
Working for Mom


“Are you buttering me up for something?” Sylvia asked and watched her son across the table while their server brought espresso to finish the meal. “How does an unemployed college kid afford a dinner like this?”

Vic liked the way his mom’s hair curved under her jaw to frame her smile. Even more, he liked the shadowy depth of her cleavage, but he didn’t like that question. “Didn’t you teach me that it was rude to question a gift?”

“I don’t mean to be rude,” she said, and reached across the table to touch Vic’s hand. “But I’d like to know that you aren’t running up bills to impress me.”

“Don’t worry,” Vic said and sat forward with his hands around the little espresso cup. “Dad still sends me money, so I’m not running up bills.”

“He probably wouldn’t like you spending it on me,” Sylvia said. “He’s buying your attention, not mine.”

“Dad thinks he can buy anything,” Vic said, “and it usually works.”

Sylvia glanced at the people sitting around them. She lowered her voice and said, “Enough about your father. I want to talk business.”

“Now?” Vic asked. “You need me to do something, don’t you? How are things going at the salon?”

“Don’t worry,” Sylvia said with a flip of her hand. “All my chairs are rented, and if any of the girls want out, then there’s a waiting list. I added two mani-pedi stations. They’re busy. I went to a new makeup line, and it’s selling. I leased the empty bay next to mine, put a waxing salon there, and renamed the shop. Now instead of ‘Sylvia’s Salon’ we’re ‘Sylvia’s Beauty Spa.’ I’ve never had so much business.”

“I still have this ‘something’s wrong’ thing tingling in my head,” Vic said, and waited while their server paused by the table.

“There’s nothing wrong,” Sylvia said. “I just have an idea. I look for new ways to connect with my clients—to make them feel better about themselves. I’m going to have massage tables, maybe colonic irrigation, and I’m thinking of something else.

“You need a job while you’re here, yes?” She asked. “I think we can kill two birds with one stone.”

Sylvia hesitated, then realized that the constant hum and clatter of the restaurant would hide anything she had to say. “Some of my clients are older women who get all dressed up and have no-one to take them to a fundraiser, to the opera, or just for a night out. Maybe their husband doesn’t want to go. Maybe they don’t have a husband anymore.

“You’re young, good-looking, and interesting. What if I rented you out?”

“What?” Vic said. He lowered his voice again and leaned over his coffee. “You want me to be an escort?” He laughed, but then saw the serious expression on his mother’s face.

“Let’s be adventurous,” Sylvia said. “I’ll take twenty percent of the fee—I don’t even know yet what that would be—and you can have the rest. I suppose most of the work will be on weekends, and in between you can get a regular job or do whatever you want.”

Vic looked at the lights reflecting off the dark liquid in his cup and his thoughts swirled. “What if they want sex?” he asked.

“Nothing illegal!” Sylvia said, then bit her lip and glanced around again. “The clients I’m thinking of are rich ladies who would love to hang on a young man’s arm and grin at their friends. That’s about it. Come on, let’s try it.”

Vic had a hard time saying “no” to his mother. “I’ll think about it,” he said, but he knew she’d get her way if she really wanted it. He finished the last of his espresso in one gulp and sat back to watch Sylvia. “I didn’t know what I thought of your new hair color at first, but I’ve been watching, and I like it. When did you go silver?”

“About as soon as I found my first gray hair,” Sylvia said. “I figured that if it was going to change on me, then I’d take charge and make it silver instead.” She looked at Vic’s cup and said, “If you’re done, then I’ll go to the restroom before we leave.”

Vic watched heads turn as Sylvia walked across the restaurant. Sometimes she just looked like Mom to him, but then other men reminded him how good she really looked. He paid the bill while she was gone and stood to meet her when she came back.

“What are you smiling at?” Sylvia asked. She tucked her hand around Vic’s arm and let him guide her between the tables.

Vic didn’t answer until he stopped by the hostess’ station. “I was smiling at the prettiest woman in the restaurant,” he said.

Sylvia dismissed him with a wave of her hand, but Vic could tell from the sparkle in her eyes and the way her lips turned so slightly up that she liked what she heard. “Now I know you’re buttering me up,” she said.

“A guy can compliment his date, can’t he?” Vic asked, and they stepped outside where the heat of the day had faded and darkness crept slowly across the sky.

Insects flitted in the pools of light in the parking lot, and bats darted and dove above them as they walked. Sylvia pulled herself close and changed the subject. “It felt like a really long semester this time.”

