
A Witch Of A Time


*Toil and trouble cauldron full and liquid bubble, to witch I am and lie in rubble, a spell of love and lust I stir with struggle.*

I swirled the glowing green liquid in the giant iron cauldron with a giant wooden stirring stick. A thick vapor filled in a cloud of noxious gas.

I flicked a finger into the green liquid and popped it into my mouth. Hmm, minty. A warm feeling spread across my body, a wave of burning pleasure spreading from my mouth to my groin. As fast as the feeling hit me it was over.

The potion was nearly perfect, just needed a few more ingredients I couldn’t source in my swamp cabin. Joy.

My name is Genivair Ghrette. And I’m a swamp witch. I live on the outskirts of a kingdom to the west. I try my best to eke out a living by selling potions and making charms. People come my way looking for anything to make their lives a little more bearable.

My cabin was, well, a mess. Reagents and books are scattered throughout and stacked to the ceiling. Jars of miscellaneous liquid and bottles of potions were haphazardly strewn about on shelves and tables.

Love potions weren’t legal under the magical concordant. But lust potions were different by technicality. Magic was a gift given to the few to protect the many. And those blessed with it decided that rules had to be in place to keep it in check. The concordance was where I learned how to harness my powers.

I walked into my room, the only place with a semblance of order to it. A small bed was pressed against the wall under the window. I did my best to keep it clean, but alas, work seemed to creep its claws into my personal life.

I shrugged, work for another day. I snapped my fingers. I felt the familiar surge of power course through my body, an intense feeling of power coursed through my fingers and into my clothes.

I wore simple sweats while I was working, but for nights on the town, well, something a little more magical was in order.

My grey garments magically stitched themselves into a red and black corset. My sweat pants transformed into a pair of long black and red-heeled boots and a *very* short pair of shorts. The band of elastic transformed into a pointed crimson hat. My two bracelets grew and stretched into long elbow-length red gloves.

I picked up an ornate wooden brush and brushed through my deep abyssal black hair. I checked myself out in my floor mirror.

Fuck I was hot, the outfit was cliche but comfy. I was a tall woman with a pale complexion and a wicked smile. I had an affinity for red, which started with my hellfire eyes. Around my neck and dipping into my rather large bosom was my amulet. It was a piece of metal, a circle around an inch in diameter with a depiction of a cat’s paw on it.

I stalked my way back through my cluttered house and through the front door. I walked out onto my porch and was immediately assaulted by the smell of the swamp burning my nose. I was used to it, but it didn’t change the fact it stunk.

Why did I live in a swamp? Well, the kingdom wasn’t super happy about me selling charms and hexes to the townsfolk. And swamps had a lot of the ingredients I needed for my job. One of the few ingredients I couldn’t source here was an essence, sexual essence.

To make a potion it needed four things. the base, water mainly, a physical representation, in this case, an aphrodisiac mushroom, the verbal key to translate the magic, and finally, the essence to bind it all together. For what I’m making I need the essence of man, aka semen.

I took a deep breath and snapped my fingers once again, channeling the vibrant energy through the air. I could feel the hum of liquid energy in my bones. I raised my hand, stretching my fingers out. A line of red energy spread from my hands into the empty space creating a large oval. I took a step through it.

On the other side, I was in a dingy back alley, surrounded by white brick walls. I walked towards the street. I was in the magical section of the capital. It was a busy market street lined with stalls. Robed figures stalked and talked with the magical salesmen. A witch wasn’t an uncommon sight in the magical district, but I could feel some stares coming my way.

I smiled and found where I needed to be.

It was a small stall, with a crone sitting behind it. She looked up and smiled my way.

“GiGi, my baby, it’s been too long. So long in fact that I think you want something.”

“Can’t fool you Bashu. Listen, working on a project and I need something to bind it together.”

“What’s the potion GiGi? I can see what I scrounge up.”

“Well, it’s a lust potion, and I need some essence of man.”

She laughed like the old crone she is. “Sweetie, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to get that, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

“Well, that makes this slightly more cumbersome. Any women of the hedge who have a surplus?”

“Let me ask.”

Bashu’s old wrinkled eyes rolled into the back of her head as she began a meditative chant. A small moment went by before her eyes rolled back. She had a slight smile.

“Unfortunately başakşehir escort the hedge is limited in their supplies, I’m sorry GiGi.”

