
Couple’s Vacation in the Caribbean Ch. 02


Be sure to read part 1 before reading this part, as it will give context to the characters. This is based mostly on a true story. Be sure to rate this story, or leave comments (even for improvement), as that will be my only motivation to write more stories.

As I climbed into bed, I was about to turn on the TV when I looked over and saw light coming through the bottom of the door. I turned on the TV and we were watching a re-run of CSI, it was about half-way through the episode. The wife fell asleep pretty quick, but I was up through the end of CSI, and when I looked back at the door, the light was now off. I turned off the TV, and let the breeze of the ceiling fan put me to sleep.

My wife was the first one up the next morning. She started some coffee, and soon Erin was up as well. Later, I learned from my wife, that John and Erin had been up for a while after we went to our bedroom. Erin kidded the wife about “having fun last night, and her morning glow.”

She confided in my wife, that her and John had also had some fun last night.

My wife had asked where their fun happened, glancing at the couch.

Erin quickly responded “no, the bed of course.”

Which my wife quickly agreed with “of course,” remembering the door, and her back against it.

Erin also told my wife that she had been really horny that night, which hadn’t happened in a long time. She didn’t know if it was the Caribbean air, the sights on the beach, or just being away from the stress of work.

My wife told her that I, being the typical male, “gets off on checking out the women on the beach, especially the sights of yesterday.” She said to Erin that she “first realized it the very first time we went to South Beach.” She said as soon as we would get back to the room, he’d rip off his clothes, and he’d head for the shower. Right after that “I couldn’t keep him off of me, and we had sex like three times in a row.” Ever since then, “I really look forward to those South Beach trips.”

Erin then said “I know what you mean, I’d certainly look forward to this kind of trip again.” With that comment, she put her hand over her mouth, and gave my wife a surprised look.

It was right about this time, that I had woken up, grabbed a danish and a coffee, and joined them on the couch. Had I known the conversation they were having, I would have stayed in bed later, especially, knowing that I’d eventually find out from my wife what the morning gossip was.

I couldn’t believe all this, that my wife was telling me, as we were loading the beach bag in our room. I was like “no way, she said that” and “you’re kidding me” multiple times. Knowing that this had transpired, I knew today would be a good day at the beach.

What we had learned from past vacations here and at South Beach, was that there are four types of beach girls. The first group, are those that would never even think of going to a topless beach, we’ll call those the Puritans. The second group, these are the girls that will go to a topless beach, but they will keep their top on, regardless of how many other women are topless (the Tolerators) or if their friends are topless. The third group, are those that seek out topless or nude beaches, and then the instant they arrive, they can’t get out of their top (or more) fast enough (the Exhibitionists).

Now, our fourth group is the group I know that my wife belongs to, these are women who have to work up the courage to “experiment” with being topless (the Lioness). The courage may come from being around other topless women, or noticing their own tan lines, and comparing themselves to others with no tan lines. It could also be that they just need to work up the nerve, usually over a few days, to go topless, and only if there are others who are already topless.

I know for my wife, her first time was categorized as getting the nerve up (a Lioness). It was our first time in South Beach, and our third day there, she had seen other women going topless, and after seeing a somewhat heavy-set woman take off her top not 20 feet away. She looked at me and said “hell, if she can go topless, I can go topless,” and with that, she lifted her around-the-neck strap over her head, and in one quick instant, her gorgeous breasts were exposed for all to see.

She’s now gotten to the point of the “being around other topless women” gives her the courage. Although, she has a few times, been the one to start the “topless fad.” I remember on our last trip, it was almost noon, and there was not a topless sole in sight. There were lots of people, but none topless. My wife didn’t want to add tan lines, after getting two good days of sun without a top, so she took hers off, and within a half-hour, there were about ten women in the immediate area who had now taken their top’s off. I told my wife “see what you started.”

Getting back to our current trip, John and Erin were soon ready to go. This was different than yesterday, when we practically had to drag John to get going and get ready to leave. I think he was the first antep escort one ready today. So, we locked up the cottage and headed over to the beach.

