
The Secret Life of a Corporate Slut Ch. 03


A gentle shaking on her arm woke her up from a light sleep. The flight attendant offered her an amenity kit and mentioned that there was about an hour left in the flight. Nina felt a little bleary-eyed as she tried to comprehend the questions that were being asked of her.

“Yes, thanks. Could I get a glass of water and some coffee?” she responded as she watched the attendant perform the same ritual with Paul. Being the only two in the cavernous first class cabin made short work of her morning and she moved back into the galley to prepare their service.

She looked over at Paul who was still sleeping and smiled weakly. Good god, she thought to herself, they had spent the better part of a six-hour flight continuing their conversation over fairly decent food and excellent glasses of wine. It qualified, for Nina, as the longest date she had been on for quite a while. How sad, she thought to herself, she really needed to get back into the swing of things when she got back home.

“Good morning,” Paul said as he leaned over and pulled back the privacy screen, “Did you have a good rest?”

“Quite good, this sleeping suite is larger than most of the studio apartments I’ve been looking at on the Upper West Side,” Nina responded as she tried to keep her eye contact with him as light as possible. Filled with a growing dismay, she knew she was horny again, despite the random fuck she had taken advantage of at the airport, and it had to do with an undeniable attraction she was feeling for Paul that made her stomach tighten with fear and shame. “How about you? Good sleep?”

“Yes, surprised I was able to fall asleep. Pardon me, I think I shall make use of this kit,” Paul said as he rose to go to the bathroom. Nina followed, wondering if it would be too conspicuous if she were to take enough time in her bathroom to get off before they landed. She couldn’t believe the growing pressure and throbbing in her clit, and the wetness that was starting to seep from between her thighs. Being as close as she was to Paul, imagining him in the bathroom next to hers, wondering if he was as tempted as she was to pull out his painfully erect cock and glide his hand along its hard length and over its slippery head for a quick release, made her knees buckle with desire.

Bolting the door shut, she didn’t stop herself, rationalising this was a much better option than trying to head back out into that cabin without any relief at all. She leaned back against the wall of the bathroom, reaching down, lifting her skirt and sliding her left hand underneath her panties. Her right hand unbuttoned her blouse partially, allowing her to pull one of her straining nipples free from their lacy cups, feeling the cool air of the cabin shiver them into even harder nubs as she pinched and rolled both nipple and clit in rhythmic unison.

“Fuck, fuck…” she moaned under her breath as images and sensations continued to build in her body. She raised her left leg up onto the toilet, the parting of her pussy lips sending a soft gush of hot slippery juices down the insides of her thighs. She was so ready to cum, she thought to herself as she dipped a finger into her pussy and brought it up to her lips. She could still taste the faint rubbery bitterness of the spermicide from the condom that she had used with her dark-skinned lover. But the new gush of wetness tasted delicious and only heightened her need for her building orgasm to come and wash over her. She reached back down, and started to pinch her clit rhythmically, swirling her fingers around and down deep into her steaming slit. She brought her other hand down as she felt the pressure start to build deep inside her pussy. While she would have loved to have stayed in this stage of the process, Nina was starting to feel self-conscious about how long she had been in the bathroom already. She took in a deep breath, and let herself go, her expert fingers taking the simmering pleasure inside of her and pushing her quickly over the edge. The waves of her orgasm pushed the breath out of her in ragged gasps as she slowly came down from the rush. She quickly washed her hands and smoothed down her skirt, looking at herself in the mirror, noticing the slight blush that lingered across her neck and cheeks from her orgasm.

Nina walked unsteadily back to her seat, and took the paper that the attendant held out for her. Paul was already on his second cup of coffee and intently reading the Herald as if it held the secrets of the Holy Grail in them. Relieved, she pushed back into her seat and enjoyed the rest of the flight in relative silence, enjoying the fact that he could be at ease with her without having to fill every moment with words. She almost slapped herself to try to keep thoughts about spending a nice long weekend with him at bay, instead, she shook her head Ataşehir Escort violently, trying to keep the stupid voices from the cocktail-party going on in her brain from talking.

