
Felix Finds Romy


The sensation of just lying naked, flat on his back, on a really huge luxurious bed was almost too much for Felix. This wasn’t just any bed, it belonged to Romy, a dark haired, enigmatic French woman, of North African descent, whom he’d found whilst searching for escort services on his laptop.

Felix’s unease was made more palpable due to the fact that he could not see. He was wearing a soft satin mask over his eyes that had a musk-like odour which was beginning to heighten his already aroused sexual state. His nervousness was obvious, he felt damp from the extra perspiration which he could not prevent gushing from the palms of both hands. His mouth had the dryness that normally came hand in hand with fear. Romy said when they’d spoken the day before that she was not into domination. Felix had tried that & did not like it. He convinced himself that it was the anticipation of sexual pleasures that left his mouth devoid of saliva. Exactly what this woman was going to do to him was, nevertheless, a little perplexing….

He had spoken to her to fix the meeting but struggled to understand her broken English. Felix’s French wasn’t as good as he thought it was, perhaps his tour of duty in Paris, due to last for two years, would help him to become more fluent. Whichever language she spoke was of no consequence. Felix knew he was hooked. She had the most infectious giggle he’d ever had the good fortune to hear. The meeting was arranged quickly for eleven the next morning.

Felix was told he could park on the grass in front of her house. The house with the green door & wooden venetian blinds. House number 69 he was informed. Felix liked the sound of that…soixante neuf, he repeated silently, & smiled. He still had not mastered changing gear with his right hand, he wished he’d chosen an automatic gear box on the hire car, because the anticipation of what was going to unfold once the green door closed behind him was badly affecting his driving.

Romy greeted him in a polite business like manner, shaking his hand and kissing him on both cheeks. He was led up stairs, but not before he’d insisted on removing his shoes. An old childhood habit which seemed to amuse Romy a lot. Not much was said, it didn’t need to be. Once inside a small dressing room, Romy’s nimble fingers began to remove Felix’s clothes. He was aware of the door at the far end and wondered, hoped, it led to her bedroom.

Once naked, Felix was instructed to bend his knees so that Romy could reach to put a blindfold on him. Felix did not object. Romy had on a button-down dress that would be easy to remove he thought, but he didn’t get the chance. Instead, she took his hand and gently pulled him along behind her. His erect penis collided with her bottom and thigh a couple of times, causing him to breathe out a silent sigh of absolute Alanya Zenci Escort pleasure. Romy’s breathing was becoming more noticeable. This lady enjoys her work, Felix thought.

Parisian apartments all smelt the same to Felix. French tobacco was unlike any other, and when combined with the aromas of this woman’s bedroom, it seemed to give him an instant high. Romy guided him onto her bed, at least he guessed it was her bed, and told him he should lie on his back & keep still. He became aware of movement, swishing noises, expensive material slipping effortlessly over perfumed skin onto the floor. Was Romy was undressing and making herself ready for him? He hoped that she was.

Felix had read on Romy’s website the services she offers her clients. The usual, oral sex, give and receive, how that appealed, and, as well as protected intercourse, other forms of play. Felix pondered on what she meant by that. Her photographs had been enticing, pulling him in, he imagined stroking her well formed thighs & bottom & kissing her rounded, domed stomach. Her breasts were large, somewhat pendulous, with expansive brown areolae & attendant hard nipples. He just loved breasts like that, soft, pliable, primitive, welcoming, suffocating breasts.

Felix became aware of movement coming from the foot of the bed, preceded by a light breeze of indistinguishable perfume. Not overpowering, not overtly sexy, just right. He half expected some skin contact by this stage and was somewhat disappointed not to get any. His concern however was short lived. Romy, in her best broken English, asked him to open his mouth. Felix did not need asking twice, but was totally unprepared for the pleasure which followed. First, one finger teased his lower lip, just by itself. Moving, sliding across, lightly caressing as it went. He devoured it in an animal like fashion. Moving his tongue around it, sucking, biting, nibbling. He knew what he was tasting, where that finger had come from and hoped more would follow. Which of course they did. Fingers came and went, slippy, moist, pussy-juice laden fingers. Felix began to slip into a heady almost drunken like state. He longed for more skin to skin contact. Were the fingers just an hors d’oeuvre? He knew that they were.

He came quickly to his senses with a jolt when Romy closed her lips over just the very tip of his now wildly pulsating cock. Her left hand cupped his balls, & then gently massaged and stroked the shaft of his stiff penis. This assault on his person had taken him by surprise, so much so that he had not even touched the naked skin of this divine creature, apart that is from the brief contact his penis made with her bottom and left thigh as Romy was leading him to her bedroom. He went to take the blindfold off but a firm ‘non’ was softly Alanya Manken Escort but sensually spoken. More extreme movement. Romy was about to claim her victim he thought. The smoothness of her skin took his breath away, even more so because he guessed what Romy was about to do. Both her legs straddled his torso. Her excitement was real. Now it was Romy’s turn to become animal like. Felix was trapped in her lair.

