
Brainy to Barbie: Kara (Complete)


Brainy to Barbie: Kara

By John Bear Jr.

Brainy to Barbie: Kara Ch.01

In Amazonia, Kara was an outcast. Though she was weak, unassertive and petite, she could occasionally be called on to solve problems and take care of mundane tasks. After her extensive education with the elders, she was one of the most competent women in Amazonia. However, she wasn’t too concerned with being the best. Most of the women in Amazonia left her to her own devices while they were out competing for status. Kara spent most of her time alone reading in her hut. She wanted for nothing and enjoyed her life of leisure. Yet, she felt that something was missing, she just couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Nevertheless, she carried on happily.

One day, however, she was called to help deal with an emergency situation. One of the women had gone missing in the jungle and needed to be found! Fortunately, Kara was intelligent enough to think about where the woman might be by thinking about the woman’s personality and following the clues. The women trusted Kara to find their colleague and left her alone instinctively.

As Kara approached deep into the jungle, deeper than she’d ever gone, she heard the sounds of a woman screaming and pulled out her small knife. She felt that she was on the edge of death as she approached the noise. What she saw shocked her. The woman she was sent to find, a tall, buxom redhead, was being attacked, she thought, by some kind of womanoid being. She looked like a woman only taller, harrier and squarer. She was thrusting her crotch over the woman’s bum. At first, Kara’s instinct was to rush in and stop them, but she was too afraid, and she knew the woman would overpower her. However, as she observed the two, she realized that the woman was enjoying herself immensely. The other woman wasn’t inflicting pain but creating pleasure. Kara’s tummy started to feel strange and she felt her special place heat up in a way it hadn’t ever before.

Kara waited patiently for the two to finish. The woman being ‘attacked’ shook occasionally, but the other woman was relentless. Yet, it wasn’t long before she grunted in a way Kara had never heard before and repeatedly slammed into the woman before finally stopping her assault. When the woman removed herself, Kara discovered that she wasn’t a woman at all. Kara knew female anatomy well, this creature had different genitalia! Not only was it different, but it was intriguing, arousing even. The couple exchanged kisses before parting ways.

As the woman approached, Kara made her presence obvious before asking “What was that?”

“Kara, hello! What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to see this.”

“Why not?”

“Well… It’s an ancient rite reserved for champions.”

“Oh… No one ever told me.”

“Look, I know you won’t tell anyone, but it’s a secret. I’m sure the elders will tell you more about it.”

“And who was that other creature?”

“That,” she laughed, “That’s a man.”

“A man?”

“Yes, they’re like us, but worse.”

“Oh. Why don’t we just destroy them?”

“If it weren’t for that damn ritual we would.”

“Does it hurt?”

“No, no. It’s just. We keep it to a minimum.”

“Ah, I see. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.”


“Everyone’s looking for you, by the way. Will you say I found you?”

“Yes, ok. See you later.”


Kara rushed off to consult her texts and elders. Her favourite teacher confessed that many of the books were prohibited from even her until she became an elder. Those books were meant to reveal the secret to the wisest and most aged of the people of Amazonia. Since the elder respected Kara, she decided to let her read the books herself, rather than lecture her. She did say, however, that under no circumstances was she allowed to speak to a man. Kara agreed.

There were several texts for Kara to read, all bound in human flesh. She picked one at random and began to make her way through it at a leisurely pace. Her tactic soon changed, however, when she discovered lewd depictions of sex acts, romantic stories and sexual power dynamics. The idea that one of Amazonia’s champions could be made to submit added a political dimension to her searching. She found herself aroused by the idea that unstoppable warriors could be brought to their knees. During her reading, she also installed the idea in the back of her mind that she would not be allowed to engage in this ritual, even though the want was desperately growing inside her.

Brainy to Barbie: Kara Ch.02

After several weeks of study, Kara stumbled on the idea of masturbation. In Amazonia, sex and sexual pleasure were unthinkable. No one knew anything about it, except for the champions who only learned about it from elders when it came their time. Kara was shocked by her discovery. The next time she experienced an erotic feeling f her book, her hand instinctively reached hatay escort to try it. It was incredible for her. Her entire body shook. She delighted in the secret knowledge that she had. She had experienced the pleasure of champions, if only to a small degree. Alone with the books, Kara pleasured herself feverishly.

