
Dani’s New Life Ch. 04b


(If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4a. This will make much more sense if you do…)

Only a few minutes had passed since Dani had lost consciousness; her eyelids fluttered and she gasped her first waking breath. Never before had she been so totally overwhelmed by such intense feelings and emotions. Her eyes opened, blinking rapidly as she tried to remember what had been happening.

Finally able to focus, the beautiful, blonde lawyer found herself on her back on the plush carpet. Her legs were raised and spread in front of her; both Paul and James, the ‘surfer’ brothers from California, each had a firm grip on one of her ankles and they held her so her hips and pelvis were tilted up. Dani immediately flushed as she realized how exposed she was and how cheap it made her feel. Her skin was moist with sweat and excitement and nothing could hide the pink diamond-hard tips of her swollen nipples.

CRACK!!! The sound of Tony’s belt snapping together sent a chill through Dani’s flesh and an electric surge to her throbbing clit.

The hot, corporate VP gasped and rolled her eyes back to the origin of the sound behind her. What she saw when she looked up was Sasha’s cunt lips, red and swollen and her once-small vagina gaping open and leaking thick semen. Almost before Dani could catch a breath, the Russian-born beauty sank down facing the boys on the couch, and planted her cum-filled pussy directly on her first Corporate Officer.

“You wanted Tony’s cum, bitch, so start sucking.” Sasha’s accent was making Dani crazy, remembering the beautiful girls she’d met on holiday or when she’d studied in Paris. “Baise moi, putain.”

“Suck me, whore.” Dani trembled as the gorgeous woman rocked her pussy against her sucking mouth and her busy tongue. She was picturing Sasha sliding her hips until her musky anus became the target of Dani’s tongue. She ate deeply as she wished for more and then, without warning, her pussy started burning. A second later, she felt a quick tap on her swollen labia and the burn started to spread. The pain was starting to go deep into her sex and she could only groan into Sasha’s deliciously wet cunt.

Two more quick taps and Dani felt her sexual psyche reach out to that Dark Place she had discovered with Alan…where pain became the most overwhelming pleasure. She knew that her Mistress was using Alan’s crop as expertly as he had earlier, garnering much the same results.

As the waves of flaming pain turned into the most elusive and subtle of pleasures, Dani’s oral technique changed as well. The frantic ministrations of her lips and tongue became painfully and teasingly slow and deep, driving Sasha closer and closer to climax. At the next strike, this one aimed at Dani’s throbbing, swollen clit, the used and abused young lawyer sucked the Russian’s clit between her lips. As the incredible pain radiated along every nerve in her body, Dani let her small, perfect, white teeth scrape as lightly as possible against Sasha’s clit.

“Ohhhh…Alan…promise me…” Sasha could barely speak as the heat built in her sex, “the slut is mine…the first two nights in Paris.” She was so close to the edge; she couldn’t remember the last time someone ate her so well. Her hips moved as pleasure racked her exquisite body and Dani’s earlier wish suddenly came true; her dusky pink, puckered hole came to rest over the beautiful blonde’s mouth.

At first, Sasha delighted in the feeling of Dani’s soft tongue licking and massaging her hard rubbery ring and the sensitive flesh surrounding it. Then her approaching climax drove her to take full advantage of the brilliant Vice-President lying naked beneath her. With a final groan, the gorgeous Russian reached down and pulled her firm, shapely cheeks apart, spreading her sphincter until it opened and forcing it down on Dani’s tongue.

“Do it, you rich, married bitch!” The words were garbled in her thick accent as Sasha’s ass attacked Dani. “Eat my asshole, you dirty cunt slave! Stick your filthy, lying lawyer tongue all the way in…now!”

The wild Russian Sales Manager rode Dani’s tongue like it was a small cock up her ass. She picked up the crop in her right hand as her left found her throbbing clit. Her fingers were a blur as she drove herself past the last barrier; as the waves of electric fire engulfed her, as her massive orgasm made her tremble and buck against the beautiful woman beneath her, she brought the crop down harder than ever, flush against the swollen and ultra-sensitive flesh of Dani’s raw, burning cunt.

