
I Kissed my Brother by Mistake Ch. 03


Chapter 3: Drunken kiss

I replayed the scene of what happened last night in my head as I woke up, hoping that it was just a sick dream, but I myself knew that it was too real to just be a dream. I could still vividly remember how startled Rhett was from the kiss; his eyes grew wide, and he was too stunned to even respond before I darted quickly to the bathroom. Begrudgingly, I climbed off the top bunk before the alarm in my phone even had the chance to go off.

I consciously avoided looking at Rhett’s sleeping body as I grabbed a towel on my way to the bathroom. I took a brisk shower, grabbed myself two granola bars after changing and swiftly headed off. I didn’t want to deal with Rhett right now because I wouldn’t know how to act. Should I just pretend like nothing happened?

I was comfortably sitting on the end back row of my first class when I received a text from Johann.

“Wyatt, I’m right outside. Tell me when you’re ready.”

I felt guilty. I really had fun with Johann and it would’ve been nice if I could be friends with him, but I don’t think friends do the things we did yesterday. Up until now, I thought I felt something towards Johann; I thought I liked him but the feelings I had for him paled in comparison to the rampaging butterflies in my stomach when I kissed my brother last night. It’s as if I forgot everything else aside from that sick unintentional kiss.

For some reason, I wanted to obey my brother. I wanted to do the things he wanted me to do even if it went beyond reason.

“Hey, I’m already in my first class. Sorry.” I texted back.

“Huh? Your first class doesn’t start til 30 minutes? Why are you so early?”

“Just a change of pace. :)” I said as I sunk my phone in my bag.

I couldn’t focus on the lectures. My mind was permanently preoccupied the entire day thinking about the kiss and every taboo thing that I felt about it afterwards. It was and should be nothing more than an innocent and unintentional kiss, as can happen between siblings, but every single fiber of my body reacted with lust upon just a few seconds of contact.

I couldn’t remember how many times I groaned the entire day, desperately trying to get Rhett off my mind, but I just couldn’t.

The day went by rapidly and before I knew it, I was heading straight back home. My heart pounded harder and harder as I approached our room and my hand was practically quivering reaching for the knob.

I opened the door and thanked all the heavens when I noticed that Rhett wasn’t in there. I dreaded having to face him because we lived together, but I knew that worrying about it would get me nowhere, so I tried to distract myself by fishing out my homework and religiously working on it.

The door swung open after a while, revealing the culprit of my daydream. Rhett wore a dri-fit sports shirt that hugged his ripped torso. His nike shorts revealed part of his muscular thighs and I snapped back to my notebook before I did something stupid again.

“Hey.” he said in a casual tone.

“Hey.” I replied back, without tearing my attention away from what I was doing. I could see him walking towards me from my peripheral vision until I heard him plop down on the couch behind me. No matter how hard I tried to concentrate, I was now overly conscious of him behind me. I could practically feel his intense gaze on my back so I decided to just finish the rest of my homework on my bed. I got up and as I was picking my stuff up from the table, he interrupted the awkward silent air.

“Wanna go out for dinner?” he asked.

I took a quick glance at him. He was undressing his socks, throwing them in the hamper afterwards.

“I thought you were meeting with Astrid tonight?”

“Not tonight, she went away to her parents for the weekend.” he replied matter-of-factly.

“Ohh, I see. Uhmm.. aren’t you going out with your friends?” I looked down; actually, I looked everywhere but his eyes.

I could see him staring at me for a while, the deafening silence wafting in the atmosphere made me uncomfortable.

“What’s going on, Wyatt?” He asked sternly. He stood up and sauntered towards me. I looked at him as he fervently stared at me, making me step backwards from the intensity of his eyes. Soon after, I felt the cold wall hit my back as he kept getting impossibly closer.

“W-What do you mean?” I asked, faking my best attempt at composure.

“Why are you avoiding me?” his eyes visibly swept between mine from how close our faces were. I was now slightly shaking uncontrollably.

“I’m not avoiding you, Rhett.” I diverted my gaze ahead to his chest. “Why would I do that?”

“You weren’t here this morning when I woke up. Your class started at 10 earlier but you were already out before 9, why is that?” he asked. He lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his intense eyes yet again. “Is this about what happened last night?”

