


I rolled up to the hotel where I’d been booked in, got reluctantly out of the taxi, and stood looking at the smouldering edifice. I pulled out my phone and checked for messages but there weren’t any. I turned to the taxi-driver who was grinning like a baboon and asked him if he knew where I could get an internet connection.

“Not a problem,” he assured me.

With that we proceeded to an internet café and I again got out.

“Want me to wait a while?” he asked and I just nodded glumly.

Once in the café I connected to the internet and brought up my email. The message at the top of the inbox was titled ’emergency accommodation’.

‘Don, your hotel has burnt down and they’ve cancelled all bookings. I’ve managed to book you into the Winstrop from tomorrow onwards. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a hotel booking for tonight but I did find an Airbnb that will take you. Celia.’

The addresses of both the Winstrop and the Airbnb were attached. I took note of them and returned to the taxi, who was delighted to take me to the nominated Airbnb address. I also took his number so I could call him to pick me up the next day when I was ready.

I knocked on the door and was admitted by this guy. He was what you might call average. Average height, average weight, average looks, average everything. At least, that’s what I thought until I got inside. In the lounge room there were three other people. Another man so much like the first that they had to be brothers, and two women, who were both above average. Very much above average in my opinion.

The first man introduced himself as Jim and his brother (I was right) as Andrew. The two women were Gloria and Helen and they were the wives of the two men. I was offered some coffee and was glad to accept it.

Over the coffee Jim told me that the two couples shared the house. Technically Jim owned it but Andrew had helped him pay for it. Now they all lived there while they pooled their finances so that they could put Andrew in a house. Jim got his first as he was the oldest. It soon became obvious that Jim suffered from verbal diarrhea, talking non-stop and quite satisfied with the occasional grunt for an answer. He also had no personal filter, spilling everything he knew as fast as possible. It was a surprise to me that the other occupants of the house hadn’t strangled him.

I retired as soon as I could, the trip having been both boring and tiring. I went to bed and slept the sleep of the just and the good. Not having any appointments until the afternoon I didn’t bother setting an alarm, figuring I’d wake up whenever.

Whenever turned out to be when Jim and Andrew went to work. I didn’t get up; just stayed right where I was, hearing the household getting breakfast and then the two men departing. I could hear Jim yakking the entire time and when the front door banged closed I was so relieved I just went back to sleep.

The next whenever was about an hour later and this time I got up. The room I was in had an en suite bathroom so I grabbed a quick shower and dressed. Leaving the bedroom I headed toward where I could hear the two women talking and giggling.

Entering the kitchen the two girls turned towards me and wished me good morning. I responded and Gloria offered me some breakfast.

“Yes, please,” I replied. “What’s on offer?”

“Depends on you,” Gloria said. “Cereal, if you want it, bacon and eggs with toast, pancakes. You name it and I can whip it up.”

I opted for the bacon and eggs with toast and sat down at the table while Gloria got to work. I spent my time while she cooked watching the two women.

Now this was their house and I was the intruder but I was a little surprised at the informality of what they were wearing. It wasn’t that I expected them to get dressed up for me but they were still in their nightclothes, with just a light dressing gown thrown over them. When I say light I suspect that what they were wearing came closer to being peignoirs than dressing gowns.

As well as wearing gowns that could be described as flimsy Gloria’s gown, while tied at the waist with a belt, still showed a lot of leg when she moved around. Helen’s not so much, but still somewhat more than I’d have expected.

Still, like I said, it was their house and they could do what they liked.

I finished my breakfast and decided I really should be going. I didn’t have to worry about paying as that would have been done when Celia booked the room. I’d already packed and all I had to do was call the taxi and depart.

“Why do you keep looking at me?” Gloria suddenly demanded.

Because she kept flashing ümraniye escort a pair of lovely long legs of course. Wasn’t that why she was flashing them, so I could look?

“Just admiring your legs,” I said affably. “Yours, too, even if I can’t see as much as I can of Gloria’s,” I added in an aside to Helen. “They’re quite lovely and worth looking at.”

Gloria looked a trifle annoyed while Helen just looked embarrassed.

“Well, you’ve got no right to be looking,” snapped Gloria. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” I admitted. “Ah, just as a matter of curiosity are you actually wearing anything under that dressing gown?”

“None of your business,” snapped Gloria, while Helen just blushed a little more. “Why are you still here?”

“Oh, it’s just that this is one of those days when I’m feeling toey and contrary. Ever have days like that? Of course you do. You’re a woman. I guess the main reason that I’m still here is that I’m wondering what it would be like to make love to the pair of you before I go. An exhilarating experience, I’m sure.”

“Um, are you forgetting that we’re married?” asked Helen. “We don’t do things like that.”

I laughed.

“Don’t be naïve,” I said. The fact that you’re married means that you do do things like that.”

“You know what I mean,” she protested and I nodded.

“Yeah, I know, but what makes you think that I was going to ask?”

Helen now looked confused while Gloria was looking incensed.

“What do you mean?” Helen asked, but I didn’t have to answer.

“God, but he’s right, you are naive” Gloria snapped. “He means that all he needs to do is grab us without asking.”

