
The Party Starter


Episode One – https://.com/s/sweat-16

Episode Two – https://.com/s/scrubs-2

Episode Three – The Party Starter

The rest of that Monday, even though Kate wasn’t there, was amazing. Replaying our conversation. Her proposal. The way she had worked out all the details. The kissing. The grinding.

Tuesday, as advertised, I had meetings. In-person, on Zoom, over the phone. Maybe a couple of times people would ask me if I’d heard what they said… or I’d answer a question from a few minutes earlier.

Wednesday, I started to get my equilibrium back. Things got a little more normal. I spent the morning getting my grooming game back in shape. I made sure I trimmed in the right places.

I gave up the shaggy look down below years ago. I like a woman who will go down on me on the regular and I think it’s only courteous that I get all that extra shit out of the way. For her. For Kate. If that’s what gonna be on the card.

Head voice: (It’s IN the cards, Randy!) Shut up, asshole.

Thursday and Friday were follow-ups from earlier. Contracts. Consultations. Yada-yada.

Saturday was cleaning the house, shopping, running other errands. Winterizing the lawn mower.

Every night all week was a long, rapturous torture. Lying in bed, imagining Kate lying with me… lying on top of me… wanting to fuck me… like on the couch on Monday.

Or in the shower from a few weeks ago. Those tits and nipples pushing into my back. That mouth on my cock. That pussy pulsating around me as I spurted streams of cum into her.

Her voice. Her cries. Her passion.

Gentlemen, we’ve all experienced morning wood. I had it all fucking night… every fucking night.

Would it be the same, I wondered? Would it be worse? Could it possibly be better?

Sunday became a difficult day. I felt like I needed to talk to Kate. To confirm our appointment. To make sure she really wanted to go through with this.

I really wasn’t sure exactly when she left for work every day. I tried to figure that out earlier in the week, without success.

My head voice reminded me: (Randy, you said yourself she’s always go-go-go. She’s got a big life outside of you. Her daughter. Her friends. That body… you think it gets like that by itself? She’s probably at the gym on the daily.)

I had to admit that made some sense.

And still, it seemed that I was going to the bonus room window every 15 minutes. Shit, every five minutes, looking for the signal. Looking for one of those candles to be taken down.

I’m old fashioned. I don’t know how to do it this way. No courting. No conversation. No teasing. No flirting. No butterflies in the stomach.

No, that’s a lie. There’s a whole zoo of butterflies in my stomach. That party’s been going on all week long.

There’s anticipation, but it’s disjointed. It’s not connected to some magic words that the two of us somehow manage to say, in unison and with perfect harmony, at the exact right time, and that inevitably leads to incredible, magical fucking.

And the birds in the trees, all over the world, would rejoice.

No. I’m just supposed to show up tomorrow morning and have sex with her… I guess… depending on whatever’s written on the goddam card.

Then, finally, I check the window. And there is only one candle. It’s in the right-side window… right where she said it would be!

Jesus!… It’s game on! This is going to happen! Now if I can only get to sleep…

Now it’s Monday morning. I wake up, do my morning routine, have a bite to eat.

I take a shower, then realize I haven’t even thought about what I’m going to wear for this little soirée. Lots of options run through my mind, some involving clothes I don’t even own. Maybe another time.

I opt for simple: Grey exercise pants (which is my WFH go-to anyway), and — on a whim — a Duke T-shirt I had picked up years ago. Flip flops.

The pants have an elastic waist band, and a drawstring tie. I opt to leave the drawstring loose, not tied, for easier access or to get them off more quickly.

My cock twitches as I process that thought.

Oh, and I decide to go “commando” — no underwear.

I go back downstairs and wait. And wait… and wait… and wait… for the clock in my kitchen to click to 9:26.

9:26. Exactly. I had tracked the length of time I would need to make the circuit she described… that she PREscribed, ’cause she’s — you know — a doctor. I practiced it probably 20 times. Maybe 50.

The clock finally ticks off of 9:25. Fuck it. Today is the day. Now is the time.

I leave my house, walk through my back yard and up the hill to the back of her fence. There’s the gate… a big gate… big enough to drive a lawn tractor through.

The hasp is about hip high. I push to release it, and it moves less than a quarter inch. I push again, and again, and maybe one more time… and then it’s clear: The gate is not going to open.

Sometimes people will block the hasp with a nail… even a with stick. But the fence is too high for me to to reach over and remove something that doesn’t iskenderun escort require a key.

