
Downfall of the Teacher Ch. 04

My body ached when I woke up the next morning, but the lingering feeling of utter satisfaction made any pains I felt completely worth it. I didn’t feel any guilt for cheating on Tony, I didn’t feel any remorse that I’d had sex with Jake… my only regret was that it was only now at thirty years old that I’d found out what the fully ecstasy that my body was capable of feeling.

I wasn’t developing ‘feelings’ for Jake or anything stupidly soppy like that. I didn’t want to talk to him, I didn’t care how his day had been. And it wasn’t just the blissful feeling of his cock in my pussy or mouth, but the way he made me feel, how he dominated me, how he looked at me and I knew he was going to use me how he wanted and there was nothing I could do about it. I should have been in control of the situation, but he’d turned me into his fuck toy with the minimal amount of effort.

Everything I’d done with Jake was wrong, was against everything a couple of weeks I’d believed in. But that was part of the buzz, doing all the things I shouldn’t. And I wanted to explore that feeling… yes I craved Jake’s dick and couldn’t wait for the next time he decided he wanted to use his teacher, but suddenly I wanted to experience everything I’d missed out on by being a well behaved girlfriend all these years.

Tony wasn’t enough for me any more that was clear. I didn’t want to hurt home, but at the same time I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to the secure life he gave me. When he got home early Sunday afternoon he was too hungover to question the fact that I’d decided to wash all our bedding just in case there were any incriminating stains from my tryst with Jake. His ‘what goes on tour stays on tour’ attitude suggested the bucks do had visited at least one strip club. Normally I would have probed him till he confessed, but knowing that whatever he’d got up to couldn’t compare to my weekend sins I let it slide.

As he took an afternoon nap to make up for his excesses I decided I needed to get out of the house. My mind was still racing with the memories of being fucked senseless by Jake so I decided a trip to the gym to punish myself with exercise was the only way forward. I’m not sure if I picked my tightest gym vest and shortest yoga shorts on purpose, but with my self confidence at a high I wanted to feel sexy as I exercised. Would I have chosen such a revealing outfit if I knew the trouble it would lead me getting into? Well…..

I must have been on the cross trainer for fifteen minutes when I suddenly realised that the normal background din of crashing weights had been silenced as pretty much every man in the gym had their eyes on me. Was it my extra revealing outfit or could they tell just by looking how horny I was? Was it wrong that I was getting even more turned on knowing that all those men, all those big, sweaty, muscular men, were watching my every move?

I continued for another ten minutes, making sure to exaggerate my movements to emphasise my butt whilst I stole secret glances at the various men who were intently watching my lycra covered ass. Normally I’d find being leered at as I worked out discomforting, but in the mood I was in I was I couldn’t get enough of it. Already I noticed that several of my fans were having to adjust themselves to make the bulge of their newly created erections less noticeable.

I stepped off the cross trainer and slowly towelled away my sweat, making sure to exaggeratedly push up and show off my tits as I did. Seductively I swigged from my water bottle, allowing a small stream of water to run down my neck to my top, resulting in the damp material clinging to my breasts. I’d got everybody’s attention I thought to myself, time to give them a little show…

I moved to the matted area and dropped to all fours, with the predictable reaction that several of my followers changed exercising equipment to ensure a better vantage point of my exposed cleavage. Now in the plank position I started a series of leg raising exercises, moaning softly each time I extended a thigh. I didn’t need to be a mind reader to know that all men watching were fantasising about ripping my shorts off and ramming their dicks into me there and then.

As my audience continued to grow I flipped onto my back and began my glute strengthening exercise, slowly raising and lowering my crotch – if there was anyone who hadn’t been thinking about my cunt they were now. I wondered how many of these guys would be jerking off to the thought of me the moment they got home? How many would fuck their girlfriends later that night imagining they were with me? Why was I getting off on getting them all so worked up? But even in my aroused state I knew that there was only so much teasing a girl should do. After a final set of warm down stretches I flung my towel over my shoulder and sashayed out, making sure to make eye contact and smile at each of my fans as I passed them.