Dani’s muffled scream sent unholy vibrations ringing through Sasha’s spasming sex and her moans became a keening wail as her pussy flooded and her girl-cum soaked the lawyer’s chin and neck. When she realized she’d made Sasha cum, Dani’s own climax started all over again and it took all of Paul’s and James’ strength to keep her strong, beautiful legs from doing any damage. She kicked and rolled as the horrible pain from her whipped Kurtköy Sınırsız Escort cunt and the humiliation of licking a woman’s asshole – and thrilling to it – made her cum again even more forcefully than before.

Alan was still leaning against the bar, a scotch in one hand and a handful of Tami’s hair in the other. He was skull-fucking the hot young redhead, not thinking about her at all; his total attention was focused on the two unbelievable figures locked together on the floor in front of him – an erotic tableau of beautiful female flesh, naked and moist from the sweat of sex and desire.

For the past two days, the beautiful and brilliant Mrs. Evans had been a constant source of erotic amazement as well as unbelievable sexual pleasure…and he felt her potential was only starting to show itself. It was much too soon to begin thinking about her the way he was starting to – he simply couldn’t help himself. Somehow, above Tami’s muffled moans and the sounds of lust coming from everyone else in the room, the slim, darkly powerful man heard the knocking from the door to his suite. He pulled the horny girl off his hard, thick cock and up on to her feet. “Someone’s at the door – it should be room service. Let them in, little girl.” He barely looked at her as he gave her his instructions.

Tami looked at her new boss with wide-open eyes. “Yes, Red…I know you’re naked. Are you going to refuse the very first command I give you?” He sounded almost bored – at that point he knew it would motivate the girl more than anything else.

“Never, Master,” Tami replied with a nervous tremble in her voice. She looked at him and saw all his attention focused on Dani and Sasha; without another word, she walked as proudly as she could, naked and exposed, to the door. Turning the lock back, Tami inched the door open to see a huge, bald, powerful looking black man staring into her eyes. As her flesh chilled with extreme embarrassment, she pulled the door back and let him in. Slowly and without any shame, he swept his deep brown eyes over her like she was a piece of meat. It made her cunt burn with the lust of physical desire and the intense heat of shame and submission. Almost unable to walk, she led him back to the bar where her Master was waiting.

“Mr. Jacobs,” he smiled warmly at his long-time friend, “I have a wonderful selection of food and drinks waiting.” He looked across at the two naked beauties slowly untangling themselves on the carpet. “Perhaps I should bring in the carts myself and leave my waiters outside.”

Alan looked at the waiter. “Probably a good idea, James…I don’t care about the blonde and the redhead…” Tami was standing next to Alan, still blushing from being naked in front of this big, black stranger, “but I respect my staff too much to let strangers in to see them playing.” Both men chuckled, remembering times when the ‘staff’ partied like there was no tomorrow. “But if you’d like a hand, I’m sure Red will be more than happy to help.”

“That’s fine, Mr. Jacobs,” the waiter dropped his eyes on Tami’s pale, lightly freckled breasts. “This one look good enough to eat.” His massive paw covered her tit and his palm pressed hard against the hard point of her excited nipple. “Mmmmhh…firm, like fresh fruit…” he raised Tami’s chin until she was looking him in the eyes, “want me to take a bite, darlin’?” His quick, deep laugh startled the young girl as she realized his arm was now on her shoulder pushing her softly towards the door. “Honey, why don’t you open the door and tell the boys James don’t need them tonight. I’ll come help you with the carts in a minute.”

As Tami started walking back across the room, she felt the eyes of all the Sales Managers burning into her flesh. She didn’t know if the feelings it gave her were good or bad – all she knew was that she wanted more of the same. When she reached the door, she looked back only to see the tall black man whispering in Alan’s ear. Alone, naked and nervous, the sexy, twenty-three year old redhead twisted the doorknob and pulled it back, opening the door all the way.

Three young men, two of them black and the third Hispanic and all of them good looking, seemed to come to attention as the door opened. They were speechless as the living, breathing, naked centerfold told them that James did not need them any longer. But they felt no need to depart immediately; no longer speechless, they made rather crude but very flattering comments about the girl as she started pushing the carts into the suite. When their boss arrived a minute later, the boys scurried down the hall…but not before their comments and her public exposure caused Tami’s pussy to start dripping like a loose faucet.

