
Moms , Lovers Ch. 05 Talia , Mary


Their plot to win the prize


By R A Rae, Writer

Talia Grant and Mary Williams were both persuaded by their sons to read a story, ‘Moms & Lovers’, on the Literotica.com web site. Neither woman had ever imagined engaging in a romantic relationship with their sons, but it happened. Both ladies have found renewed passion in their lives because of the story. The author has subsequently opened a contest for the right women, along with their sons, to have their photographs included in the published version of the Moms & Lovers series. This book will include photographs of the chosen winners. Also, a movie deal is currently being negotiated. These events have led to the point where Talia and Mary have chosen to join forces to become the chosen faces of Jean and Barbara. Here we discover more common ground with our two beauties and peel back more layers of intrigue.


Lisa, her son, her niece Mary and Mary’s son were naked and enjoying the whirlpool in Mary’s pool area when her kitchen phone rang. Mary was not about go streaking into her kitchen to answer the phone this late at night, but she thought it might be important. Grabbing her robe, Mary bolted to the phone. The woman on the phone was leaving a message on Mary’s answering machine when she picked up the phone in mid message:

The voice on the phone was tentative, “Mary Williams? My name is Talia Grant and I got your phone number from the sales clerk at the Dress Boutique.”

Mary picked up the phone to interrupt Talia’s message and said, “Hello, this is Mary.”

Talia was surprised, but started again, “Oh, good, you’re there. Yes, my name is Talia Grant and I got your number from the sales clerk at the Boutique. She said you were buying a dress for a photo shoot for Moms & Lovers and that’s why I’m calling.”

Mary interjected, “yes, I didn’t expect you to call so soon if at all.”

Talia, “I firmly believe we should explore doing a combined presentation to enhance our chances to win the roles. Sorry to blurt this out, but are you interested?”

Hesitantly, Mary responded, “uh, sure, go on, but I’m a little skeptical about this whole thing. My son actually got me into this.” Thinking she had gone too far, Mary exclaimed, “shit, are you familiar with the term TMI?”

Talia laughed, “relax Mary, I think we should meet and talk. We may have more in common than auditioning for some story or movie. Since we both live near the Dress Boutique, I presume you live fairly close to me. What do you say we have dinner and talk over the possibilities.”

“Sure, where did you want to meet and when,” asked Mary?

“There is a little Italian place right in the mall downstairs from the Dress Boutique. I’ll make a reservation for the two of us for this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. if that’s okay?”

Mary responded, “that’ll be great. How will I know you?”

Again Talia laughs, “I’ll be wearing a burgundy halter dress and a black choker. What about you?”

Laughing and smiling to herself, Mary coos, “okay, well, I suppose I’ll wear the new, little black halter dress that I just bought at the Dress Boutique.”

Both women laughed and said goodbye.

Still smiling and very pleased with herself, Mary stops in her kitchen to retrieve another bottle of wine and four glasses on her way back to the pool area. As she returns to the whirlpool grotto, Mary is grinning from ear to ear and appears to have a new bounce to her step. Drew watches his mom approach carrying the wine and asks: “what’s the wine for, mom?”

Standing by the edge of the whirlpool, still in her robe, Mary starts, “a celebratory drink of sorts. That was Talia Grant. Who is Talia Grant, you may ask? Well, she is my very new best friend and we are going to meet for the first time this Wednesday night. Drew, Talia is the lady who was buying the same dresses as we were at the Dress Boutique and she wants to talk. Talia believes we stand a pretty good chance of winning the photo shoot and potential movie parts if we collaborate on a project and I am inclined to agree. Lisa, David, let me tell you what Drew and I are about to do.”

Mary continues, “Drew persuaded me to read a story he discovered on Literotica.com. It’s about a couple of moms execute a plan to seduce each other’s sons. They go further and end up in the sack with their own sons. Oh, they don’t just have a romp in the hay with their sons, they end up in a long term romantic relationship with them. Mind you, it’s not just a story about sex among family members, it is a love story involving passion and mutual lust. Look, it’s a lot like what we just shared.”

Lisa mutters out loud, “I’d say tonight was more like a sexual and emotional epiphany for me.” She then turned to David and kissed him quickly on the lips and mouthed, “thank you, I love you”. David smiled back.

Mary went on, “this is really new to us and we found it absolutely exhilarating. Look at us, Lisa, here we are, sitting naked with our sons and really comfortable with what just happened in my family room. Who would have thought we would ever mobil porno be in my whirlpool, naked together with our own sons, glowing after hot sex?”

