
Their New Mother

Beautiful Girls

Betty was cleaning her father’s room when she knocked the picture off the side table. She was horrified. The picture was of her mother and Betty was afraid that she had ruined the only remaining memento of her. She knelt and gathered the broken glass and found that the frame had come apart at the corner. She carefully lifted out the photograph and the backing papers to set them aside while she cleared up the mess. After putting the broken shards in the dustbin Betty finished straightening the rooms simple furnishings and put the clean clothes away in the bureau. She enjoyed looking after her father and now that she had come of age Betty felt as if she were the woman of the house. But she was afraid that she was not to be for long. Father had left she and her twin brother Billy to look after the family store for a few days while he met with a woman with whom he had been corresponding. Her father had been alone from the time she and Billy had been born. Mother had died in childbirth. He had raised his children alone but now it seemed that he wanted someone else. Betty couldn’t understand why.

Betty fussed about the room and then worked up her courage to deal with the picture. Perhaps she could reassemble the frame without glass and no one would notice, or she might go down stairs to the store and see if she could find a replacement. She thought that she could tell father she had decided on a better frame if she found one. When she picked up the photograph Betty noticed that there were several sheets of backing, surely too many. Separating them she discovered that the other sheets were more photographs. After quickly looking through them Betty sat heavily on the edge of the bed. Her young mind was spinning and she felt very strange, almost light headed.

Slowly she again separated the sepia photographs laying them out on the bed cover. It was difficult to focus on each one. She had never seen anything like the images shown there. A young woman was shown without any clothes on, her entire body exposed. Betty could clearly see the firm young breasts and even the woman’s private thing. The beautiful woman sat posing for the portrait before a curtained background, her long hair hanging loose, her slim body proud and straight as she seemed to hold her naked breasts out. Her legs were wide giving a clear view of her bare privates. The most astounding aspect of the photograph was that standing beside the naked woman was a naked man. That man was Betty’s father. He was clearly younger and stood tall with his arm resting on the back of the settee. Betty looked at her father’s young naked body, her attention riveted on his groin. She had seen many horses as they stretched out their huge organ to pee. She had even seen horses mating and noted the hard member as it entered the mare. But this member belonged to her father and it too was long and hard. The young couple looked happily at her from the photograph as if it were the most normal thing in the world to be seen naked. Betty suddenly realized who the pretty woman was and picked up the treasured photograph of her mother and compared them. Yes, they were the same. Here was her loved mother and loving father, both smiling and happy and naked.

As Betty looked through the remaining pictures she was confused about what was being shown. There were more pictures of each of her parents standing or alone seated on the settee in much the same pose. Each was shown sitting straight with legs open to show all of their naked bodies. One of the pictures of father showed him grasping his hard member in one hand as he cupped his testicles in the other, one leg over the low arm of the seat. Mother was shown in the same pose as she held a firm breast in one hand and seemed to have fingers inside her woman’s part. The last photograph was to Betty the most surprising of all. Father was seated at the end of the settee and mother was beside him with her legs spread over him. Betty could clearly see that father had his hard member inside mother as she faced forward and he held one breast as he reached around her. However they were not alone. Another young woman sat at the other side of mother. She was naked also, her legs open to show that Betty’s mother was touching the woman’s privates. The strange woman held mother’s other breast. The two women were kissing as father looked on with a big smile on his handsome face.

Betty didn’t know what to think. Why had her parents been photographed in this manner? Who was the other woman? When had these pictures been made? Who had taken them? Not least of all, why did looking at these pictures of her naked parents make her feel this strange way? Betty felt warm all over her young body. She had a damp feeling in her drawers.

