
Wicked Mother Ch. 03


The holidays were a blur; I split time between my mother and father. He was leaving for South America just after the New Year on a business trip; it had something to do with oil exploration. I saw Carrie a few times over the holidays, though she was out of town a lot visiting relatives in other states. I did get an offer from the university that I wanted to attend, so things weren’t so bad. Well, not until the second week of the New Year. And then we got the news. My father was on one of those rigs out just off the coast and there was a fire and an explosion, he was killed instantly.

So there I was, I had the world by the short hairs and then this happened. What the hell was I to do now? His body was returned to the states and there was a burial a few days later. My mother even attended, though I had a hard time telling if she was upset, sad or indifferent to the whole ordeal. She didn’t say much and she didn’t shed a tear, she just stood there impassively and took in the whole event. The next Monday was the reading of the will at his company office.

There must have been a dozen attorneys in attendance and there I was at the head of the table, in his chair. My mother sat unemotionally by my side, her chin held regally high. She never showed any emotion during the reading of the will, even when they pronounced that the company, the house and all my father assets were to go to me and me alone. I was stunned, millions, maybe even billions were now mine.

Mr. Franklin, the COO of the company, approached me after the reading.

“Max, I want you to know that when you are ready this company will be waiting for you,” he stated as he put a hand on my shoulder.

“I don’t know anything about running an oil company, heck, I’m just a kid that plays football,” I answered back.

He laughed, “Your father didn’t know anything about the oil business either when he first started, I think it’s in your families blood. Your grandfather sponsored a program at the university that you’re attending; it’s a degree in the oil production business. Gear your studies towards that and you’ll be up to speed in no time. And while you’re gone we’ll keep things operating like business as usual. Sound like a plan, son?”

“Sounds like a great plan to me, Mr. Franklin, and thank you,” I said shaking his hand.

Strangely enough, that was the easy part, dealing with my mother would be the task of a lifetime however. She knew even before she stepped foot in the luxurious office complex what her fate would be. As she had stated previously, she wasn’t a blood Kaiser, that duty fell to me. I had a few options, either I send her off with a crap load of money so she could start a new life or I let her stay in the house and things would go as they always had, maybe. I just didn’t know where her mind was at and that worried me.

When I got home I went to my room and took off my suit and changed into my workout gear. I figured a few minutes in our home gym would do me wonders. Hitting the weights always cleared my head. I found Ed and gave him my suit to be dry cleaned. He expressed his condolences and quickly disappeared. A few minutes later I was smashing the weights off my chest and feeling a bit better about life. Carrie sent me a few texts, she was in upper Michigan visiting her grandparents, and wanted to check up on me, that helped my mood. She sent me a few well posed boob pics, what a cool girl, and no, you can’t see them. As I started on the second set of bench presses the door to the gym opened and in walked Debbie and her mother, Barbara.

“Max,” Barbara said. “We just wanted you to know that if you need anything we’re here for you.”

I smiled, “Thanks, I just need to think on a few things before I make any major decisions,” I told them. “Oh, and I would avoid my mother for the time being, I haven’t got a good handle on how she’s feeling about all this yet.”

“Well I’m sure she’s not happy. She just lost her sole income and now you are in charge of the family fortune, I would guess that she’s a bit worried right now,” Barbara suggested.

I thought about it for a few seconds, “I’m not going to abandon her, I just want things to stay the way they are, we were actually heading in a good direction before all this happened.”

“You should tell her that, Max,” Debbie suggested. “Tell her that you will see to all her needs.” She said ‘all’ a bit oddly I thought.

Barbara laughed, “That may not be the best way to put it, Max,” she was obviously thinking about the last time the three of us were together.

“I know, I have to walk a razors edge when I talk with her. This whole thing is so frustrating,” I stated.

Debbie stepped forward and pressed against my sweating body, “There is one way I know to deal with frustration,” she said with a sly grin.

Her mother came forward and pressed against my arm, “I think Debbie is on to something, Max.”

Debbie had already been stroking my cock through my shorts when her mother leaned forward and stuck her tongue in my mouth. My shorts went down a second later and Debbie dropped and engulfed my now blood filled organ. kırşehir escort Barbara, her mother, stripped off her top to reveal her pert globes and hardened nipples, which I judiciously took between my lips.

I groaned as I looked down at Debbie, “You should help her out,” I suggested to Barbara.

