
Handyman Pt. 02


I felt like I was going to faint. My hands were shaking. I gulped, splashed water onto my face to calm down.

I took off my shirt and pulled the short nightie over my head. Spaghetti straps, pale blue lace that hung down to cover my ass. I dropped my shorts and kind of laughed. Standing in my white men’s underpants under this lace looked ridiculous. I didn’t even try to get away with it. I slipped the waistband down and they dropped to the floor. I was semi hard. All 5 inches. Hmmm. I grabbed the pale blue lace thong and slid them up into place. It took some adjusting but most of my dick was held in place. My ass was completely bare, except for that thin string between the cheeks, and a skimpy veil covering half of my ass. Damn these skimpy things!

I was getting harder by the minute, so I figured I’d better go and make Tony his sandwich.

I put quite a bit of effort into the sandwich, making it very meaty.

I decided to remove my sneakers as they didn’t look that good. My hair had grown a bit longer since I lost my job, but I don’t think I would fool anyone. Of course I don’t have tits, so the cups of the bra part were just sagging.

I walked downstairs with Tony’s sandwich and 2 tins of soda on a tray. “Come and get it” I announced as I walked toward Tony. He seemed less angry than 10 minutes ago, and he was gentle and caring. “Wow, that looks amazing” he said. I was unsure if he meant me or the sandwich.

“Turn around” Tony ordered as he took the sandwich from the tray. I did a quick little spin around, fully knowing my ass was completely exposed to Tony’s gaze. “Very nice, Ra…chel”

Tony added to my name. I was slightly horrified, but also got a tingle shoot right though me. Tony sat down, his eyes never leaving my body. He was analyzing every square inch of me. I now realized how women must feel when guys check them out.

He devoured the sandwich, and I heard the hiss of the soda can opening. I just stood there the whole while, feeling so exposed and vulnerable, and yet wanting to please Tony after fucking up again this morning.

“Listen up, we can find a use for that countertop you bought.” Tony said. “We can change out the bathroom sink and modify the original plan. By the way, I’ve finished the plumbing and wiring for the new washer and dryer location. There’s quite a bit of drywall dust and sawdust on the floor in the bathroom. Be a good girl and sweep that up.” I put the tray down and began to sweep with the tall broom. “Use this one” Tony said, which was a hand broom and dust pan. I had to get on my knees to sweep up. My bare ass was ripe for the taking. As I was sweeping, his hand was on my ass, feeling the bare cheeks. “Nice, Rachel.”

My cock was rock hard now and peeking up above the top of the thong. I think I began moaning a bit as he rubbed his hands on me.

I was now on my hands and knees, forgetting entirely about sweeping, though I was finished that. Tony’s large firm hand slid between my cheeks and his finger tickled my anus. I’d never had much desire or interest in having my ass played with. I was starting to feel like I was going to cum. I was moaning loudly, when Tony smacked my ass really hard. The sting sent ripples through by entire body. I was hoping Tony would stick his finger into my ass, even though I had never had this done to me. I wanted to please him. I started playing with my cock as I felt a huge orgasm building.

I came hard, huge gobs of it all over the floor. I was shaking and bucking as my body quivered.

When I was finished, Tony smiled and said,

“Now clean up this mess” Tony said. “We don’t want anyone to slip on your cum, Rachel.”

I grabbed some paper towel and wiped up the massive load I shot. Tony had gone into the other room and was setting up the washer and dryer in the new location.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life. What was happening to me? I’ve never considered myself even slightly attracted to men, or gay sex. It didn’t repulse me, but it was of zero interest. Always loved the curves and sexiness of a petite woman. The porn I liked was of men dominating women; at least that was my secret desire. Kartal Öğrenci Escort My wife, ironically was a bit more stubborn and set in her ways. Not the submissive type.

Gina dressed super conservative and in spite of her cute figure, she would almost never wear anything that hugged her body or showed cleavage. Her parents were super ‘prim and proper’ types so this seemed to be inherited in her style. I always thought it odd that she would wear the sexy stuff to bed. I found out the hard way that it wasn’t a signal to get intimate. Her pussy was trimmed, so still with hair, but around the lips was bare. That was her style since day one. I mentioned to her once or twice to shave it bare. Her comment was something to the effect of “What are you; a pedophile?” So that was the end of that.

Her everyday undergarments were approaching “Granny Panty” status. They weren’t as high, but covered her ass and was a satiny finish in a variety of colors. Bras were similarly dull. Bathing suits also full coverage. I guess you could say the sizzle was gone from our marriage. Is that why I was so turned on by this new situation?

I continued to clean up in the bathroom and regain some of my composure, all the while wearing this sexy nightie. I stood up and saw my panties had a fair bit of cum in the front.