“It’s alright Bashu, it’s not impossible to procure myself, just wish I didn’t have to.” I kneeled to one knee, taking the old Hedgewitch’s hand in my own and kissing a wrinkled digit gingerly. I took out a few copper coins from my satchel and slipped them into her hand.

“GiGi, I cannot take your money, I have not provided you with anything.” she held the few pieces in her hand, presenting them.

I gave her a sunny smile. “Bashu, I owe you everything, it’s the least I can do for you.”

She smiled and pocketed the small coins.

I said my farewell and walked down the marketplace.

Well, that’s unfortunate. It was true that extracting male essence wasn’t hard, in fact, I could probably get some without much hassle, but it was the quantity I needed. I reached into my potion satchel and pulled out an empty flask, the small marking I made was at the 300mL mark. If I were to do it normally, I’d have to milk out nearly 150 orgasms. I didn’t have enough time for that.

I put the flask back and started walking in idle thought. I had a few options, the brew had to be done in a few days, and I was missing the most vital component. I could either, use a substitute, at risk of the health of the potion. I could manually milk it out of 150 men, time-consuming and I’d have to find 150 men to milk, with my outfit it wouldn’t be hard. Or option three, enhancement.

I knew a sex shop in the magical market that sold a special brew that can make a man produce much more than normal. I decided that was the best course of action and began walking that way.

A large sign read ‘Cat’s Meow: magical adult entertainment.’

I walked up to the large wooden door and pushed it open. The store was an assault on the senses.

A waft of erotic smells stung my nose as I gazed at the frankly obscene amount of sexual equipment and sexual enhancements. Various dildos, masturbators, potions, edibles, lube, everything, and anything a sexually active mage could need.

At the counter was a tall red-skinned lady with horns, her black irises trained on me. She had a friendly smile behind plump red lips. Oh, and she was completely nude with her large pierced breast hanging out in the open.

“Heya cutie, what can I do ya for?” she said loudly and cutely.

“Hey Meru, been a minute, when did you start working here?”

“Oh, I just started not too long ago. The place is kind of perfect for a succubus, I get all kinds of opportunities to feed in here.”

“Is that so? Well, maybe you have some spare essence of man I can buy off of you?”

“Oh sweetie, you know I’m a glutton, if I did have any spare I would be drinking it as we spoke.”

“Fair enough.” I walked my way to the counter, Meru had a strong smell around her, it made my body warm and my heart raced. “Turn off the sexy Meru, no time for a quickie.”

Suddenly the strong smell dissipated and my head cleared. “Sorry babe, had to try.”

I rolled my eyes. “I need something that can make a man explode.”

“That’s your corner dear, I don’t deal with anything dangerous.”

I groaned. I pulled out the flask. ” I need something that can make a man fill thi,.” I said pointing at the glass. “It’s for a potion.”

“Oooo I likey. Getting into some sexy trouble babe?”

“Just making ends meet, Meru, can you help?”

She thought about it for a moment. “I can, for what you want you’ll want something very potent, I have something from my stash, but I’ll need your help.”

“What kind of help?”

Her smile turned wicked. She snapped her ruby red finger and I heard the door click close.

“Well, the potion you need is made from me.”

I could suddenly smell the overpowering hormone again. Meru took a step around the counter revealing her long ruby-red legs, above her glistening pussy was an angular heart-shaped mark. She struts over to me, the smell getting stronger every inch she gets closer.

“Help me make the potion and it’s yours for free.

I smiled. “And what if I made you make it yourself?”

She made a faux pouty face. “Please don’t make me do this all by myself babe, I need you, I want you.”

I snapped a finger, pushing magic into my clothes, making them disappear from my body.

“You’re the only crone who gets me babe,” she said as she jumped into my arms and began kissing me. Her skin was warm against mine, her plump lips were sweet against mine. Her long tongue snaked into my mouth, wrestling with mine.

From my many previous encounters with Meru, I knew what she was doing. I felt the familiar aphrodisiac spread fast and hard through my body.

I was feverishly warm, and could feel my juices begin to run down my legs. She released the kiss and strut towards the counter. She lifted her right ass and sat down, spreading her legs and showing me her plump and juicy pussy.

She lifted a finger and made the ‘come hither’ motion.

I batıkent escort didn’t need to be told twice. There was a stool nearby, I moved it in front of her and sat down, I was auspiciously at pussy height. I licked my lips and dove in, kissing her honeypot and running my tongue through her sweet folds.

