
Happy Endings

Hello and welcome to my readers. Thank you for your votes, comments and feedback on my previous stories. Events develop slowly in this tale, so if you’re looking for quick sex, thanks for stopping by. For those of you who read on, I hope you enjoy it.


“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”

Blair MacPherson hammered the BMW’s steering wheel with clenched fists, tears of rage and frustration stinging her green eyes. In one moment of anger her career was ruined. She slumped forward against the wheel and began sobbing in earnest. What an awful end to a terrible Friday.

Randy, her now ex-boyfriend, had started things the night before by being his usual inconsiderate self. She was building up to a delicious orgasm when he thrust hard into her, groaned and relaxed. He’d come, again and left her hanging, again, the selfish bastard. He grinned and kissed her, withdrew his softening cock, rolled over and fell asleep.

Seething, she padded into the bathroom, removed her vibrator from a drawer, sat on the toilet seat, spread her legs and stroked the buzzing appliance over her clit and into her wet pussy until she shuddered in release.

When she entered her bedroom, Randy was sprawled face down, snoring. With a scornful glance at his hairy ass, she took a pillow and a blanket and stomped off to sleep on the couch.

The morning began with a vicious fight and ended with his walking out the door, down the hall and out of her life, a smug look on his face and a swagger in his walk. Good riddance.

In her haste to be at work on time, she ripped her stockings, overcooked her breakfast in the microwave and bumped the wheel stop pulling into her parking space.

Juggling a latte, her briefcase and her purse, she opened the heavy oak doors bearing the words ‘Dewey, Cheatham and Howe Attorneys at Law’ in raised gilt letters and saw Angela, the office manager eyeing her disapprovingly.

Although Blair was an Associate Attorney and not under ‘Old Needlenose’s’ thumb, she knew the old bitch would waste no time in telling one or more of the partners how she’d seen that MacPherson woman sneaking in late again. Strangling her slowly would give Blair immense satisfaction, but she had other things to do right now.

Striding down the hall to her office, she groaned to see who was waiting for her inside, a disorganized pile of papers and forms in his lap. Hernando Cabrillo was a successful businessman that owned a chain of Mexican restaurants across the city. He’d started work as a dishwasher, and then became a server, then a manager, finally an entrepreneur employing all his relatives, friends and a host of others in his establishments.

He was exacting, strong willed and demanded your undivided attention when you dealt with him, regardless of how long it took. When he left her office three hours later, he had the necessary paperwork in hand to apply for a business loan, obtain work permits for more relatives in Mexico and engage a contractor to build another restaurant; Blair had a raging headache.

Her latte had long since grown cold, so she headed for the break room for a fresh cup of coffee. The pot was empty. Cursing under her breath, she made coffee and, clutching a steaming cup left the room to return to her office and collided with Missy, one of the file clerks, in the hallway.

The hot coffee splashed from the cup onto Blair’s white blouse as Missy dropped the armload of files she’d been carrying. “God damn it,” Blair cursed as she pulled the wet fabric from her chest, narrowly escaping a burn.

“Oh Ms. MacPherson, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you,” Missy babbled, attempting to dab at Blair’s blouse with a tissue from her skirt pocket.

“Don’t worry about it,” Blair growled and stalked off to the ladies room leaving the apologetic girl standing there. She was able to get most of the stains out of her blouse, but her new bra was ruined.

When she left the ladies room, Missy was standing there, looking stricken.

“I’m so sorry I…” she began, but Blair cut her off.

“I told you don’t worry about it,” Blair muttered and walked away. She saw one of the founding partners emerge from his office as she headed down the corridor towards her office and groaned inwardly. She was in no mood for pointless chatter.

Mr. Cheatham was a harmless old duffer who hardly ever handled anything but the occasional high profile case, preferring to hole up in his wood paneled office with the thick pile rug that made walking in heels difficult.

She had only been in there a few times and it made her uncomfortable with it’s heavy draperies blocking most of the daylight while her nostrils were assailed with the musty smells of old books, old leather and old man. She sat there trying not to fidget while he mumbled and mused over a contract she’d prepared. When she left, it was a tremendous relief.

“Good morning Mr. Cheatham,” she said brightly as he nodded in assent, rheumy eyes bursa escort bayan blinking. As she passed he reached out and pinched her on her left butt cheek. Without thinking, she whirled and slapped him across the face.