Felix only managed half a breath before her vulva came quite forcibly down onto his still gaping mouth. It took a nano second for his tongue to begin work. This womans clit needed treatment and he was quite an expert giving clit orgasms. Romy worked her hips in such a way that a voyeur who caught a glimpse might think she was riding his cock. Felix tried to come up for air but couldn’t. Heaven isn’t any better than this, he thought. Then, it was over, almost as quickly as it had begun. She began to quiver & stiffen, just as he himself stiffens from the tips of his toes to his waist when he is about to spurt his come between the breasts of his lover or into the depths of her sex. Her breathing became very laboured & the sound effects, a mixture of laughter & crying got so loud Felix was glad the house stood by itself. She calmed down a little, rolled off to one side but appeared still to be convulsing. If this was a orgasm, then it was the most weird of orgasms Felix had ever had the pleasure to be a part of. He still could not see, the mask was almost glued to his eyes. He did not care, not seeing seemed to heighten his senses & pleasure.

Suddenly, he became aware of feeling quite damp. Not just damp but wet, very wet. The whole of his upper body was dripping wet and this wetness was seeping under his back making him feel quite uncomfortable. At least it did until he realized where the liquid had come from. The penny dropped. Romy had ejaculated as she orgasmed. Felix, not lacking in the knowledge of matters sexual, had only previously read about women who could achieve this state of sexual utopia. His pulse rate was well and truly off the dial by now and he had yet to find his way into her dripping pussy. His cock was hell bent on getting in, but without a passion killing condom he knew that was not permitted. Romy stirred, sensed his frustration, leant across his stretched out body, removed the blindfold, and opened a small drawer in the wall above the bed. Her breasts, full, soft, welcoming breasts with small hard nipples brushed his face as she moved back down the bed. His face relished the contact and so did his hands. Cupping both together, he forgot for a moment why Romy had moved higher up the bed. Naked, wobbly, brown nippled breasts were his favourite. Romy’s fitted the bill exactly.

Felix lifted his head off the pillows & watched intensely Alanya Anal Escort as Romy moved down the bed, stopping when her head was level with his genitals, condom in hand. Sometimes a challenge, Felix hoped that this time things would work in his favour. He didn’t have long to wait & was not disappointed.

A big dribble of spit came from her delicious mouth straight onto the tip of his penis. Warm spit, slippy smooth spit, which she proceeded to massage in to the glans and shaft of his prick. Any that was missed trickled down onto his balls but was caught by Romy’s tongue and pushed straight back up the length of his manhood to the tip again. What a tongue she had, what could she do with it, it felt so hard & stiff. Romy was bi-sexual & for a moment Felix dragged his thoughts away from the business of shagging her. His imagination soon conjured up scenes of Romy licking the living daylights out of a hairy pussy belonging to a mature, somewhat frustrated French woman. His journey into the fantasy world he knew Romy inhabited came to an abrupt end when he saw her put the rolled up condom into her mouth.

Not always the best, safest way to put a condom on a stiff cock, but, he had faith in her ability. Romy opened her mouth & lowered her head right down onto his penis. So far down in fact he almost expected her to gag. She did not.

The condom felt exquisite. Not a brand he was familiar with, hardly like having one on at all. And then he was there, at the entry to this woman’s slit that would be his for as long as it took him to come…

Romy helped him enter her pussy. Using the first & second fingers of her right hand, she expertly guided his cock between her moist gaping lips & then began to move & grip, gyrate, twist, turn, pound up & down, contracting & letting go her ‘intimate muscles’ in a way no girl friend had done before. Felix had thought about teasing her, he knew that lots of sensitive nerve endings were clustered around the opening of a vagina & his ‘now you feel my cock, now you don’t’ technique had always delighted his partners. The anticipation Romy would have, not knowing whether the next contact would be just a stroke of his penis or a deep hard thrust should help bring her well on the way to another huge orgasm he thought. Romy had other ideas. She was in charge, in full control & Felix dismissed any hope of a prolonged union.

He was approaching the point of no return. A cacophony of mingled almost non-human noise filled the room. Felix, pleading with her to come again, Romy, out of it completely, whimpering softly, then screaming loudly with her head held back, her eyes gazing up to the ceiling…

Never before had Felix made so much noise whilst fucking. Never before had his penis been gripped so tightly. Never before had he climaxed so quickly, so explosively. Felix, still lying prostrate, still panting hard then heard Romy whisper, “until next time,” as she slid off the bed. And then she was gone, leaving him to retrace his steps to the outside world & the delights of further adventures with her another day.


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