
My Best Friend David Pt. 01


‘My plans fell through tonight, want to come over and watch something dumb?’

I type the message quickly from the front seat of my parked car and hit send, slumping back with a sigh. The guy I had been eyeing this month had bailed on me with a lame excuse twenty minutes after he was due to meet me at the restaurant, and it perfectly summed up my love life lately. Nonexistent.

As disappointed as I am, I’m not about to wallow around in pity on a Saturday night.

‘You bring the pizza, I’ll bring the booze.’ I add in a second message, tossing my phone in my purse and starting the car, pulling out of the parking lot.

I don’t need to wait for a reply to know that he’d come, pizzas in hand. We had met before we were both out of diapers and had been inseparable since. Our moms were best friends and they thought it would be fun to have kids at the same time, and so they did. He was born a little more than six months before me and from the moment I came along we had been the best of friends. Growing up we endured a constant barrage of “Oh my gosh, Sarah and David are so going to end up together” behind shielded whispers and side-eye’d giggles. We had been hearing that same spiel since I could remember, and we both took it in stride.

But it has never been like that with us. Sure, David is definitely handsome in an objective sort of way. He is also really funny, smart, and caring. Just an all around amazing guy. However, that spark is just never there for us. It’s not that I can’t picture us together, I guess the stars have just never aligned for us and we never became an item. Instead, we have been besties for most of our lives. We were there for each other’s ups and downs, laughter and tears, whatever it may be. I honestly couldn’t picture my life without him.

I just barely hear my phone buzz from within my purse as I make my way through traffic, the street lights just starting to blink on as evening truly begins to settle in. That means I have about 20 minutes before he would show up at my place. More than enough time. The drive home wasn’t far, something I had planned ahead of time given my recent string of abysmal dates. The last thing I wanted after getting blown off is a long drive home in evening traffic.

I pull into a liquor store parking lot a few blocks from my house and head inside, selecting my favorite red wine from the shelf. David isn’t a huge fan but would happily drink a glass with me as we chatted over the week’s events, catching up.

After paying, I sink back into the driver’s seat and take my phone back out.

‘You had me at pizza. Be there in 20.’ is his reply. I roll my eyes. That boy knew how to put some serious pizza away and not gain a single pound.

‘Just let yourself in when you get here’, I quickly respond back. We both shared keys to each other’s places since college.

A few lamplit side streets later and I am pulling into my driveway on a quiet cul-de-sac, letting out a sigh, happy to be home for the night. I make sure to pull far enough to the side so David can park his car next to mine.

I open the car door and get out, purse dangling from one arm and wine in the other hand as I bump the door with my hips, causing it to close with a thunk. After doing some creative maneuvering to unlock the door without dropping anything, I lock the door behind me and make my way into the kitchen, setting the wine on the counter. I take a couple of wine glasses from the top cupboard and set them on the counter, followed by two plates and some napkins. I am hungry, annoyed, and overall done with today as a whole. I am going to eat the second that pizza came through the door.

I head into my bedroom to get more comfortable before David shows up, and I stand in front of the full mirror in my closet door. I look at what I was planning on wearing out tonight, and shake my head, disappointed that someone else isn’t going to be taking it off of me.

I’m wearing a well fitting dark green sundress that hugs my petite but toned figure nicely. I always thought it did me a lot of favors, showing off my great hips and the ass I had worked so hard for, and revealing just the right amount of my thick thighs. The guy I was supposed to see earlier tonight was really good looking, so I put a lot of effort into doing my makeup around my eyes and a deep red lipstick on my lips. I think my dark brown hair looks gorgeous as well, straight and falling past my shoulders.

I sigh, kicking off my heels and decide to cut my losses and change into something comfier before David gets here. I am almost to the bathroom to start wiping my makeup off when I hear the familiar sound of keys jingling in my front door.

“Pizza is in the house!” I hear him call from the kitchen.

“Be right there!” I call back. I step in front of the sink and turn it on, just about to start washing the makeup off, but I hesitate. The aroma of pizza is wafting through the house and I just want to relax and fill my grumbling stomach. Ah screw it, I think, shutting the faucet off. I’ll catch some shit from güllük escort David but I’m just too tired.