“Are you alright over there?” Paul inquired politely, looking at her past the half folded corner of his paper.

“Yep, just fine. Maybe a little hung over from the wine we had,” she responded as she rubbed her temples.

Paul smiled, “Well, remind me to keep an eye on you if we ever really go out to drink in London. We may have to switch you to club soda before 10 p.m.”

“I prefer Shirley Temples, thank you. Far more sophisticated, don’t you think? Alright, I’m going to pop an Advil and settle down and do some work.” She slipped on her glasses and pulled her hair back, opening a folder she drew from her purse, using all her powers of concentration to become engrossed in the report in front of her.

He looked at her, wondering if she could really be so charming all the time. “Sounds good,” he responded, gratefully hiding back behind his paper.

As the cabin gently rocked as the plane taxied up to the gate, Paul’s thoughts continued to fixate on the woman sitting next to him. He felt his throat dry as the prospect of not having any reasons for seeing her at all began to loom. He had thought it was for the best, and deep down inside, he knew it was. But as he followed her up the ramp, watching her long dark curls sway gently against her shoulders and down her back, he fought the urge to walk up behind her, running his hand through her hair, pulling her back towards him so he could…

“Pardon!” he exclaimed as he almost ran her over at the top of the ramp. She had stopped to look inside her purse and hadn’t given him any warning.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” she responded, still rummaging around her purse. “I think I may have left my glasses on the plane.”

“Well, not unless,” and he reached out and pulled something from the dark curls on top of her head, “they’re buried on top of your head.” He handed them to her, amused by such absentmindedness.

“Wow, thanks. Now I wish I had left them on the plane. So, where’s your connecting flight?”

“Just down the terminal, I’ve got an hour but I’ll grab a coffee in the lounge.” he hefted his travel bag on his shoulder, wondering if a final hug would have been too forward. But before he could ponder his motivations any further, he felt Nina move in closer and slide her arms around his body.

“Thanks,” she said as lightly as she could, “you’re a great travel partner.”

“It was my pleasure, it was nice working with you.” he responded, trying to keep himself under control.

Nina’s parting hug with Paul lasted longer than she had expected. She felt his hands cradling her hips, moving up her back like an intimate kiss even while his words seemed so distant and polite. She shivered and pushed away, shaking her head and wondering what the hell was wrong with her. Couldn’t she even accept an innocent hug without dropping down on her knees wanting to suck some dick? She almost laughed out loud when she had the thought.

“Hey take care, I’ll talk to you soon.” she said to Paul breathlessly as she grabbed her bag and ran towards the terminal exit – it was 5 a.m. in New York and she was back home.

Jumping into a taxi, she was surprised at how little fatigue she actually felt. It was like she had been out all night clubbing and was on some surreal high. They had enjoyed a first-class meal together on the flight and she had had fun poking and prodding him out of his reserved shell. Nina had been surprised by how captivated she was by him – usually guys who were reserved tended to annoy and bore rather than attract her.

“Happy to sit here while the meter runs, you planning on going anywhere sweetheart?” Ahhh, nice reassuring New York cabbie, Nina was starting to feel better already.

” Houston and 2nd, thanks.” She settled back into the seat and relaxed. I need to figure out a way to get him off my mind, she thought. This is never going to happen and I need to figure out a strategy to get hooked up with an available man. Damnit, I don’t want to end up being one of those twenty-nothings who go around fucking married men as a lifestyle choice. She shivered at the thought. What the hell was she going to do?


Back in the office, she checked her overflowing voicemail box. She hit play:

“Hey babe, I’ve got some good news for you – the higher-ups want our team to write up a case study of the project roll-out for publication. I’ll be in New York Friday for another meeting, will you now please let me take you out for dinner?”