Amazed at how good having a room of men leering at me had made me feel bursa eskort I ripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower. As I soaped my body I wondered why I’d got a thrill out of having a gymful of men so openly ogling at my body. Had I always been like this but never been able to admit it? Had I flaunted my breasts at men in the past as much because I enjoyed the thrill of them ogling me as for the fact it allowed me to manipulate them? Had I deliberately worn revealing clothing when teaching not because it allowed me to control my lessons but because secretly I got off on having a classroom of horny school boys fantasising about me? Or was I just on a comedown from having Jake fuck me like I’d never been fucked before?

I left the cosy confides of the shower and quickly dried myself. I tied my wet hair into a pony tail and slipped into my favourite pair of jeans, putting on only a grey sports hoodie over my bra. I grabbed my gym bag and headed out to the car park. I was halfway across the car park when I was suddenly startled by a voice behind me.

“Enjoy your work out?”

I turned round to see who add spoken – I recognised him as one of the guys who had been intently watching me work out. He was about 5 10, short black hair and trying to compensate for the average looks life had given him by piling on the muscle.

“Yeah, just what I needed on a Sunday afternoon. How about you?” I politely replied

“Oh I enjoyed your work out. Every guy enjoyed your work out. But I think you knew that already.”

“Yeah, I kinda of felt like I was being watched,” I said. If I wasn’t so horny I would have been walking away at this point, but I wanted to see how this played out.

“Don’t play dumb… you knew what you where doing in there and you got the attention you wanted. But I think you’re the sort of girl who wants more than just to be looked at.”

“And what exactly do you think I want?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you enjoy being an absolute cock tease and thinking you’re in control. But every once in a while you want a man to put you in your place and call the shots. And today I’m going to be that man.”

He was confident, I’ll give him that. But I wasn’t ready to give in. If he really wanted me he was going to have to work a little harder. “Thanks for the offer, but frankly we both know you wouldn’t last a minute with me.”

“You sound awfully confident in your abilities, I like that. How about we make this a bit more interesting?”

“Interesting how?”

“We get in my car… if you can suck me off in less than a minute then you get to pick your prize. If I last longer I get the panties you just worked out in as a trophy.”

I’d had some upfront suggestions before in my life, but never as brazen as this. He may have framed it as a bet, but it didn’t take a genius to see it was just a cover to get me to suck his dick. I knew that I should walk away, but part of me was excited about the thought of giving a blowjob to a man who’s name I didn’t know… a blowjob I would be performing in the middle of a car park in broad daylight.

“But of course, if you’re just all talk we can leave it” he taunted me. He clicked on his key fob and the lights on the car behind him flashed. “My car, your mouth, let’s do this” he said as he opened the driver’s door and got in.

I wasn’t the sort of girl who sucked off random strangers just because they asked was I? A week ago I would never have even entertained the idea, but I’d changed a lot in that week. There was something deliciously slutty about the situation and the slutty part of me was taking control. I gave the car park a final check to ensure there was nobody else in the car park and breather in deeply. I opened the car door and climbed in my new gym buddy already had his sweat pants down by his knees and was stroking his hard dick. A nice, fat six inch dick. I could tell just from looking at it that it would feel great in my mouth.

“I had a feeling you’d be joining me,” he smugly informed me. I couldn’t tell if he was surprised at how easily I’d given in to him or he genuinely believed he was that irresistible.

“I hope you’re ready for the best sixty seconds of your life,” I told him as I climbed onto my knees on the passenger’s seat. I had no idea if I could actually make a man cum in a minute – I mean, who times shit like that – but I was going to have fun finding out. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and quickly found the timer app. I pressed start, before leaning over and taking his penis into my mouth. He grunted loudly as my lips clamped tightly over the end of his dick and I began to swirl my tongue over the head of his cock whilst my hand stroked his thick shaft.

Even though I’d checked the car park before I got in the car I felt a buzz imagining being caught giving head in a stranger’s car. If one of the other guys from the gym spotted us and came over over would I unwind the car window and invite him to stick bursa escort bayan his dick through it so I could relieve him with my mouth too? Would I happily let each of the men who’d watched me in the gym queue up before getting them to unload down my throat? Was that the punishment I deserved for getting them all hot and bothered?