Meru tasted like sweet peppers, slightly spicy, but oh so sweet. Her juices swell into my mouth, a sweet mixture of pure pleasure and salty serenity. I drank greedily from the well of lust before me. My tongue moved swiftly into her cavern, messaging her lips with every pass.

Meru drew a finger on her womb tattoo, making it glow with a soft pink light.

After a moment I felt an intense heat in my nethers. Succubi have sexual magic, unlike anything we witches can weave. The tattoo links her with her partner, making them feel whatever she feels.

I circled the tip of my tongue around her hard throbbing clit. The motion sent shivers of pleasure shooting through my body.

After a minute of eating the succubus out, I was panting. I dipped a hand between my thighs, rubbing a finger against my folds, messaging my wetness. I slipped my slim digit inside myself, pumping it in and out until I was in a fast rhythm. The waves of magic pleasure amplified my own natural pleasure. My head was fuzzy with orgasmic lust.

Without warning, Meru grabbed the back of my head and pushed me deep into her honeypot. Her legs tightened around my head, her moans sounded clear in my ears. I felt the same urging sensatmyselfself. My pussy was getting wetter and wetter with every second. I felt my body start to shake as I began to cum. I moaned deep into Meru’s sweet box, feeling my orgasmic dam burst open. I began squirting onto the floor, making a puddle of my love juices. At that exact moment, Meru covered me in her own juices, squirting all over me.

I stood up on wobbly legs, Meru was laid back on the counter breathing heavily with a satisfied smile. She raised a finger and waved it in a circle.

A crackling energy filled the space, all the sexual fluid around us whisked into a torrent and filled into the small vail. She sat up with a dumb goofy smile on her face.

“Christ babe, every time we meet I have the best time. She grabbed the potion vial and handed it to me. I snapped my fingers and conjured my clothes back onto my body. I took the vial and placed it gingerly in my satchel. “Make Whoever you need drink that and they’ll cum so much it’ll be a one-man bukkake.”

“Meru, you’re the worst and I love you.” I kissed the sexy devil and strode out of the sex shop. My hair was a mess, and I got stares from people standing around the shop. I coughed and walked past them, I could feel their gaze on me, they knew what I did, and I loved it.

Now, to find someone to drink this and to milk them. I knew someone who would do it. I know I could probably grab any schmuck off the street and fuck him, but this guy was someone I could trust. I found the alley I portaled to and prepared another portal. I snapped my fingers and pushed my magic into the air, creating a glowing red portal in the air. I stepped through and found myself in front of a classy wooden cabin on the crest of a prairie hill. I knocked on the door and waited a moment.

After a small eternity, the door opened. In the doorway was an old friend.

Crosic was a tall man with fiery red hair and gentle green eyes. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. He smelled like firewood and a warm house.

“GiGi, it’s been too long.”

“Crosic, I’ve missed you.”

“Come inside. I got some stew cooking.”

He led me into his cabin. It was a wonderfully comfy home, long tapestries hung from the ceiling, each depicting something from Crosic’s life. Crosic was a powerful fire mage, while we were learning together he tamed a baby wyvern, and he learned how to weave firestorms the size of cities. He was powerful, smart, and intertwined with the natural mana more than any mage I had known. Why did he live alone on a hill in the middle of nowhere? He worked with the military for a short while, but realized he wasnt a soldier, he wasn’t a fighter, he only wanted to learn more about mana and our relationship with it. He wanted to learn about magic with a voracity I had never known in any other mage.

He led me to his comfy couch by the unlit fire. He waved his hand and the fireplace erupted with calm warmth. He sat down next to me, relaxing himself.

“So GiGi, What brings you here for a visit?”

I smiled. “Well Crosic, I’m working on a potion, and I’m missing the final ingredient.”

“What kind of potion?”

“A lust potion for the king. He commissioned me for something powerful enough to fix his, well, his impotence.”

Crosic started laughing. “Seriously? Can’t his all-powerful court magi cure that?”

“They’ve tried to, but it’s like a curse. What I’m working on should both dispel it, and fix his problem.”

“You said you’re missing an ingredient, I’m guessing that’s where I come in.”

I nodded and batman escort pulled out the vial of Succubus liquid.

Before I could speak. “GiGi, is that what I think it is?”

I nodded. “Pure succubi aphrodisiac, what I’m missing is about 300mL of human sperm, and you’re the only guy I trust to do it right.”