Oh god, she thought, this isn’t happening to me…second message:

“Ms. Lee, this is Vera from Mr. Granville’s office, we’ve set up an appointment Kadıköy Escort in your calendar for 1 p.m. on Wednesday, thanks.”

Another bombshell, she couldn’t even stop to think about it since it was today in about four hours. By the time she slogged through the rest of her messages and emails it was already noon. She had just enough time to put in a quick call to her girlfriend.

“Carrie it’s me, I need some therapy.” Nina realized how desperate she was at the moment, calling the one friend she knew who had two therapists.

“What is it sweetie, I have a lunch date in five minutes so this will have to be a quickie.”

“You remember that unfortunate fling I had with one of the managers last summer?”

“uh-huh, what’s up?”

“Well he’s scheduled a meeting with me for 1 p.m. today and I have no clue what it is about.”

“Listen, crazy, don’t think it is about anything else except work. You’ll just become nervous and rude if you think he’s trying to play you – just relax.”

“Thanks Carrie, will I see you at all this weekend?”

“Hopefully not, if this lunch goes well I hope to be busy all weekend. Maybe coffee on Sunday?”

“Okay, be a good girl now.”

Nina leaned back. She recalled the three short weeks they had mated with each other last summer. It had been a perfect blend of pure fucking and sensuality, naked workouts and restful moments of recharging when brief but deep conversations were started and then interrupted by the urgent need to copulate again. Nina had found it entertaining and utterly fulfilling until she found out that he had been engaged and was getting married in a month. It had not been a good ending, she feeling quite misled, and he leaving confused and profoundly guilt ridden.

Since then, she had put a zone of silence around herself and him for close to a year. He had tried to call and approach her at public functions, but she had been unwilling and unable to envision them maintaining a cordial friendship. Despite her untoward feelings for Paul, she had always had major problems with married (or almost married) men.

Maybe it had something to do with her father and his infidelities that eventually broke up their family. The part that always killed her was why they had to split up – if it had just been about sex, why couldn’t he have been more discreet and continued to love them all as a family. Maybe that was why the act itself was so important for her to keep apart from the emotion of love or caring.

Anyways, she thought to herself as she tried to end this line of thought, this isn’t going to keep my ass out of Eliot’s office in 15 minutes.

About a month ago Eliot had been promoted to VP of another department and she had dreaded running into him for any reason. She had sent a congratulatory email to keep things civil between the two of them and was relieved when she didn’t hear back from him.

She walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Well, she frowned, she couldn’t have picked a better day to look like a sex starved office wench. What the hell had she been thinking? Ann Taylor suits usually were conservative unless one decided that a thin camisole would do instead of a blouse shell – she scrambled in her purse to look for a scarf and came up with one that barely wrapped around her neck twice.

Hoping to god that there would be more people at the meeting, she took the elevator to the 46th floor and let Vera know she was there.

“Hi Nina, he’s ready for you. I love the scarf,” Vera said with a slightly wicked look. Nina blushed and looked at her in surprise. “Thanks Vera.”

She walked in after Vera announced her and heard the door close behind her. Nice corner office, she thought to herself as she walked towards the chair in front of the desk. Eliot slowly swiveled around and caught himself as he followed her every step to the chair. She could tell he was getting aroused because of the slight flush creeping into his ears – she couldn’t help smiling a bit as she settled down into the plush chair.

“Nice to see you again, Nina. How have you been?”

“Just fine Eliot. Just got back from L.A., and by the way, congratulations on the promotion again.”

“Thanks. It’s been a challenge settling in, but I’ve heard wonderful things about you and your management of the project rollout with IT.”

“Why thanks, I can’t believe you’ve heard good things already, it’s only been a week or so.”

“In fact, Paul out in London gave me a call yesterday. You know what an uptight prick he can be, but he couldn’t give enough praise for the work you did with him…” Eliot drifted for a second, his breath catching. She looked at him directly and noticed that his eyes had drifted from some unfocused spot above her head down to her chest. She looked down and realized Bostancı Escort that her jacket had opened slightly and that the fact she had nothing on except a lace camisole was being advertised.