As Tami helped James set up the snacks and drinks, Alan disappeared into his bedroom with CJ, the Korean man on his team. He explained to his ever loyal manager that a very special occasion had just come up and Alan needed CJ to delay his special compensation for another day. For that night, Alan Kurtköy Suriyeli Escort told him, he could use the redhead. CJ tilted his head at his boss, his flat face hard and questioning. “No, CJ…not like that,” Alan said with a tone that wasn’t going to accept any argument. “Pretend like you’re her nice, American boyfriend – you’ll kill her otherwise. She’s had no training at all – it wouldn’t be good for either of you.” The powerful Asian nodded his head, reluctantly agreeing with his boss as they made their way back into the living room.

Dani was posed perfectly, kneeling on the deep carpet near the couch and waiting for instructions. After Sasha let her up, Tony helped the beautiful Russian to the bathroom so she could clean up. The Beach Boys – Dani fought back her urge to giggle as the nickname she would give the brothers came to mind – were looking at the snacks when Alan and CJ returned.

The blonde lawyer-turned-slut felt an eerie chill caress her flesh as the slim, powerful Korean glanced at her when he passed by. She knew something was happening but had no idea what it could be. Suddenly, her body was covered in goose bumps and once again, random crazy thoughts, impossible thoughts about her father flew through her mind, consuming all of her attention. She saw her Master talking softly to Paul and his brother but she couldn’t hear what was being said over the pounding of her heart. Before she knew it, Alan was standing in front of her with Paul and James right behind him.

Alan couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed anyone like he was enjoying Mrs. Daniella Evans, a beautiful and elegant suburban wife and successful corporate attorney. And it was going to get so much better! Alan had to be careful to keep the joy out of his voice and demeanor as he addressed the slave on her knees in front of him.

“Stand up, slut.” He made no effort to help her get to her feet – other than flicking the flat leather tip of his crop randomly against her sensitive skin.

Dani couldn’t help but moan; her muscles had tightened up in her kneeling position and now stretched painfully as she stood, and the deadly little kisses of the crop limited her awareness to little more than the burning pain suffusing her flesh.

“You are quite the lucky slut tonight, Daniella – I have a surprise I know you will just adore.” Alan kept his voice flat and almost toneless, but Dani was suddenly paying him a great deal more attention. The last time her Master had promised something, she was left alone and exposed in the middle of a busy sidewalk – her skirt around her waist and her naked pussy creaming as she finger-fucked herself. It was the single most embarrassing and humiliating thing she’d ever been a part of. “But before I tell you about it, Paul and James are going to help you get all nice and clean in the shower.” With a dismissive gesture, Alan turned away as the golden surfer brothers each took an elbow and guided the blonde lawyer back to the bathroom.

Dani was starting to feel like the dark slate walls and the large glass panels of the shower were becoming a second home as one of the guys leaned her against the glass and the other started the hot spray. Away from Alan and his crop, the over-stimulated and under-fucked attorney was able to start thinking and functioning again. The first clear and cogent thought she had came when she looked through the glass wall and saw the two brothers stripping down to join her in the shower.

She was in total lust! They were a Playgirl ‘double issue special’ come-to-life before her wonder-struck eyes. She was a teenager again and they were the cutest rock stars ever! And ‘Oh my God,’ she thought to herself, ‘those cocks are as beautiful as the rest of them.’

It was all about the reaction she had when they entered the large, steamy space and they surrounded her with their sheer physical presence. She wasn’t intimidated as much as she was turned on…by their Hollywood good looks and their SoCal tanned and perfect surfer bodies. Her heartbeat raced and her breathing became faster and shallower as two large hands, powerful but gentle, started washing her body with a silky soap lotion while the other two hands shampooed her fine, blonde hair, rinsing away the traces of the last hour’s activity.

For the once-shy little girl, this was a situation she used to fantasize about – gorgeous, naked men…more like slaves, really…pampering her, cleaning her, taking care of her in every possible way. Amazed that even part of her naïve, youthful fantasies could ever possibly come true, Dani felt the tremors of her re-awakening lust as she looked more closely at her attendants.

Handsome in a casual, boy-ish way, both brothers topped six feet – Paul, the older by two years, was perhaps an inch taller than his younger brother James. They shared the ice-blue eyes of their father and his father – eyes that could pierce with a cold chill or comfort with gentle and loving warmth as they wished, but always Kurtköy İranlı Escort magnetic and so incredibly sexy. Sparkling white smiles and full lips filled out their faces. Broad shoulders, long arms and lean, muscular torsos completed the upper part of the picture Dani was imprinting in her sensory memory.