“Keep your hands to yourself, you old lech,” she spat. He stared at her openmouthed, then turned and went back in his office. She felt her face burning and looked around. Several clerks and secretaries were staring at her wide-eyed amazement.

Blair returned to her office in a daze. What on earth had possessed her? Now her plans for a career with the firm were effectively destroyed. She’d be dismissed and the word would be out about what had happened in no time. She’d be dead meat in this town and she knew it.

She gathered some papers in her briefcase, took her coat from it’s hook, grabbed her handbag and walked out the office’s doors with all the dignity she could muster, ignoring the stares and whispers behind her.

When she reached her car and was inside, she finally lost it, crying, swearing and slamming the steering wheel in rage and sorrow. Starting the engine she roared from the parking lot and down the street, not knowing or caring where she was going except away from that place.


When Blair became aware of her surroundings, she realized she was driving in a part of the city she had never seen before. Ornate Victorian homes stood in stately dignity along tree lined streets, their manicured yards aflame with spring flowers and encircled by wrought iron fences.

Blair had dreamed of living in a neighborhood like this one day, so far removed from the small Midwest farming community where she spent her childhood and teenage years. When she’d been the only person in her high school graduating class to be accepted and attend college, much less Georgetown University in far off Washington D.C., she was the chief topic of conversation among the town folk.

She’d worked hard, maintained a high GPA and was immediately recruited by Dewey, Cheatham and Howe before the ink was dry on her JD diploma. She’d given it her all in the last five years and had intended to become a partner one day. Now the dream was over.

Rounding a corner, she found herself in a quaint shopping district filled with interesting little shops and stores. A rosy pink sign caught her eye, the words ‘Happy Endings: A Spa for Women’ inscribed in flowing purple script. There was a vacant parking space in front and she pulled into it. She wanted to relax and forget the day and it seemed to be the place to do just that.


A soft chime sounded as Blair entered the spa’s front door. She found herself standing in a cozy tastefully decorated room and immediately felt at home.

“Welcome to Happy Endings Spa,” said a warm contralto voice and she turned to see a tall, statuesque woman standing there, smiling. The woman was beautiful with long honey blonde hair, full lips, a dazzling smile, firm breasts, slim waist, flared hips and long, shapely legs.

She was wearing a blue knit dress that fit her like a second skin, with a scoop neck that revealed a generous amount breast flesh and a hem that barely concealed her pubic area. She was barefoot and carried a clipboard.

“Please sit down,” she continued, gesturing toward a chenille sofa. Blair sat, feeling suddenly inadequate in the presence of this goddess. She had always been confident of her looks and figure, but this living centerfold made her feel as if she was a gawky sixteen year old again, mooning after the boys in her class who steadfastly ignored her.

“My name is Michelle,” said the woman, seating herself next to Blair. “We offer a variety of relaxation and rejuvenation experiences to please the most discerning of women. What brings you here today?”

Blair found herself blurting out her entire day, beginning with her breakup and ending with her slapping Mr. Cheatham. Michelle listened, nodding sympathetically, making notes on a pale pink tablet with lavender ink.

The subtle scent of Michelle’s perfume, her closeness and expanse of tanned flesh was awakening feelings in Blair she had suppressed for years. In a flash it all came rushing back and she felt herself becoming wet.



Gina Moretti was a raven haired beauty with sultry dark eyes, a generous figure and a bubbly personality. When they were paired as roommates, Blair liked her right away, the feeling was mutual and they soon were inseparable sharing the experience of being on their own and away from home in a whole new world.

They made a striking contrast as they walked about campus. Blair’s flaming red hair against Gina’s glossy black, Gina’s olive skin against Blair’s pinkish white, Blair’s perky up tilted breasts against Gina’s full, round ones, green eyes against dark brown; they drew many an appreciative look from their male classmates, and not a few women as well. In their deepening friendship they were oblivious to it all.

They görükle escort did everything together, even double dating. The crude and fumblingly adolescent behavior of their many suitors soon palled and they increasingly preferred each other’s company.

Then came the night they’d gone to a party at a frat house. The liquor flowed freely and they were more than a little drunk. Both had allowed the frat boys to grope them in dark corners, but declined repeated invitations to go upstairs and fuck.