No one noticed that she had been indisposed for months now. She felt free to do whatever she pleased with her secret as well as with her time. She could go ages without being called, it seemed. Despite all the pleasure she could induce in herself, she still felt a nagging feeling in her loins.

When she went out for food and other things, she suddenly realized how poorly she was treated. Her hut was much smaller and dirtier. Her clothing unclean and, more than anything, everyone was bigger, stronger and healthier than her and they knew it. With her new insight into their psychology, she realized that they looked down on her. As she grew in her studies, she wondered if they feared her, but they didn’t. They simply thought that the work she did was a waste of time, it brought nothing of value to Amazonia.

That night, after realizing the truth of her fears, Kara masturbated furiously. Inside she felt among the highest because of her sacred knowledge, but outside, in the real world, she was among the lowest. In the meantime, she was addicted to pleasure and frustrated that she couldn’t seem to increase it. Though she could imagine big men coming to take her, it seemed practically and morally impossible. First, she’d never be able to find the men in the jungle and second, speaking with a man was taboo. Yet, she realized, she had already broken the taboo of masturbation. What was another taboo? In addition to that, she thought, what incentive did she have to not break taboos? She was, in fact, lowly and rejected.

It was in this state of mind that Kara stumbled upon a terrifying object in the jungle. It stood neatly atop a flat rock, calling out to Kara. She knew instantly that she was staring at a man-made cock. Her mouth and pussy watered beyond measure. Kara felt as if her prayers had been answered. She was unperturbed that the object seemed to be made out of an alien material, that it was clearly placed there on purpose. Instead of worrying, she grabbed it, hid it in her clothes and hurried to her hut.

That evening, she explored every depravity she could. She imagined men thrusting into her throat, her pussy and her ass with abandon. Slowly, as the cock worked inside her, her mind melted away. The rush of taboo-breaking had instantly addicted her, and she thrust the cock inside her with dizzying speed. She rocked hard on it to feel it strongly all over her insides. Alone by herself, she was mastering the cock, exploring every desire the instant it entered her imagination.

One moment she felt overwhelmed by the man forcing her to the ground, while the next she was so focused on filling her mouth with his cock she lost the plot. It even occurred to her that she might want more cocks. Above all, the idea that the men were much bigger and stronger than her and that, by being filled by them, she was insulting all of Amazonia and admitting that she was worthless at the same time caused her to feel fire all over her body. The incredible sin she was fantasizing about added, if anyone could have witnessed it, a millimetre to her fangs.

The next morning, she felt incredible shame, but as she walked among the other Amazonians and they failed to notice that she’d broken the taboo, she felt incredibly proud. Kara felt as if she was walking on air among them. However, when she saw the same champion that opened this door for her, she felt jealousy. The woman was much more beautiful than her. She was bigger, stronger and shinier. She had nicer make-up and was just all-around superior to Kara, at least as far as Kara was concerned.

That night Kara gave birth to a new desire.

Brainy to Barbie: Kara Ch.03

Using her knowledge of the weather and her access to maps, Kara found a good time to leave a map of the area on the same rock in the hopes that whoever left that toy for her would know what to do.

After a few excruciatingly long days, Kara found out that he did. The map returned to the rock, but this time it showed the location of the men’s camp as well as a safe path towards it. Kara quickly returned home to prepare.

While she was in the village, she ran into the champion, who barely glanced at her. She was too popular to speak to Kara in front of others, even though Kara knew her secret. None of the others had any idea that one of their champions had fraternized with a male. They didn’t even know what men were. Kara started concocting an obsessive story about how little these women knew, how they looked down on her and treated her so poorly despite her successes and studies. As evidence, Kara reminded herself that she had no friends, no power and no prospects to advance escort hatay in her society. The shame of her social situation amplified her arousal during her trek.

