
Club Sapphire

Big Tits

Kitten had been anticipating the visit to Club Sapphire for a long time. She didn’t have the courage to go alone, so she talked Sir D into going with her during his visit. Club Sapphire is a sex club located south of Seattle. The club is popular with polyamorous couples and with single folks wanting to meet people for sex in a group setting. Magda had been following the events of the Club online and watching the videos offered that discussed what they referred to as “The Lifestyle.” The Club itself had a bar, large dance floor, lounge areas and in the back many, many rooms. The rooms were designed for sexual encounters. For the first few years the Club was in operation, the rooms were furnished with many beds and baskets of condoms and single use lube packets strategically placed between all the beds. After the success of “Fifty Shades of Gray”, suddenly trying BDSM was something mainstream couples wanted to do and the club accommodated by creating rooms furnished with the toys and implements needed.

Sir D dressed in gray slacks and a white shirt. He had chosen Kitten’s attire, having her wear a black low cut dress that while not skin tight, did hug her hourglass figure. Her cleavage, of course, was on full display. She wore black heeled sandals that showed off her manicured toes. She was having a good hair day and her long black curly locks framed her face and fell just below her shoulders. She was not used to wearing makeup, but she knew he liked it, so she put on some mascara, eyeliner and a deep plum colored lipstick. Her nails were painted the same deep plum as her toes.

When she emerged from her closet she saw a jewelry box on the bed. As she moved to pick it up she heard Sir D behind her, “I didn’t give you permission to touch that, did I Kitten?”

“No, I…” She stopped mid-sentence as she took in how handsome he looked all dressed up.

“You look stunning,” he said as he walked over and picked up the box. “You are missing just one item.”

He opened the box to reveal a silver choker with a round pendant hanging from the middle. The pendant was black but with a silver letter “D” in the middle.

She reached out to touch it. “It’s beautiful, Sir.”

“I want you to wear this tonight, to signal to others you are mine.” He said.

“It’s a beautiful necklace.” She said.

“It’s not just a necklace, it’s a collar and it means you are my sub and I am your Dom. This may be a club for swingers and such, but I’m not sure I am ready to share you just yet.” He said.

She nodded and lifted her hair for him to place it on her neck.

He proceeded to attach the collar to her neck and she rubbed her fingers on the smooth silver and traced the D on the pendant.

She was looking at herself in the mirror as he stood behind her. He moved her hair and began to kiss and nibble on her neck. She closed her canlı bahis eyes and leaned back into his embrace. His hands came to the front of her dress and he cupped her breasts and squeezed. Keeping one hand on her breast, he moved the other to lift the hem of her dress so he can put his hand inside her thong and stroke her pussy. She started to moan and she placed her hand over his on her pussy. He inserted a finger inside her as he started playing with her clit.

“Oh, Sir. Please make me cum. Please.”

He realized if he continued they would forget about the club all together, however he knew how much she wanted to have this experience and he preferred she do it with him than alone.

He removed his hands from her body and shook his head. “No, Kitten, if we start we won’t leave the apartment. You’ve been looking forward to this, let’s go.” With that they left and in about 40 minutes arrived.

The club was packed and dark with purple lighting accents throughout. The furniture was white and faux leather, soft and simple. The music wasn’t as loud as it usually is in nightclubs, Kitten guessed it was because there needed to be an opportunity for folks to talk and actually hear each other. Consent was a huge part of the club rules. Anyone was allowed to revoke consent of any act no matter how far into it. If someone was mid thrust and a person on the receiving end asked it to end, it would. One would find it difficult to give or deny consent if it was too loud to communicate.

Sir and Kitten walked with their hands entwined through the club taking in the people, music, atmosphere. They came to a lounge area where another couple was seated. The couple were also clearly in a D/s relationship. The woman had on a collar with a ring that had a leash her Dom was holding in his hand. She was looking down and her Dom addressed Sir and ignored Kitten.

“Would you both like to join us?” he asked. Kitten caught his glancing at her breasts, he did notice her even though he seemed to pretend otherwise.

“Thank you, that would be lovely.” said Sir.

“This is my Kitten.” he said by way of introducing me. The feminist in me tried not to snap at him, “I have a name.” I reminded myself that I chose to engage in this and I was loving the experience and all the sensations that were being aroused. This was part of the experience, whether or not I had a name, was up to my Dom.

“This is my Pet,” he said about the woman on the leash next to him. She didn’t look up, simply put her head on his shoulder.

Kitten had so many questions about what she was witnessing. Clearly their power exchange was much more intense than what she was engaging in with her Dom. To be fair, she was very new to this and he was gratefully easing her into it all.

As they sat, the waitress came over and asked if they wanted drinks. kaçak iddaa The club did not serve alcohol, because drinking heavily did not coincide with consensual behaviors. After ordering some mocktails, they started asking questions.