When we arrived, it was just like yesterday, many of the umbrellas and chairs were empty. We decided to do the same setup as the day before, so we had the umbrella in the middle, then facing the ocean, we had Erin & John on the left, and my wife and I on the right side. I quickly glanced around and saw a topless couple down our line of chairs, and another up front, laying out on a blanket. The one laying out on the blanket, was not technically “topless” as she was laying on her front, but had the strings of her bikini untied and laying to the sides. We’d have to keep an eye on her to se what she did when she rolled over or got up.

About an hour after arriving, a group of five college girls setup their towels a bit off to the left in front of our chairs. I think this was their first day to the beach, as one of the girls was surprised when she saw the woman down the end of our row topless. They were southern girls, as you could tell from their accents when they spoke. One of them had on a Texas A&M oversized t-shirt, so maybe they were from there.

Of the five girls, two were tall, probably at least 5′ 10,” I thought they could easily perhaps play on the basket ball team, if they had one. These girls both had long straight light brown hair that went probably about 4 – 6 inches below their shoulders. When they took off their cover ups, it appeared they both had a B cup size breasts. The other three girls all had dark brown hair that did not extend beyond their shoulder blades, two were average height, probably around 5′ 5,” while the other was lucky if she was around 4′ 10,” maybe 5′. One of these taller girls was very flat, with probably an A cup, while the other was definitely a solid B, perhaps even pushing a C cup. Now the shorter one, she had to be a C cup, because although she was petite, she had a rocking body.

As this group of girls settled down, all eyes were upon them. One of the girls who was about 5′ 5,” glanced back over at the topless woman, then spoke with her friend for a few short seconds. The thing I heard was “no you won’t.” And with that, she took another glance toward the topless woman, then slowly untied her top at the back of her neck. You could feel the excitement build, as she pulled that knot undone. She laid down with the bottom portion still tied. She then rolled over onto her front, while holding her top up the best she could. I could’ve sworn I’d seen a nipple slip as she settled down. It was then that she untied the back bottom string and let it slide to the side of her.

By this time all her friends had also settled down and were now a mix of laying on their backs and fronts.

So, we now had two women up front who were laying on their fronts, with their bikini’s fully untied.

The woman who had already been laying there for some time, talked with her husband or boyfriend, who then pointed over in the direction of the topless lady at the end of our row. The woman up front then raised herself onto her elbows to get a better look. After being satisfied that she wasn’t going to be alone, she said something to her husband/boyfriend, who then pulled a bottle of sunscreen from their bag. The woman then fully sat up, leaving her bikini top behind on the towel, as she squeezed lotion out of the bottle and started to spread it on her chest.

Her husband just watched as she did this. It took just one brush of her hand over her breast, for her nipples to get hard. I could see this, as she was sitting at about a 45 degree angle to me, so I had a perfect view of her right breast, and an almost outline view of her left breast. She didn’t appear to be too tanned, so there were no sharp tan lines to speak of.

It was at this point that I was startled by a loud noise to my left. It was Erin who had just smacked John on the arm with her People magazine. She claimed she was “just trying to kill a bug,” but I’m sure it was really to wake him from the stare he had focused on the lady up front.

I think the noise also woke up one of the college girls up front, as she looked around, then nudged her friend, the one who was laying on her front with her top undone. She pointed over in the direction of the lady who was applying the sunscreen. I can only guess she said something like “look another one.”

Her friend just said “so, what’s the big deal.”

I went back to reading my magazine, when all of a sudden, some movement from the college girls area caught my attention. The woman who had her bikini untied, was looking around and was now positioned with her head resting on the palms of her hands, and her elbows directly in front of her. From my vantage point I could not see anything beyond her arms, but anyone positioned on her side would surely be able to see her tits hanging down in full view. She stayed like this for about 5 minutes, then her elbow probably got tired, because she rolled over on her back and pulled her bikini out from under her. It looked like she was going to put it back on, but then she reached behind her and put it in her bag.

