
Amy’s Urges Ch. 02


Days went by after that night, it was a struggle to keep a straight focus. Amy pushed the dark temptations from her mind. However it would keep coming back only sooner and sooner having to masturbate twice a day just to keep herself in control of her urges, sometimes even at work, working her pussy and nipples in the stalls trying to keep quite. Amy sat in the stall and groaned, leaning back against the porcelain toilet. She pictured her daughter behind her, heavy white breasts bouncing as she rammed her hard plastic strap-on deep within Amy’s cunt. In her fantasy she would moan, except the fact her face was buried into Sam’s firm ass.

Her tongue licking away around her puckered hole before dipping deep inside to wiggle it around and taste the tangy sweet taste she knew she would love. Sam reached behind herself and would spread her ass. “Deep Amy. Clean me good baby, I have a date tonight and I want him to fuck my asshole and not worry about a mess.” She giggled lightly as Ally smirked. “That’s it slut, clean your co-workers shitter you whore.”

Amy couldn’t help but let out a soft moan inside the bathroom stall. The squishing sounds of her fingers plunging in and out of her soppy wet pussy echoing inside her metal enclosure. She groaned looking down looking at her pussy as she worked her fingers over her clit and inside the folds of her pussy.

Closing her eyes she continued her fantasy. Sam on her back, sucking on a large purple double ended dildo. My face lapping away at her pussy, sucking on her clit rubbing my face in her juices. Ally behind Amy fucking her asshole hard with her black plastic cock grunting with each thrust. Loud slapping sounds echo through room, Amy’s ass ripples with large white waves of flesh with each smack.

Sam sits up slightly and would swallow the whole dildo to the complete other tip. Holding just the end outside her mouth, her expanded out by the large toy causing a very vivid outline. Sam rubs her throat up and down as if jerking off the plastic cock inside her. She waits for a few more moments before pulling it all the way out.

Moaning Amy clenches her legs together hard. Biting her lip leaving only little moans escaping her lips as she orgasms on the toilet at her work. The orgasm flooding her body like a tidal wave. Still pumping her fingers gently into her pussy feeling the walls grasp and cling to them, slowing until she couldn’t take anymore. Moving her fingers to her mouth Amy eagerly sucked her juice soaked fingers clean. Making sure to suckle every last drop off her index she looked down at her panties around her ankles and sighed, the fabric drenched. Amy knew this wasn’t going to get any better until she gets what she needs.

Amy headed back to her desk from the bathroom, sitting back in her comfy office chair, she looked at the screen. Atleast it was Friday for her she was looking forward to the weekend, but even more to the lunch with Sam. Clicking and clacking away at her keyboard once again. A bit anxious about the lunch as she has now had time to think, Amy decided today was the day she would ask Sam for a night out.

Repeatedly looking at the clock made it seem to go by so slow. Finally, noon hit and shortly after as if on que, Sam came walking down the hallway and waved to her friend. Before Sam even approached the desk, Amy stood up quickly pressing the button on the intercom. “Mr. Summers I am heading out to lunch!” not even waiting for a reply she quickly gathers her purse and walks over to Sam eagerly.

“Woah, someone is hungry today.” Her friend joked. Truth was, Amy was hungry. But not for food. Walking down to their usual cafe, they sat down and ordered their normal meal, Glass of waters, ham sandwich, and BLT. Not even really caring about lunch. At this point her stomach was so twisted into knots she could barely think about food.

As Sam began the conversation talking about her day. Amy tried to keep her eyes above chest level. Not wanting to get caught staring at Sam’s low cut top.

“So, that was my morning. What about you? How have you been doing?” Sam asked as she had been talking, while Amy had been going over in her head how to bring up the topic. Amy cleared her throat as she tried to focus back on the conversation, knowing now was a moment for her to come clean about her obsession. “Well, to be honest… Sam.” Feeling as if her stomach was in her throat. Her mouth becoming dry. Amy picked up her glass of water and gulped a few times setting it down gently. Amy closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

“Sam, I have been having strong. urges towards you…” Wanting to also bring up the fact of her feelings towards her daughter, Feeling perhaps that would be all too much at once. Gripping the glass tightly in her hands. Amy only looked upon Sam’s face in brief glimpses, not able to keep eye contact feeling perhaps this was a mistake.