She dropped her eyes and found herself staring at the slate floor, thinking their wet, soap-covered feet were as beautiful as the rest of them. Standing under the steaming spray, Dani shuddered and groaned when she realized she had been thinking about the brothers tying her up making her lick their feet and suck their toes. She had to look higher up and when she did, she could see the enormous power, the superb conditioning of their calves and their thighs – the years of surfing so evident in more than just their gorgeous, tanned flesh and their sun-bleached sandy brown hair.

Letting her eyes creep higher, it was James’ organ that first pulsed and throbbed in front of her. It seemed to dance to the same rhythm that she felt being played on her breasts and nipples. He was not too long – maybe six inches – but he was so thick…even bigger around than Tony. His stunning cock and heavy sac were hairless like the rest of him. From her glance at Paul when they entered the shower earlier, she judged him to be perhaps an inch longer, but not nearly as thick around the shaft. And like his younger brother, his body was hairless as well. Dani’s hungry cunt was creaming at the thought of having these gorgeous boys to fuck whenever she wanted it.

But then the soothing touches to her body stopped and Paul seemed to be through rinsing her fine, blonde hair. Vaguely aware that wash-time was over, Dani began moaning as James’ initial, gentle touch became firmer; his fingers stopped gliding over her slick, soapy skin and were now starting to pinch and pull at her sore and swollen nipples and knead her breast flesh like a baker working his dough.

The younger brother pulled her dark pink nubs in a downward direction, stretching her breasts painfully, forcing Dani to bend forward at her waist. Her stiff breast-tips were on fire and her moans became labored groans as the earlier excitement of her juvenile fantasy slipped away and the evidence of her new reality seemed to slap her in the face.

“I said Suck it, Bitch! Open that fuckin’ mouth, Counselor…do what you do best.”

“Unnnghh…garrghhh” The suburban housewife jumped back as James slapped her cheek with his hard, heavy prick before shoving through her lips and over her tongue until she felt the head poke into the back of her throat.

“MMMNNFFFARGHHH” Bent over under the hard, constant spray from the shower, the Harvard graduate tried to scream with her mouth full of man-meat when James pinched a nipple so hard she thought it would explode.

“Sweetheart,” he said over the sounds of her muffled screams and the steaming hot spray, “you don’t want me to be feeling your teeth now – you be careful, little girl.” With that warning out of the way, the younger brother thrust his hips forward, driving his cock into her throat and her hips into his brother.


Dani felt the shock against her flesh before the burn started to spread from her firm, tight ass as Paul spanked her round, pale cheek with the flat of his hand.

“UNNNEOWWW!!!” Before she could even react to the spanking, she felt the older brother’s rock-hard organ slide as deep into her cock-hungry cunt as he could go. Even though he’d pushed hard against her cervix on his initial thrust, Dani disregarded the pain and focused instead on the sweet satisfaction of finally having two hard cocks inside her at once. Swallowing James and backing herself up against Paul, she vaguely recalled a moment from the past with Jimmy, her soon-to-be ex-husband.

In bed one night, both of them a little drunk after a party, Jimmy started to talk about the way other guys were looking at Dani that evening. Usually, it was a result of his insecurities and jealousies and it turned her off completely. But that night, he seemed to find it exciting…or at least it sounded that way to his wife. It had been a while since they’d had sex (she never thought of it as ‘making love’ with him) and she was hungry for it; her body was full of want and need. So she didn’t stop his ramblings as they touched and stroked each other; he talked about this guy or that guy staring down her dress and the way she smiled when she noticed them. (It was mostly bullshit, but she knew he was drunk and she didn’t care.) Then he started mumbling about how hot it would have been to see her do two of those guys at once. Dani rolled him over and slowly straddled his erection, leaning back and closing her eyes while she pictured the men he had been talking about.

They were good looking, stylish, and very confident…everything that Jimmy was not. And while they knew nothing would ever happen – even then Dani’s family connections were well-known – especially at a cocktail party where everyone was at least professionally acquainted, they were bold enough (after a few drinks) to manage some discreet groping as they sandwiched Dani between them during a dance. And she also knew, unfortunately, nothing ever would happen with these guys, but it didn’t stop her groping either.

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