I felt a hand unzipping my hoodie and peeling away the material my bra, before the stranger’s thumb and fingers begin to caress my uncovered breasts. I moaned in appreciation as he fingered my rock hard nipples whilst I continued to slide my mouth up and down his cock. If I’d been turned on in the gym earlier my body felt like it was now about to explode. I wondered if I could persuade my partner that his dick would be better off in my cunt than in my mouth. I began to imagine the practicalities of fucking him in his car when he grabbed the back of my head with his free hand and held it in place as he suddenly began to thrust. He groaned loudly as my mouth suddenly filled with his salty goodness.

He sat panting as I swallowed the last of his cum. “Did I make it to a minute?” he enquired.

I looked at my phone. One minute twenty, although it had been a little while since he’d start to orgasm. “Sorry bud, fifty five seconds,” I lied.

“Well looks like you’ve won then. What would you like as your prize?” he asked me, not looking particularly disappointed.

I sat back in my seat and undid my jeans before I guided the stranger’s hand from my breasts down my stomach. “I’ve made you cum, now you’re going to return the favour,” I instructed him

He didn’t hesitate to slip his hand under the elastic of my knickers. My eyes rolled as his middle finger began to rub my clit, he may have reeked of arrogance but he knew exactly what I needed in.

“You really are a horny little thing aren’t you?” he smugly asked me, clearly thinking it was him and him alone that had got me in such a state.

“I want an orgasm, not a conversation” I snapped back at him, my mind intent only on enjoying the growing sensations between my legs.

He continued to silently finger me, the only noise in the car my ever deepening breathing. I looked across the car park and realised that two of the guys from the gym earlier were standing watching me as they chatted away. Were they just reminiscing about the routine I’d put on earlier, or could they tell I had a stranger’s hand in my underwear and was rapidly being fingered to orgasm? But knowing that I was being watched was getting me going even more.

“Fuck yes, fuck yes, like that,” I grunted as I teetered on the verge of climaxing. He expertly read my body and lifted his finger away, agonisingly pausing at the last possible moment before I came.

“Please let me finish,” I begged as my body screamed out for the final touch that it needed “Pleeeease!”

He grinned at me for the briefest of moments before he reapplied his finger, causing my body to jolt uncontrollably in the passenger seat as I climaxed. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation as my body continued to shake before my orgasm slowly subsided.

“That was just what I needed,” I whispered.

“Well it’s been fun, but I really need to get home to my girlfriend. We should do this again sometime,” he replied.

Part of me felt angry that I’d been used like this by a man who was now off home to play happy families with his partner. Until of course I remembered I would be doing exactly with my boyfriend. My legs were still weak and barely supported me as I clambered out of his car and across the short distance to mine. As I drove the short distance home I contemplated what a weekend it had been, an afternoon of wild sex with Jake that had left my face and pussy plastered with cum, then publicly sucking off and being fingered to orgasm by a complete stranger.

Luckily Tony’s hangover meant he didn’t try anything on that night. Having unfulfilling sex with his small penis just wasn’t going to cut it for me anymore. As I headed to school the next day I pondered where and when I’d next get some dick. Could I disappear at lunch time, drive off somewhere, lure a lucky stranger into my car, suck him off and still make it back in time to teach my afternoon classes? As my morning proceeded I weighed up my options, where would give me the right balance of privacy and available men, but in my excitement I’d forgotten who I’d be teaching just before lunch.

There are many challenges that being a teacher provides. Strangely one that teacher training hadn’t provided me for was how to keep focussed on teaching when only days before one of your students had filled your pussy with their massive cock and fucked you better and harder than you’d dreamt possible, leaving you a broken, whimpering mess. All through the lesson I could feel him watching me. His eyes replaying how he’d used me and my body for his needs, how he’d brutally brought me to orgasm and then filled görükle escort me with his cum. And he knew that he’d fucked me so well that when he wanted it to happen I’d happily let him bury his dick inside me again and again and again. I didn’t have to wait long though, as the bell rang to mark the end of period he stayed behind till the class emptied before approaching me.