Sam sat there for a moment trying to make sure she had heard her correctly. “You what? Have strong urges towards me? escort bayan Like what, Sex?” Amy nodded slowly. Her cheeks blushing horribly, keeping her shy gaze on the flowery table top design. Not daring to look into the eyes of her best friend, feeling all to sudden she would call her a horrible friend or worse just walk out.

Sam couldn’t help but giggled hard, causing Amy to blush even more turning a bright red. “Oh my goodness, Look at you Amy. As bright as a crayon.” She giggled even more. Amy feeling as if she was a complete fool now.

“Well, I am glad you finally came out. I was wondering how long it would take you.” Amy slowly looked up at Sam, brows scrunched together. “What, you mean you knew?” Sam replied with a soft smile spread across her pink soft lips.

“Yes, I could catch you glancing at me in more than just a friendly kind of way lately, I saw you looking down my blouse the other day.” Amy gave an awkward smile. “So you’re not upset with me?” She asked. Sam smirked. “No silly, why would I be? Your quite the looker myself, plus you already know I sleep with other women time to time. Why wouldn’t I be interested back in you?” Hearing those words only brought relief and comfort to Amy.

Amy took another drink of water before setting it aside. “I was so worried what you would think.” Sam shrugged slightly. “Well, I am not upset at all. I am actually pleased to hear you have such “urges” towards me.” She chuckled lightly.

Amy cleared her throat. “Yeah… But I. I have been wanting to tell you, just didn’t know how.” Sam gives a sly grin and would lean forward into the table, lowering her voice. “Well, tell you what. Since tomorrow is the weekend. Think you could spend the night at my place tomorrow? As a girl’s night out?”

Amy blushed. Only having images of her and Sam tossing around in the sheets.

“Sure… I think I can get Ally to watch the girls for the night.” Sam smiled. “Great.” Sam leaned back and picked up her glass of water taking a small sip. The liquid wetting her plush lips making them shine vividly in the daylight. The waitress brought their sandwiches’ only moments later.

Sam noticing this probably was a bit of an awkward conversation to keep on for too long, she changed the subject to office gossip once again.

Heading back after lunch. Amy would sit at the desk. Having a young man walk up a bit later. Noticing the young man as Jack, delivering mail from the lower levels of the building. “This is for Mr. Summers.” He tells her. Taking the large envelope Amy nods to the young man with a smile.

“Thanks Jack. I will get it to him right away.” He leaves heading off to deliver the rest of the mail. Amy gets up from her desk and knocks on the wooden door a brief moment before stepping inside. Mr. Summers sits inside behind his large desk decorated with family photos and paperwork alongside his computer, being a typical middle aged business man. Short combed back hair, with a bit of grey showing on the sides, and a nice well-fit suit.

He looks over to Amy waving her inside as he is on the phone. “Yes, yes sir. I will have those over to you by tomorrow, Yes sir. I- I sure can. Not a problem.” With that he hangs up the phone and gives a bright smile to Amy. “Yes Amy?”

Stepping to his desk she would hand over the large envelope. “This just came for you.” He smiles gently as he takes it. “Ah great, this is probably that new file on Mr. Evans.” Amy sat there as he opened it and pulled out a small stack of papers. Having been copied from the originals. Amy wasn’t exactly sure what her boss did. But she didn’t really care. All she wanted was her steady job and pay. “Will that be all sir?” She asks him. Mr. Summers stands up. “Amy, I have told you before. Call me Don, your father was my closest friend. Heck you have known me since you could walk.” He laughs whole heartedly.

Amy gives a soft smile brushing a stray hair behind her ear. “Yes Mr. Summe-, I mean Don… I just can’t help but treat you with the respect I feel you deserve. After all you have helped me and my family incredibly.” Don returns a smile back at her. “Well, I could never say no to those big brown eyes of yours.” He teases her. “Say, I am having a barbeque this weekend, would you and your girls be interested in joining me?”

Amy thought for a moment. “When exactly this weekend? I have plans with a friend of mine and I would hate to have to cancel on her last second, But I wouldn’t say no to you.” Don stood there placing a finger to his chin, thinking for a moment. “Well me and Nancy are planning on having it Sunday, Inviting a few friends and coworkers over. Would that work for you?”

Amy, relieved that she would still be able to spend the night with Sam tomorrow and make it to Don’s Barbeque. “That would work excellent!” She told him. “Alright, I will see you Sunday then. With the girls.” Amy smiled brightly before turning and walking out. Closing the door behind her. Walking back to her desk altıparmak escort bayan she looked to the clock, only having a few short hours to go.

