
Angels and Demons Ch. 02


Then she rolled onto her side and opened up the package of paperwork. Her father would never let her keep much of the money, but she was still about to be one of the few in her colony to have a legitimate job. The first couple of pages were part of a very extensive non-disclosure contract. Apparently all she could tell anyone was that she worked as part of a cleaning crew. Anything else and, well, the penalties were quite stiff. She pulled a pen from her purse and signed it.

The next morning, she woke up earlier than normal and raced out to her and Kelly’s little secret meeting spot. It was an abandoned shed, hidden away amongst the rubble of one of the districts destroyed during a riot some years ago. The peacekeepers had decided to quell the riot with artillery, and so several of districts of the colony had been thoroughly demolished. It was so well hidden in all the devastation that not even the imps had found it. Kelly, with her magnificent wings, could just fly in but Chloe had to make her way through the rubble to get to it. How the bombs had managed to destroy everything around it but leave one little shed unscathed, was a mystery.

The shack was divided into two rooms. The front room was pretty empty, save a few belongings the two had left there over time. The back room was where they spent most of their time. They had stacked a few sleeping matts in one corner and put a crate at the end to serve as a footboard, which they’d tossed a few extra pillows and sheets in. All in all, it clean and comfortable and private.

At most, they were able to spend a few hours there before school, but those few hours were what made everything else, her father’s beatings, those creeps at school, that bastard Mr. Brunswick, everything bearable.

Even though she lived further away, Kelly was almost always the first one there. But not today! This time Chloe was sitting patiently on the edge of her bed, slowly teasing her clit as her friend walked in. Just seeing those hips swaying and breasts barely contained within her uniform shirt was almost enough to make Chloe push herself over the edge. But she bit her lip and eased her hand away from her hungry pussy.

“Hey, babe. What’s got you so excited? I’ve barely see anything of you in the last few days. Some boy better not be stealing you away from me,” she said, leaning on the edge of the doorway, grinning and flexing a serpentine wing.

“Girl, have I got the story for you,” Chloe said and began relating the details of the last few days.

“Wow, I don’t even know where to begin,” Kelly said when she was finished.

The Succubus folded her wings back up and joined Chloe on the bed.

“So, you want me to be mean to you?” Kelly asked, putting an arm around Chloe and sliding her free hand up her naked leg.

Chloe immediately let out an involuntary moan at the touch.

“Not mean, no. I-…,” Chloe couldn’t quite find the words.

“Shhhhh, babe. Don’t I always take care of you,” Kelly said, putting her finger over Chloe’s lips.

As that hand made it’s way all the way up her leg, her eyes practically rolled into the back of her head. A single, long nailed finger slipped between her pussy lips. She took in a long breath and moaned. After all the teasing she’d done to herself earlier, it only took two or three minutes for Kelly’s skilled hands to bring her right to the edge again.

“I’m really close,” she moaned.

“Tell me what you want,” Kelly said.

“I… Kelly, please,” Chloe said between moans.

She was SO close. If Kelly didn’t ease off she was going to cum.

“All you have to do is say what you want, babe,” Kelly said.

“Please, this isn’t how I- Oh goddess, please don’t let me cum! Please!” Chloe finally forced herself to say.

Finally, at the absolute last moment, Kelly stopped. Teeth clenched and every muscle tensed, Chloe could feel the first wave of an incredible orgasm slowly ebb away. She whimpered and moaned as it disappeared.

“This what you wanted?” Kelly asked.

“No, not exactly. I don’t… I don’t wan you to stop altogether. Just slow down so I, you know, can’t finish. But keep me on the edge,” Chloe explained, her red skin turning bright pink in a blush.

“Hm…, this could be fun,” Kelly said.

“You don’t think I’m weird?” Chloe asked.

“Of course not, babe. Just watch out, I might decide I like it more than you,” Kelly said, cradling her with a wing and sliding her hand back down between Chloe’s legs.

Despite starting out slower this time, she was still on the edge within a minute.

“I’m really close,” she whimpered.

She was going to cum. She was so close. That wave of pleasure was coming in even stronger than before. She clenched her teeth and her muscles went stiff. But Kelly had already started to ease off. The wave of pleasure roared around her again and again, but never quite reached its climax. A wingtip reached around to tease her nipple, driving her even closer to the edge. It went on like this for tavşanlı escort what seemed like forever.

Finally she just couldn’t take it anymore.

“Okay… Okay, I’m ready to cum,” she said.

Kelly just smiled. She’d never noticed just how perfect her friend’s lips were before. They parted, revealing pearly white teeth and a serpentine tongue, and the word “no” slid out.