“What?” This came out with a bit of a squeak. “He couldn’t do that. It’d be rape.”

A pause and then Helen rallied a bit.

“He couldn’t anyway. If he tried the one that he didn’t grab would run and get help.”

“And leave the one he did grab in his hands? Who knows what he’d do before you got back? And who says he can’t grab hold of both of us?”

“Well if he’s holding both of us he can’t rape either of us, now can he,” said Helen with a sniff.

“Ah, actually, what shouldn’t be a problem,” I said thoughtfully. “I simply push one of you to the floor and lay the other across her. The one on the floor is pinned while I play with the second. When I’ve finished with her I simply switch your positions.”

“Big-noting yourself,” said Gloria scornfully. “Once you’d done one you’d be too pooped to pop for the second one.”

“You underestimate me,” I said cheerfully.

Gloria was getting more and more irritated while Helen was still all nervous and embarrassed.

“Well, what’s in it for us?” Gloria demanded.

What? She was seriously considering it and wanted to be paid? I glanced over and Helen and smiled. That offer wouldn’t fly. Helen wouldn’t have a bar of it.

“You’re bluffing,” I said with a grin.

“Am I?” she asked, and promptly named a sum.

“You’re kidding.” The amount wasn’t outrageous but really, I ask you?

“Gloria,” hissed Helen.

“Oh, right, each,” Gloria said with a big smirk.

I simply reached into my pocket, withdrew my wallet, and extracted the nominated amount, holding it out to each of them. Gloria glared at me, then smirked and took the money, tucking it into a pocket of her dressing gown. Helen looked at me, then looked at Gloria, and then took the money, face red with embarrassment as she tucked it away.

“Okay,” I said cheerfully. “I need you both to get undressed. Helen first.”

“What? Why me first,” demanded Helen, not at all happy with that idea.

“Oh do use what little brains you do have, Helen. It’s obvious. He’s expecting you to chicken out and then he can demand his money back.”

I could see Helen’s hand in the pocket of her gown, clutching her money defensively. I could almost hear her saying, but it’s mine. She looked at Gloria, then me, then undid the buttons on her gown and draped it over the back of a chair. That’s all she had to do. She wasn’t wearing anything under it. She was now standing there, red-faced and naked.

Gloria gave her a surprised look and then took off her own gown. She did have something on under it. A very sheer negligee and an abbreviated pair of panties. Now she was blushing but she kept going, stripping both things off, getting back her self-confidence as soon as she was naked, happily flaunting herself.

I grinned at Gloria and pulled a couple of chairs away from the kitchen table to make room. Then I escort ümraniye simply picked Gloria up and sat her on the table, right next to the edge. I held up a finger and shook my head when she made a move to get down and she relaxed, although she was looking at me rather warily. I turned and gave Helen a rather more gentle smile and moved her over to the table lifted her up onto it so she was seated next to Gloria.

Now that the girls were seated I eased their legs apart, quite wide, and just like that they were showing everything, and both were in a position to see what the other was showing. Gloria stayed that way, with just the hint of a blush. Helen, however, tried to bring her legs together, blushing quite fiercely, and I had to act quickly to stop her.

With the pair of them sitting like that I’d made sure they were far enough apart for me to stand between them. I started off by stroking their breasts, feeling Gloria pushing slightly against my hand with Helen pulling away slightly. Very nervous, that young lady.

After playing with various breasts for a while I let my hands drift down, just lightly stroking them until I reached their groins. I did not immediately go for the grab. My hands slid to the sides and continued down, now stroking the insides of their thighs. Both girls seemed to be getting a little restless, having expected to be groped only to find my touch feathering along their sensitive inside legs.

My fingertips drifted up and down their legs, drawing close to their vulvas and then dropping away again. I could see that they were getting aroused, their labia swelling and pursing, with the inner lips showing through, gleaming slightly from gathering moisture.

My hand came up and pressed against Gloria’s vulva, covering it and starting to rub it. She gasped a little when I started but then she was pressing herself against my hand, quite happy to have me touch her there. I kept on playing with her, fingers occasionally dipping between her lips and into her passage to do a little internal massage.

Helen was watching me touch Gloria, nervously waiting to see if I was going to do the same to her. She looked at me and I smiled again and this time I let my hand move from her leg to her vulva, just cupping it and squeezing slightly. Her blush got deeper but she didn’t try to stop me, but neither did she try to press against my hand.

I released my hold on the girls and moved between Gloria’s legs. I calmly dropped my trousers and my erection was standing forth, eager for the fray. I’d been spot on with my estimate of how high the table was and all I had to do was move closer and push.

I did just that, my erection pressing firmly against the opening to her passage, sliding easily in. Gloria was leaning forward a little, wanting to watch as my cock entered her. Helen gave what sounded like a shocked gasp, and a glance at her showed she was also watching as my cock sank smoothly into Gloria.

Now that things were finally progressing it didn’t really come as a shock to me when Gloria lifted her legs and wrapped them around me. I started thrusting in, developing a nice rhythm, finding her quite happy to push back to meet me, blatantly enjoying what I was doing to her.