She reached her destination before sundown. A young, thin man was waiting for her. He was much scrawnier than the man she had seen before. In a way, she was disappointed. Though they both spoke the same language, their conversation was incredibly awkward. It seemed that both of them were outcasts. Nevertheless, they both wanted one thing and they were determined to get it.

Unlike in her fantasies, the man’s cock was not big and strong, but thin. At least, she thought as she wrapped her hand around it, it was incredibly hard. Unlike before, this cock responded to her every touch. Just as she put her lips to it, it twitched wildly and sprayed her with juice. Kara was upset. The man tried to explain that this had never happened to him. Kara asked about the goo. He said that it always happened that way once he figured it out. Undaunted, Kara asked if they could try again.

She shoved his cock down her throat with abandon. The man, despite his small stature, couldn’t contain his lust and grew aggressive with Kara. She happily obliged him. He fucked her throat senseless, and rapidly moved to her pussy. Kara was so happy to sense the truth of her submission. She could finally confirm the suspicion that had been growing inside her heart, namely that she was a lowly being deserving of less. She squirted so hard she thought she had peed on the man, but he continued and so did her pleasure.

Unfortunately, he didn’t last much longer. His brutal thrusts served to remind Kara of her position. She felt incredible, but as she laid with the man, still in a state of rest, she began to wonder what it would be like with bigger and stronger men like the one she had seen. Men whose cocks were as large or larger than her toy. She would cry out under their strength. Even this small man was stronger than her, she felt. Still, he would not be able to handle a champion, she reasoned.

That night she let the man have his way with her. Everything he did seemed to satisfy her, especially because it solidified her weakness and subjection. Men, who were overall her lesser, penetrating and debasing her caused her immense pleasure. She pushed back hard and tilted herself to give him access to more of her. He always took it. If only, she thought, this one was bigger and stronger, then he could fill the rest of me that so badly needs to be filled. She felt calm in the storm of his fucking, his hair pulling and slapping. He was wirier than the other man, but he seemed to pack a punch. She hoped that every man was stronger than him. Her moans, which the man had given up stifling, seemed to attract attention.

Another man, slightly larger than the first, found his way to their bed. The first man tried to negotiate, for he was under threat of death for committing this crime. The second, seeing his opportunity, slew the first in front of her. No stranger to murder, Kara knew that she was safe. She prayed this man had a larger cock. He was certainly bigger, but still not as big as the men’s champion.

This man, reasoning what the first man was doing, began to oafishly insert himself in Kara. She savoured every inch of him as he thrust wildly, she could tell that the pleasure was overwhelming for him. She felt a smile coming as the idea to force him to orgasm came to her. She knew she could make him splurt inside of her by merely pushing back in a feminine way. He would be powerless. This is what she did. The man shook violently as she overpowered him. His cock grew limp quickly and he felt both enlightened by these experiences and disappointed by their brevity. Kara’s eyes and lips assured him that there would be more. She licked and sucked his cock to a full erection and continued to completion. He was able to last much longer. Kara quickly developed a sense of the man and made it so that she could enjoy herself as she wished. Psychically, she prevented him from getting any ideas of violently fucking her mouth or anywhere else. Instead, she enjoyed what was becoming her favourite past-time. She sucked his cock so happily and freely that she could feel her spirit lighten. She laughed as she brought the man to another orgasm down her throat. He ran away in fear, she walked off with pride, but instead of returning home she drew deeper into camp.

Brainy to Barbie: Kara Ch.04

Kara was led by her intuition to the camp of the man she saw in the jungle. He was unsurprised by her presence and immediately knew the reason for her visit. He opened his bed for her and her body was more on fire than ever. She knew that she would feel an incredible satisfaction. The man radiated health and strength; he was also so alien from the people she was familiar with that it excited her beyond measure. When she laid next to him, she began to understand the dramatic difference in size. In comparison, hatay escort bayan she was weak and feeble, she felt that the man could crush any tree in the jungle with his bare hands, let alone the backside of her ribcage that he had taken hold of. Kara shook with excitement.