“It was long for me, too,” Vic kütahya escort said and stopped Sylvia by her car. He looked past her shoulder to see if anyone was watching, and rested his hands on her hips. “But I spent spring break in Greece with Dad, so I’m yours all summer.”

Vic helped his mom into the passenger seat then slipped in behind the steering wheel and started the car. Sylvia stopped him before he pulled out and asked, “So was that a yes about working for me?”

“Not yet,” Vic said. “I’m not going to have much of a life if I’m dating your clients at night, and then what am I supposed to tell my friends when they ask what I’m doing?”

“I’d be awfully optimistic to think I can keep you that busy.” Sylvia said. “Even if you do get busy, you can always see your friends during the day. You can tell them you’re an entertainment contractor or something. No-one will know what that means.”

“They’ll ask,” Vic said, and they waited at a traffic light with little to say. “I’ll give you two weeks, and we can see how it goes.” He pulled away from the light and glanced at Sylvia. “What do you know about that business?”

“Almost nothing,” Sylvia said and gestured at the windshield as she talked. “I’ve seen web sites and I’ve read articles, but there’s nothing very specific in all that. We’ll figure it out as we go. You know what they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Vic appreciated his mom’s confidence, but he wasn’t as sure.

It was a short drive from the restaurant to Sylvia’s town house, so he didn’t have very long to dwell on it. Sylvia stepped past her son when he unlocked the front door, and she stopped inside. “I’m going have a drink. Anything for you?”

“Whatever you’re having,” Vic said. He dropped to sit on the sofa and gathered his thoughts while Sylvia went to the kitchen. She came back with two tumblers of dark liquid over ice. “Let me guess,” Vic said as he took his drink from her hand and sniffed at it. “Bacardi and coke.”

“You know me,” Sylvia said and settled onto the sofa close beside her son. “I like things simple and familiar.” She sipped at her drink then rubbed her nose. “Tickles,” she said and set her drink down on the coffee table. “Now that you have me all buttered up,” she asked, “what are you going to do with me?”

“Something simple and familiar,” Vic said, and lifted his arm around Sylvia’s shoulder. He leaned over her, and Sylvia laid her head back on his arm. She watched her son from under drooping eyelids and barely parted her lips to welcome him home.

Vic tasted the sweet cola and the aromatic rum in Sylvia’s mouth. Her tongue was welcoming, and then eager for his touch. He covered her open mouth with his and so lost himself in her taste and touch that he let his rum and coke slip out of his hand.

Sylvia and Vic both jumped when the icy drink spilled on their legs. “I got it. I got it,” Vic said. “I don’t think any reached the sofa. It’s all on us.”

“To bad, really,” Sylvia said. She took Vic’s glass and set it down with hers. “I wanted a reason to get rid of this couch, or at least have it cleaned.”

Sylvia plucked at the wet spot on her pants then sat back against her son again. “You and I are a lot alike, but I guess we should be.” She slipped her hand over Vic’s chest and around the contours of his pecs before she looked up. “I’ve been anticipating this ever since I picked you up at the airport. I bet you have been, too.”

Vic lifted his arm around Sylvia’s shoulders again and answered, “I’ve been anticipating since I got on the plane.” He pulled her close and watched her smile while he unbuttoned her shirt.

Sylvia offered Vic her mouth again, and met his tongue with hers. She ground the heel of her hand along his growing hard-on while they kissed, and she pushed back against his hand around her breast. Sylvia was a little breathless when she broke their kiss and said, “Let’s just leave the drinks here and go to bed.”

Vic was first to his feet. He helped his mom up, and then Sylvia pulled him toward the stairs. Vic chased her to the second floor where she darted into her darkened bedroom, and he caught her by the bed.

“Wait, wait!” Sylvia said. She laughed and squirmed in Vic’s arms. “Let me use the bathroom first.” He let her push away, she closed the bathroom door behind her, and left Vic with a bulge in his pants.

Vic dropped onto the bed to pull his shoes and socks off then stepped to the window and opened the curtains to look outside. Sylvia’s neighbors seemed to be in front of their television screens, or already on their way to sleep.

Light spilled into the room when Sylvia opened the bathroom door, and then it plunged into darkness again when she shut the light off. She found her way to light the bedside lamp while Vic closed the curtains and stepped back from the window.

He stopped to survey his mom. She’d left her shoes, pants and bra behind, but she still wore the shirt she had on for dinner, and her kütahya escort bayan panties flashed from below its hem. Vic turned Sylvia, and she smiled up at him while he peeked down her top. “I still get to unwrap you,” he said.

