
School for Women’s Pleasure Ch. 04


This story will not make a lot of sense if you have not read the previous chapters. I did not spend a great deal of time revisiting past events. Also, there is tech mentioned which would be great to experience that does not exist. This is intended to be the final chapter, but enough comments to the contrary could persuade me otherwise. There are places for our couple to go.

When Sandy and Robert arrived home from their latest session at Miss Mary’s School for Women’s Pleasure, Sandy immediately apologized for her decision to lock him up in chastity. It had been the first time SHE made the choice.

Robert hugged her close and reassured her, “Well, my understanding is the chastity cage is just to keep you and me from umm… practicing penetrative sex before Miss Mary says we’re ready, right?”

Sandy nodded.

“Well, I have a feeling her getting you to make the decision was another part of our therapy, to give you more self-confidence to be assertive. I doubt seriously Miss Mary was going to let me come home without the cage anyway. And… I’m kind of enjoying it for the time being, so you should not feel bad… ma’am…”

Sandy’s eyes sparkled, “MA’AM?”

Still holding her in his arms, he squeezed her beautiful butt. “Do you like that? Do you like being in charge?”

She had to think about her answer. “I do like the ma’am thing. I don’t think I want to be a dominatrix or anything. I don’t think I want to be ‘in charge’ all the time… but it could be nice if you deferred to me sometimes just for play.”

He had to ask, “And the chastity thing?”

She regarded him curiously. The chastity thing had not even occurred to her long term. “What do YOU think about the chastity after our therapy?”

She was surprised that he became animated, “I don’t think I would want to do it all the time, but it could be fun to play with occasionally.”

She did not understand. “Why?”

He flushed, “Again, not all the time. Its not like I prefer being locked up, but I have learned that when I am, its like he is being held in a firm grip all the time… its almost comforting…”

Sandy looked at him appraisingly, “Well… we might play with it occasionally if you want, but not all the time. When Miss Mary gets your stamina up, I plan to use the hell out of you, so there won’t be many opportunities to lock you up…”

Robert got a big grin on his face.

She asked, “What?”

Still smiling, “I am looking forward to being your boy toy, but more importantly, you said WHEN, not IF she gets me into shape. It occurs to me my mindset has changed too… I no longer have any skepticism. We are gonna fix this.”

Their week was similar to previous weeks. They went about their lives, work, social events, etc. And there was “cunnilingus practice” although Sandy had a hard time calling it that now, because Robert had gotten so good at it, and was SO enthusiastic!

When they arrived in Miss Mary’s office for their next therapy session, Robert immediately stripped off his clothing and put it away. When Miss Mary entered she nodded briefly in appreciation.

She sat behind her desk before addressing the couple. “Tonight will begin what will hopefully be the final phase of your therapy. Robert, Desiree will be helping you tonight, and Sandy, Gerald will help you. You will be separate, but there will be no sex tonight. There will be some physical contact, but no sex. When that occurs again, you will be together as always.”

They understood what she meant. Together inasmuch as they would witness the activity. Being locked in a booth was not quite “together.” Robert was more concerned about the “no sex” part, since he had been chaste all week.

Miss Mary caught his concerned expression. “You’re right, Robert. To make this evening productive, you should have some relief first.”

She turned to Sandy, “You have never actually seen Robert in the booth, have you?”

Sandy shook her head, “But I would like to see that.”

Miss Mary pushed an intercom button and Gertrude answered. “Gertrude, lets set Robert up in booth 5. That room is not in use tonight. Sync his diodes up to one of the other clients in another room, and let Sandy assist you and watch his session.”

A few minutes later, Sandy watched, intrigued, as Gertrude secured Robert into a chair, and secured the diodes and the penis tube onto him.

This time Gertrude added a very effective blindfold. Robert could see absolutely nothing. He stammered, “Wh-why?”

Gertrude replied patiently, “We have found that since you will not be able to see the people causing your sensations, taking your vision heightens the experience. You won’t be distracted looking around the empty bedroom, or your booth, or at myself and Sandy watching you. So your focus will be more on the sensations from the lovers.”

“Ya’ll are gonna stay and watch??” He thought about the tube which would force feed his own ejaculate to him, of how he would lose it inside the soundproof booth. osmancık escort What would Sandy think of him?

