
Welcome Home Bash


My brother, Ashley, or Bash to his friends and relatives, decided to take a year out before he went to University and travel Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. It took three years which explains his lackadaisical attitude towards everything. Heading to college, he was a scrawny, mouthy hippie type with a love for anything that blurred reality. He was very intelligent, which made it all the more frustrating that he had decided that all he wanted to be was a crease in the shirt that the world wears. I worried every day while he was away thinking that he would end up as some messed up rent boy who would sleep with anything for a shot of Heroin. He wasn’t a junkie when he left but he was travelling to so many places where it was even more accessible than in England and it would be just like him to “give it a try.” Thankfully, he proved me wrong.

I had picked him up at Manchester airport and to my surprise; he had turned into a real man. He had grown in every way imaginable. He was 6’2″ and, although no ‘Arnie’ he had filled out well, very well indeed and every muscle, – not that I saw at the airport – in his body was toned to perfection. He had worked pretty much constantly through his travels and while in Thailand began training as a Muay Thai Boxer. He met a beautiful girl, so to speak, and lived with her for almost two years.

When he left, my friends breathed a sigh of relief. He was forever trying to woo them but he was too much of a moron for any of them to even consider considering it. Things had changed in a big way though. I threw a welcome home barbecue party for him and all of my friends turned up. He sipped one bottle of beer and insisted on greeting everyone at the door before he started drinking “properly.” I was impressed and very proud of him. He pecked each of them on the cheek, gave them a non-perverse hug and apologised for how he acted toward them when he was younger.

Kenzie had been his biggest crush before he left. He used to stroke her hair, touch any skin she had on show, take photographs of her at any possible chance, begged and pleaded for her to go out with him and shamelessly, with good reason, exposing himself to her several times. It was wrong but I couldn’t blame him one bit, she was an absolute stunner. I had even fantasised about her while in my big double bed all alone and that wasn’t for me at all to be honest, but I’m pretty sure that every man and woman has a crush on someone of the same sex at some point in their lives.

His surprise barbecue party which his friend, Adam, had let slip while talking to him on the phone, had been a real hoot. Most of my friends who had been repulsed by him when he was younger turned up and several of his stoner friends who he seemed to have lost quite a bit of interest in. Of course he treated them as normal but he didn’t sit around with them while they hit bongs, shottys and waterfalls. He did have the odd joint, but then most of us did. The highlight, for me at least, was when my friend Jenny turned up after work. She was now a Police officer and was dropped off in her uniform. At first Bash thought she was a strippogram until realising who she was. She managed to stay dead pan as she arrested him for blowing Marijuana smoke in her face. We all watched on with smiles and smirks accept for Kenzie. She was jealous at Jenny’s obvious touching up as opposed to searching.

The party had finished two and half hours ago and I was lying in bed listening to him making a mess of poor Kenzie. She was quite shy even around me. When it came to sex talk, she would shut up and turn a lovely shade of red. Now, however, as I tried to go to sleep all I could hear was her screaming out my brother’s name while he treated her to what was evidently fantastic sex.

They stopped, but they had stopped earlier too, so I waited for the screaming to come again at any moment but Kenzie spoke and I was relieved to know that I could sleep.


“No Bash, no more please.” She begged. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice. “I can’t, I can’t do it any more. No Bash ple… Oh, oh, oh my fucking…” She obviously exploded with pleasure again.

I covered my ears with my pillow mumbling curses in regards to them. I heard no more words but Kenzie definitely had another orgasm. I know that much for sure as she was being very vocal.

Ten minutes or so passed and I heard Bash’s door open and another minute or so later a tapping on my door.

“What?” I snapped. I get very grumpy when I’m tired.

The door opened slowly and Kenzie peered in from behind it wrapped in a towel. “Janie can I come sleep in here please? He won’t leave me alone.” Her voice was trembling.

I immediately thought the worse of him. “‘Course you can Kenz. Are you okay?” I moved over and lifted the quilt tapping the space beside me.

“Not really.” She half giggled stepping into my room tenderly her legs bent slightly at the knee. She slowly sat on the bed and moved, with moans and groans, to lie down.

The smell of sex hit me hard. karabük escort “What’s he done to you?” I asked.

“Everything, at least twice.” She said with humour trying to show its face. “I just want to go to sleep, Janie.”