Her friend alerted the other girls, all of whom then started giving her a clap. This only made sure all eyes were on her now. She acted casual about being topless, but quickly grabbed her sunscreen and sprayed it all over her chest area. She had her back toward us now, but as she turned from side to side to spray the sunscreen on her sides, we were given brief glimpses of those great B cups.

Her friend was one of the tall girls, as I could tell when she stood up. Her and the short girl went down into the water to cool off. They were down there for about 10 minutes. As they returned, the short girl walked over to the topless girl of the group, after a little talking, she then proceeded to unhook the front of her bikini top, I guess it had one of those clasps like a bra that hooks in front. Well, she soon had it undone, and we were treated to views of her breasts as she sprayed sunscreen all over them. She then pulled the top off both shoulders, and threw it over toward where she had been laying.

Only. it didn’t make it that far. It hit one of the other girls who was laying on her back. This girl then looked over and gave her friend a clap in the air, and yelled to her “you’re such a show off.”

To which the short girl yelled back “you’re always free to join Kara and me.”

There, we knew who the first topless girl was; Kara, what a lovely name. . .

Given all the goings on in the group, all of the girls were now laying on their back side, propped up on their elbows looking out toward the ocean. One of the three girls who still had their bikinis on, and who had what looked like a good base tan, made a comment to the other two girls and said something that sounded like “watch – you do it like this and no tan lines.” I thought for sure, we were now going to get to see the full display, but nope. She undid the top of her bikini around her neck, then re-tied it about two inches above the bottom strap of the bikini. So it now looked like these three girls were wearing those 80’s style bikinis that didn’t have a top strap, but just one large back strap.

It was almost lunch time by now. We all decided to go in the water to cool down first, then we’d head back to the snack hut and grab some sandwiches. We were all just floating there in the water for a few minutes, when the whole group of college girls started heading down to the water. The short one didn’t bother to put her top back on, but the other girl did.

This was a much better view then we had on the beach, as now these girls were maybe only about 10 feet away. The short topless girl had a nice base tan on her breasts, so it looked like she had done some topless tanning, but probably at a tanning salon. Her friend who had first gone topless, was very light, so by going topless now, she could get a nice full all-over tan, and never have to worry about tan lines.

I could tell that all of us were sneaking glances at these girls, but Erin in particular was probably checking them out even more than her husband John.

Erin and my wife wanted to head back in as they were hungry.

We grabbed our sandwiches from the snack hut, then headed back to our chairs. We all sat around the little cocktail table near the umbrella and ate and talked. When we were picking up and throwing the trash out, I glanced over at the college girls, only to see that they were posing for pictures together, and we didn’t have just two topless girls, we now had three. They were making crazy poses and jumping around for their pics. The other two girls, still had both their bikini straps tied behind their backs like before.

My wife and Erin were applying more sunscreen, when my wife noticed she was getting a defined tan line where her strap crossed her shoulder blade and went behind her neck. She said to Erin “I’m going to tie mine like those two up there” gesturing toward the college girls.

Erin said “I’ll do the same then.” My wife undid the strap behind her neck, and asked me to tie it behind her back, which I gladly did, as did John with Erin’s.

The one thing I failed to appreciate about having a bikini tied like this, is that the fabric, which is made to normally lay flat against the skin, when the bikini is worn as it is supposed to, now, instead it bunches out away from the skin. So, when you look at the person facing you, you don’t see anything. But, if you look at them from the side, you can almost fully see into the bunched out fabric of the bikini. Doing so, I thought I could almost make out my wife’s nipple, which looked like it was erect. If the bikini was creating a view like this on my wife, maybe it would look similar on Erin. I casually looked her way, but all I could make out was the side of her cleavage, which was just as much as you could see when her bikini was worn the normal way. I chalk this up to the fact that my wife’s bikini was a light yellow, so it let more light in, whereas Erin’s was a dark green, so it let in virtually no light.