Barbara lowered herself down and ran her tongue over my shaft as Debbie licked the knob of my cock. It was an awesome sight watching mother and daughter slobber over my cock together, especially when their tongues intertwined. It had been a while since I had been laid and my cock was feeling the effect of their ministrations.

“Oh shit,” I said out loud. “I think I’m going to cum.”

Barbara pulled back as her daughter engulfed my shaft nearly all the way to my balls, “Don’t hold back baby, let it go, this is for you,” Barbara offered with an evil grin.

I moaned loudly, “I’m going to cum,” I sort of mumbled. The next thing I knew I was shooting the first jet in Debbie’s mouth, she pulled my cock free and aimed the second blast at her mother’s face, which careened across her nose and cheek. The third and final eruptions blasted Debbie’s chin and upper lip. I was spent. Barbara grabbed Debbie by the chin and began licking the cum off her daughters face, which nearly got me hard again.

They both stood up covered in cum, “You needed that,” Barbara stated with a short laugh.

“Yes I did, though I doubt I can go back to my workout now,” I chuckled as well.

As I went to retrieve my shorts I glanced at the square window of the door to the home gym and saw my mother peering in. She gave me a noncommittal glare and disappeared from sight.

Things were tense around the mansion after that, my mother would rarely speak to me and she seemed to avoid being alone in the same room with me. I really didn’t care about the sex or the possibility of it, I was miffed by her constant avoidance of me. I really couldn’t think of what to do next. And then an idea occurred to me, I remembered Kathy, her sister in Texas, so I reached out.

The phone rang twice and Kathy answered, “Hello,” her cheery voice sounded on the end of the line.

“Kathy, it’s Max,” I informed her.

“Max?” she sounded puzzled.

“Yes, Max, your nephew,” I replied.

“Is something wrong?” she asked wearily.

“No, everything is fine, well sort of. Did my mom tell you that my father was killed in a rig explosion?”

“No, Max, I hadn’t heard. I’m sorry to hear that, are you alright?” she asked.

“I’m as well as can be expected, but that’s why I called,” I replied with a bit of a pause.

“Go on,” she said, a bit of concern masked her voice.

I took a deep breath, “Well, mother isn’t handling the whole thing very well.”

“I wouldn’t expect that she would, can you be a bit more specific, Max,” Kathy asked.

“Well, I don’t think she’s that upset about my father, I think she’s worried that I now control the estate.”

“I see, she’s more concerned about her own welfare than she is about her ex-husband passing away, that sounds like her,” Kathy remarked.

“How do I explain to her that I’m not going to abandon her. I don’t know what she wants really,” I told her.

“What do you want for her?” Kathy asked.

“See, that’s the problem. I don’t know if she wants me to give her a bunch of cash and let her get a fresh start somewhere else, or if she wants to stay here and continue life as normal,” I explained.

There was a silence for a brief time, “Have you asked her?”

“She won’t even talk to me, Kathy, how can I even bring up something like that,” I told her.

“Okay, here is what you need to do, Max. Take her away from there, get her away from her comfort zone, take her someplace that nobody knows her. The Caribbean, Aruba or the Bahamas, someplace that she can relax without the walls and pretenses that she feels in that stuff shirt town,” Kathy suggested.

“That’s a very good idea, Kathy,” I told her. “Maybe a trip to Aruba would be just the thing. We could talk as two people, instead of angry mother and son.”

“Exactly, as long as you are around people she knows she has to make airs for them, she won’t come off of her snotty self, you have got to free her of her inhibitions, and then you will get the truth,” Kathy explained.

“Thanks Kathy, I owe you one,” I said with a grin, remembering how hot my mother’s younger sister was.

“Yes you do, Max. And I won’t forget it. Good luck, stud,” she said as she hung up the phone.

I was on the computer a few minutes later booking an all-inclusive trip to Aruba. Now I just had to convince the queen of hate to accept my offer.

I made it a point to be up when she was the next morning so I could broach the idea about spending a week on the resort island, away from this town where everyone kept a watchful eye on our family. Aruba was one of my favorite resorts, white beaches, plenty of women and liquor.

I walked into the kitchen and mother stood against the sink in her famous white silk robe looking out the large picture window at the kırşehir escort bayan landscaped garden. Her outline was amazing.

“Mother,” I began, she jerked ever so slightly, I’m not totally sure if she knew I was there.