After work Amy was in her car listening to music as usual but her head was more distracted with the thoughts of what her and Sam were going to do. Her imagination went wild with thoughts that caused her pussy to soak nearly through her skirt. Once arriving at home, she stepped through the door and saw her youngest ones were not home. Only Ally as she sat back on the couch wanting some FX movie.

“Hey mom.” Ally said as she sat up a little bit looking at her mother enter the house. “Hey baby, where are the girls?” Curious why Savannah and Rin were not here.

Ally closed half an eye as she thought for a moment. “Savannah is off playing with Cindy down the street, and Rin is having a field trip today so they won’t be back until later this evening.” Amy smiled. “Good then this is a good time to tell you, I need you to watch the girl’s tomorrow. I am going to spend the night drinking with a coworker of mine and she invited me to stay at her place so I don’t have to drive home or pay for a cab.”

Ally scrunched up her face. “Why the hell do you get too go out and have fun, but I have to stay here with the girls and baby sit?” She protested.

Amy quickly replied. “Because, I have not had a decent night out in three years. I have been taking care of you girls and raising you three! All I am asking is that you just watch them for one night, Not the whole weekend.”

Ally scoffed standing up. “You just want to use me because I am old enough to watch them, That’s what this is. I don’t even get a fucking allowance! You have me stuck here or at college. Won’t even let me get a job so I can fucking pay for more than just gas in dad’s old truck!”

Amy gritted her teeth and began rubbing the bridge of her nose. Not in the mood to argue with her daughter on this. “Fine, I will pay you fifty dollars to watch the girls for the night, that way you can go out to the movies with your friends or go eat or something, alright? That sound fair?”

Ally folded her arms. “one hundred, that way I can go get my nails done and go to the movies.” Amy thought about it for a moment. Not really wanting to negotiate, afraid it would bring up more questions or the accidental slip with letting her daughter know she was about to have a special night with one of her co-workers.

“Fine, One hundred. But the girls get bathed, homework for the weekend done, and you cook for them and clean up after. Do we have a deal?” Ally shrugged. “Yeah fine, whatever. I’ll watch em.”

Amy sighed heavily trying not to say anything back to her eldest. Quickly just walking up the stairs and into her room. She sets her purse down and begins changing. Want to slip into more comfortable cloths. Changing into her usual sweat pants Amy made her way down to the kitchen to start dinner. Anything to keep her hands and mind busy from tomorrows events. Unsure of what is to come, the unknowing sending all kinds of thoughts and tingles down to her pussy.

Amy’s imagination went wild, picturing Sam in several skimpy outfits, tongues twirling, fingers pumping, hair tossing. Biting her lip Amy struggled not to touch her pussy right then and there as she cooked. Turning around she gasped in surprise. Her eldest daughter stood there catching her off guard. Ally raised an eyebrow. “You alright Mom?” She questioned.

Amy blushing a slight pink tint in her cheeks as she turned around. “Yes honey, I am fine, you just startled me is all.”

Ally smirked as she walked around and gave her mom a big hug from behind. Her large soft breasts firmly pressing against Amy’s back. Amy looked over her shoulder slightly. “Everything alright dear?” Ally nodded.

“Yes, everything Is just fine. I was actually curious. Would I be able to go out with Tammy and her friends tonight? They are having a get together over at her house and I will be babysitting tomorrow.”

Amy turned around fully now and would tilt her head. “It’s already five, what time are you expecting to be home?” She inquired. Knowing when she went to hang out with that Tammy girl, she would come home way to late, sometimes drunk, even high once. However, Amy put a quick stop to the weed as she took everything out of Ally’s room, for a month till she learned her lesson.

Ally folded her arms looking at her mom. “I don’t know, seven or so…” Amy raised a brow. “Okay okay, more realistically like nine. Jeeze mom.” Ally said and would give a small huff. “Fine, but you need to be back at nine o’clock missy. No later.” Ally gave a bright smile. “Definitely be home by then, thanks mom!” Ally wrapped her in one more hug. Breasts pressing against each other.

Amy couldn’t resist as she took a deep breath of her daughter’s hair.

Clearing her throat, she pulled back with a smile. “Yes, yes. Just get home safe.” Ally ran nilüfer eskort off and headed upstairs to change. Amy gave a soft sigh. Turning around she continued cooking.

Dicing onions for the meat. Cooking a homemade meat loaf, she would try to focus on the food and not get lost in her thoughts.