I slipped them down and rinsed them in the sink. I only glanced up at the mirror then looked away. I wasn’t sure who was staring back at me. Someone very lost, incredibly confused and still horny. My hair had grown longer since I lost my job and was now in a small ponytail. I thought I looked hip, but I also thought at that moment, I could now enhance Rachel’s look.

I squeezed the wet thong to get any remaining water out, then pulled them back up where the cold, wet fabric met my now flaccid cock.

I could hear Tony in the other room working as if nothing had happened. I thought of him calling me Rachel and looked back in the mirror. I was imagining me being more dolled up and how I would look. I wonder if Tony would like that. “Holy crap, why am I thinking like that?”

The rest of the day went by with no further sexual incidents. Tony had installed the washer and dryer in the workshop, and told me to cut a hole for the dryer vent. “You can handle that simple task, can’t you Rachel?” he asked rather condescending. “I sure can” I said confidently. Tony left about 2, and I quickly went upstairs, put my wife’s nightie in the laundry and threw a load of laundry into the washer. Hide the evidence! I was back in my guy clothes and went to pick up my daughter from school. Gina arrived home from work, and I proudly showed her the updates downstairs. She seemed impressed how quickly things were going. I was telling her about how awesome Tony is, how WE were both on time (3-4 weeks) and on budget. “I’ll have to meet this Tony” Gina said, approvingly. I fell asleep quickly, but not before replaying this crazy day in my head.

I got up in the morning, and went downstairs to throw the wet laundry into the dryer. I’d completely forgotten with all the action the previous day. I arrived in the new laundry room and realized I hadn’t cut the hole for the dryer vent.

I grabbed the vent cover to draw the size of the hole on the drywall. It was easy as there was just wall studs on that side. I used a blade knife to score around the drywall in a circle, taking my time to go slow and accurate. I grabbed a hammer to knock out the circle of drywall. That was easy, I thought. I went around the corner to pick up the drywall and saw the mess on the bathroom floor. Oh NO. What was I thinking?

I cut the hole into the wall into the bathroom, right beside the shower! As it was almost waist height and almost 6 inches in circumference, there was no way I could hide this fuck up from Tony. I didn’t have time to fix it as I had to drive my daughter to school. I felt queasy, thinking that I just didn’t seem to be a very good handyman assistant.

By the time I got back from school drop off, Tony’s truck was in the driveway. I came into the house incredibly nervous, fully expecting Tony’s wrath.

I looked around, then Kartal Çıtır Escort heard his saw going outside. Tony had cut the vent hole through the outside wall; the thing I was supposed to do. “Looks like you had some trouble, Rachel” Tony said without looking up. “You know the rule, don’t you?”

“Yes” I replied. “Well…what are you waiting for?” he asked.

I turned and went upstairs to the bathroom. This nightie was the same style, but in red. Still sheer and not able to cover much of me. I stripped down and put on the red number. I began, once again to get hard, the soft gauze of the thong against my growing cock. I noticed my wife’s makeup on the counter and I saw her red lipstick. “Should I?” I thought to myself. I’d never worn any make up other than for a Halloween costume occasionally. My heart was beating rather hard as I put on a small amount, and rolled my lips together. Not bad I thought. I took my hair out of the ponytail and brushed it out. Wow, that actually looks pretty good. I decided I would bring Tony a cup of coffee when I came downstairs. Barefooted I walked downstairs with a cup, milk and sugar on a tray. I was trembling with excitement and really liked how I looked.

Tony was outside in the back yard finishing up the vent. Of course he does this work so fast, whereas I take longer and seem to mess it up. I yelled that I had coffee for him. “I’ll be right in” he replied as I stood waiting for him to check my look.

It seemed like ten minutes, but was actually only about 3 minutes and he walked in.

“Rachel, that’s quite an outfit.” He took his cup, sipping it as it was, just black. “Turn around. Let’s have a look” he said encouragingly. I twirled around, making sure not to spill the cream or sugar. “Nice” he said. I tried not to smile.

“Now about this hole in the wall” he motioned me to follow him into the bathroom. “Look how close you came to cutting through the plastic shower wall.” (It is a corner shower kit)

“That would have been a massive fuck up, but as it is, I’m not going to patch this hole up, as it will remind you that you can’t seem to do anything without my supervision.” My face began to flush as he scolded me. I was blinking hard as I didn’t want to be a total wimp and get teary eyed.

He picked up a piece of wood that reminded me of a yardstick. “Bend forward, Rachel. Time for your punishment.”

I still had the tray in my hand and bent from the waist. A split second later that piece of wood smacked against my ass. *WHOA* My ass was stinging and before I could react, a second hit, then another. I counted 7 as I bit my lip, trying not to whimper. “I’m sorry” I stammered, my voice quivering.

“I’m sure you are” Tony replied. My ass was now burning, and I realized that my small cock was fully hard. There was milk on the tray, but it hadn’t spilled onto the floor.

“I’m going to have to meet your wife and tell her how much time and money you’re costing her. What time does she get home from work?” Tony blurted out.