“Yes, Max,” she said without turning.

“I’m not exactly sure what’s going on with you or how you’re taking all of this. It really did come on so fast.” I took a breath. “But I do know that we need a break, both of us.”

Her head turned slightly in my direction, “What do you mean, Max?”

Another deep breath, “I thought we would get away for a week. I’m doing well enough in school that missing a few classes won’t hurt me.”

She turned to face me, her coffee cup clinched between her fists and her robe was parted just enough that I could see her ample cleavage and one sculptured thigh, I swallowed hard. “Where did you have in mind?”

“Uh, well,” I stumbled. “I booked us at a resort in Aruba, if that’s alright.”

She didn’t say anything, and she took a long breath and then sipped her coffee. Her eyes met mine, and to tell you the truth, I couldn’t read a damn thing on her face. “Aruba huh,” she scowled as if I had said Iraq or Afghanistan. “When do we leave?”

I released the breath that I didn’t realize that I had been holding, “Next Saturday. We fly out in the morning.”

She tapped a long nail on her coffee mug, “I’ll need some new clothes,” she said flatly. That confused me briefly, until I realized that she needed money and that I was now the executor of the bank account.

“Oh, yeah, I hadn’t thought about that.” I said reaching for my wallet. “Here, take this.” I handed her a black American Express card. “Get what you need. I should probably get a new suit and some new swim trunks, myself.” I suggested.

She flicked the card with one manicured nail, took a sip of coffee and left the room. Leaving me standing there with no more idea where her mind was than before I had entered the kitchen.

The next day at school I explained to Carrie what I was doing, and though she wasn’t happy that I was leaving town for a week, she understood. When I got home on Thursday night I logged on to my computer and went to the credit card site to see what mother had been up to with the card. I wasn’t worried about the money mind you, but, um, I was worried about the money. See how that works. She hadn’t spent too awful much, well not for her anyway. A few hundred at the swim suit shop, a few hundred at some of the better clothing stores and nearly a thousand at Victoria Secrets. What in the blue hades did she buy there I wondered.

It was then I heard her call my name, “Max, could you come here for a minute,” she barked from her room at the far end of the long hall. I took a deep breath and headed that direction. I mentally had to make myself stand erect, like an innocent and yet defiant man going to the gallows. I tapped on the door lightly, “You wanted to see me, mother.”

“Yes, come in,” she ordered. When I entered the room she stood there in her robe, seriously, is that all she wears? “I want you to tell me if this suit is proper for the island,” she stated with little to no emotion. How can a woman be that devoid of feelings? Her robe fell from her shoulders and she stood before me in a white bikini, one that accentuated every curve of her luscious body. The bottom was cut high on her hips and the top pushed her tits together so they seemed ready to extract themselves from the material.

My eyes grew slightly, and I’m not ashamed to say so did my cock as well. Her head cocked slightly as she waited, “That is very nice, mother,” I said with a gulp, appreciating every curve. “Could you turn so I can see the back?” I asked a little too forcefully, nearly a command.

A slight parting of her lips was the only reaction I received before she turned around so I could see her ass. It was spectacular. The suit cut between her cheeks and rode high on her tan hips. I so wanted to reach out and grab that butt with both hands, but I restrained.

“Well?” she asked.

“It will do nicely. Is that all you bought?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“No, I bought a few other items that might come in handy.” she stated sharply, my cock gave a lurch knowing that she had spent the bulk of the money on lingerie. She walked to the dresser and pulled forth an item and walked straight to me, her solid boobs didn’t even bounce with her steps. She stopped just short of pressing her breasts into my chest.

“Here is your card back,” she paused and looked into my eyes. “Thank you.”

“Anything you need, mother, just ask,” she stopped as she was walking away and turned toward me, “I have to ask?” she questioned.

I stiffened, gathered my resolve, “That is something we will discuss in Aruba.” I said with as much non-emotion as I could muster.

She tightened that damnable robe around her waist, “I suppose we will,” and she left the room.

I went directly to the servants’ quarters. I should describe their quarters I suppose. The maids and butlers, Edwin and the rest, lived escort kırşehir in the west wing of the complex or mansion. They have their own well-furnished apartments, exclusive entrances; their own garage’s as well access to a pool, gaming area and gym. It’s not a bad gig really. My father actually cared about the help, as opposed to my mother, who doesn’t.