Sandy replied for Gertrude, “I’m very excited to be able to watch you… please don’t hold back.”

Robert had another question, “Do we know the lovers?”

Gertrude was more business-like now, “I cannot tell you that, for their privacy. That’s why you are not allowed to watch or hear them; only feel their sensations.”

He reflected for a moment. “That makes sense. Honey, please don’t think less of me after seeing this, I… I… Oh, gawwwwd… ohhhh…”

Robert could feel “his” long, hard penis sliding into a very wet, very tight vagina… and he could feel the vagina being penetrated by a large penis. He could no longer form recognizable speech.

It was not long before Sandy saw his entire body tense against the restraints and heard him cry out. The portion of his manhood she could see was pulsing. She could see his ejaculate racing up the clear plastic tube which led to his mouth. Suddenly his masculine orgasmic cries were interrupted by gurgling and swallowing sounds as he tried to consume all of the cum he was being fed.

She felt herself moisten. The pure eroticism of what she was watching was so intense. She was curious, “Why is it necessary to feed him his own cum like that?”

Gertrude smiled, “Well, ya’ll can do whatever you choose after you succeed here. But Miss Mary finds it beneficial to acclimate men to consuming their own semen. It is so wonderful for us girls not to have to jump up and go clean ourselves after sex. To be able to lay there and bask in the afterglow while your lover gently cleans you is devine. I mean, he gets to jizz, then roll over and go to sleep while you go clean yourself up? I don’t think so!”

She paused, then continued, “Besides, if he was allowed just to spew, imagine the mess in here.”

Both women giggled at that image.

Their attention was brought back to Robert, who exclaimed, “OMFG!” Then he began making muffled sounds.

Sandy looked at Gertrude for explanation.

Gertrude leaned in close and whispered, “We may have neglected to tell your hubby that we tied him into a group sex session. My guess is that a woman is either sitting on someone’s face, or a man is being fellated. Either way, Robby can feel it all…”

Sandy was shocked and thrilled, “You mean he might be sucking a dick??”

“It’s possible. Should we stop it?”

Sandy giggled, “Oh, hell no. It won’t hurt him… and its not like he is really giving a guy head. Now he’ll know what it feels like for me…”

With so many intense sensations and the knowledge he was being watched, Robert quickly regained his erection and was soon progressing, albeit more slowly, towards another orgasm.

The girls could not know it, but he was experiencing penile/vaginal intercourse from both sides, someone was kissing and tweaking his nipples, and yes, he felt a man’s penis being fellated… which meant he also felt a penis in his mouth. Fortunately it was not a well endowed man, so he was not having to adjust to having his throat filled.

Until the man finished… it was an unreal experience. There was nothing there, but Robert could “feel” the man cumming, and at the same time “feel” the hot jizz being fired down his throat.

The girls watched in amazement as he swallowed repeatedly, though they could tell he had not cum himself. Yet.

With all of the stimulation and eroticism it was not long before he did so, screaming as he experienced an extended orgasm while the stimulations did not stop, again swallowing repeatedly, this time to consume his own ejaculate.

As she watched her husband groaning in delirium, still experiencing incredible stimuli although he was spent, Sandy had to ask, “Holy crap. Does this work for girls too??”

Gertrude grinned conspiratorially, “YES. It’s just that the guys are usually the ones that need it during therapy. We’ll talk to Miss Mary and hook you up if you want…”

Watching and listening to Robert had Sandy moist and ready. “Oh, hell yeah.”

Gertrude quickly removed Robert’s diodes. He could have taken more, but this session was only supposed to take the edge off. He would need some energy for tonight’s actual therapeutic intent.

With Gertrude’s assistance, Robert stood on trembling legs. Sandy stepped forward and gave him a heartfelt hug, “Thank you, baby. I can’t believe you are enduring all of this for us.”

After relaxing together in a lounge so Robert could rehydrate, the couple were escorted their separate ways. Robert met up with Desiree, Sandy with Gerald.

This time, thanks to Robert’s relief session, he went into therapy relaxed and temporarily sated. This time it was Sandy who began her session in need, and Miss Mary had already told them there would be no sex tonight.

So Sandy was about to experience the tease.