I make my way back down the hall to the kitchen and smile at him. “Hey you. Hurry up and dish me up some of that pizza, I’m starving.” I say, brushing past him and getting the bottle of wine.

“Woah, look at Miss America over here.” David says, raising his eyebrows at me and looking me up and down.

I can’t help but blush a little and smile, punching him in the shoulder. “Whatever, dude. Pizza. NOW.” My tone conveys that I mean business.

I start pouring us a couple of glasses of wine as he is dishing the pizza.

“Seriously, what happened? There’s no way the dude bailed on you after showing up and seeing you looking that smoking hot. He should be groveling on his knees.”

A stranger might think that he is flirting with me, but this is honestly just part of our dynamic. We can talk about anything. Life, humor, dating, sex. Sometimes we did playfully flirt, but it never really meant anything. We are totally and completely comfortable with each other.

I grin as he calls me hot. David is always quick to compliment me and that was just one of the many things I loved about him. I cock my head though, looking at him. I think I notice his eyes lingering on my body a little longer than usual before they quickly dart away again, as if catching himself.

Was… was he checking me out? I shake my head, telling myself that I’d imagined it. That just isn’t our thing.

I sigh. “Yeah, I thought the first couple of dates went well, but he was supposed to meet me at that Italian place around six tonight. Then he sent me some half assed excuse twenty minutes later and never showed.” I say, eagerly grabbing the plate of pizza from him and sitting on the stool at the counter. “His loss.” I say shrugging, already halfway through my first slice.

Maybe I had accidentally let my date see me devour pizza and that’s why he didn’t show. David certainly didn’t care, even matching my pace.

We make some more smalltalk as we finish our pizza and then slump into the couch in the living room. In our typical fashion, we need to gossip and catch up on the events of the week before we move on to tonight’s terrible movie.

“So, what about your love life? I got your text earlier that your lunch date fell through?” I ask, stretching my legs out and resting my calves in his lap, one of our usual lounging positions. If I am lucky, he is in a generous mood and would give me a foot massage.

“Yeah. Ghosted me. At least you got a text.” he says. “The dry streak continues,” he adds with a laugh and then takes a sip of his wine.

“Ugh, tell me about it. I think I am technically a virgin again.” I say, giggling at my own joke. “I mean, it’s been an embarrassingly long time, David.”

“I know, right? I’m thinking about becoming a monk. I’ve already got the vow of celibacy down, why not go the full nine yards?” He replies, adding his laughter to mine.

In the evening dimness of the living room he does look quite handsome. Neat brown hair. Green eyes. Clean cut. Almost a full foot taller than me at 6’1″, and always in really good shape. His dark button up shirt accentuates the muscles in his shoulders, chest, and arms.

I realize my mind is drifting, and it’s now my turn to catch myself letting my eyes linger a bit longer than usual, and my cheeks become hot. As I become aware, my eyes dart up to his and I see him watching me. My blush deepens a little and I look away quickly.

I blurt out an explanation. “I really like that shirt.”, nodding at it and smiling.

Jesus, I really need to get laid. Was I seriously just checking him out, too? I mean, we have been to the beach together plenty of times. I have seen him practically naked and while I definitely recognize that he is hot, I never really looked at him like this before.

“Thanks.” he says slowly, frowning a bit. “I’m kind of surprised you’re on the monk track as well. I mean, you’ve got to have guys banging down the door every night.” He teases. “If you’re talking about an embarrassingly long time, I think I’ve got you beat.” he admits, raising his glass at me and taking another sip before setting it on the coffee table and resting his hands on my legs.

“Oh?” I say, sitting up a little bit. “How long are we talking here?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

He sighs, then looks around as if someone was going to overhear us and ruin his illustrious reputation with the ladies.

“Oh come on you dork, spit it out.” I say, kicking him playfully with my foot.

“Alright, alright.” He says, shooting me a glare. After a moment, he looks away and mutters, “Six months”.

“Oof, David, that’s longer than I would have thought,” I say, and then add “but I’m right there with you.” His big hands resting on my legs feel just right. Even if it is strictly platonic.

“If you can’t get laid for six months, what chance is there for the rest of us? Most of these girls are punching way above their weight class.” gümüşhaber escort I say, trying to boost his confidence a little by giving him an honest compliment.