She folded her arms and tried to put the conversation back on track, “Well it was a pleasure working with the whole team. The extra time we spent on the trainings and focus groups with the staff really paid off.”

“Right,” he breathily agreed. “Well, based on Paul’s suggestion, I’m recommending that you keep this team together to produce a case study for our quarterly publication. We’ll assign a researcher and writer to your group – all you’ll need to do is pull your management team back together a couple of times to do some group interviews with our folks.”

“I’m also recommending that we develop a series of lectures for our corporate university on these particular IT management issues. Nina, you’re a natural at this and we need to make sure that our newer managers get all the help they can.”

“This sounds intriguing, Eliot, but what would a project like this entail?”

“Mostly working with our department, coming up with the basic course design and then the actual filming of the lectures. Instead of using hired talent to do the actual lectures, I’d like to start taking live managers and use them instead.”

Nina’s heart sank, the last thing she wanted was to work more closely with Eliot than necessary.

“Well this sounds interesting, but maybe I could just work with that professional lecturer and they could do the filming. I’m not that comfortable being filmed.”

There was a pause, as Eliot savored a memory and turned to give her a purely wicked look as he said, “That isn’t what I recall.”

His words jolted a memory she had buried that had involved a camcorder and a friend of his filming them one evening. Much to her dismay, she felt herself grow warmer and wetter between her thighs as she recalled how that evening had ended up. Before she could stop herself, brief yet intense flashes of memory distracted her. Eliot between her legs, driving her insane as he sucked on her clit, pushing his index finger and thumb into her pussy and ass, making her writhe with mind-numbing pleasure. His friend watching, filming, stroking his erection through his pants until she had literally begged him to let her suck his cock. And the sensational pleasure of having two cocks filling her simultaneously, stretching her and consuming her with physical sensations that almost caused her to pass out.

She could tell she was in a full blush when she looked up at Eliot who had moved from behind his desk next to her, eyeing her intently. His pants had tented out noticeably, and all she wanted to do was to reach out and stroke his straining cock.

He started to speak before any mental filters could kick into place, he felt the same sense of losing control that he did over a year ago with her and he couldn’t stop himself. “And what, pray-tell, could you have been thinking about just now, Nina?” he said as he moved closer to her.

She got up and tried to back away from him. “Stop, Eliot, please I’m trying to keep this civil between the two of us.”

He grabbed her wrists and stopped her from moving away, but it was the look of genuine pain and resistance on her face that snapped him out of his desire-driven intentions. “God, you have to believe me, Nina, when I say that I’m trying also to keep this clean too. I’m sorry.”

She stopped struggling and relaxed a little. It was an unexpected response and she really hoped he meant it. Still shaky, she let out a small laugh and said, “I guess we’re going to have to learn how to keep things kosher between the two of us if this project is going to get done, no?”

Eliot took a deep breath, released her and backed away, willing his erection to soften and go away. “Yea, it was wrong for me to have done that in more ways than one. I really do apologize for not telling you about Amy. We’ve been happily married now for close to a year. It was totally unfair to you and selfish of me.”

Nina looked at him, trying to gauge how sincere he was being. The bastard had lied to her once, she was disinclined to ever believe him again. But she responded, “That is the past, I’m really happy to hear things are going well with you and Amy.”

She took a deep breath of her own and continued, “Listen, I’d be happy to work on this project with you, I think it is a fantastic idea to try to replicate what we did. I’m on-board, let me know what you need from me and we’ll get this done, ok?”

He nodded and she smiled back at him – turning, she walked towards the door, consciously slowing herself down from the run she wanted to break into.

He watched her walk towards the door, his eyes glued to an ass that he wished he could taste and touch just one last time. Eliot couldn’t believe he had set that meeting, what the hell had he been thinking? That they could be friends? Colleagues? As he heard the door shut, he sat back down in the chair she had just vacated and collected himself.

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