Betty gathered the pictures up and placed one of father on top of the stack. She fell back on the bed and held the stack up over her and studied the photograph. She looked carefully at father’s hard member and images of horses mating kept coming to her mind. bedava bahis She imagined that she could see father before her naked and holding his hard member for her. She wondered what it would feel like to touch it, to hold it the way father did in the picture. Betty looked at the picture of her naked mother touching herself. She looked closely at the woman’s features and could see herself there. Would her own breasts ever fill out to look like her mother? She ran her hand over the low mounds on her own chest feeling the hard nipples pushing against her thin dress. Slowly as if she were afraid of what she would find, Betty lowered her hand to her stomach. Lower. She cupped the slight bump there and squeezed where it was throbbing. Her body seemed to explode from beneath her hand. She curled up in a convulsive spasm as waves of pleasure washed over her. Each wave brought flashes of heat and her breath brought her no air. Her head spun as light flashed about her. Presently she lay in an exhausted sleep.

Betty awakened to a darkened room and the sound of her name. She was disoriented and at first didn’t know where she was. Suddenly realization came over her and great embarrassment when she heard her brother’s voice calling to her as he came up the stairs from the shop below. In her haste to gather the pictures she again dropped the frame to the floor this time breaking it completely.

“Betty? Sis? Where are you? I’ve had to close up without you. What are you doing?” Billy called out as he came in the door.

Hearing the crash of the frame in his father’s room Billy went directly to the door. His twin sister was on the floor gathering papers and wooden pieces and seemed upset.

“Betty didn’t you hear me calling you? What’s wrong? Where were you?” he asked as he looked about the room. “I had to close up without you and you know I don’t know how to check the till. Not that it matters much, I don’t think anyone was in all afternoon. What are you doing?”

Betty finally gathered up the frame and the pictures and stood. She tried to keep the look on her face neutral and the things in her hands hidden. Her efforts only made her look more uncomfortable.

“I was just putting the laundry away and straightening father’s room. I’m sorry, I guess that I didn’t notice the time.” She mumbled.

“That’s alright Sis, I just didn’t know what to do with the till.” He said looking at his sister’s strange expression. Something was amiss he could tell. “What’s all this then?” pointing to the jumble in her hands.

Betty knew that she could never hide anything from her twin. They were much too close. They had grown up being each other’s best friend and companion. Father had moved them many times, always seeming to look for some better place. Searching for something or someplace. As a result the twins had made few friends and relied on one another. She again collapsed on the edge of the bed and with tears flowing began to tell Billy what she had done.

“I didn’t mean to break Mummy’s picture, it just fell. And then I couldn’t fix it and I found all these other pictures and I didn’t know what to think and she was so pretty and I saw that she was naked and so was Daddy and I felt so strange and I looked and looked at them and I don’t know what to do. Oh Billy, it’s mother.” She cried.

“What pictures?” Billy asked, “Who was naked? What are you talking about?”

Betty silently handed her brother the pictures as he sat beside her. She gathered a handful of her dress and wiped away the tears on her cheeks as she watched Billy begin to look through the photographs. With each new picture she flinched and looked at Billy’s face afraid that he would be upset or angry with her for making this discovery. Billy kept looking at them and going from one to another. She could see that her brother’s face was intent and he studied each picture.

“Well, what do you think?” Betty asked quietly.

“That’s really our mother.” He said. “She’s beautiful. I’ve never seen naked tits before and hers are wonderful. And look at her cunt. You can see her cunt. She’s showing it to us.”

Betty had never heard her brother talk this way. She had heard some of the words from overhearing others and the whispers of children pretending to be grown up. But on the other hand she didn’t know if these were not just as proper for she knew no other names. She began to ask her brother about how he knew of such things. Making the best of a chance to show his sister how worldly he was Billy went through the pictures and explained to her about the various parts of their parent’s anatomy. Of course most of what he knew was remotely learned and Betty had seen just as many animals mating as he had but some how having her brother tell her of these secrets was much more informative and exciting. When Billy explained about father’s hard cock and what he was apparently doing for himself Betty questioned him.

“Is that what you do?” she asked, casino siteleri “Can your… cock… get hard like that?”

“Of course I can get hard. All men can.” He said indignantly, but uncomfortable that perhaps his sister had already noticed how hard his cock was now.

“But do you pull on it as father was doing. You said he was pulling on it. Frigging it. Do all men do that too, do you?” Betty asked with obvious interest.