I had one hand on her breasts, stroking them, while the other was still gently rubbing Helen’s vulva, keeping it stirred up and aroused. Helen kept watching what we were doing the look on her face saying she didn’t really believe what was going on.

I kept drilling away, enjoying myself and watching Gloria’s reactions. She was a hot little number, totally into what we were doing, and it seemed obvious to me that she was going to climax sooner rather than later. That was fine by me as I still had Helen to attend to,

It reached a point where a few swift strokes were all that was needed to have Gloria giving a small scream and climaxing, her legs lifting away from me with a kick as she shuddered under the sensations assailing her.

I turned and looked at Helen.

* * *

I was sitting on the table, petrified. Gloria was sitting next to me and that man was fucking her. Literally. His cock was sliding in and out of her and she had her legs wrapped around him and was urging him on. I’d never realised that she could be such a slut. How she could face her husband after this I’ll never know. Actually, yes I would. She’d just pretend that it never happened. She knows that I would never dare say anything. ‘And you were sitting next to her, naked, while this was going on?’ Oh no, my mouth was sealed.

He seemed ümraniye escort bayan to be moving faster, his cock pulling right back and then driving in hard, and I’d swear that Gloria, the tramp, was actually flexing her legs to pull him in harder.

I was so relieved when Gloria suddenly screamed and started shaking. She’d finally climaxed and this whole dissolute episode would soon be over. He pulled out of her and it seemed to me that his cock was just as stiff and erect as when he started. Too stiff and erect and altogether too much cock. Far too much.

He finally let his hand drop away from where he’d been touching him and with a little sigh of relief I was about to hop down off the table. I’d never been exposed so blatantly to a man in all my life. Not even Andrew had seen me that exposed and I was married to him.

Before I could get down that man had moved in front of me, stopping me. Looking down I could see his erection just in front of me.

“What?” was all I had time to say. What it meant was what the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re not really going to try and fuck me, are you? You can’t do this.

The reason I didn’t say all that was because I’d only gotten the first word out and I found his cock pressing against me, pushing between my lips and entering me. So instead of saying what I wanted to I was all, “AAAAH. Oh my go-od.”

I was appalled. I was actually being fucked, something I did not want. My mood not helped by the fact that Gloria was giggling and watching his cock slide into me. I couldn’t even claim it was rape because I’d accepted that money, but not for one instant believing that he’d be able to do this, especially as Gloria had him first.

His cock kept on sliding into me. I was finding it hard to believe that a man could own so much cock. It just wasn’t fair. How did I finish up in this mess? It wasn’t my fault. It was him and Gloria. First of all her for asking for money for both of us and then him for actually producing it. I shouldn’t have taken it, I know, but I thought it was free money. I never dreamed I’d have to let him do this but now he was doing it and I didn’t know what to do.

I gave a small gasp when I felt his groin rubbing against me, knowing that that meant his cock was all the way in, and that infernal stretching of my passage would come to a stop. It felt as though I was all stretched out of shape and it would take ages to get back to normal.

He just paused as he was for a moment, his hands coming up to cup both my breasts. He started rubbing them, tweaking my nipples, and then his cock started moving again.

He pulled slowly back, with me feeling the drag of his cock against my passage as he went. Then he was pushing in again, not in a rush but certain of where he was going, and the feel of his cock rubbing against me as he thrust in was different to his withdrawal but just as telling on my nerves.

Despite my wishes I was getting aroused, and that by a man I didn’t even know. I couldn’t even remember his damned name and here I was, sitting naked on a table while he screwed me with Gloria watching and cheering him on. (And that wasn’t hyperbole. I could hear her making encouraging noises as he thrust and I was damned sure she wasn’t meaning them for me. She was probably laughing her head off at my predicament.)

He kept on thrusting away with me automatically moving with him. I wanted to tell him to stop but wasn’t sure how to say it. Here’s your money back, take it out? I don’t think so. Having that thing in me meant I’d already more than earned that money. But still, I was married and he wasn’t my husband!

I finished up not saying anything. Things like ah, and oh, and wow, don’t really count as saying anything. Finally he was moving faster and faster and those ah’s and oh’s were spilling from my lips with a greater frequency. It was a case of he’s going to drive me to a climax whether I want him to or not. I was in two minds about that. A climax would be nice but not from him.

Then it was all too late to decide on anything as he gave a grunt and I could feel him ejaculating inside me. That feel and knowing what it meant was enough to tip the scale and I screamed as I climaxed, and climaxed in a big way.

* * *

I pulled away from Helen, feeling smug and pleased with myself. Both women had had climaxes and I’d finished off nicely, deep inside Helen. Gloria had been all for some fun but I’d been a bit dubious about Helen but she’d entered right into the spirit of things, fucking me just as hard as I fucked her. She was looking a little dazed right now but that was just the climax, I guess. Gloria, on the other hand, was positively glowing. I had no doubt that if I had the stamina she’d be up for another round but, alas, I had neither the stamina or the time. I called for my taxi and bade the girls goodbye. Maybe I’d stay there another night when I was in the city. Assuming they were still doing Airbnb.

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