“W-Wh- What?” I stammered. “Huh, I don’t even remember what- what happened last night.” I lamely lied.

He creased bahis siteleri his eyebrows, obviously not buying my shit. I was taken aback when he swiftly leaned in towards my face, connecting our lips in a split-second peck. Sparks emanated from my lips and travelled through my body all the way to the tip of my toes. I involuntarily heaved a light sigh.

“R-Rhett.. What are-” he pecked me on the lips once again, silencing me and making me forget about everything all over again.

“You kissed me, so the fuck what? It wasn’t intentional and I’m your brother for fuck’s sake. That’s not something you make a big deal out of.” he said as he wore a stoic expression on his face. His eyes traversed back to my lips as he gave me one more lasting kiss. It was too surreal, too gentle; the way he trapped my lower lip and pressed lightly in a split second before breaking away made my knees wobble. I held onto his arms before I could fall as I didn’t trust my knees at the moment.

I took a ragged inward breath before sighing my emotions out. I knew what I had to do. I had to eliminate all of these inappropriate feelings I have for him cause he is right. Brothers can kiss each other and it shouldn’t have to mean anything.

“No, you’re right. I’m sorry for avoiding you, Rhett. I guess it just made me a bit uncomfortable last night. But it’s alright now.” I spoke. Rhett’s face was still too dangerously close and I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes shifted from my eyes to my lips.

He jerked backwards after a few moments, pacing in front of me as he aggressively brushed his hair upwards with his palms as if in frustration. “Right. It’s alright.”

I thought that sealed it. I thought we were okay, but Rhett suddenly became cold and passively avoided me again, only ever talking to me when we ate or when he had to. It was so tiring building a good relationship with my brother and it made me really sad that he treated me like I was nothing yet again.

Thankfully, I was preoccupied with my performance on the opening week in 4 days. Today was the first day of practice, and we were supposed to have after-class practices in the recording studio of the Music Circle everyday until the performance day.

Xavier and his bandmates were very easy and fun to work with. They often showered me with compliments by the end of practice, which I thought was just to boost my morale at first, but I had a feeling that they genuinely meant everything they said.

The last day of practice went incredibly smooth. We were already very satisfied with how we sounded overall to the point that we even dismissed a little earlier than planned.

Xavier dragged me to his car in the parking lot. He helped me up into his car, grinning widely as he walked in front and got up in the driver seat. He twisted his key and the engine roared to life.

“Alright, where are you taking me?”

“I’m taking you out for being such a good and obedient boy.” he smugly snided.

I felt like a dog but I liked it anyway. I chuckled.

We went into a steakhouse as we were guided by the waiter onto a two-seat table. We were handed our menus and we ordered right after. We talked about everything that happened in practice the past week, until the conversation turned more personal. Xavier asked me a lot of things about my life at home, and I could see that he wanted to know me more.

He also had his fair share of stuff about himself and I really did feel like I knew him better. I thought it was just to make a conversation so that our dinner wouldn’t be awkward but I really found myself having fun with his company. He would throw some pick up lines my way as a joke every now and then but I couldn’t stop myself from blushing hard because of his passionate stares and delivery. I didn’t know if it really was a joke or if he was testing if I’d bite on his flirtatious advances, but I just went along with it anyway.

Our food came and we ate heartily. Not long after, I spotted Astrid sitting on a table, two tables behind Xavier. I shifted my eyes to the man he was with and I locked eyes with Rhett. His face was devoid of emotions, as usual. Instinctively, I looked down and looked back up to a now puzzled Xavier, smiling to let him know that everything was okay.

We talked more after eating and Xavier became more coy in his advances, probably because of the wine. I was about to fish out a bill from my wallet when he held my hand down.

“Please, you don’t expect me to let you pay on our first date, do you?” he playfully said. I looked at him as he winked and called the attention of the waiter. I could feel the heat emanate profusely in my cheeks and I’m more than sure that my face was now beet red. I attempted to just shrug it off with a chuckle.

I looked over at Rhett’s table to find out that they had already left. We left not long after and Xavier silently drove me back to my dorm, stopping right in front of it. I thought he would leave right away but I heard the engine of his canlı bahis siteleri car die down.

