
Jim’s Vacation (Part 1)


Part 1

It was 6pm and the sun was setting while Jim sat sipping rum on the deck of the vacation house he’d rented for the week. It had been several years since they took a proper shore trip where the family could unwind and relax for a long enough time. The kids were older now and easily took care of themselves, finding things to do and friends to hang out with. In fact, Lily and Ben were at the beach several blocks away from where they were staying. They’d promised to be home for dinner.

Molly, Jim’s wife, was leaving tonight however. As is life, an urgent call came in from the Hospital. She needed to be there in the morning to assist in a surgery.

She came to the deck where Jim was sitting and sat down next to him. “Jim” she said. “Im sorry about this. We both knew it’d be a slim chance I wouldn’t get called midway through the trip. At least Ben will make his soccer game and I’ll be able to grab groceries and get the house up and running for when you and Lily return.”

About 3 drinks in, Jim was content with the situation. He had reached the point of the trip where he truly was relaxing and letting the moments occur on their own. He needed this trip and was thankful for the time, albeit 3 days where the family was together. “Its alright Honey. It was a good trip and we had a couple days together – essentially an extended weekend.” “Take your time driving back. Ben will be happy to hear he can hitch a ride home and not miss the game. I’ll stay here and relax in the house while Lily hangs out with her friends.” He smiled sincerely at Molly. “Maybe I’ll even grab a couple cigars from that shop down the street I’ve wanted to visit. With no one here, the smoke won’t be a bother.”

Molly laughed. “Yea, you do that. Enjoy the time alone, relax, but don’t get too drunk if the girls are over. That never looks good.” Jim agreed.

Lily and Ben had been at the beach for 5 hours – and they were tired. They were with a group of friends and had done about everything there was to do. When they first got there in the morning, they built sandcastles until it warmed up. Then the boys played frisbee while the girls tanned. With the sun setting, they found themselves walking the boardwalk – everyone was tired and burnt.

While Ben was a sophomore in college, Lily had just graduated high school and turned 18. She felt a certain degree of freedom as she looked at the summer ahead and the 4 years of college that should be fun. “Lily.” Ben called out amongst the group. “I got a text from Mom. She’s driving home for work tonight and I’m going to catch a ride with her. Dad and mom want us both to have dinner together before we leave.”

Lily realized this was a perfect way to depart from the group who’d likely want to keep hanging out. “Okay” she said. “Sorry guys, we have to go home for dinner. Let us know if you’re doing gaziantep rus escort anything tomorrow!” Everyone said goodbye and the two walked to the car.

“I am burnt to shit!” Ben said. “Tomorrow’s game is gonna hurt to play.” Lily looked at Ben in his bathing suit and flip flops. “Should have worn sunscreen like I said to. Me and the girls only got a little burnt while we tanned. It probably helped that we wore shirts throughout the day as well.” Lily’s cheeks and forehead were red enough to show she got sun. She had fell asleep while tanning however and had her t-shirt off then. She was slightly concerned that once she removed her shirt at home, she’d realize she wasn’t as lucky as she thought. The bikini she chose that morning was thin material – it probably didn’t help much.

They hopped in the car, turned on the stereo, and felt very relaxed as they drove home. In a matter of minutes, they pulled into the driveway. “A great day it was.” Ben said. “Glad we could catch up with everyone. Nice to see Mike straightened out a bit.” “Ya, I remember you and him had problems in high school. He was immature compared to everyone else. I thought he was cute though.” Lily said. They walked up the steps and opened the door. “Helllllllooooo” Lily yelled.

“Hey!” Molly yelled back. “The pizza was delivered 5 minutes ago, perfect timing.” They all walked to the kitchen. Jim heard the commotion and realized it was time for dinner. Having several drinks though when he got up, he felt the need to use the restroom.

“This looks really good! Yum!” Lily exclaimed. “Im going to get some sweat pants and change shirts real quick before I sit down and eat.” As Lily’s room was next to the bathroom, she passed Jim on her way. “Hi daddy. Today was a lot of fun! The pizza looks really good, go and grab some!” “I will sweety, just going to use the restroom real quick.” With that they both passed each other. Jim closed the bathroom door and turned the fan on. He heard Lily close her door and the sound of a dresser drawer opening up. He looked at the toilet and saw toilet paper missing. “Perfect.” He said. “Lets see if there is an extra role somewhere.” The vanity was next to him and he proceeded to open the doors to it. He noticed one roll in the far back corner that he would need to get on his knees to reach. He knelt down and right when he reached for the roll he noticed something. A small flash of faint light in his periphery. He looked up. A small hole, about ½ an inch wide was at the back of the vanity. “Maybe the plumbers messed up.” He thought. “But why did I see a flash?” Then another flash of movement through the hole. “What the?” He got closer. As he focused his eyes through the hole, he heard the sound of a dresser drawer closing but this time it sounded like he was in the room. He saw two legs walk by and realized what he was looking at. Then a bikini top fell onto the bed. Butterflies entered his stomach; he felt pounding in his chest. He was seeing Lily change! He couldn’t believe the situation and yet he couldn’t take his eyes off of the perfect ass he saw. As she bent down, his eyes focused in between her legs. His cock stiffened and his balls felt full. His daughter’s pussy was immaculate. It had thick lips, a perfect slit that seemed to invite him in. He swallowed hard and felt the blood rush out of his face. He felt weak and yet he wanted sex like never before. The images seared into his mind, he wanted to breed that pussy. Lily turned and was out of sight that the hole offered. Jim sat there in awe.