Setting the plates on the counter she called her two youngest to come eat. Both girls came in quickly. “Mom, do you think we could eat in the living room tonight? Our show is on and we want to watch it.” Amy thought about it for a moment. Giving a shrug. “Yeah, I suppose. Your sister probably won’t be home till late, so go ahead.”

The girls cheered as they grabbed their plates and ran off into the living room. Amy setting Ally’s plate into the microwave wrapped in tin foil. She then proceeded to the living room with her girls. Spending the night watching TV shows alongside them.

Cleaning dishing, getting the girls bathed and ready for bed. She looked up at the time. “almost nine thirty…” Amy sighed in frustration. “Come on girls. You get to stay up late tonight, your sister is off probably doing god knows what.” Rin smirked. “Or who!” Amy pointed a finger at her. “Watch it young lady. Your sister is not some kind of slut; she is just going through some… I don’t know. Weird phase.” Almost as if trying to convince herself.

Amy had slipped on some flip flops not really caring how she looked at the moment. More frustrated she couldn’t trust her daughter to even bother listening to her anymore. Amy put Rin and Savannah in the car and drove into the night searching for Ally. Luckily having been to Tammy’s house once or twice to drop Ally off before. She pulled into Tammy’s parents driveway in a short thirty-minute drive. But curiously there were no cars. Usually Tammy’s parents had a minivan here. Amy unbuckled and looked behind her. Seeing her two youngest passed out in the backseat.

Amy smiled softly to herself. ‘don’t grow up to fast girls.’ She thought to herself and would get out of the car. Narrowing her eyes, she walked up to the door. About to knock till she heard giggling and laughter. Only infuriating her more. No if she was going to scold her daughter, she was going to find out what exactly was going on. “If It’s weed again… I swear I will never let her out of her room till she is dead.”

Carefully walking around the side of the house she spotted a window with the blinds slightly bent. Able to peek inside she leaned in close, cupping her hands around her eyes to get a better view. Amy’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

Inside were seven girls including Ally, all naked. Eating each other out, fingering, fucking with strap-ons and dildos. She couldn’t believe her eyes. No way this was real. But looking closer on the ground it was obvious alcohol was a big factor here. Several wine coolers and margarita glasses covered the floor. Amy found her daughter sitting on the face of a pretty plumb girl. Couldn’t be older than eighteen and Ally’s fat white ass suffocating the naked teenager.

Amy couldn’t only see Ally’s ass from here but she knew it was her daughter. A tingle in her pussy as Amy kept watching in awe. She saw her daughter lift up and gave a loud giggle. “Oh that’s it you fat pig, you like my pussy?” The shy looking plumper nodded her head. “Yes, mistress.” She heard. Amy’s mouth flew open. Mistress?! Did she hear that right?

Her rage now turning into jealousy as this chubby white girl was being dominated by her daughter. Ally continued to watch Ally as she stood up and proceed to squat over the young girl’s face. “clean my shit hole, you whore.” She demanded and without hesitation the chubby girl grabbed Ally’s hips and sat her fat ass on top of her face. The plumb girl devoured Ally’s puckered hole. Swiping and lapping at it as if it were her first meal in a long time.

Ally moaned as she grabbed onto her own large breasts and pulled at her nipples. “Oh my god, Tammy. I need a whore like this… Where do you find these girls?” Tammy now came into view. A skinny girl who can easily be described as a goth / punk slut. Black straight hair, black finger nails and too much eye shadow. Pale as a vampire with black lipstick, and fishnet leggings to top it off. Leaving everything else exposed.

Amy couldn’t help but moan as her panties were becoming increasingly wet. Wanting ever so much to be in that room, devouring on her daughter’s asshole… Hell at this point letting any of these girls dominate her as it was becoming clear it was a lesbian BDSM party. Every girl but Tammy had a submissive eating, fingering or fucking their mistress. Never getting any real pleasure their selves.

Amy couldn’t tear herself away from this scene. She wanted more, needed more. Amy slowly slide a hand over her breasts biting her lip softly.

Looking down she eased a hand into the edge of her pants. Rubbing her pussy gently through the soft fabric of her panties. Looking back up she kept watching the vulgar scene through the window. “I don’t really find these sluts. They find me, It’s easy to know who the lesbians are. If you pay close attention. All these girls are secluded and just want attention. They want a mistress to follow around like a little slutty puppy. They will literally do anything for approval.”

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