As we’re now all laying there and checking out the sights, it made me thirsty. I asked the others if they wanted anything to drink, then headed up to the snack hut. On my way there, I passed the 30-something couple that had been seated next to us the day before. They both said “Hello,” which I also did. I watched as they made there way over to a set of chairs, this time to the side of where my wife and I were sitting.

I brought the drinks back to our area, and noticed that the 30-something couple was up in the water. My wife said they greeted them when they arrived, and exchanged pleasantries with the couple, just the normal “beautiful day” and such.

After having a few sips, John and I headed up to the water to cool off, while the ladies stayed behind. As we were walking into the water the 30-something woman was walking out, but her husband was staying behind in the water. She said “Hello boys” as she passed us.

We both responded a “hello” back. As John and I were chatting in the water, we were talking about how great this resort was.

Upon hearing us, the 30-something husband asked if we had been to “Sunset Seafood.” He said it was a seafood restaurant off the resort, that had killer seafood and great views of the sunset. We then got to chatting about if they had been here before, which they had not, and where else they had vacationed before. We were up there in the water for at least 30 minutes or so. I felt my back getting hot, so I headed back in to put some sunblock on. John stayed in the water with Paul, as we had now found out his name. His wife’s name was Allison and they were from Dover, Delaware.

As I made my way back up toward our chairs, I couldn’t help but take in the beautiful sight of those five college girls. Three of them were still topless, with the other two having their bikinis only tied behind their backs. They were all sitting up eating some chips and chatting. By the time I made it back to my chair, they had gotten up from their towels and and were heading to the water, only this time the girl who had previously put on her top to go to the water, had left it back on the beach, maybe because she had more company this time. Anyways, I was kicking myself for getting out of the water, as now Paul and John had the best view all day.

Later this night, I’d also be kicking myself for interrupting the conversation that Erin and my wife were having with Allison at the time. As I got closer, my wife said “say hello to Allison,”

I said hello and said I’d been chatting with her husband, Paul up in the water. Allison responded that “he’ll probably spend all day up there.”

I remarked back, “he must really like the water.”

Allison responded “or something else like that.” This made both Erin and my wife start laughing, so I guessed I wasn’t in on the joke.

As I settled back into my chair, the ladies went back to their magazines. This time each of them were reading Cosmo, Erin had this months issue, and my wife was catching up on reading last months.

John and Paul came back to join us shortly after the college girls had returned to laying out on their towels. Erin asked John “so how’s the water?”

He responded with “great, you really should take a dip.”

“Maybe later” Erin said.

Before Paul could settle into his chair, Allison asked “can you untie me, i think I tied it too tight.”

So, Paul sat behind his wife on the lounge chair and began to untie the white bikini top that Allison was wearing, the strap behind her neck came untied easily, but, the one across her back was giving even Paul some trouble. So now, Allison was in a siting position, with her bikini top hanging below her gorgeous firm tits. Her nipples were erect from having had the fabric of the top brush across them. It didn’t help that Allison had also pinched the left one to get some sand off it. After about a minute, he was able to get it untied. She then asked him to put some sunscreen on her. Paul started with her back, then began working it into her sides, slightly rubbing it over the sides of Allison’s breasts.

Allison then asked my wife, who was closest to her “did he get it all?.”

My wife took a look over at her, as did we all, and said “I think he might have missed a spot on your lower right.”

Allison then took the sunscreen bottle, and squirted some drops on her shoulders, arms and chest, and said to Paul “please be a dear, and rub the rest in, I don’t want to get it all over my hands, as it makes the ink in my magazine run.”

Paul gladly did as his wife asked, starting with her shoulders and working around her neck. He soon had his hands coming down the top of her shoulders and onto her breasts. As he did so, we heard a sigh come from Allison. Paul certainly heard it as well, as he was now grasping his wife’s slippery tits in his hands and working that sunscreen all over them. He was bringing his hands under her breasts from each side, and slowly meeting in her cleavage area, then opening his hands and cupping each breast, kneading it in his hands.

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