The door to Lily’s room suddenly opened and closed. “Come on daddy. There won’t be much left if you don’t hurry up!” Jim cleared his throat. Stumbling for words, “Ye, Ye, Yep Sweety…Be right out.” He got up, hurried to the toilet and pulled his shorts down. His cock was hard. Harder than it had been in years. It made peeing difficult but he imagined the piss being an endless stream of cum he was unloading. It helped and he felt more viril than ever. He flushed the toilet, pulled up his shorts and breathed in and out until he was calmed down and his cock was relatively flacid. He did not want to walk out with it bulging especially when his kids and wife were right outside.

He opened the door and walked to the kitchen. “Nice of you to join us.” Molly said while chewing about half a slice. “Ben almost ate all of yours.” She said. “These kids must have been running around all day from the way they are eating.”

“It’s okay.” Jim quietly responded – still in shock of what he was just able to see and learn. “Im not very hungry anyway. I think I’ll just say good bye to Ben and head upstairs.” Lily ran up to the counter suddenly in front of Jim. “Im only having one more slice. Don’t want to get a fat ass.” Jim’s mind injected the image of that very ass into his consciousness, his cock began to stir. He imaged a little more width to her ass and her pale thighs slightly thicker while her gleaming pussy was at the center of it all. His cock twitched again. “Eat as much as you want Sweety” Molly replied. “You look fine and from what we’ve talked about Mike was perfectly happy!” She winked at Lily. Overhearing this, what felt like a thousand pounds came down on Jim. His fury began to increase but unlike any other time before. Someone had tasted the forbidden fruit which he lusted, his loins were swelling, ready for retaliation.

Lily turned around and went back to the living room where her and Ben watched TV. It was just Molly and him. He felt he needed some escape – some form of intimacy to get him by given his present situation. He wrapped his arms around Molly. “I’ll miss you.” He whispered. Molly felt his vigor. Slowly, he lowered his hand to the front of her waist and found the button to her jeans. “Jim, the kids are right there!” “This will be quick. Something for me to remember you until I drive back.” He replied. He unbuttoned her, found the waistband of her underwear and again slowly lowered his hand down. Once his middle finger found the slit it was seeking, he stiffened it and dove inside. Molly quivered and ooed as quietly as possible. He massaged the walls he was so familiar with. Being married for 30 years, there wasn’t any part unfamiliar to him. After several moments which felt like an eternity to Molly, Jim pulled his hand up and out. The juice was thick between his fingers. Musk of his wife’s pussy entered the air and he brought it to her nose. She trembled in ecstasy as she smelled her womanhood and watched her husband lick his fingers. His shaft was pressing with indignation into her behind and she lusted for it. Jim kissed her on the cheek and whispered “Thank you, and thank you for our children. They are perfect because of you.” He walked away and to the living room where he waived the kids goodbye before heading to his room. “Have fun tomorrow, sport. Play hard.” “Thanks dad.” Ben said. “We’ll see how I do considering how burnt I am.” “Nonsense, you don’t look that bad. Lily looks like she got more sun. The back of her legs are quite red.” Jim replied. “Daddy, how would you know that? Im wearing sweatpants. And I feel fine.” He choked slightly realizing what he had said. His mind raced for a solution. “When you passed by me Sweety, I noticed how red your legs and shoulders were. Anyway, good night.”

Jim climbed the stairs and went to his room. He locked the door behind him, jumped on the bed and immediately pulled his pants and boxers off. His shaft sprung forcefully up and his head pulsated. The mere images of what he had just seen were making his tip ooze precum and put him virtually on the edge of blasting ropes into the air. He couldn’t believe he felt this way about his own daughter. Only a couple years ago, she was a scrawny little thing with braces and acne. Now her body, at least what he was able to glimpse, was better suited for that of Greek mythology. Her hips were perfectly hourglass shaped and her butt cheeks firm and tone. They looked to have a thin veil of fat that laid atop a firm mound of muscle. He imaged what they would look like spread and how her pink pussy between them would glide perfectly along a long thick cock. Her pussy was very light pink as he recalled it. With it spread around his dark cock, there would be perfect contrast and his white sperm would easily be seen between them. That image was it for him, without even touching himself his cock blasted ropes of thick cum into the air and back down onto the bed. He tried his hardest to keep cumming and empty as much as he could while visualizing the breeding session he so desired. Coming down from ecstasy, he rolled over and fell asleep.

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