“Tell me the truth GiGi.” He smiled devilishly.

I rolled my eyes. “Do I have to say it every time?”

“No, but you know I love it.”

I put on my most submissive voice and snuggled into his arms”Mister Crosic, please oh please would you take this little witch’s precious little pussy and fuck me like the little whore I am. I need your thick cock so badly, I’m so wet and needy for you baby.”

He laughed as he lifted his hand to my chin and kissed me with fervor. I melted into his kiss, I let his tongue into my mouth and tasted him. He tasted as he smelt, like a smoldering fire and billowing smoke. He let me go. His soft green eyes were tracked on me.

I smiled and snapped my finger. A wave of magic shot out from my hand. A group of threads shot from a hanging tapestry and wrapped themselves around Crosics’s throat, pulling him away. “Now, little boy, it’s time for my fun.”

He smiled. “Yes ma’am.”

I weaved my magic through the air, grasping him by his arms and legs, and lifting him into the air. I was blessed with the ability to control threads, and it always made sexy time so much fun.

I pushed my willpower through Crosic’s simple garb, the clothes disappeared from his body. Christ, Crosic had an amazing body, strong muscles, and deep scars all across his body, each one a story of strength and valor. His large erection throbbed in front of me.

I pushed more magic into my own clothes, unraveling them and leaving myself nude once again. I grabbed the vial of pheromone out of my satchel. I swirled the clear concoction and uncorked it. “Drink little man, drink deep so I may make you mine.”

I lifted the vial and fed him the orgasmic fluid. He drained the potion. He breathed out a deep moan.

I made a thread wrap itself into a blindfold around his eyes, and another wrap into his mouth to gag him.

Now, to have fun. I sat on the couch, crossing one leg over the other. I made a small motion and moved my boy toy over in front of me. His cock was already leaking an impressive amount of precum. I smiled and gave his member a tentative lick. His whole body shivered as I glided my tongue across his head, lapping up a drop of his salty secretion.

I weaved my power again, tying a thread around the base of his cock, just tight enough to keep him exactly where I needed him to be. I grabbed his shaft in my hand, slowly massaging him from the base to the tip. I could feel his heartbeat in my palm, his heart rate raised with every subtle pass. I could hear his muffled moans on the other side of the cloth gag.

I slowly, agonizingly jerked him off, making sure he felt every single movement of my hand. His cock was like a faucet of precum, a continual stream of thin clear liquid. I felt his body begin to twitch and shudder more and more.

And before I knew it, Crosic moaned loud and blasted a frankly impressive amount of cum on my face and chest. A sticky mess that covered me. I blinked some of it out of my eyes and waved a finger, using my magic to draw all of the liquid into the vial for my potion. My god, it was 30mL of cum from one ejaculation, and his erection wasn’t even close to calming down.

It was going to be a fun night.

I wasn’t even done with foreplay yet though, I wanted to really tease this hunk of fuckmeat.

I commanded my threads to lay him on the floor in front of me on his back, his rigid member pointing to the sky. I grabbed a vial of all-natural lube I had made at home.

I poured the tiny glass vial down his shaft, the cold fluid sending a shiver up his body. The lube had a little magic in it to increase the stimuli the user felt, so this was going to be messy.

I moved a leg and pressed my foot against his shaft, rubbing the ball of my foot up and down in a slow sensual rhythm. I pressed his thickness between my toes and began jerking him off again, the lube making a small squelching noise with every pass.

I ran my digits up to his throbbing redhead and down his shimmering shaft. I repositioned myself so I could wrap both of my feet around him, pumping them up and down, up and down. I could feel how much he liked this, his cock throbbed hard against my soles.

“Disgusting little man, getting off to my pretty feet? I bet you love how they feel huh? How they slide all over your slick cock. How my toes curl around your head, rubbing it just how you like it.”

He started shaking again, bucking his hips against my feet as a geyser of cum erupted from him. It shot up so high it landed on my stomach. And the sheer volume, even more than last time. My legs were plastered in the sticky fluid, if I didn’t need it I would make him clean me up.

I sighed and snapped my finger, coaxing the fluid into the container. 75mL now. Just a few more.

“I think the horderves are more than complete, time for the main course.” I stood over my toy and his still throbbing erection. I commanded my threads, lifting him again. I had him lying straight as a board facing the ground. Time for my favorite position.

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