“Anyway, when you called to talk about you and David having pictures taken for some naked mother-son website; well, Drew and I just had to share more than just conversation, right”, inquired Mary? “For all I know, this sort of thing is going on all over Florida right now and it makes me tingle all over.”

Looking at David, Mary goes on, “David, had you planned on making love to your mother, or me, for that matter? Tell you what, I’ll give you a minute to think of your answer while I pour some wine and make myself comfortable in the water.” Mary drops her robe and descends into the pool to sit next to her admiring son. She pours four glasses of wine and hands them to her relatives. Clicking glasses in a toast, Mary looks to David for a response.

The grotto is shaped like a rough band shell covering the whirlpool offering privacy and tranquility. The romantic glow from the underwater pool lights coupled with the soft glow of the reflection off the water give a relaxing quiet to the mood. David seems reluctant to answer his cousin’s question. Mary again asks, “David, did you plan on making love to your mom?”

After taking a drink of his wine, David stammered, “this may sound like a true confessions episode on TV, but I have wanted to make love to my mom for years. I can’t remember a time since I was fifteen that I didn’t want to be my mom’s lover.” David turns to face his mom, Lisa, and says, “I really think you are incredible, beautiful, sexy, desirable, just the most fabulous woman alive.” David kissed Lisa and she kisses him back, tongue and all for the world to see.

Mary wasn’t done with her story, “slow it down you two, I’m not done telling you what is about to happen. You saw the photos of moms and sons on that website, do you want to take pictures like that or do you want something more creative in mind? Aunt Lisa, this is more your call than anyone else. The mom controls the shots, so to speak, in this. The mom is the one that must be the willing participant and provide direction. Sorry David, but you are only here to provide a penis and arm candy for your mom.”

David smiles and Lisa interjects, “drop the ‘Aunt Lisa’ and just all of you call me Lisa. After what just happened in your family room and the way we are sitting now, it makes no sense to give anyone a title. Got it? Okay, I haven’t given this a lot of thought since David suggested this the other night, but I think I’d better just relate how all of this evolved.”

Lisa began to tell the story, “David came up behind my chair as I was watching TV the other night and started to rub my neck as I was watching. It felt so good and he knows how tense I get from work. As his fingers worked into the back of my head and behind my ears, he told me how nice I looked even after a long day at the office. David’s relaxing fingers traveled around my neck to stroke my throat and collar bones. I am pretty sure he was peeking down my blouse at my boobs.”

“Yes, I was,” interrupted David.

Lisa continued, “I didn’t want to stop his looking either. Secretly, I want someone to appreciate my curves other than the salesmen coming to my office every day. Then David said, to my surprise, ‘mom, you look fabulous, will you please pose naked with me for a website?’ I jumped out of my chair and turned to face David. I think I scared him. I wasn’t really angry, I was just surprised at the thought that my son wanted to pose naked with his old mom. It took me by surprise and I didn’t know what to say, so I blurted out something like, ‘are you out of your mind, or what’s got into you, or something as equally inane’.”

“David was put off by my response and I really didn’t want that.” Lisa looked down into the water as she sat naked between her son and Drew. When she looked up again you could see the tears coming to her eyes. Facing David she said, “honey, now I am flattered and over joyed that you think of me in this romantic way and am honored that you want to even be seen with me naked.”

Lisa hugged her son and turned to Mary, “Mare, we have seen the pictures on that website and I sort of know what they are looking for, but I don’t want pictures of David and me engaged in intercourse. Do you suppose you could take a few shots of the two of us in tasteful poses? I need your help here if this is going to be nice. My handsome and caring son must not be embarrassed by his mom.”

“Wow, okay, here’s what I have in mind,” said Mary. “Let’s go, we’re going to start this little romp right now. Everyone grab your drink, put on your robe, and follow me; we’re heading for the family room.” The four exited the soothing, whirling water to don their robes and head inside. “Drew, honey, go into my office and get my camera and tripod. While you’re at that, bring in one of my sheets from the linen closet for a backdrop.”

“Lisa, you and I headed for my bedroom and put on some makeup and fix our hair. You boys towel off and wrap a towel alman porno around your waist. Lisa and I will wrap up in towels, too. That will be one of the first shots of the four of us. Yes, I said the four of us. Why waste a perfectly good chance to show off our stuff to the world. This is exciting.”