He rolls his eyes at me. “You’re stalling. Out with it. How long?”

I play idly with my hair, thinking about it.

“It’s been… seven months.” I admit, blushing and looking at the hair sliding through my fingers. Finally, I let my eyes look up and meet his. I’d never admit this to anyone else. He is the only person I can share it with and know I am not going to be judged or made to feel bad about it.

“Sarah…. Seven months?!” he says, giving me an incredulous look as if trying to see if I was just screwing with him. “That’s way too long! Seriously, with that dress you could pull any dude you wanted.”

I notice his eyes straying again and lingering much longer than usual, and I am suddenly very conscious of my legs in his lap. The weight of his hands on my thighs felt amazing.

Get a hold of yourself, I think, caught off guard by these strange feelings. Why am I suddenly so attracted to him…

“What do you think is going on with us?” He asks, looking a bit distracted himself. “Are we both just super unlucky? Have we lost our mojo and just need to get it back?”

I lay there on the couch, recognizing with sudden clarity that I want my best friend. I don’t know where it came from or why, but there it is. I am pretty certain that he is throwing the same signals whether he realizes it or not. My heart starts beating faster as my mind spins, trying to make sense of this all. This is such a bad idea, but he is also someone I can trust…

“I have no idea what’s wrong with us.” I say “We’re solid tens, right?!” I giggle a little bit, but he can tell something was clearly on my mind, watching me.

I steel myself, my mind and my body struggling with the decision to broach the subject, my heart hammering in my chest.

“It’s just… a shame. Lately, all I want is to have sex. Like, really good sex. With someone I like and trust, not just some random guy I met at a bar. I want it to be fun and casual, but not Tinder level of casual, you know?” I say, sitting up a little bit, my hands propping me up on the couch. “How hard can it be to find a funny, caring, hot guy to fuck me?” I say with a little smile. I take a deep breath and gather my nerves, deciding to take the risk. “Do you… know how I can find a really great guy that I trust to fuck me?” I say, biting my lip a bit and looking up at him with my big brown eyes. His touch is electric to my skin and I hold my breath as I watch him process what I had said.

His eyes never leave mine for a few moments, before he finally replies, slowly. “Well… I can think of two very attractive people who have no plans tonight. Two people who both have something they desperately need, and could give each other.” One of his hands very slowly moves up from my calf to my bare thigh and it’s all I can do not to moan.

I think about chickening out and pulling my legs away, laughing it off and apologizing. Making it one awkward joke between two frustrated people at the end of a long day. I know him well enough to tell when his mood changes and it has most definitely changed now. Our eyes are sharing a look that they have never shared before and as strange as it is to share it with him, I love it. It fans flames inside of me that I didn’t know I could have for him.

I know what he’s suggesting and I think about it. I have never felt attracted to him before, but we have essentially spent our entire lives together. This could be risky. Feelings could get involved, but to be honest, my brain has already made up its mind. I want him. I need him.

“David… are you saying us? Me and you, together?” I ask, at least having to act like I don’t know exactly what he means. I pause a few moments, enough to make him sweat before continuing.

“If you’re serious, then we need to set some ground rules. First, you can’t fall in love with me” I say with a laugh, smirking at him. “And second, we can still date other people.”

He thinks and nods, his smile growing. “Sounds reasonable enough to me. And of course, we shouldn’t add any strings or expectations to this. Nothing about us changes.” he says matter of factly.

“Ok…” I say, my head swimming, thinking. There are still conflicting thoughts running through my mind, but I trust him totally and completely, and my body has already decided it needs this.

“Fuck it. Let’s do it. We’re getting laid tonight.” I say, sitting up now and pulling my legs out of his lap, sitting cross legged on the couch next to him. I bite my lip and look up at him, locking eyes. “If… you want to?” It’s almost a whisper. I watch and wait, seeing if he will make a move. Seeing if he truly wants this.

He sits there, just staring for a few seconds. The fact that I was about to have sex with the best friend I have in the world hits me and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Anxiousness? Yes. Excitement? Oh, definitely.

I güngören escort watch as he slowly smiles and says, “I do.”

