
Fart Revenge


Amanda would prank Charlotte all the time. Ever since they became roommates, there has been at least one prank a week. Some are harmless, like the time she moved Charlotte’s bed an inch to the right everyday until she noticed. Others end regretfully, like the time she locked the bathroom until Charlotte peed herself.

This day was the worst prank of all.

Amanda had found some sugar-free candy online that supposedly causes you to be gassy all day. She knew exactly what to do. You see, this idea extended beyond “farts are funny.” This was much more than that. 2 days prior, Amanda and Charlotte were chatting, when something was revealed.

“I don’t think anyone has heard me…pass gas in years. I’m mortified when it happens.” Charlotte had avoided using the word ‘fart’ – That’s far too crass for her taste; It was beneath her dignity. Of course, Amanda hadn’t stopped thinking about this since she heard it. She started by trying to figure out what foods might make Charlotte start tooting, but when she came across this sugar-free miracle, she had to search no longer.

She purchased both sugar-free and regular versions. The sugar-free were placed in a bowl on the dining table, whilst she held the sugary versions in her hands. She didn’t want to get herself gassy.

Amanda stood with her hand above the bowl, waiting for Charlotte to enter the room. As soon as she did, she retracted her hand, pretending she had just taken hers from the bowl. She popped one into her mouth, “Hey Charlotte,” she spoke as she pretended like the food mardin escort was no big deal.

“What are they?”

“Oh, I had some a while ago and loved them. Figured out the brand and got some more. They’re mine though.” Amanda knew that claiming they were hers would make Charlotte lose any suspicion.

Charlotte smiled, whilst reaching for the bowl. “Well I’m having some anyway,” she laughed.

They sat for a while, eating and chatting. “I haven’t even had much to eat today,” Charlotte wondered aloud, “should I really be eating something sugary before proper food?”

Amanda knew that she should really be concerned about something else.

As Charlotte stood up for the first time since eating the candy, she stopped halfway. Frozen there in a half-stood half-sat position, her face scrunched up slightly.

“You good there, girl?”

“I don’t know, just cramps I think.”

A short, audible squeak left her backside. *Prrt*. Amanda burst out into laughter.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t just… That wasn’t,” Charlotte struggled to find words. Flustered, she began to laugh, too, making the problem worse. With each sound of laughter, another squeak followed, matching her giggle.

*Prrt*, *prrrt*, *prt*, *bbrrrrppptttt*.

“Sorry,” Charlotte caught her composure, “I don’t know what’s happening.”

Amanda’s grin grew wider, as her laugh calmed down a little. “Me either.”

Charlottes eye’s narrowed at her.

“Did you somehow do this?”

Amanda’s eyes darted towards the bowl on the table. marmaris escort It was instinctive and accidental, but it was far more telling than her short and snappy “No.”

But Charlotte pretended to play along. “Guess my stomach just isn’t sitting right today.”

She may be easily embarrassed. She may be shy about bodily functions. But above all else, Charlotte likes revenge. I mean, who doesn’t?

As she walked past Amanda, she subtly pushed, right as Amanda’s head was near her ass.


“Fuck, excuse me,” Charlotte smiled as she walked. Amanda could not see this, as she coughed at the slight smell lingering in the air.

Half an hour later, both were in their own bedrooms. Charlotte had farted almost non-stop since. Rubbing her stomach, she decided more revenge was needed. She also wanted to escape her own scent that was slowly taking over her room. She left to join Amanda in her room.

“Stopped ripping ass yet?”

“A little,” Charlotte lied as she climbed onto Amanda’s bed, “what are you up to?”

“Just finding a show to watch. Got a shit-ton to catch up on.”

Charlotte wasn’t listening to her – She was focussing on her stomach. Waiting for the next gurgle…

Then it hit her. Without warning, she grabbed the blanket, trapped the two of them inside, and allowed her bottom to relax.


She sighed with relief – The pressure escaping her felt amazing. She could feel every ounce of air leaving her guts. The smell mecidiyeköy escort was disgusting – The sugar-free substitute caused her fart’s aroma to take on a rotten stink.

“What the fuck,” Amanda screamed, “oh my god get me out of here,” she laughed through the situation, despite choking on the scent.

“Want more?” Charlotte knew the answer would be ‘No’ – She did not care.


A 10-second, wet fart erupted from her backside.

“OH MY GOD,” Amanda managed to free herself, “your ass smells like death what the fuck.”

“You’re the one who fed me that sugar-free shit… Yeah, I figured it out!”

Despite freeing herself from the blanket, Amanda still smelt the lingering remnants in the air. Charlotte secretly let off a more discrete one.


“Get out of my room,” Amanda wasn’t angry, she knew she deserved this revenge. She couldn’t help but smile at the situation, “get out! I can’t stand the –” The smell hit her again as it got 10x stronger.

Charlotte laughed as Amanda gagged slightly.

“Did you just…”

“Yep. Silent but deadly.”

Charlotte felt one more brewing. She lifted up one buttcheek, tensed her face slightly, and grunted.


Neither of them knew how long it lasted. They both froze for the entire duration in disbelief. The wet fart continued for at least 15 seconds, sounding strong throughout. The stench was the worst, but neither of them even reacted to it – They were too stunned and distracted from the sheer length of it.

“Do you think we’re even now?” Charlotte asked with a smirk on her face.

“Yeah,” Amanda lied, already trying to think of her payback, “we’re even.”

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