He walked me right in front of the elevators and thanked me for the night.

“I should be the one thanking you, Xavier.” I chuckled. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I was surprised for a while but I smiled back.

“Good night, Wyatt.”

“Night, Xavier. Be careful on your way home.” I said as I waved him off the building.

I twisted the knob to our room and the soft sound of the television filled the air. I placed my bag and startled myself when I found Rhett and Astrid lounging on the sofa bed in the living room, whose focus was now shifted to me.

Rhett stared at me coldly before tugging Astrid by the neck and kissing her passionately. Astrid protested at first but got swept by the moment in the end. They were openly making out in front of me, and for some reason, I couldn’t move from where I was standing. Rhett’s eyes were completely on me, staring at me blankly while he religiously lapped on her girlfriend’s lips.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I excused myself in the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I was feeling intense emotion, and I was afraid that it wasn’t because of Xavier. I looked hard at my reflection in the mirror for a while before I realized that warm tears are falling to my cheeks. I wiped them off and started calming myself before washing up briskly and heading straight to bed without sparing them so much as a glance.


I tried paying attention to the lectures, I really did, but I was just overpowered by my nervousness and anxiety for my first performance in public later tonight. The professor’s words didn’t make any sense to me so I just went over the song in my head repeatedly, making sure that I completely memorized the lyrics so as not to embarrass myself.

I was snapped out of my trance when the class was dismissed. I gathered my things and saw a small commotion near the door. Some girls gathered around Xavier, and when our eyes met, he smiled widely as I walked towards him.

“You ready, Wyatt?” he asked as we walked towards Music Circle. I might have been betrayed by my body language about how nervous I was feeling because I found Xavier giving calming words and patting my back on the way.

Xavier’s friends were waiting at the recording studio so I guess we’ll be practicing for the last time. As I held the microphone, I closed my eyes and imagined a huge crowd in front of me.

“Damn, Wyatt, that was great!” Mike, the drummer, commented.

I was fished out of my imaginary space and before I knew it, we were heading to the backstage placed in the center of one side of the open field. I took a peek, and a large crowd had already gathered, almost filling up the entire space. The football nets were removed and small barricades were placed on the perimeter of the field. People continued to arrive, and I felt the nerves take over my body.

Xavier placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and gave them a few squeezes.

“It’s totally normal to be nervous. Heck all of us get nervous and we’ve been doing this for almost 3 years now. But I’m so sure that you’ll do great, so keep your chin up!” he said.

Not long after, the hosts officially started the program and the crowd started to go wild. The university’s cheer dance troupe performed and the stadium boomed with cheers and applause. A lot of others performed, until bands after bands were called.

“Here we go. Let’s nail this just like always!” Xavier shouted. We entered and the crowd cheered and shouted. I took the mic from the stand and mentally flicked my performing personality on. We started performing and the crowd went impossibly wild as I sang my heart out to the chorus. The song we picked was “Secret Love Song” which was a hit, so the crowd sang along with me.

Amidst the blinding lights directed towards us, I still managed to unluckily find Rhett from the crowd as he stared motionless while the people around him, including Astrid, swayed their hands and jumped from their places. Just as quickly as I saw him, I snapped away to avoid further distracting myself.

We finished with power and the shouts of the crowd were now filling the air. We started exiting the stage before I saw Xavier mouth “I’m proud of you” towards me. I smiled at him.

As soon as we were out of the crowd’s vision, the entire band tackled me and playfully caught me in a headlock.

“You’re a freaking star, Wyatt. At this point, you should just replace Louie altogether and be our main vocalist!” Mike said.

“Oh stop it, no need to sweet talk me anymore, I already performed just now!” retorted.

We celebrated and calmed down for a while, and I suddenly found myself alone with Xavier.

“You were amazing back there, Wyatt.” He said sincerely. I looked at him and he was dearly staring into my eyes.

“Thanks, Xavier. It was all because of you.” I beamed. He chuckled before turning serious güvenilir bahis again. He gradually placed his hand on the side of my face as he leaned in for a kiss. I closed my eyes, and of all things I could think about, my mind pictured Rhett’s face, leaning in closer to kiss me. I turned my face sidewards, Xavier’s face landing on my cheek.