“Poor girl.” I moved to stroke her for friendly support…

“Don’t touch me!” She ordered.

“Sorry. Oh babe you’re trembling are you sure you’re okay?” I felt for her I truly did, both sympathy and envy.

“He made me squirt and my legs just won’t…” She giggled feebly again. “… my legs won’t stop: I’m so weak and so, so hot.”

“Do you want to swap that towel for a nightie?”

“Please, but nothing that feels sexy!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I fetched an old cotton nightie that my Grandmother had brought for me when I was at school, over a decade ago. I kept it mostly for sentimental value as it was the last thing she had gifted me. I occasionally wore it now when doing my house work. I was still the same size as I was at school, could fit in my uniform if I still had it, and Kenzie was exactly the same size, except her larger bust.

I had to help her out of the towel and into the nightie without trying to touch her. As I pulled it down the back of my fingers brushed her side and she shivered with a whine.

“Please don’t touch me.” She repeated vibrato.

“I didn’t mean to.” I replied apologetically. It was difficult not to want to touch her. For fear of sounding my own trumpet she did have a great body. Her skin was pale and almost flawless. Only a splash of freckles on her breasts and a tiny mole to the left of her right nipple. I imagined her shaven pussy not looking as smooth after Bash’s pounding I envied her breasts mostly, two cups larger than mine. I wanted to touch them, wanted to touch her everywhere my brother had minutes ago but I put that down to just wanting to please and be pleased after listening to their romping, of course my few and far between fantasies of trying Lesbian sex with her were ripe in my mind.

I climbed back in bed and lay on my back staring at the ceiling. Her scent was overwhelming and it was getting to me. I could feel my arousal between my legs and my erect nipples were being softly teased by my silken pyjama top every time I moved. I listened as Kenzie’s breathing slowed and evened out. Within five minutes, I could hear her gentle snores, the type that sounded like opening flat pop, a small click and a smidgen of pressure escaping.

“Do you need a drink?” I asked barely louder than a whisper. She didn’t reply. I asked again slightly louder but still she slept on. I closed my eyes to sleep but only received visions of Bash and Kenzie entwined in raucous sex. The vision turned me on wildly and although I had no intentions of doing such things with my friend beside me my hand slipped beneath my pyjama shorts to toy with my jealous, needy pussy.

* * * * *

I woke bleary eyed and slightly hung over to Kenzie still snoring away. I couldn’t help but smile. She hadn’t moved an inch by the look of her position and she still smelt of their passionate few hours.

I moved slowly out of bed so as not to disturb her and made my way down into the aftermath of the celebrations. The kitchen greeted me with the stench of stale beer and marijuana smoke. There were cans, some crushed and bottles with bits of spoilt beer in them. There was wasted, half eaten food. The patio doors were still wide open and from the kitchen window I could see the Garden was even more of a state. The morning sun was being reflected off glass, aluminium and tin making it almost a pretty mess.

While the kettle boiled I grabbed a recycling bin and started to fill it with the bottles. The cans could wait until the noise of crushing them wouldn’t bother either of the sleeping beauties. I liked the morning to myself especially feeling how I did.

I moved into the front room which had supposed to have been out of bounds but there were still several bottles and cans, torn Rizla packets, bits of the two demon weeds scattered on the coffee table. I shook my head, turned the TV on, the volume down low and sat amid the mild mess holding my coffee as if the world depended on it. My world certainly needed it.

Out the corner of my eye I caught someone coming to the front door. I immediately assumed it was the neighbours coming to complain until a key started to rattle in the door. I puzzled for a second as to who it could be. The only person who had a key other than me was Bash and I was pretty sure he was still unconscious. I put my cup down amid the bits of tobacco and marijuana and moved to the living room door. I poked my head around to see Bash dressed in shorts and a sweat stained vest closing the front door as quietly as he could.

He turned around, started when he noticed me looking at him and then beamed his gorgeous smile. “Morning.” He mouthed.

“Morning you big stud.” I smiled back. “Where you been?” I asked dumbly. He had obviously karabük escort bayan been out running.

“Painting that new fan-dangled space station. I was going to stay but they insisted I went outside to smoke a cigarette…” He replied sarcastically.

“Yes it was a stupid question.” I playfully glared. “You want coffee?”

“Eurgh no, not yet.”

“Something to eat?”