“And how’s my favourite fucktoy today?” he asked, a sly grin on his face.

“You can’t call me that here – someone might hear,” I stuttered, desperately trying to stand firm.

“When you agreed to be my fucktoy that meant you were mine wherever and whenever I wanted. And I want you right here and right now.”

“Please not here, not in my classroom,” I pleaded, knowing fine that there was no avoiding what was coming next. My eyes fell down his body to the outline of his cock as it strained to escape his trousers and I knew I was about to give in.

“Look Miss Stephenson, I’ve checked your time table and know you’ve got no class now. We can do this one of two ways. You can lock the the classroom door before we get started or you can leave it unlocked. It’s your call.”

“We can do it after school… we’ll do whatever you want. Just not here.” The more I begged for it not to happen the more I wanted it.

“You’ve got ten seconds to look the classroom door. Your choice if you want to run the risk of having someone walk in on us.”

There was no escaping it. I was about to be fucked in my classroom by one of my students. And I wanted it to happen. But did I want the added thrill of potentially being caught in the act? It wasn’t that I wanted to get caught – I knew full well the consequences if I was discovered having sex with Jake. After my antics in the car park the previous day I understood the thrill of being watched, but here in my classroom with my student the stakes were so much higher. And frankly knowing how good Jake’s dick was going to feel inside me I knew locking the door wasn’t going to stop my groans from being heard in the corridor outside the classroom. I walked around my desk and stood in front of me.

“You can have me, but make it hard and fast,” I instructed.

His hands rested on my hips and he looked me in eyes. I almost thought he was going to say something romantic or declare that he loved me, but instead he spun me round and pushed me down on my desk. Seconds later my skirt and knickers had been pulled off and were on the floor besides my feet. I heard his trousers being undone, before he spread my legs and pushed his giant dick into my welcoming pussy. It had barely taken twenty seconds to go from standing on the other side of the desk Jake to having his oversized cock inside me, his confidence in getting what he wanted from me was such a turn on.

In and out of me he slammed his dick, not caring that my desk was on the verge of collapsing. I tried not to make a sound, stifling as best I could the screams that I wanted to make, knowing that outside my class any of my colleagues or students could be listening. His hands moved under my chest, grabbing hold of my breasts and rubbing my sensitive nipples, firing me up even further. My mind flashed back to the note that I’d confiscated from him, the note that had started my descent:

‘She has so got it coming to her. I’d love to bend her over her desk, pull down her skirt, grab hold of her tits and shag her to within an inch of her life.’

He’d got what he’d wanted, his fantasy shag of fucking his teacher in her classroom. He was even more aroused than when we’d had sex in my bedroom, pounding me even more savagely than before. My thighs ached as I tried to stand firm against the constant onslaught my cunt was receiving. His thrusts were becoming even wilder, losing their precision as the delights of his teacher’s pussy become too much for him, before he finally lost control and started to orgasm.

I felt pulse after pulse of his cum fill me, before satisfied that he had no more to give he slowly withdrew his monstrous cock from me. I stayed where I was, bent over my desk with my soaking went cunt exposed, breathing deeply as my body desperately screamed for its release.

“Please don’t leave me like this” I pleaded “I need to cum, please make me cum!”

Still bent over my desk I couldn’t see Jason’s reaction to my plea. For a moment he said nothing before I felt his hand rest on my exposed butt.

“I could leave you hanging, make you spend the rest of the day trying to teach whilst your body desperately craved release” he paused, just long enough to make me question what he was going to do “but you’ve been a good fuck toy so this time I’m going to give you what you need.”

I felt my body jolt as he slid two fingers into my soaking wet cunt. “You are getting naughty Miss Stephenson, letting your student finger fuck you in your classroom. Are you always this naughty? Have you been doing naughty things with your boyfriend since we fucked on Saturday?”

“No… I haven’t been with my boyfriend… not my boyfriend” I panted. His fingers couldn’t compare with his penis for size, but they were perfectly hitting the spot.

“Not with your boyfriend? Who with then?” Jake asked, picking up on the slightest hesitation.

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