Gerald explained to her there would be no sex. But there most certainly osmangazi escort would be touching. He slowly and lovingly removed her clothing… one item at a time, with occasional tender touches to her flesh. She sighed with each contact, anticipating Gerald’s large manhood despite the admonitions that she would not feel it tonight.

Once she was nude, Gerald asked her to disrobe him. Despite her intention to disrobe him as slowly as he had disrobed her, she practically ripped his clothes from his body.

Soon enough they were nude together. Sandy eyed the thick, long slab of meat hanging flaccid from his midsection. She yearned for him to fill her with it, or to use his talented tongue to provide the orgasm she craved.

Instead he guided her to the bed, coaxing her to lay down. Then he lay down behind her, spooning her body, his member lodged between her thighs. Laying her head on one of his arms as a pillow to make their cuddling more intimate, he used his other hand to tenderly caress her entire body.

She was enjoying his attentions, but wanted more. She instinctively began pressing her buttocks back against him, signaling that she wanted him to enter her, to take her.

His manhood responded, and was soon fully erect, reassuring her that she was wanted. It tapped at her abdomen, but he refused to press it home.

Sandy mewled plaintively, “Please, daddy… baby needs to cum…”

He continued to caress and kiss her, explaining soothingly, “Tonight is to practice the idea that not all sexual contact needs to end in orgasm, baby. Sometimes it is better to enjoy the journey and leave yourself in a heightened sexual state. We will teach you and your hubby the Karezza method, among other things in the coming weeks, along with some meditation techniques.”

He guided her to roll over and face him. “Now, caress me as I do you… we will simply enjoy each other without expectation of orgasm…”

She pouted playfully, “I’d rather you just do me… but okay…”

Down the hall in another bedroom, Desiree began the same exercise with Robert. He was already nude, and he removed her clothing slowly and carefully as if he were unwrapping a fragile birthday present. Which is how he felt. He was thrilled that he would get to actually touch her amazingly sensuous, responsive body and his erection quickly returned. As her pert B cups and her thick buttocks and puffy womanhood came into view, he could not help but mutter, “OMG.”

Desiree was not a sex addict, but she did like sex. And there was something about this particular client, Robert, that turned her on. He did have a nice physique, and his equipment was just the size she liked. But it came from somewhere else… it was not physical. He was kind and considerate, and his motivations for being at the school were entirely unselfish. Simply put, he was a nice guy. She hoped to someday find a Robert of her own.

This said to explain the other sight that caused Robert’s heartbeat to race and his cock to throb. Desiree’s puffy pussy lips were glistening because they were already positively soaked, and her little upturned nipples were engorged.

She was as aroused as he was. That did wonders for his ego.

She guided him to lay down on the bed and spooned him from behind. She very lightly traced a fingertip along his tumescent shaft, “We cannot cum tonight, Hun. I want you to know that will be as HARD for me as it is for you…”

He held his breath at the intensity of her faint touch, but his thoughts were on her, “I understand why I can’t cum… but why should you be punished? I could still make you cum…”

He was envisioning when he had seen her orgasm, practically drenching him in her ejaculate. He imagined her doing that with his face in her sex… and throbbed.

Her breath was as ragged as his. “Because this exercise is to demonstrate that we can enjoy each other’s attentions without achieving orgasm, and it can still be wonderful. To show you that orgasm can be an occasional treat rather than the primary goal of love-making…”

Robert had nothing to say to that. He was imagining how great that would be… but at the same time his manhood wanted desperately to explode, and his imagination was remembering her squirting copious amounts of cum.

All he could manage was, “Fuck.”

Desiree giggled in an excited rasp, “Come on, honey… we can do this, but we gotta work together…”

She coaxed him to lay flat on his back. Then she slowly, almost lackadaisically explored his entire body with her fingertips and her mouth. She was so slow and loving that it took over an hour. Robert maintained his erection… how could he not? However her attentions relaxed him, and he found he could actually just enjoy them. She was masterful at arousing him without letting him orgasm. She edged him repeatedly.

She lay back finally. “Now, you do me. Remember… I cannot be allowed to cum.”

This was actually more difficult for him. osmaniye escort Now he was in control, rather than just focusing on resisting an urge to exceed her ministrations so he could cum. And now, finally being able to enjoy her incredible attributes, he had to resist the desire to experience her orgasms with his face in her crotch.