He shook his head. “I just need an hour in the garden. I don’t mean to be ignorant but I’ve got to do my training.”

“Okay.” I shrugged. “thought you’d trained enough last night.”

“No sis’ that was finally making to love to the woman of my dreams and, in spite of always having known myself, now knowing one hundred per cent that I really, really am madly in love with her.” He smiled, sticking his tongue out and moved into the garden.

I followed him with joy in my heart. He really had changed, and bless him, he was in love. As he reached the grass he pulled off his vest and dropped like a plank. I panicked for a moment until he started doing push ups. I watched fascinated as all those tight muscles in his shoulders, arms and upper back moved like waves beneath his tanned skin. I imagined them moving similarly while he was atop of Kenzie.

“Did he say he loved me?”

The cracked whisper startled me and I spun around quickly. “Shit Kenzie!” I began and then seen the state of her. The poor girl was dishevelled. She looked drawn and still so tired. “Ahh look at you.” I semi chuckled. “You look…”

“Fucked.” She finished smiling wearily at my agreeing nod. “I am so sore Janie. I think he’s welded my fanny shut.”

I laughed at the acronym involuntarily dropping my eyes to said area despite it being covered by the nightie, but only just. “You want a cuppa?” I asked switching the kettle back on.

“Please.” Her eyes were watching Bash doing his push ups as she answered.

I couldn’t blame her. He was my brother and I was finding it difficult to think of him in the correct manner kin should.

“Did he say he loved me?” She asked again.

I nodded. “He did.”

“Good, I can keep him.”

“Really?” I asked somehow surprised. “Sit down Kenz’ I’ll bring your tea in.”

“I’m not missing this.” She told me. “Who’d have thought he’d turn out like that? He’s just perfect. Every square millimetre; solid perfection.” She sighed dreamily.

I poured and handed Kenzie her tea and fetched my coffee from the front room joining her back in the kitchen.

“Let’s sit in the garden.” She smirked her voice still damaged from her cries of pleasure. “It’s a beautiful day and the view’s even more fantastic than usual.” She didn’t wait for me to answer she just pottered into the garden and sat on one of the dining room chairs I had placed in the garden for the party. I followed and pulled one to sit beside her but not so much that it was obvious I was ogling Bash as much as she was.

“Morning beautiful.” He grunted as he began to do sit ups.

Kenzie blew him a kiss. “Morning.” She blushed turning to me. “He called me beautiful.”

“I heard.” I smirked.

We watched him keeping his delightful form in shape against the background of the river and rolling countryside that sat at the bottom of my garden. Our garden I supposed. The house was bequeathed to both of us when our parents passed in a car accident, as so many people do. I drifted off in thought as we watched silently.

Our parents had died while Bash was away. He knew nothing of it for four long months while he was in the jungles of Borneo and I had no way of contacting him. When we finally spoke over a bad telephone line, I swear I heard his heart physically break. He told me he would return immediately but I told him he didn’t need to, insisting that he should keep travelling while he could and there was nothing he could do here. In hindsight, I wondered if it was actually the best thing for him. My initial pain had gone, brought back momentarily when hearing his sobs, but I had great friends to help me through it. Nevertheless I felt it freshly as I drove back from picking him up from the airport.

Bash was messing with the radio and getting on my nerves, as usual.

“Bash just leave it!” I had scolded him.

“Watch the road.” He told me.

“I can drive Mister.” I snorted.

“So could Dad.” He spat back.

That was it. He broke down like a baby. Gut wrenching, soul tearing uncontrollable sobs. They hit me hard too and I had to pull over on to the hard shoulder where we cried our hearts out in a tight shaking embrace until the Police came.

They allowed us to gather ourselves as I was certainly in no state to drive at that point. They parked behind us with lights flashing to warn other drivers of our presence.

“Keep teasing me with it Kenzie!” Bash called breaking me from my daydreams of nightmares. “I haven’t had my breakfast yet and I’m still ravenous.” He had moved from his sit ups and was now fighting his shadow as he practised escort karabük the art of eight limbed combat.

I glanced round at Kenzie as she quickly shut her legs. “You dirty bitch.” I laughed.

“It’s still hot, still; needed some air.”

“Still hot?” I teased. “it needs a shower is what it needs. I can smell your cunt.” I tried mimicking ‘multiple Miggs’ of Silence of the Lambs.