“You first,” Sylvia said, and tugged up on Vic’s shirt. “Give your mom a little help.” Vic tossed his shirt aside while Sylvia opened his pants and pushed her hands into his boxers. “Sit,” she said and used her hold on his cock to push him back against the bed.

Vic bounced on the mattress, and Sylvia knelt in front of him. She tugged his jeans and boxers off and leaned on his thighs to study his cock. It was just starting to grow firm when she slipped her fingers tips around its sensitive, flared edge, and he was hard when she took him in her mouth.

Sylvia’s head bobbed over Vic’s lap with his veined shaft straining between her lips. She kissed and sucked its smooth head. Her tongue caressed him, and her hands pumped him. She wasn’t teasing.

Vic stroked Sylvia’s silver hair and felt it dance on his thighs and around his balls. He fell onto his back and groaned at the ceiling. “God you’re good at that,” he said. “You’re going to make me come.”

Sylvia might have smiled around her son’s cock, but she didn’t slow or even pause.

Vic writhed on the bed, but Sylvia didn’t let up. His body tightened under her, and he arched his back. Vic gave his mother what she wanted when his hot essence gushed into her mouth. He bellowed at the ceiling as he emptied himself, and she made little grunting sounds through her nose until she’d pumped him dry.

Sylvia swallowed hard and said, “God, Vic! I almost forgot that you practically come in quarts.” She licked him off her hands, kissed stray drops from his cock, and sat back to watch her son.

Vic’s chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, but that didn’t take long. He sat up and let Sylvia’s hair slip through his fingers while he pushed it back. She tipped her face up and watched her son while his eyes searched her.

“I know why you do that,” Vic said. He touched his mother’s face, and her chin. “It’s so I stay controlled and take more time to make love to you.”

“Five years ago, you needed a lot of help with that,” Sylvia said. “Now, it just tells you what I want.”

“Sort of,” Vic said. He lifted Sylvia’s hands, brought them to his lips, and told her. “I’ll take my time. Do you want to hear what I’m thinking while I do it?”

“If that means you’re going to talk dirty to me, then yes,” Sylvia said.

“I want to kiss your sensitive places,” Vic said and brought Sylvia’s hands to his lips. “I’ll kiss your fingers, and I’ll kiss your hands first, because they’ve always made me feel so good.”

Vic unbuttoned Sylvia’s shirt and pulled it down her arms. “I’ll kiss your shoulders here, and here,” he said, and touched her with his lips. She tipped her head to the side, and Vic’s breath tickled her ear. “I’ll kiss here,” he said, “below your ear. Do you like that?”

A little thrill ran through Sylvia and goose bumps appeared on her arms. “You’re teasing me. Don’t stop.”

Vic wrapped his hands around Sylvia’s arms and pulled her mouth toward his. “I’m not going to stop,” he said. His breath warmed her cheek and his lips were close to hers.

Sylvia’s reaction was nearly instinctive. She parted her lips and offered her tongue. Vic lifted his mother onto the bed and rolled her onto her back with his mouth over hers.

Muffled grunts and moans escaped between them while Vic pulled Sylvia’s shirt off and tossed it away. He squeezed her breasts and pushed his knee between her legs. Her nipples hardened between his fingers, and she ground against his thigh.

It was Sylvia who finally turned her head to break their kiss. She gasped for breath. “I didn’t teach you how to do this,” she said. “You must have learned it from one of your girlfriends.”

“Of course you taught me,” Vic said. He rose to his knees between his mother’s legs and trapped her arms at her sides. He lifted her by her forearms and told her, “Give me your throat.” Sylvia let her head fall back, and Vic kissed her throat then dragged her soft skin between his teeth.

Sylvia cupped her breasts in her hands and lifted them to Vic. “Suck me,” she said. “Let me feed you.”

Vic watched his mom writhe in his grip for a moment longer. “You’re beautiful when you’re turned on,” he said, “but you’re always beautiful to me.” He lowered Sylvia onto the mattress again. He kissed her hard nipples and sucked them between his lips.

Sylvia wrapped her arms around her son’s head and held his mouth to her tits. She moaned his name then caught her breath when he pushed his hand into her panties and between her legs.

Vic found his mother wet and swollen. He pushed two fingers into the deep crease between her legs, and he ground the heel of his hand against her hardened bud in an ever-accelerating rhythm.

Sylvia’s body tensed under Vic, and she twisted escort kütahya in his arms. She groaned between clenched teeth while her body tightened around his fingers. Her hips rocked against his touch, and then she gasped at the ceiling and pushed him away.