He tried to mimic her acts upon him. He very slowly caressed her body from the top of her head to her toes. Using a light touch with only his fingertips, he traced her flesh, her pert breasts, her smooth tummy, her swollen sex and her thighs. It did not help that she was very vocal in her appreciation. It took a great deal of effort for him to stop twiddling her clit as she was moaning and pushing her hips upwards towards him. Or to ignore her plaintive cries when he stopped and moved on. But that is what she had demanded. After completing his mapping of her flesh with his fingertips, he repeated his exploration with his mouth and tongue. By the time he was done, she was damn near apoplectic with need. And so was he.

Both couples worked themselves to a fever pitch, but obeyed the lesson of the evening not to achieve release.

At the end of the evening, Robert, Desiree and Sandy found themselves in Miss Mary’s office. The ladies watched as Gertrude placed the chastity device back upon Robert’s manhood, securing him from any hope of relief.

Sandy asked, stammering, if they were to abstain until they returned. She was practically vibrating with need. So was Desiree.

Miss Mary paused. “Not at all, dear. YOU may cum as much as you please in the interim, as always. Over the next several weeks, we will repeat this exercise. In fact, might I suggest you and Desiree show poor Robert what he is missing?”

With that she left her office for the night. Sandy was puzzled. Desiree was not. She pulled Sandy into a sixty-nine on Miss Mary’s desk. Sandy quickly caught on, and Robert, his straining manhood secured, watched helplessly as his wife and his lover devoured each other to repeated screaming orgasms.

Sandy had never experienced a lesbian encounter before… she had never even imagined it. But now all she and Desiree cared about was the release both desperately needed. So each lashed the other’s clit, both turned on all the more by knowledge that Robert had to watch helplessly, unable to gain the release they enjoyed.

The effect on Robert was intense. He had wanted to make his wife cum. He had wanted to make Desiree cum. Now he had to watch both of them doing to each other what he wanted to do. He wanted HIS face buried in their sopping wet womanhoods. He was surprised at how adept Sandy was at licking pussy. She would later tell him she had him to thank for her skills… she simply did to Desiree the things he always did for her.

Robert thought it was a good thing the chastity device was a high quality steel cage. If it were plastic he was certain his straining cock would have burst out of it.

When they were sated, the women stood to dress. Desiree obtained some cleaning supplies, “Be a dear, Bobby, and clean up Miss Mary’s desk for us while we get dressed?”

The next several weeks were much the same exercise. Sandy felt less and less guilt about utilizing Robert’s skills during the week and not taking care of his needs. She was never cruel about it; she loved on him and expressed her appreciation. It just began to feel normal for her to “get it” anytime she felt the need, without having to reciprocate. For Robert’s part, he had always loved giving her orgasms without “getting any” himself… it was an incredible sexual high. But with the exercises they were experiencing at the school, there was a change. Before he had been incredibly frustrated. Now, increasingly, he simply enjoyed the sensations. He still became very turgid inside his cage, he just did not feel denied.

Each session would begin with him getting his release in the booth. Then he and Desiree would lay together, caressing each other, trying to bring each other to new heights without release. Sandy would do the same with Gerald.

Sandy and Desiree were becoming fast friends. Sandy swapped things up a bit. After each session, when Robert was securely caged, she asked him kneel and perform cunnilingus on her and Desiree. He finally got to experience Desiree cumming on his face.

During one session, Miss Mary suggested that perhaps it was time for Sandy to feel what Robert felt. At her direction, Gertrude secured Sandy into a booth and placed the diodes on her.

She watched as Robert and Desiree entered the bedroom. Transmitter diodes had been placed only on Robert. When the couple lay on the bed and began caressing each other, Sandy was amazed. She could “feel” her husband’s extremely tumescent cock while she watched. She could feel Desiree’s fingertips tracing it, her mouth enveloping it. Sandy squirmed… it felt like it might burst! Is this how he ALWAYS felt?? It was so fucking intense!

Then she got a real lesson. Robert had not been told Sandy was in the booth. Desiree knew, and was part of the lesson.

Desiree guided Robert onto his back and straddled him. Her nether lips hovered just above his erection. “Time to up the stakes a bit, Bobby. Don’t you DARE nut inside me.”

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