My head voice screams immediately. (I knew it! Goddamit… I knew this was too good to be true!)

To be honest, I was saying the exact same thing.

Then I hear a quiet little voice coming from Kate’s house. The voice is like it’s trying to be heard, but at the same time, not wanting to attract undue attention.

It’s Kate.

“Hey!! Oh, hey… hey!! Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit! Hang on… here I come!”

She’s hurrying as fast as she can down the steps of her deck, being careful to not slip in the morning dew.

She gets to ground level and scurries to the gate on the other side of the fence from me. She disappears below the top of the fence line as she runs but I soon see her form moving behind the gap in the sides of the gate.

After a second or two of jangling I hear the mechanics of the lock. The lock is removed and the hasp activates. The gate swings open toward me.

I actually have to step back a step or two. It’s a big gate. The result is this almost Spielberg-ian reveal of the incredible creature I have come to see. And… she is well worth seeing.

She’s wearing a knee-ish length black puffy down coat, zipped from the bottom to almost the top. She has on hose… are they some shade of green?? She also has house slippers on that nearly match the ones I have at my house… probably purchased from the My Pillow guy.

Except for the hose, it’s an outfit that she clearly threw on in a hurry. It wasn’t put together or coordinated at all. And she is still cute as hell.

“Good morning, neighbor!” she beams. She had been working all night but she’s radiant… jesus, she’s gorgeous! Does she always look like this??

“Oh, shit, Randy… I’m sorry! I told myself all week long to take this stupid lock off the gate and then I forgot.

“Come, come, come,” she beckons, just like in my bonus room last week.

I get on her side of the gate and she pulls it closed. It latches. Then she gives me a warm hug. She looks at the lock and says “That’s the last trouble you’ll give me!” She slips the lock, key still in its slot, into one of the pockets of her coat.

Next, she slips her arm inside mine and grips my hand, turning toward the house. We start walking the length of the yard.

“My ex-husband put that gate in right after we moved into this house,” she explains. “I think he wanted to use it for yard equipment or something. But then he locked it and he never opened it again.

“He said he wanted to make sure somebody didn’t come into the back yard, come into the house, and then have their way with me.”

Then she looks at me and then bemused, says: “I wonder what he’d think about me using it for the same thing… with you??”

Then she pulls my arm closer to herself and drops her head against my shoulder as an almost sideways hug.

She seems happy. And she seems excited.

We get to the deck and climb the steps together. I let her go into the house before me… it’s her house. After I enter, she closes the door behind me, and locks it.

“You’re right on time!” she exclaims as she turns to greet me again with a quick hug.

“I couldn’t stop looking…” I stammer, “… at the clock.”

“I was so excited to see you… I was watching out the back window. I realized the minute you got to the gate that it was locked. I’m so sorry!!…”

“So…” she twitters… almost giddy. “Are you ready??”

I look at her and smile. “I am.”

That pleases her. “Me too!” she exclaims.

“So,” she continues, “I need five minutes. Okay?”

“Sure,” I reply. “One question, though. Which room is your guest bedroom?”

“Oh, of course,” she responds. “You’ve never been upstairs. It’s at the top of the stairs, on the left. The corner is shaved off to make room for the door.”

I knew it immediately from my floor plan.

I say, “Oh. I think…”

And she says “I think…”

And we say in unison “that’s the room I/you use for my/your office.” The synchronicity is hard to skip over… and we both kind of giggle at it.

And then I have a flash of memory: “Oh!” I say. “The index card. The… um… topic for… for today?

“Where is it??” I ask.

“Right there on the table.” she replies as she points to it, face down.

“Don’t turn it over yet. And bring it upstairs with you. Rules are rules.”

Then Kate steps to the microwave that’s above the electric range in her kitchen.

“So… five minutes.” She presses four buttons, then a fifth one, and turns to me with a little flourish.

“See you in…” and she turns to her right to look over her shoulder at the clock. “Four minutes and fifty-four seconds.”

“I’ll be right up,” I reply.

Her eyes, still on the timer, turn to me.

“You’d better be,” she whispers. “All the way up.”

Holy shit.

Then she flits into her dining room, and heads up the stairs. Her voice trails back to me after: “Fifty-three… Fifty-two… Fifty-one…”

And finally: “You iskilip escort can look at the card now.”