“Thank you, Xavier… I gotta go.” I said. I couldn’t remember much after that but I ran. I ran towards the dorm hastily, being stopped by a couple of people who wanted to take pictures with me but I wasn’t in my best state.

I went straight to our room and noticed that Rhett wasn’t there yet, so I began getting into more comfortable clothes. I checked my phone and I was overwhelmed with all the notifications and posts about me and the Archangel band.

My timeline was entirely filled with our performance, along with that of the other bands, and the comments were nothing but positive feedback. I felt myself beam with pride for doing something I’ve never done before and it actually turned out to be quite amazing.

Finn called me to congratulate me, and he jokingly asked me to not forget him when I became famous.

I allowed myself to be swallowed by social media for a couple of hours when I started to feel drowsy from exhaustion. I washed up and quickly hopped to bed.

I was woken by the gentle knocks coming from the door. I took a look at my digital watch as it beeped at 2:09 AM. I debated getting off the bed and answering the door because Rhett had keys of his own but I ended up doing it anyway.

“Wyatt?” an unfamiliar voice called out from the other side of the door.

I became nervous. Could something bad have happened to Rhett? I opened the door revealing a man supporting an unconscious Rhett by the arm. He sheepishly smiled and gestured if he could come in. I got out of the way as he laid Rhett on the sofa bed by the living room.

“He’s out hard. He had way too many drinks tonight. Sorry.” he said.

“It’s alright. I’ll take it from here, thank you for getting him back here.” I said. He nodded and left.

I approached Rhett and he really reeked of alcohol. He really stretched himself to his limit tonight just because he didn’t have school tomorrow. His shirt slightly glistened with sweat and I debated whether to change his clothes or not because he would probably catch a cold if I didn’t. I sighed.

I went over his wardrobe and picked a plain white shirt and some basketball shorts. I headed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the rack and damped it slightly with water.

Rhett is totally out like a lamp so I didn’t expect any help from him. I unbuttoned his shirt, slowly revealing his perfect torso glistening with sweat and viciously tempting me to just drag my tongue across it. I shut my eyes hard and tried to focus. It took me a lot of pulling and lifting because Rhett was so impossibly heavy but I ended up successfully removing his shirt and pants.

I grabbed the wet towel and wiped it gently across his inviting body. I was so stimulated by the mere indirect contact of my hands and his body that I found my dick hard and craving attention. I rubbed the towel against his tight muscles until I was satisfied. I didn’t even think about removing his undershorts because I was afraid I’d lose control and do stuff to him that I would regret later on.

I put on his change of clothes and desperately tried to lift him off the couch. He was so heavy but I managed to lift him so that his arm was slung around the back of my neck. My hand was wrapped on his back, and the other supported his chest as I limped with Rhett towards his bed.

I carefully dropped him on his bed and was about to detach his arm on my neck when he pulled me to bed with him, causing me to completely lose balance and drop on the bed beside him. He fluttered his eyes open for a while, scouring my face.

His droopy and lazy eyes stared at mine for a while. “Fuck.” he whispered. He aggressively captured my lips and lapped on it shamelessly. He traced his tongue against the slit of my mouth, asking for entrance but I firmly had it shut because I didn’t wanna take advantage of his drunken state. His kisses, however, sapped all strength that I had left so all my attempts of pushing him and breaking away were all for naught.

“Rhett, you’re drunk. This is Wyatt…” I said as I helplessly tried to pry myself away from his warm body. He grunted.


“Yes it’s me- ” I gasped as I was flipped over on my back as he pinned both my wrists beside my head with his absurdly strong hands. His eyes were barely open as he hovered above me. He leaned in slowly, making me instinctively close my eyes.

Contrary to what I was expecting, he buried his face in the crook of my neck as his grip on my wrists started to loosen. I could hear his light snores and I was pinned down on his bed by his heavy torso. Every breath he took grinded our bodies together, making me overly sensitive about the contact. I closed my eyes and felt myself get lulled to sleep by his warmth.


I’d love to hear what you think about the story so far 🙂 I might not be able to update as regularly from now on as I’ll start school again in a couple of days but reading your emails really encourages me!

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