I feel one of his hands slide on top of mine, and the other brushes a stray bit of hair out of my face and then rests on my cheek. My lips part a little, blushing as my eyes never leave his. He leans slowly down, turning his head slightly, and closes his eyes. Our lips meet, tentative at first and I inhale sharply, surprised by how amazing it is. My cheek feels like it is on fire as his hand rests there and I close my eyes, returning the kiss. All the nerves and anxiety I had a moment ago melts away, replaced only with excitement and passion. Lust.

Damn, my bestie has got some moves.

Our kiss grows deeper and I feel sparks that I haven’t felt in a long time. I moan softly into his mouth, my own hand finding his cheek. After a few moments we break our kiss and look at eachother, sharing a moment of silent excitement. I quickly move to straddle his lap, my toned legs bending at his sides and my butt sitting in his lap. A much better position to look at each other… and to make out.

“Hi.” I say with a little smirk, my cheeks flushing red.

“Hi yourself.” He replies, those deep green eyes looking back into mine.

I already miss the sensation of his lips on mine and I don’t want to wait any longer to kiss him. I drape my arms around his shoulders and cross my wrists behind his neck, leaning back in to kiss him. There’s no apprehension now, no second thoughts or worries. His lips feel amazing against mine and our kisses deepen. I part my lips, inviting his tongue inside to dance with mine. He does so, slowly and carefully, our tongues twisting in a slow sensual dance. I am enjoying this more than I ever could have imagined and I have no intention of rushing through it.

I can feel one of his hands sliding down to the small of my back, and the other rests on the side of my neck, pulling me further into him. I respond in kind, leaning into him, my breasts pressing into his chest. I can feel his hard body pressed against me and I am completely lost in this moment. I run my fingers through his hair, the soft smacking sounds of our kissing echoing through the living room. The sensation of his hands exploring my body has me absolutely melting in his lap.

I can feel him starting to grow beneath me in response to our combined passion. Damn, he feels big, I think. I can’t help but to start to slowly grind back and forth, focusing directly on his growing bulge. His hands roam down to my hips and hold them, following my rocking motion. If he likes how my hips are working now, just wait until he sees what else I can do with them, I think devilishly, wondering where the night was going to take us.

I break off our kiss for a moment, still slowly working my hips on that hard excitement in his lap. I smile at him. “David, I don’t think we’ve ever actually discussed this.” I say softly, my hands slowly tracing down his chest. “What kind of things turn you on? If we go through with this, I want to do it right.”

“Oh, quite a few things…” he says with a mischievous smile, trailing off, leaving me hanging in anticipation. He kisses me on the lips once. “Dirty talk”, he says, gliding a single fingertip down the erogenous part of my neck, oh so softly so that it sends goosebumps across my skin. “A little teasing…”, he continues, the finger now tracing my shoulder and slipping under one of my shoulder straps and slowly sliding it off so it dangles there, but nothing more.

He puts a hand on my chin and turns my head a bit, giving him access to my neck, which he covers with soft kisses. “That thing you’re doing with your hips…”, he adds, kissing my neck in soft circles and occasionally running his tongue sensually along my skin. I moan softly, my grinding growing a little more pronounced.

His lips trace up my neck and I feel him brush my hair behind my ear. “And making you have a toe curling orgasm.” he whispers, his hot breath in my ear.

By this point I am a mess, my cheeks red hot and surely visibly flushed. I was like putty in his hands. I have no doubt he can make me orgasm like that… and I want it so badly. “Fuck… have you always been this hot?” I whisper with a laugh.

It’s my turn to shoot him a mischievous look. I straighten my back, my hands on his shoulders. “David, I want to show you just how good I can make you feel.” I say, biting my lip and giving him my best sexy eyes. I trace a finger down his chest and find the top button of his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. “Please?” I whisper as innocently as I can muster. Another button pops open, his toned chest slowly coming into view. “Will you let me do that?” Our eyes are locked, and I can see the hunger in his. Pop, another button releases. His shirt is open now and I can see his toned core, a trace of abs making me flush with heat. I take his shirt off and discard it on the floor, a pile which I hope would soon be growing.

I hear him softly moan now as my lips kiss down his chest, then to his stomach. I smirk, loving how under my spell he was right now. I skillfully sink to my knees beneath him and kiss around the hem of his pants, looking up at him with doe eyes. “May I?” I start to tug at his belt, eager to unleash the visible bulge protruding from his pants.

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