Jesus Christ, she’s so beautiful. She’s so cute. She’s so sexy. Alluring. Funny. Astonishing.

I turn the card over. Three words, in her handwriting, I guess. One word per line:




Oh, jesus.

The contrast between her cutesy behavior just now and the words on the card is… astonishing. And the sexual lightning… jesus, she’s good at this… hits me like a ton of bricks.

And I have four-something minutes to figure out if I’m going to be enough for her.

In the shower the other week, it had been a surprise. She instigated that encounter. It was her game, and I just reacted to it… pretty well, I think… as she commented.

Now… today… I’m supposed to go upstairs in, oh shit… now three-something minutes… and recreate some magical experience for her? That her ex-husband, who she now hates, couldn’t deliver… never delivered… for her?

Holy shit! What have I signed up for? What am I supposed to do now?!?

My head voice comes to my rescue.

(Randy… Dude.) The voice says. (What the hell’s the matter with you? Look at that card!) And I do; it’s still in my hand. (It says for you to go up there and fuck her. She WANTS you to… fuck… her. Just! Fuck! Her! Your only alternative is to walk out of this house. And if you do that, I’m pretty sure you’ll never get another chance to… fuck her! So put all this other shit out of your head and…)

The microwave timer goes off: Beep-Beep… Beep-Beep… Beep-Beep. I find the “Cancel” button and press it. The beeping stops.

I turn to follow Kate, through the dining room and up the stairs.

Her stairs are just like mine; seven or eight steps, then a landing between the floors where you stop, change direction, and keep climbing.

My heart is pounding… my cock is twitching.

The door that’s my target is exactly where she said it would be.

I approach the door… and I knock, very softly. A voice on the other side says, “please come in.”

I grip and turn the knob, and the door swings open.

Kate is standing a few feet in front of the door, with a wry smile on her adorable face. She’s still wearing the black puffy coat, still fully zipped like it was outside and downstairs.

That’s a surprise.

The slippers are off her feet, out of view somewhere.

I move through the open door and close it softly behind me. I step out of my flip flops.

“Well, hello, neighbor,” she coos through her smile. “So nice to see you this morning. Please come in… make yourself… naked, maybe?”

She steps toward me and stops with her face inches from mine. My hands hang loose at my side, as hers do as well.

“We sealed this deal with a kiss,” she whispers. “Let’s start this… session… with another one.”

Her arms come up around my neck and her lips part softly, right as the kiss begins. Her lips are soft, warm, moist, tender. Her breath is cool and fresh and tingly. Her skin smells soft and warm and sweet.

Her tongue flickers out between her lips and connects, oh so lightly, with mine. My god, it’s a powerful kiss! She breathes out a sigh and a slight moan as our lips continue to gyrate for another few seconds.

She breaks the kiss and relaxes back a few inches.

“Now,” she says, “let’s start every session just… like… that.” She smiles and bounces her head in a single sharp nod as punctuation.

“And maybe end it that way as well…” I add.

“Ooohhh,” she coos… “I like the way you think, mister!”

She lowers her arms and stands before me. My hands rest lightly on her hips, beneath the puffy coat.

Neither of us is really sure how to start.

Head voice: (No. Randy, don’t do it!)

“Look, Kate,” I begin. “There’s one thing I want to say to you this morning.”

She’s looking at me, but doesn’t say anything.

Head voice: (Godammit, Randy!)

” I just want to make sure that this is really what you want,” I continue. “Once we get started, it’s probably going to be too late for us to stop… either one of us.”

Kate’s eyes move to the card that’s still in my hand. Then her eyes move to the door behind me. It’s unlocked.

She moves to the door, locks it, then returns to her place before me.

Her eyes then return to look into mine.

“Tell me what the card says, Randy,” she commands. “What are the exact words?”

“Just Fuck Me,” I whisper, staring back at her.

“Exactly,” she whispers.

Kate moves her hands to the front of the coat she’s wearing. With her left hand she pinches the right and left collars together. Her right hand grasps the zipper and she slowly pulls the zipper completely down until the two sides are separated.

She relaxes the hand holding the collar and the coat drops open. Both hands go the corresponding shoulder and she pushes the coat back and off. Her arms drop to her side and the coat slips off and drops to the floor.

Kate is standing in front of me. And istanbul escort she is an absolute vision. The stockings I saw before are thigh-highs in a mint green color. The stockings perfectly match a one-piece lace teddy, also mint green, that hugs her incredible body like a glove.