“No, Kelly, I really mean it. I- oh goddess! I can’t take anymore,” Chloe begged.

“No,” Kelly said again, smiling devilishly.

“Kelly…,” she whimpered.

Her friend was obviously enjoying it. What had she gotten herself into? She whined and whimpered and begged but Kelly just smiled and kept teasing mercilessly.

“Please, I’ll do anything…,” she finally said in desperation.

“Be my slave for a day?” Kelly said.

“Yes, okay. Anything,” Chloe screamed.

Before the words were even fully out of Chloe’s mouth, Kelly began picking up the pace. Bare seconds later it happened. She screamed and jerked as the orgasm FINALLY swept over her. Her whole body rocked with pleasure for almost ten glorious minutes before the world came back to her.

Now she was laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Kelly sat beside her, running her fingers through her hair.

“Wow, babe. That was pretty long, even for you. Must have been good,” Kelly said.

“Do I really have to be your slave?” Chloe croaked.

“Sure do. And since we only get to spend mornings alone together, that means we’ll have to divide it up. Say… thirty hours in a day, divided by four hours each morning. Comes down to seven, round up to eight mornings,” Kelly said.

“Hey, that’s not fair,” Chloe said, still to weak to sit up.

“Babe, how long have we known each other? Eight days from now, you’ll be begging me for more,” Kelly said

Chloe wasn’t so sure about that, but a promise was a promise. She wondered just what the succubus had in mind.

“Now, in the meantime, I believe I have some needs for you to take care of,” Kelly said, spreading her legs.

Her clean, bare pussy glistened with her hot juices. Chloe was immediately drawn to it. Arms and legs still wobbly, she crawled to it. Before her tongue had even reached it, Chloe felt a hand pressing firmly against the back of her head. In an instant her face was buried in Kelly’s intoxicating pussy. Legs closed in tightly around the back of her head, preventing her from pulling away even if she wanted to. She ran her tongue across her friend’s clit, bringing forth a deep, throaty moan. The legs tightened and the pressure on the back of her head intensified. It was one of Kelly’s favorite things to do; hold her their and refuse to let het breath until Chloe’d made her cum. Sometimes she’d make her do it three or four times in a row with just one desperate gulp of air in between.

Today, however, Kelly would be satisfied with just two. The first one came relatively quick. Teasing Chloe had evidently worked her up quite a bit. She came hard and made sure to thoroughly drench Chloe’s face with her orgasm before letting her come up for air. One gulp. That was all she was allowed before Kelly forced her face back into the wetness. It literally splashed across her face and ran down between her breasts. And of course, it was impossible to keep from filling her mouth as she licked. She couldn’t help but wonder just how far Kelly would take it if she didn’t make her cum fast enough!

Thankfully, she wouldn’t have to find out today. Soon, Kelly began to tense up again. A minute later, she felt those legs tightening up around her head. A single heel pressed into the middle of her back, forcing he to arch it downward. Then came the second flood. There was so much of it that she had no choice but to swallow whole mouthfuls of the climactic juices.

When Kelly was finally done she rolled over, leaving Chloe gasping. A single wing cradled her as she lay down next to her friend.

“I don’t think I’ve ever came so hard, babe,” Kelly was saying.

“I could tell,” Chloe said, wiping her lips.

“I didn’t hear you complaining,” Kelly said.

“As if I could,” Chloe shot back.

They both giggled. Goddess, why couldn’t she just live in that moment forever? It wasn’t like they’d never talked about. But her father would never allow it. …And he would find her.

“Guess we’d better get cleaned up for school,” Kelly finally said.

It was always over too quick. But at least this job meant that she wouldn’t have to go home to her father after school. They quickly cleaned up as best they could, though Chloe was sure that the smell of sex was still in he hair. She’d have to try and rinse it out before class.

“Oh, and slave,” Kelly said, outside.

Chloe raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t want you cumming without my permission,” Kelly said.

“What!” Chloe half screamed.

“You heard me, slave. No cumming. Guess you’d better hope I’m in a generous mood tomorrow morning,” Kelly tekirdağ escort said, and with a flap of her wings was gone.

Now, how was she supposed to make it until the next morning without cumming at least once? And the worst part was, the more she thought about it, about how hard it would be, and how desperate she’d be… the more aroused she became!

Concentrating in class was just impossible. The more she tried not to think about Kelly’s last words, the more they seemed to creep into her mind. And the note she slipped her at lunch did nothing to help the matter.

Hey babe,

I know you’ll touch it. But every time you get close, just imagine me looking down at you, saying, “No.” Hope this helps!