I felt fear surge through my scantily clad body. “Uhm… can we just keep this between you and me?” I asked nervously. “I don’t want to worry her.” I realized how stupid that sounded.

“Well she’s got to know sooner or later.” Tony replied.

“Later, please.” I almost whispered.

“Okay, so here’s the deal. The new laundry room is now functional, by the end of today, your new shower will be installed. We can test that later for leaks.” Tony continued, “I will be getting the kitchen started tomorrow, and with any luck…” he paused, waving the spanking stick at me “we can get most of it complete by the end of next week.”

I tried to muster a smile. “right on schedule” I said.

“Yep, right on schedule” Tony confirmed. “I’ll just have to keep a close eye on you. Now go clean something and make me lunch for 11.”

I walked back upstairs with the tray. I slowly exhaled as I put down the tray and went into the bathroom. I turned to see my red ass. I rubbed it. Still stinging, but I felt these little electric currents running through me. Of course I had so many things happening simultaneously; embarrassment Kartal Elit Escort for being such a shitty employee, humiliation for being spanked by this bigger, stronger, and talented man. I was also incredibly turned on. I was trying to think of things to impress Tony, and most importantly, NOT have him tell Gina what an idiot I was.

At 11 sharp, I came down the stairs with a thick turkey sandwich, some potato chips, and a tin of soda.

“Perfect timing, Rachel.” Tony said as I put the tray down. Tony grabbed half the sandwich and said “we need to run the shower and check for leaks.” He took a large bite, chewing as he reached into a plastic bag in his tool box. “Strip down and put this cream all over your body. You can rinse it off in the shower, and I can make sure the seals are water tight.” He handed me a large tube. I turned it over and saw the fine print said hair removal cream. I gasped.

“Hey Tony, I…” I stammered. He cut me off. “Remember Rachel, you don’t want me to speak with Gina, do you?

“No, but…”

“So strip down, and thoroughly cover your body with this. Think of it as buying you time.” Tony was incredibly insistent, and I was in no position to argue.

I dropped the nightie on the floor and opened the cap. For some reason I smelled the lotion, then began to rub it on my legs, groin area, arms and chest. Tony just watched me carefully, as he finished his sandwich. I was thinking out loud while I was applying it. “How will I explain this to Gina?” I said; partly to Tony, and mainly to me.

I figured I could work around Gina, as she was somewhat oblivious to me. I did figure she’d notice if I suddenly had NO pubic hair, but I could avoid her seeing me, at least for the short term.

The lotion tingled and smelled quite nice. The skin sensations were starting to make my cock go semi hard.

“Tony, should I rinse off now?”

I asked. “Two more minutes. It says 5 minutes but let’s make it 7.” He replied. There’s another tube in this bag, so you’ve got to apply this once a week. You’re set for the first month. There’s a special roll on applicator for your armpits.”

Tony turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature. “ok Rachel, step on in and rinse off.” Tony held the door open and ushered me. My cock was almost fully hard by now, as the warm water greeted my body. My body felt sleek and smooth. Incredible, actually. Tony checked closely around the door, corners and along the floor. “No leaks” he said, proudly. I was really enjoying the feel of my body, then realized I didn’t have a towel. I was about to call to Tony and realized he wasn’t there. I began to rub my cock. Fuck, it felt so good. Suddenly Tony appeared in the bathroom holding 2 towels and a bar of soap from upstairs. He handed me the soap and I cleaned my already clean body. I turned off the shower and Tony opened the door and handed me a towel. I dried and got redressed. Suddenly my every inch of skin was on high alert. The gauze fabric was making my body come alive. My cock was ready to burst.

I was so caught up in my new sensations that I hadn’t noticed Tony turning on the water again. He had stripped down and was now in the shower, back to me. He had brought a bar of soap from upstairs too, and was soaping his back and ass. I immediately focused on Tony, waiting to see what he looked like from the front. He turned around to rinse his back and didn’t disappoint. His cock had to be 7 inches flaccid, and thick. I just stood there gawking at his beautiful tool. I could only imagine what it must feel like, and how big it could get. The water shut off and it was as if the spell was snapped. The door flung open and Tony said “So you need to towel me dry, Rachel.” I put the towel I had used on the floor for him to stand on. He turned his back to me and I towelled off his arms, back, down along his muscular ass and legs. I was now on my knees drying his ankles and feet when he turned to face me. His cock actually slapped me in the head. I sat back on my feet and looked at this massive weapon only a few inches from my face.

“Make sure you give that extra attention” Tony instructed. I held it in my towelled hand and patted it with the other. It felt heavy as I was drying his cock with stroking motions. It began to grow. I just kept doing it and it kept growing. Longer, thicker, heavier. I felt Tony’s hand on the back of my head, gently guiding me forward. Here I was, about to suck my first cock.

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