I knocked on Barbara’s door, “Mrs. Green?” I said softly. The door opened and Barbara stood there in a pair of sweats pants and t-shirt.

“Max, what is the matter?” she asked.

“I need to talk, are you busy?” I asked, her husband worked on one of our companies rigs in the gulf, I knew he wouldn’t be home for a few months.

“Come in, Max. What is bothering you?” she asked.

I chuckled, “What is always bothering me, Barbara? It’s my mother of course.” I let her know, though I’m sure she suspected that already.

“Does this have to do with the trip you are planning this next week?” she asked. I think I mentioned it to Debbie during a recent sex session. Yeah, I tend to talk after fucking, it’s a flaw.

“Yes, exactly,” I began. “What do I do once I have her alone in Aruba. I know we have to discuss finances and all, but what about, well you were there, you know what happened that night between you, her and I.”

She paused, “Let me think for a minute, Max.” She took a deep breath and then looked into my eyes, “She wouldn’t have done what she did that night unless there are feelings there. But,” she said forcefully. “I would not push her in that direction unless it goes there naturally. She is going to be on edge about where she stands with you with regards to her finances and her future. She hasn’t been the best mother to you and now she’s worried that you will hold that against her.” She paused again, “What are you thinking in that regards, Max?” she asked.

I sighed, “I just want her to know that I will continue to allow her the lifestyle that she’s used to, but at some point she needs to be my mother and not just the lady that birthed me and lives in the same house.”

Barbara nodded, “Understandable.” She tapped her lip thinking, “Let me ask you this, Max. What if she decides to take things in another direction, more specifically, what if she wants you to become your fathers’ replacement?” she asked as she looked at me quizzically.

I tried to reason it out in my mind, would I or not be open to that sort of thing, who was I kidding, right? “I’m not saying I haven’t considered it, but the situation would be wrought with peril. She’s not the easiest woman to get along with, for one. For two, what if things went south, it’s not like we can just get a divorce. And for three, she has never allowed me to actually touch her, so I’m not sure what her intentions in that area lay; maybe it’s just a weird kink for her.”

“You could be right, I think you are right not to pursue it, not until you are sure anyway and even then you would be treading on thin ice with her, one wrong move and she’ll have a team of attorneys going after the family fortune.” she suggested, and I agreed.

“It always boils down to money, doesn’t it?” I stated.

“That’s life Max my boy, that is life.” Barbara acknowledged. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, young man.” Barbara chuckled, “But I wouldn’t mind being in your shorts right now.”

If you could actually see my face when she said that, I’m smiling, well wouldn’t you? I stood up and gently pushed my shorts and briefs down to mid-thigh, my cock sprang forward. I gave it a few strokes to get it up to full mast, which didn’t really take much. I’ve never understood porn stars that were about to fuck a beautiful woman and they were limp. I don’t know that I’ve ever been in a sexual situation that I wasn’t hard as a rock, maybe that’s just me.

“Is this what you wanted, baby?” I asked slyly.

“You know it is. It’s such a lovely cock and the back drop of those tight abs isn’t bad either,” she said boosting my already inflated ego.

“Do you want it?” I questioned, giving the shaft a shake in her direction.

“You want me to beg don’t you?” she asked. “You’re turning into a dominate aren’t you, Max.”

I’d never really thought about it before, but I was kind of getting off on ordering my sexual partners around and having them obey my commands, huh, maybe I was becoming a dom.

“Does that turn you on, Barbara?” I asked.

“You have no idea. My husband is weak when it comes to sexual situations; I like to give myself to my man completely. It gets me off knowing that I’m not in control of what I am expected to do.” she told me.

“Well if it gets you off, then I’m sure it will get me off as well,” I said as I pulled her head towards my very waiting cock. The woman was an expert at giving head. She licked, sucked, spit and then licked and sucked some more. I probably could have cum rather easily from her ministrations, but I wanted laid. I pushed her back onto the bed and pulled off her sweat pants, no panties, such a good girl. I dropped to my knees just off the edge of the bed and ran my tongue between her well-formed lips until I found her nub, which I circled a few times before going back to her wet vagina. She was soaked, and I was rock hard and ready to fuck. I flipped her over onto her stomach and spread her legs slightly. I put my knees on the outside of her ass and parted her butt cheeks until her little wet hole was exposed.

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