They staggered back to their dorm, draped all over each other and giggling like fools, collapsing onto Gina’s bed and falling asleep in each other’s arms.


Blair awakened to Gina’s soft kisses on her lips. They stared at each other, and then Gina smiled. Blair sighed, then returned the kisses, the feel of their bodies molded together sending thrills through her. Being together like this felt so right.

She nuzzled Gina’s neck and licked her earlobe, eliciting a moan of desire. “I love you,” Blair whispered and Gina shuddered in her arms.

“I love you too,” was the reply. “When did you know you loved me?”

“I’m not sure, it just…happened; our first week together I guess.”

“I knew almost right away. You’d come in from the shower smelling of soap and shampoo and I wanted to jump you right then and there. I’d see you looking at me with your eyes half closed and my pussy would tingle and I’d get warm all over. When I saw you naked all I could think of was sucking on your gorgeous breasts. I was afraid you’d be mad at me and I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.”

“I was afraid to approach you too, just seeing you sitting at the table studying wearing your nightie and your hair all tousled made my pussy drip,” she paused, then said “I want you” in a breathy whisper.

“Take me, my love,” Gina sighed. She began caressing Gina’s breasts, loving her moans as they explored each other’s mouths with their tongues.

Gina’s hands gripped Blair’s ass cheeks, kneading and caressing them causing her to moan in return. They slowly undressed each other, lingering over each inch of exposed flesh, sucking and licking stiff nipples, hands gliding along flat bellies and silky thighs, fingers stroking engorged labial lips and slipping into increasingly wet pussies.

Kissing hungrily, bodies writhing, they began to finger each other, using first one, then two fingers, probing deeply, moaning and gasping as they drove their partner inexorably towards a spine wrenching climax.

Sucking on tongues, their thumbs found their partners clit and rubbed the juice covered button of flesh as their fingers worked between juicy folds.

“Oh Jesus, Blair, fuck me!” Gina screamed, humping her lovers’ hand furiously.

“Harder, fuck me harder,” Blair cried, hips thrusting her pussy onto Gina’s fingers.

They came together, crying out and shuddering in their release, then continued fucking each other into yet another shattering orgasm, finally falling asleep, arms and legs entwined.

When they awakened, they donned robes and took a shower in the dorms’ communal bathroom, playing and teasing. When they were clean and dry, they raced back to their room, threw off their robes and snuggled into Blair’s bed where they kissed and caressed.

“I want to taste you, Gina,” Blair said huskily. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

“God yes, baby, suck my pussy,” was the reply.

Blair licked the puffy labial lips, kissed Gina’s creamy thighs, dipped her tongue into the wet slit and teased until Gina screamed “Eat me, you little bitch!”

Blair dove in and burrowed her tongue deep in Gina’s wet slit, licking furiously until her lover exploded in release, flooding Blair’s eager mouth with warm juices which she eagerly swallowed. She ate Gina to another orgasm, then crawled up and hugged her.

They rested for a while, and then Gina purred “Now it’s your turn.”

More than ready to pleasure her lover, she licked and sucked Blair’s dripping pussy with abandon, drawing the engorged clit between her lips and teasing it with her tongue while her fingers pumped into Blair’s tight hole.

“Oh God, Ginaaa,” Blair screamed as her orgasm crashed through her. Gina brought her to a second, then a third explosive climax. They cuddled together and fell asleep once more.

They awakened ravenous. Dressing in shorts and t-shirts, they went to the dining hall and ate, playing with each other under the table until they were roaring hot.

Back in the dorm room they stripped and fell into Gina’s bed. Gina straddled Blair’s thigh, her thigh between Blair’s legs pressing against her wet pussy. They held each other tight, kissing passionately and rubbing their slick holes against each other; slowly at first, then faster.

“Oh God,” Blair moaned. “Fuck me my love, fuck me.”

“It feels so good, baby,” Gina purred. “Fuck my hot little pussy.”

They humped wildly against each other, streams bursa escort bayan of juices coating their thighs, their puffy clits sliding against warm flesh sending shocks through their bodies.