“We’ve never seen you two here before, is this your first time?” the Dom asked.

“Yes, I’m visiting my Kitten from the U.K. for the week and she wanted to come here, so I obliged.” said Sir.

She put her hand on his leg and her head on his shoulder in appreciation of him.

“Are you here to play? We’d love to join you in a session if you would permit me playing with your Kitten, you are welcome to my Pet.” said the Dom.

Kitten was surprised to feel Sir D’s leg tense at the suggestion, but he quickly responded.

“We’re not quite ready for that just yet, we are here to explore and get the lay of the land, so to speak.” said Sir.

Kitten let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. They had just met in person a couple of days ago, she also wasn’t ready to share him with another woman in front of her.

“Hopefully, another time.” said the Dom.

They sat and chatted for a bit and then Sir turned to her and said, “It’s time to go now Kitten.”

She nodded and they left the club. “You don’t want to stay and dance, Sir?” Kitten asked.

“What I want to do is get back to our bedroom and play in private. That is what I want.”

She was a little disappointed they didn’t stay longer, but she picked up on a change in Sir’s mood and she didn’t want to challenge him. “Okay.”

They drove home in silence, unsure of what happened as he wasn’t communicating.

When they walked into the apartment he turned to her and said, “I want you to go into the bedroom and lean over the bed with your hands in front of you and your ass up waiting for me.”

“Yes, Sir.” she knew this meant she would be punished.

She bent over the bed and leaned on her elbows and waited for him. He hadn’t instructed her to remove any clothing so she remained dressed. She heard him walk in and he lifted her dress and pulled down her thong and signaled to her to step out of them. She did so and he proceeded to rub her ass slowly.

“I need to punish you for how much I want you. I couldn’t bear the thought of another man touching you tonight. I don’t know what you are doing to me.” he said softly.

She felt both warmed by the admission and trepidation, why punish her? She didn’t think he was waiting for any response from her so she stayed silent as he walked around the room and seemed to be gathering items. He did place a blindfold around her eyes and gave her instructions. “I’m going to give you twenty, you are to count after each and if you mess up, I will start again. Do you understand, Kitten?”

“Yes, Sir.” She replied, swallowing hard. She kaçak bahis had never been hit this many times. They’d engaged in light spankings and no more than ten strikes. She knew he was taking her beyond where she had ever gone.

The first few hits were with his hands, while they hurt, they weren’t too bad. She was able to keep up the count. Then she felt something sharp and stinging, “OW!” she yelled. It felt like it was the cane and he didn’t hold back. “Ow, is not a number, Kitten.” was all he said.

“Five?” she said, she had already lost count. Shit, fuck. How could she do such a thing, she hoped she was correct.

“Wrong, it was number six, we are starting over.” he said.

He brought down the cane and she started the count with “One.” and he kept going. It was pain unlike she had experienced, before they got to ten, she felt tears streaming down her face. She was sobbing. She knew she could use her safe word, but she wasn’t that bad off yet. She wanted to please him so she endured, plus he didn’t use anything but the cane.

By the time he got to twenty, her ass was full of red, angry welts and she was sobbing. He was panting and so hard, he could hardly contain his hard cock in his pants.

She heard him unbuckle his belt and drop his pants and put on a condom. He entered her and found she was soaking wet. Her pussy became unbelievably aroused during the punishment. He entered slowly and deeply, he filled her and he leaned against her sore and hurting ass. He fucked her in earnest and she grabbed onto the covers with white knuckles. This must be subspace, she no longer felt the pain, only the searing pleasure and connection of the two of them engaging in the most intimate ritual. She couldn’t think anymore, only feel. Her blindfold only heightened the experience. Finally he came and she wasn’t far behind, she’d never had an orgasm without stimulation on her clitoris, but she did this time. She must have blacked out because next thing she realized she was naked and flat on the bed. She felt him placing cool cloths on her welts. Aftercare, she thought and smiled. She didn’t realize she said that out loud until he responded, “Yes, my Kitten. I need to care for you and show you how pleased I am. You did so well.”

After tending to her welts, he massaged her entire body. She practically melted into the bed while moaning as he touched her.

Finally, he got into the bed beside her and held her closely.

“Kitten, how are you feeling?” He asked.

“I’m very relaxed, which sounds strange given how sore I should feel. I am surprised at how much I loved every minute of what you did to me and with me. The experience created a bonding unlike any other I’ve had with another person. The intimacy is intense. Scary and arousing.” She said.

“I didn’t expect to go so far with you, given how new you are to this, but I found I needed to. I needed to take you to a place you haven’t gone before. I don’t know what you are doing to me, but I am grateful we found each other.” He said.

“Me too, Sir.” She said.

They fell into a deep sleep in each other’s arms.

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