Vic rose to his knees over his mom. He inhaled her scent from his fingers while she untangled herself from him. She rolled onto her belly, and buried her face in the pillow. Sylvia kicked her feet on the mattress and turned her head to look at her son. “That was a nice one,” she said.

“I don’t think I’m done yet,” Vic said. He stroked his hands up Sylvia’s back and bent to her ear with his hardened cock resting on her butt cheek. “I haven’t tasted all your sensitive places yet.” He lifted her hair aside, and Sylvia sighed into the pillow while he kissed the nape of her neck.

Vic stroked his hands down over the relaxed muscles in Sylvia’s back and over her hips. She pushed her butt up when Vic squeezed her buns in his hands. He bent to kiss her cheeks, and separated them to see her pink star and the soft folds deep between her legs.

“Roll over,” Vic said and slipped off the mattress to kneel beside the bed. Sylvia didn’t know what he meant to do, but she let Vic turn her. He placed one foot on his shoulder and held her other foot in his hands.

“You just had your feet done, didn’t you?” Vic asked. He kissed the top of Sylvia’s beautifully pedicured foot, and he massaged it in both hands. “I like it.” He watched Sylvia’s eyes drift shut while he lifted her leg and kissed the back of her knee. Vic felt a little thrill run through his mom’s body. “And you like that.”

Sylvia squirmed on the bed and said, “Don’t tease me, Vic.”

Vic laughed. “Just a bit ago you didn’t want me to stop teasing you.” He laid her left foot down and turned his attention to her right foot, but this time he didn’t stop when he touched the back of her knee. He bent to kiss the soft skin there and let his lips travel up the inside of her thigh.

Sylvia squirmed again and lifted her legs apart. Her voice was a hoarse whisper. “Kiss my pussy,” she said. “Eat me.”

“Now who’s talking dirty?” Vic asked. He smiled while he inhaled the scent from his mother’s wet cunt. He licked the rich nectar that seeped from her pussy and sucked her gleaming labia.

Sylvia’s muscles were already tense with excitement, and they only tightened more when Vic closed his mouth over her soft mound. He explored her with his tongue and found her trigger. He kissed it, and he sucked it until Sylvia closed her legs around his head. She bucked and screamed at the ceiling when she came, and she left Vic breathless when she relaxed in his arms.

Vic’s cock ached with anticipation when he rose over her, and Sylvia seemed to barely notice him. Her eyes flew open when Vic grasped her hair and pulled her head back. It took her just a moment to realize what he was about to do to her. She reached between them to guide his cock and said, “I want to feel you in me. Make us one again.”

Vic used a slow, even thrust to join their bodies, but the sensations overwhelmed him. He stopped to gain control, and when that failed, he closed his eyes, caught his breath, and forced a gasp from his mother’s open mouth.

They were one again, and at first their bodies moved as one. Sweat-slick skin moved over sweat-slick skin. Vic chanted “Mom,” into Sylvia’s ear. She clutched at his shoulders and wrapped him in her legs. He filled her and engulfed her in his heat.

Their gentle embrace lasted until the sensations stripped their control away then Vic slammed his cock into Sylvia, and their bodies slapped together. She bit at his shoulder and raked her nails across his broad back.

For Sylvia, the already-dim light went dark. Her arms and legs fell away from her son, and still Vic held her tight and plunged into her. He slowed for a moment and covered her mouth with his. He pushed his tongue between her lips, and she closed her arms and legs around him again.

Vic broke their kiss to whisper in Sylvia’s ear. “Come for me. I want you to come for me again,” and Sylvia gave in. Her cunt tightened around Vic’s shaft and her body caressed its sensitive head.

Sylvia arched her back, and Vic forced his cock into her as far as he could reach. She released all her tension with a garbled, open-mouth groan, and Vic released himself inside her. His hot cum coursed the length of his shaft, and he emptied himself deep inside Sylvia.

* * *

Sylvia studied the pattern of light and shadow cast across the ceiling by those street lamps at the corner. They were the same every night, but she’d watched them for the last three weeks while she waited for Vic to get home from his dates. Was it jealousy that kept her awake? She scoffed at the idea, but it was still there in the back of her mind.

The front door opened and closed. Water ran in the kitchen, and then the refrigerator opened and closed, and she heard footsteps on the stairs.

Vic stopped inside the bedroom door to undress, and Sylvia said, “Are you okay? You’ve never been this late before.”

“I’m alright,” Vic said. He sounded tired. “Why are you still awake?” He laid his tuxedo jacket on the bed, and then his vest. He started to work on his cuff links and then his bow tie.

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