Mary and Lisa go into Mary’s room to start the process. Mary provides two matching, bright white terrycloth bath sheets as wraparounds. It doesn’t take long for both women to apply lip gloss and eyeshadow, but the hair needs more work. Both dry their hair and brush it out. “It is a good thing I don’t wear my hair long anymore,” intones Lisa. Hair neat and makeup in place, the girls head down the hall to the waiting camera crew of Drew and David.

David admiringly whistles, “wow, you two look really terrific,” and he snaps a shot of both girls entering the family room. “Drew and I were talking while we set up the sheet for a backdrop. How about we do shots of both couples together for this website? Drew suggested we go as a family shot after the individual shots. We will create greater interest for visitors to the site.”

Mary and Lisa looked at one another and nodded to the boys. Mary suggested, “Drew I will direct this as Lisa and I have discussed what we think will be tasteful and, yet, provocative, okay?”

Drew nods and turns the camera over to his mother. Mary starts directing, “Drew, turn down the lamps to low and we can see how our lovely couple looks in dim light. Lisa, take David over in front of the backdrop and face him. (click) I like how the two of you look in matching towels. Face each other and, Lisa, look up into David’s eyes. (click)” Lisa kisses her son. Mary chastises Lisa, “Do not kiss him, damn it! That pose if for later. Smile. (click) That was nice, but Drew turn up the lights a little, the room is a bit too dark.”

Drew turns up the dimmer switch and asks, “how about I use one of the spots from the pool to throw more light on our ‘happy couple’?”

“Go for it, but make it quick.” After only two minutes, Drew returns with the landscape spot and directs its glare slightly behind Lisa and David. “That’s better,” said Mary. (click) “Now, Lisa turn with your back to David and both of you turn at angle to me. David put your hands on Lisa’s upper arms just below the shoulder.” (click) “Damn, Drew lose the backdrop sheet. Lisa and Dave, the sheet looks too common and antiseptic. Let’s start again. This whole backdrop thing just isn’t working. (click) The fireplace adds personality and maybe a chair shot will be so much more interesting and natural. I want this to appear as if we caught you two in the midst of discovering each other for the first time.”

Lisa took David’s hand and stood in front of the fireplace. Anticipating Mary’s instructions, Lisa faced David, looking into his eyes, (click) she lightly kissed his lips including a full body embrace. (click) Mary started again, “that was great. Now reposition yourself, Lisa, turn toward me at an angle with David placing his hands lightly on your upper arms. (click) David, kiss Lisa on the neck and Lisa turn your head as if to look toward your lover. (click) Lisa, act as you have discovered your inner passion for David for the first time. (click) David, start to remove Lisa’s towel with both of your hands to show the camera she has nothing underneath. (click) Great, slowly,” as David begins to remove Lisa’s towel. David opens wide the towel to expose Lisa’s delicious body while Lisa reaches behind her head to run her fingers through David’s hair. (click)

More clicks as Lisa, now naked, turns toward David. Mary instructs, “Lisa, open David’s towel so the camera can (click) see his pleasure at being with you. Drop the towels you two and hug and kiss for the camera. (click) Keep the action going (click) and Lisa, turn to the camera. (click) David, cup Lisa’s breasts for the camera (click) and, Lisa, see if you can reach around behind to discover David’s erection (click). Okay, enough, cut, stop you two.” David and Lisa seemed oblivious to the instructions from their photo shoot director, Mary.

Lisa chastised Mary, “your directions are great, Mare, but David and I are moving fast. Just click as we go all improv here.” Mary began to click feverishly as Lisa and David started moving to Mary’s sofa. There, Lisa placed David on his back (click) as she began to lick her way from his lips on down to his swollen manhood. (click) Lisa did not stop at stroking David’s penis, she took it into her mouth (click) while Mary moved around the scene. Lisa raked her son’s chest with her fingernails as she moaned (click) around David’s cock. David pulled his mother up from his cock (click) to kiss her as he maneuvered his erection (click) between her thighs to be rewarded by penetrating (click) the holy grail of his desire. (click) Boom, Lisa’s pussy lips parted to gobble up her lover’s cock (click). Mary didn’t miss a shot. Mary clicked on as the two lovers squirmed their way to mutual orgasm. (click)

Mary turned to Drew and winked. “That is quite a photo alexis texas porno session, don’t you think?”

Drew responded with, “Mary, you wicked woman, suppose we might put the camera on the tripod and go for a few of our own poses?” Mary placed the camera on the tripod and aimed it at the chair next to the fireplace.