Screaming in passion and release they shuddered against each other, pussies flooding each other’s stomachs and thighs with cum. They moved off the sodden sheets onto Blair’s bed where they kissed and cuddled, finally dozing off.


The women remained roommates and lovers through undergraduate and graduate school, tearfully parting when Gina sought her doctorate at a different university. At first, they called and e-mailed each other daily, but as academic pressures increased and time went by their correspondence dwindled and finally stopped altogether.


“Ms. MacPherson? Blair? Is everything alright?”

Blair jerked from her reverie at the sound of Michelle’s voice and blushed deeply.

“I’m sorry, I…I was lost in thought.”

“I was saying,” Michelle continued, “We have several different spa experiences to choose from, however the one I would suggest would be our Happy Endings Massage.”

“I like the sound of that,” Blair said. “Let’s go with that one.”

“Excellent choice,” Michelle replied, her megawatt smile causing Blair’s nipples to harden.


Blair luxuriated in the warm spray of multiple shower heads, her body tingling as she pressed the ‘Massage’ button and the spray became pulses giving her goose bumps.

She had been led into a room quite unlike any spa she’d ever been in. The walls were painted a soft green, Swedish Modern furniture stood about, floor lamps cast a warm glow and impressionist paintings adorned the walls. A chaise longue was placed near a beige leather covered massage table on a chrome column; next to that stood a small wheeled table holding bottles in different colors.

Blair had been instructed to bathe in order to derive the maximum enjoyment from her massage. The perfumed soap smelled of strawberries and she lathered and rinsed her body twice, already feeling the tension melt away.

She emerged from the shower stall, dried herself with warm, fluffy towels, wrapped a silk robe around her naked body and reclined on the chaise, shivering in anticipation as to what would come next. She didn’t have long to wait.

A door opened and Michelle walked into the room garbed in a colorful smock, her feet bare. The Asian woman with her barely reached to Michelle’s shoulder and appeared to be more a child than a woman. Her almond shaped eyes twinkled and her elfin face was graced with a beaming smile. Her blue black hair hung straight to her waist and ended in bangs across her forehead. She was also dressed in a colorful smock and her feet were bare. “Mei Ling and I will be serving you today,” Michelle said with a grin.

Blair stood up wondering what would happen next. Michelle and Mei Ling went to the massage table and patted it, Mei saying, “Take off your robe, hop up here and relax.”

Blair dropped her robe and climbed on the table, a rosy blush creeping over her. She suddenly felt shy and vulnerable around these beautiful women and was glad when she was told to lie on her stomach, her face enclosed in a padded oval leaving her staring at the floor. She shivered in anticipation hearing bottles clinking and awaiting the touch of their hands.

When they began stroking and kneading her flesh with warm oil, she couldn’t hold back a blissful moan. One of them giggled and the stroking and kneading became more firm, working the tension from her muscles and making her feel drowsy.

Oily hands rubbed her back and shoulders, her torso, then the swells of her flattened breasts, causing her to moan more loudly. Then the hands were at her waist, and then on her firm buttocks. Fingers slid along her butt crease, pressing against her puckered hole and she felt herself becoming wet. Her feet, then her calves, then her thighs were kneaded and stroked; strong fingers eased her legs apart and teasingly caressed her inner thighs coming ever closer to her womanhood. When fingers touched her labial lips already swollen with blood she gasped and moaned, longing to feel fingers deep inside her, rubbing her clit, wanting desperately to cum and cum.

She jerked and moaned as the first finger slid between her now gooey folds and wiggled around inside. At the same time another finger pressed gently on her puckered star, spreading oil upon it and easing slowly inside.

Oh God, it feels so good. Do me, do my pussy and my ass. Please, please, I want to cum, I need to cum…Ohhhh, yessss…

Her breath hissed through her clenched teeth as a second finger entered her throbbing pussy and another eased slowly into her asshole. They began moving slowly in and out, circling around, sending shocks and thrills through her. She raised her hips to allow the fingers to penetrate even deeper, trembling as her orgasm rose within her from her very core, suffusing her body with warmth.

Slick palms rubbed her clit as the fingers worked in her holes, driving her wild and ever closer to an incredible climax. When it burst within her in a flaming shower of release, she howled in ecstasy. Her body shook uncontrollably as probing fingers caused her to cum again and again until she blacked out.

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