The man spun her onto his barrel chest and tight stomach. Her body began to relax completely. Kara felt like a pile of goo resting on this man’s body. Her pussy zeroed in on his cock without her control. The man’s cock was much bigger and thicker than she could have hoped. It split her body and consciousness with a shock of pain followed by overwhelming pleasure. She let out a soft whimper as she realized her powerlessness and understood the delightful and inescapable situation she stuck herself in. The man took hold of her and held her tightly as he thrust into her. Her toes curled as her first orgasm crushed her. She drooled onto the man’s neck and her eyes rolled back in her head. She remained like this as the man enjoyed her. Her orgasm, or what she thought was her orgasm, grew to another degree without ceasing. The man had barely begun.

In the back of her mind, Kara felt completely and utterly conquered. She felt that, in some way, she belonged to this man. She would forever be available to him. By the time she understood this entirely, he had positioned himself behind her, grabbing onto her more forcefully. Though she knew he had to hold back, or else he would harm her, she felt that he understood the exact right amount of force to apply. Kara began to feel respect for this giant man who continued to deepen his command over her with his cock. The way he owned her made her feel as reduced as she felt in her society. However, she also felt that she was benefiting in a profound way form the man’s strength. Her heart soared in her body as her persistent orgasm washed through her muscles. Her breasts felt fuller, her skin felt cleaner and more supple. Kara moaned joyously, incessantly, proudly claiming to everyone who would hear her that she had succeeded. Her cries rang out in the village. The man, their leader continued without a care. He understood that the secret was out and that the men would benefit greatly. He had conquered the trojan horse.

After he filled her insides with his sperm, he left her to be used by the other leadership. Kara, who had entered a state of deep healing and relaxation, put up no resistance. She invited and provoked the leaders with her femininity, causing them to act in a frenzy. If it weren’t for the presence of their strongest, they might have become violent as they rushed to fill their visitor. Kara could feel their passion and it exhilarated her. She also understood that her village would be powerless against these men.

After the frenzy died down, Kara was coated in sperm inside and out. The healing she experienced on every plane of her being brought about a glow of health which, she felt, surpassed all the champions of her village. Now, she hoped to test her enhanced vibration against her oppressors.

Brainy to Barbie: Kara Ch.05

Kara returned to her village by herself. She stood outside the marketplace waiting and watching, one step closer and she might have been noticed. For the time being, she wanted to enjoy her anonymity one last time. The knowledge that no one knew or cared that she had left, broken taboos and returned to have her revenge made her linger seconds longer than she envisioned. When she saw the champion, she knew that all she would have to do is walk by and the others would know by comparison that Kara, a lowly scholar, had superseded their champion of champions.

Their powers were so equal that as they passed others were unknowingly pulled into the gravity of their collision. They turned to look at one another.

“Out of my way,” said the champion.

“Your way? I’m simply walking, maybe you’ve gone sideways,” retorted Kara.

“What would you know about sideways you bookworm?”

“Sideways, underneath, on top, it’s all the same when it comes to cocks!”

“What! How dare you!”

The others turned their eyes and ears at the spectacle.

“Yes, I know all about all the fun you’ve been having with the men.”

“I’ll have your head,” screamed the champion as she armed herself. An elder stepped in to stop them.

“Kara, what you’re saying is nonsense, come dear, you’re embarrassing yourself, let’s talk this through,” she soothed.

“No! It’s time you all know. They’ve been lying to you, there’s a group of other women who are called ‘men’ and they have the most glorious thing attached to them. A thing that they hide from you. They think you’re unworthy. You think you can treat me like a dog? Well, not any longer. It’s time to reveal yourselves men,” she shouted.

The tribe of men were led from the bushes by their leader. Kara drew him closer to the women. Her pussy and in turn the pussies of the other women lit on fire. Only the elder, the champions present, and Kara knew why. Kara sunk to her knees in front of the giant as the village stood in awe. Some of the women felt shocked by the introduction of this new species, some of them felt disgust at their square bodies but most of them felt jealous of Kara.

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