“Wide angle okay with you, dear?” Mary teased and continued toward the chair as Drew followed.

Drew placed the camera on automatic and intoned, “let me start running through the poses you directed. First, face me and turn at angle. Let me just run through the poses and you respond as you feel.”

Mary turned away from Drew and held his hands up to her towel. He opened her towel to reveal her magnificent, compact figure. Drew dropped the towel and cupped Mary’s breasts. Mary moved her right hand to cover he naked, shaved muff in mock modesty while moving her left hand behind her butt to grasp Drew’s cock. Drew kissed his mom’s neck as he allowed his right hand to trail down to push aside his mom’s hand. “That’s nice,” murmured Mary as Drew’s fingers parted Mary’s pussy lips revealing her moist clit. “Are you sure you want pictures of this, honey?”

Lisa spoke next, “I sure do!”

Her comment startled Drew and Mary. They suddenly realized the David and Lisa were watching their every move. “David and I are going to join you in your photo shoot.”

Remembering the camera was taking shots every fifteen seconds, the two couples repositioned the camera toward the sofa. The couples demurely sat posed, naked, facing the camera seemingly uncomfortable. (click) Lisa took the lead by standing in front of her great nephew with her back to him, hands on her knees and her legs spread wide in an inviting position. (click) Lisa then sat on her great nephew’s lap and encouraged Mary to do the same with David. (click) While neither was engaged in any sort of penetration, both boys engaged their fingers to explore the beauty perched on his lap. (click) The camera kept clicking away. Lisa and Mary rotated on their respective boy’s lap to face each other. (click) Quite unexpectedly, Lisa leaned over and hugged Mary, kissing her on the lips. (click) Quite a symmetrical picture unfolded as you might imagine, both young men with one hand obviously exploring the depths of his partner’s muff and the other hand squeezing her boobs. (click) As the women untangled from their impromptu embrace, they both engaged the mouth and awaiting tongue of their young partner. (click) It did not take long or many clicks to find our couples engaged again in the throws of deep penile penetration in wanton pussies. (click) David in his cousin and Drew deep in his great aunt.

And the camera kept clicking. If only they had audio with this lively exchange. Again, it took some time for the couples to recover from their exhausting gyrations. Both girls lifted off their spent males to flop onto the sofa. Mary whispered in gasping breaths, “I can’t remember ever being this exhausted nor as satisfied as I am right now.”

Still out of breath, Lisa haltingly breathed, “honey, it doesn’t get any better than this.” As an afterthought, Lisa whispered, “we must do this more often, what do you say to resting for a few minutes or so?” Lisa was grinning at her niece.

“I still need to get shots of you being massaged in my ‘sex chair’ by David as he asks you to pose with him. I think your first encounter with this idea would make a great story to go with the photos. I would like to have seen it in person just to see the surprised look on you face, Lisa. One day I will relate to you how Drew found me after I first read his mom/son romance story. It will curl your toes, David.”

“Oh, tell me all about it, please, Mary,” pleaded David.

“Another time,” delayed Mary. “I need your mom to take a few shots of me in my dress and Drew in his best suit for our audition shots. Let’s all get cleaned up and Lisa can help me dress.”

The boys just went out to the pool for a skinny dip while the girls headed to Mary’s bedroom. Mary laid out her new burgundy dress and lingerie while Lisa showered. As Lisa dried off, Mary quickly showered. After refreshing her shave, Mary just couldn’t help but explore her own depths with her fingers to be sure she was squeaky clean and ’empty’ of cum. Gahd, she had never been so satisfied sexually. Mary smiled to herself as she brought the shower wand to engage her freshly shaved hoo hoo. Nice!

Mary toweled off in her bathroom and stepped into her bedroom. “Mind if I try this on when you’re done,” questioned Lisa holding up the black dress.

“Be my guest, but you should read Drew’s story to gain the full meaning behind my selection of dresses. I am going to wear both for the audition shoot, but feel free to wear the black one while I pose in the red.”

Mary slipped into the garter belt with stockings and pulled the flimsy panties over the belt. Next, she put on the filmy bra and realized it would interfere with the sleek lines of her dress and dropped it back on her bed. Finally, Mary lifted her new, burgundy dress over her head to snuggly wrap her tingling skin. “Nice,” commented Lisa as she admired her niece and helped to smooth the dress over Mary’s hips. “You’d better not wear that in public, sweetie, men will be falling all over themselves trying to get your attention.”

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