“No.” She burned up red with embarrassment. “Don’t say that word, not like him. Can you really?”

I nodded. “I can certainly smell sex lover.”

“Can I borrow clothes please? I didn’t get to take mine off the first time round.”

“That good huh?” I sighed. It had been a while since I had received an orgasm via someone else’s actions and by the sound and state of Kenzie mine seemed a mere shiver of cold in comparison.

“Oh yes.”

“Of course you can then.” I smiled and moved from my chair to start clearing up the mess.

Kenzie began to lend a hand but I sent her up for a shower and turned on BBC Radio 6 Music loud enough to hear anywhere in the house. I loved music and I loved it loud. It was perfect for doing chores to.

I invited Kenzie to help herself to my clothes after she had showered and while I was upstairs, I thought I may as well wash off the dregs of sleep, hangover and the scent of sleeping next to a ravaged woman.

I was bent over the sink brushing my teeth in just my underwear to the beat of Dexy’s Midnight Runners when I felt something thick and hard slide between the triangular space between my thighs and gusset. I let out a scream and quickly spun around lashing out and slapping Bash on the forearm (Muay Thai had made his reflexes lightning quick)

“Bash!” I cussed loudly looking down at his erect penis standing long, thick and incredibly inviting. I was tingling where he had rubbed his shaft against the folds of my covered outer lips, and I felt terribly guilty as a thought flashed through my dirty mind that I should have just kept my mouth shut and let him fuck me over the sink.

“Shit sorry!” He laughed but looked horrified. “I thought you were… Dye your fucking hair or put some weight on will you?” He covered himself with his hands quickly.

I could believe that. I had been mistaken for Kenzie from behind several times, it happened regularly, both of us having the same colour hair (though styled differently) and being exactly the same size everywhere accept the breast department.

“No! You stop running round the house naked with a raging hard on rubbing it against anything with a bloody pulse.” I ordered unable to keep a straight face now that he was laughing ‘but please don’t start listening to what I say now!’ . I tried to slap him again but again he blocked me. “Pervert.”

“I thought you were Kenzie, I’m so sorry.” He raised his hands to his face to hide his embarrassment before realising he was then showing off his still erect penis. He replaced his hands over it and walked out backwards.

“What are you two up to?” Kenzie appeared in the hall with a grin on her face looking her normal divine self again in skinny jeans, a tee shirt bunched up and tied between her breasts showing off her flat stomach and her hair up in pig tails.

“He just tried to stick his dick in me.”

“I thought it was you Kenz’.” He defended himself turning scarlet.

Kenzie snorted a stifled laugh as she eyed his nakedness then exploded into laughter.

“Bash put some clothes on and go make us some breakfast.” I told him. I looked at Kenzie still laughing heartily. “You can piss off down stairs as well and make a cuppa.” I shut the bathroom door reminding myself to get a lock and immediately changed my mind. I could live with the odd rubbing from my brother. It wasn’t as if that was incestuous: was it?

I placed my hand against the gusset of my knickers pressing hard not wanting to lose the sensation that remained. I closed my eyes immediately envisioning my brother’s hard cock. I began to stroke myself listening as Kenzie went downstairs. I smelt clean and fresh but felt incredibly dirty as I pushed my underwear aside and pressed the tip of all four fingers against my opening trying to replicate his girth: it was incestuous fantasising.

The door was tapped lightly. I whipped my fingers away opening the door. Bash stood in just his jeans looking serious.

“I knew it was you really.” He whispered placing a finger to his lips.

I merely stared at him. Had I heard right? Did he just say he knew it was me he was rubbing himself against?

“You’ve got toothpaste…” He tapped the side of his mouth mirroring him I wiped where he had pointed. He shook his head. “Nah.” and moved in placing his lips on the corner of my mouth licking the discrepancy off before moving his lips to mine and kissing me softly.

“Bash?” I whispered confused. “I…”

“Secret.” He smiled placing his finger back across his lips.

“But Bash…”

“To be continued.” He smirked pointing at me.

* * * * *

After breakfast, Kenzie and Bash decided to go into town. They invited me but I told them I wasn’t feeling too good and was going back to bed. It wasn’t a complete lie. I did feel a little odd, thanks to having my brother’s cock wedged between my thighs and I did intend to go back to bed but not to sleep.

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