“Well sure they do, when they can’t fuck. I’ve done it lots of times.” He bragged.

Betty looked intently at her brother and felt the same strange feelings that thinking about father had given her. The pictures of her naked parents had already started the dampness in her drawers and her brothers frank talk about sex had fairly made her feverish to the touch. She could see that Billy was having strange feelings as well, his face showed red and he seemed restless as he sat next to her on the bed.

“Show me!” she blurted out. “Please, let me see!”

Billy didn’t know what to do. His own cock was just as hard as the one shown by his father in the pictures. It was exciting to see their parents naked but to stand before his sister and frig his own cock was another matter. Then he thought about seeing his mother’s naked body, her bare breasts, her open cunt and an idea came to him.

“Alright,” he said, “I will. But you have to do it as well. We’ll both take off our clothes. It’s only fair that I get to see you if you get to see me.”

At first Betty was shocked at Billy’s suggestion but then quickly she became intrigued. She shyly nodded her head but continued to sit on the bed. Billy got up and began to remove his shirt but stopped when his sister hadn’t moved.

“Come on, you too,” he smiled, “it’s alright. We’ll do it together.”

Slowly Betty stood by the bed and began to unfasten the top of her simple dress. Both twins watched the other as their clothing loosened. Billy’s shirt was tossed on the bed and he unbuckled his belt and began to unbutton his pants as he watched with wide eyes when his sister’s dress slowly fell to her feet. Betty stepped out of her dress and reaching for the hem of her chemise began to pull it up. She stopped when she arrived at the bottom of her drawers embarrassed to go on but also struck by her brother’s display. He had removed his pants and Betty could see his under drawers tented out in front of him.

Billy looked at his sister’s slim legs and then noticed that she was just looking at him. He laughed and motioned for her to continue. He stood in only his drawers and watched as his clearly embarrassed sister raised her chemise over her head and tossed it on the bed with his shirt. Betty reddened as her brother looked at her small naked breasts. Her pink nipples were hard and stood out from the pale ring around them. Still being young and small they did not hang down but stood out firm and round like little apples. Billy was sure that this was the most exciting day of his life. Even as close as they lived he had never seen his sister naked before this. She was beautiful he thought, just as beautiful as the picture of their naked mother.

Neither of the twins knew what to do with their hands as they stood before the other half naked. Billy seemed to be more aware his sister’s discomfort and in an effort to reassure her he smiled and putting his fingers in the top of his pants pushed them down. His hard cock sprang free and actually snapped back to slap his stomach. This broke the tension for Betty and she laughed a girlish giggle. She stared at her brother’s cock as it stood out. It was long and hard and seemed to glow red with a purple head much like a mushroom. It looked so shiny and smooth and wet at the end. Billy had very little hair around his cock and his balls, as he had named them, were tight against his cock.

“Sis?” Billy said interrupting his sister’s study. He placed his hand around his cock and stroked it as he said, “It’s your turn.”

Betty looked into her brother’s eyes and could see that he was pleased. She took a deep breath and quickly untied her drawers and pushed them down. Not even stepping out of them she stood straight and still afraid to move for fear that she would lose her nerve and run to hide.

Billy looked at his twin sister’s naked slim body. Her little breasts rose and fell as she breathed hard making the tiny pink nipples even prettier. Her waist was thin and flat and her hips still boyishly narrow. The center of his attention was Betty’s pussy. There was the tiniest bit of light hair at the top but he could clearly see the pink puffy fold of her womanhood. He had the most surprising thought as he looked at the pink fold, that it looked very like Betty’s lips and deserved to be kissed.

“Sis, you’re beautiful. You’re just as beautiful mother in the pictures.” He said in a hushed voice.

Betty burst into tears and rushed to her brother and threw her arms around him kissing bahis siteleri his cheeks in kisses wet with tears. It took only moments for both to become aware of the warm naked body pressing against them. Billy felt his sister’s hard nipples like fingertips pushing into his chest. Betty was suddenly aware of the hot hardness of her brother’s cock being mashed between them. The youngsters quickly stepped back almost over come with the need to continue the embrace.

