pussy aching, her muscles there clenching and pulsing, as if demanding more attention from his hooked fingers, also the flicker and press of his energetic and talented use of his longue. ‘Bring it to me…bring that prick to me!’

Her fierce grip on his shoulders persuaded Phillipe to move up and to kiss her, to rest on his elbows on each side of her head as she reached between them and found him; slid his cockhead over her parted pussy lips.


‘It’s so big?’ he grinned,’ and not what you’d expect?’

She pinched his sides but laughed out at his teasing of her. ‘I want to ride you…’

‘Go on, then…’ he answered in mock disappointment that she wanted it that way. He soon lay back.

‘You wonder…I’m so wet yet you still stretch me!’ She bowed her head and looked down as she felt him enter and Phillipe cursed in pleasure as this woman took him deep and her walls closed around him, the first rocking movements tugging on him until a steady rhythm began.

‘I’ll try to make it good for you!’

‘Don’t worry…you are, Claudine!’

She had begun to move, slowly and teasingly; rocked and bucked her hips, or thrusting forward and back, her hair and tits swaying and Phillipe doing no more than hold her hips and keeping her to the rhythm that she set, each intent on him hitting a particularly sensitive spot.

‘Can you hold it?’

‘No! I can’t!’ he yelled, stopping her and making them roll over. His reaction to what she had done was what she had sought.

Her hands gripped his shoulders; her legs and soft thighs caressed and clamped on his body, and she had little time to adjust before began to thrust into her in long frenzied strokes.

‘Slow down…slow down, please?’ she yelled, her eyes watering and she felt herself losing focus.

He was fucking her hard and deep and she knew neither of them could sustain this frenzied tamping, seeking and spending, for much longer. His balls slapped against her butt cheeks, and she felt the crash of his hips against them. She was wide open for him, and she accepted it all, pulled Phillipe to her as they shared in soft, gasping, laughs of disbelief that they were doing it, not on her command any longer but because they were enjoying themselves.

Claudine’s hands clamped his shoulders then moved to grip her ankles to keep the way open to his taking of her, the bed rocking and the slap of their skins sharp on the air.

‘You wonder…wonder!’ he kissed, his lips fastening on Claudine’s hard nipples and tugging on them, his breaths of effort making her shiver as she felt it on her skin, the slap of his hips against her loud and rhythmic.

‘And I knew how it would be between us! Now….let it all go in me!’

‘I’ll oblige you!’ she heard him gasp as the hot spurts of cum hits her in shattering bursts. To feel them set her off and Claudine screamed as her body was wracked by her explosive orgasm, one so intense that her walls closed around him, as tight as she could make that happen. She arched her back and felt that they were temporarily as one, stilled in the passionate aftermath of their shared climaxes, before she felt his breaths in time with the hot ecstasy of pleasure as it rushed through her body, coursed through her veins and made the tears well up in her eyes.

‘You will find pleasure again with another,’ he kissed as his movements slowed but Claudine kept him in her, ‘and will be loved by someone who can be true to you.’

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