Her beautiful tits are straining against lace cups that are held up by the thinnest spaghetti straps. Her nipples are prominent and push forward, even through the lace.

She begins a pirouette before me and as she turns I see that the back of the teddy narrows into a thong that trails over her crotch to the front.

The cheeks of her gorgeous ass are plump and ripe and firm and luscious.

The turn is complete.

She returns her eyes to mine and whispers, “You know… it was me who started this whole thing.

“It was me who literally broke into your house the other week when you were in the shower.

“It was me who accosted you and nearly drowned you and we made love in your shower. And I didn’t even ask.

“I am the one who concocted this whole crazy plan.

“Do what the card says, Randy. Just. Fuck. Me.”

The sly grin. The eyes twinkle. Then,

“Doctor’s orders.”

It’s what I need to hear her say, and just the way I need to hear her say it.

It’s her special brand of sexual lightning. And it sizzles right through me… and anything else that’s holding me back.

I smile and strip off my jacket. It drops to the floor behind me. I step forward, take Kate into my arms, and the kisses start again, this time with wild intensity.

My arms move around her back. My hands cup her incredible ass cheeks and I pull her pelvis hard against my raging cock. She feels it through my exercise pants and softly, slowly grinds her pussy against me.

Meanwhile, Kate’s hands have moved under my T-shirt, and are roaming everywhere… front and back… like they did in the shower the other week. In a swoop, she pulls her arms upward, collecting my shirt along the way, and lifts it over my head.

My hands move to the spaghetti straps. I peel each slowly off the corresponding shoulder. The lace cups give way easily as I move my hands down across her gorgeous tits.

One hand finds an erect nipple and fingers squeeze and roll the nipple. The other hand moves to Kate’s neck and I pull her hard against my mouth as I ravage under her ear, across her jaw, down to her clavicle, down further to the other tit. I suckle it with my mouth and twiddle it with my tongue.

Kate is still grinding her pussy against my cock. Now, she cries out at the attention I’m giving her sensational breasts.

“Ohhh, god!” She says. Then: “That’s s-o-o unfair!”

Kate decides to up her game.

One hand moves to the waistband of my pants. I intentionally didn’t cinch the drawstring this morning, remember?

She slides her hand further down the outside and grips my cock from the front.

“Mmmmm…” she purrs in my ear, while I’m still feasting on her tits. “I love how hard you are…”

Which only makes me harder.

Kate strokes me gently… almost lovingly… from the front. We’re kissing again at this point, and she’s doing this delightful timing thing with her tongue in my mouth, coordinating with her strokes on my cock.

Her hands go back to my waistline… back to the elastic of my pants. She reaches inside… and realizes I’m commando down there.

“Mmph!… oh!” she cries, as she breaks the kiss. It’s almost like she discovered something that she shouldn’t have.

Then she realizes I’m commando… and she smiles…

The kiss resumes and, through it, she quietly whispers “You rascal…”

Then she attacks my mouth again while she pushes my pants down.

The pants drop on the floor.

I’m now totally naked before her. For her.

Her hands are back on my cock. Stroking… lightly pumping.

Shit. Oh… shit. This is awesome.

Her tongue continues to flitter around in my mouth. Her hands keep stroking… wait… she’s using both hands on my cock now?? With the tongue action in my mouth at the same time?

My Head Voice chimes in: (Where the fuck did she learn that little maneuver?)

I realizing I’m climbing my hill to orgasm much too quickly. I feel like I’m ahead of her. I need to slow down. I have to change tactics.

But this new challenge… to only do what’s on the card… is limiting. But it’s also exciting.

Most of us, I think, have a repertoire of activities and moves that we employ when getting from start to finish with a sexual partner: Kissing, then manual stimulation, then oral stimulation, then initial penetration, and on and on.

The card’s instructions challenge me to stay in one lane: Just Fuck Me.

She upped her game, now I have to up mine. I decide to follow her lead, using my hands.

We’re in kind of a kiss coma, Kate and me. And it’s fantastic.

Still, I grasp her hands away from stroking my my cock. She reacts slightly, until I move her hands behind her back and capture both wrists with my left hand, and hold them there.

My right hand moves to her neck, where I pull her closer into the kiss.

Then my right hand moves across her shoulder, pauses just a moment to fondle and squeeze her left breast, then slides to the center line of her breast bone, down the center of her stomach and down further still.

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