Betty laughed nervously and crossed her arms under her tiny tits causing them to fill out. She looked at her brother with complete love, not sure what to do next but knowing that she wanted more. At this moment she had never felt so good. She was sure this is what love was, complete openness and sharing. The very good feeling, yes the wonderful feeling of freedom in nakedness and the excitement of newly aroused parts of her body. There was a warm glow building in the pit of her stomach, which she realized was actually coming from between her legs. It felt warm and wet and wonderful. She felt the edge of the bed behind her legs and sat down crossing her legs to keep in the wet feeling. Billy had kept looking at her and she realized that he was holding his cock.

“You promised to show me how you frig your cock.” She laughed at her sudden fluency in using the words Billy had explained to her.

Billy proudly came to his naked sister and stood before her as she sat on their father’s bed. He looked down into her adoring eyes and began to pull his cock in long strokes. It was already dripping from the end and his hand was wet as it slid up and down. He looked at his sister’s tiny tits and the bare side of her body thinking that she was completely naked in front of him. Betty leaned forward and watched as her naked brother stroked his cock for her. She could see the clear drops forming at the little hole in the end and was fascinated by the movement of Billy’s hand and his hard cock. She watched him work his member. Her hand kept up the rhythm sliding back and forth on her leg. Betty looked up into Billy’s eyes and reaching her hand for his cock he understood her request. He released his hold and his sister grasped his cock and began to stroke it for him. She had barely begun when he felt the rush of fire in his groin and with a gasp he erupted.

Her brother’s cock felt hard and hot in Betty’s hand as she grasped it. It was wet and slick from the clear oil dripping from the head and her hand freely slid up and down it’s length. She was just about to ask her brother if she was doing it correctly when Billy let out a gasp. Suddenly her face was covered in wetness. Warm fluid ran down over her nose and lips. Releasing her brother’s spurting cock she screamed out to him and covered her face turning it away.

Billy couldn’t stop cumming. When his sister let go of his cock he instinctively grabbed it and kept pumping it to release the wonderful flow of his orgasm. He had never cum so hard in his young life. He fell exhausted beside his naked sister on the bed, unaware that she was crying. Betty picked up her brother’s discarded shirt and used it to wipe her face thinking that he had somehow pissed on her. But the smell of the shirt as she wiped her face didn’t seem like it. She put down the shirt and with a finger hesitantly wiped away a bit at the corner of her mouth. She could see that it was white and creamy and the smell was not unpleasant. She carefully licked at the wet spot on her lip and discovered that the flavor was sweet and pleasant as well. She turned to chastise her brother for wetting her face and saw him collapsed beside her on the bed.

Betty looked down at her naked brother and knew that she could never love another as much as she loved him. She looked down his hard young body so smooth and firm. His cock had lost its hardness and was much smaller, looking soft and different. There was still a drop of white cream clinging to the end. She looked to see if Billy was watching and his eyes were closed. Hesitantly she put her finger out and gathered up the drop and again looking at her brother’s face she gently wiped the wetness on his lips. She then lay beside him and studied his face and often found her attention going to his flaccid cock.

Presently Billy roused and licked his lips, which caused his sister to giggle. He opened his eyes to find Betty looking intently at him. She slowly leaned forward and put her lips on his kissing him.

“I love you.” She whispered

“I love you,” He replied, “and thank you. I’ve never cum so hard. No one else ever touched my cock before. It was wonderful!”

“You got my face all messy. I was afraid you had peed on me.” Betty said in mock sternness.

“I’m sorry Sis, I couldn’t help it. It felt so good when you touched me. Would you do it again?”

Betty lifted up on one elbow and looked down at her naked brother. She reached out and grasped his cock, holding it as she had done before. It just fit in her hand lying across the palm, but she gave a gasp as it began to move and swell in her hand. It grew bigger and harder as she watched. She was delighted and laughed and again kissed Billy’s lips. She began to frig him once more slowly pulling on the hard length.

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