Miss K. (that’s what I want you to call me from now on)

It was deliberately vague, incase another student or a teacher saw it. But Chloe knew exactly what it meant. She immediately had to run to the bathroom for some privacy. There, in the stall all the way at the back, she reread the little note again and again. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. Down between her legs, her pussy was downright throbbing with desire. She wanted to touch it just a little, but she knew that if she did it would just make things harder. Juices were already beginning to coat its red lips. A tiny trickle was just about to run down between her ass cheeks. She snatched up some toilet paper and cleaned it all up as best she could before heading back out to her next class. How could Kelly, er Miss K do this to her?

The second half of the day went much the same as the first. Eventually she was able to push her frustrations from her mind for at least a little while. For the first time ever she was actually looking forward to getting out of school. Even Mr. Brunswick’s hour-long rant about the supremacy of mankind seemed to just fade into the background. And finally the bell rang and she could go.

“Ms. Chloe, a word please,” Mr. Brunswick said as she was passing by his desk.

She carefully curled her tail up around he waist so that he couldn’t reach it this time. So instead he tried to wrap his fingers around the strap to her purse but she stepped away, towards the doorway.

“Sorry Mr. Brunswick. I have to get to my new job,” she said with more than a little satisfaction and stepped out.

“A job? How in the hells did you find a job?” she heard him calling as she walked own the hallway.

She couldn’t help but grin. Who knows? If Mr. Kane was really that much of a philanthropist, she might be getting paid more than her so-called teacher. Oh, that was a thought she relished.

Outside, everyone else was heading back towards the colony. Any other day she would have been, too. But today she just took a seat on one of the rickety benches beside the door and waited with her little black and red purse in her lap. Just as her mind was beginning to wander back to Miss K and her cruel game, a yellow and white care pulled up. The vehicle wasn’t nearly as fancy or new as the one the woman in the suit had had. It was just one of the local transit company’s auto-cabs. The rear door opened and a dark-skinned demon with wire rimmed glasses waived out at her.

“Chloe?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Chloe said as she approached.

“Hi! I’m Zoe,” she said eagerly gesturing for Chloe to get in the car. “Sorry, it’s only programmed to wait for about a minute. Trust me, I’ve went running after it before. Not fun.”

Sure enough, just as Chloe was taking her seat, the door slid closed and the vehicle began to whiz off. The interior of the vehicle was arranged into three rows of seats with the front row facing back towards the rear two. Someone had laid the middle row down flat. She had taken a seat in the rearmost row. Her new companion was sitting across from her in the remaining row.

“So, you go to school here, too?” Chloe asked, noticing her identical uniform.

“Yeah, don’t you recognize me? We take Intermediate Sciences together,” Zoe said.

Chloe honestly didn’t recognize her at all. She made an apologetic face.

“It’s okay. I’m usually pretty quiet,” Zoe said, doing a terrible job of hiding her disappointment.

“So, you work for Mr. Kane, too?” Chloe asked, trying to change the subject.

“Mv parents keep most of the money but I don’t mind. I’m just happy to have somewhere to go besides home,” Zoe said.

It was a familiar story. Chloe leaned one of her stubby little horns against the glass and looked out the tinted window. The ride was so smooth that it was hard to believe that they were even. But sure enough, the outside world was whizzing right along. She looked back at Zoe just in time to see her breasts popping out of her shirt as she unbuttoned it.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“What are you doing?” Chloe asked.

It was hard not to stare at those pert breasts. Especially with her pussy so desperate for satisfaction. They were definitely smaller than hers, but on someone of such tepebaşı escort a slight frame they were more than plenty.

“Oh, we’re expected to be in uniform when we arrive,” Chloe explained, crawling onto the flattened down middle seat to pull her skirt and panties off.

The sight of her perfect bare pussy was just too much. She dug her nails into her palms and took a long, deep breath in an effort to distract herself. Damn that body of hers!

“Do you think you could help me with this? These suits are so hard to get on by yourself,” Zoe said, pulling some sort of black and white uniform out of her pink pack.

Chloe took the garment and began unfolding it. It was made out of some extremely elastic material and all seemed to be one piece. She immediately loved how smooth it felt on her skin. She turned it over and then over again.

“It feels so… Smooth,” Chloe said for lack of a better word.

“I know! It feels so nice all over my body. It’s called future-latex. It’s like a giant hug. Honestly, I’d wear it all the time if I didn’t have to take it off to go home,” Zoe said with a little giggle that caused her glasses to slide down on her nose.

Chloe turned it back over and unzipped it so that Zoe to slide her feet in. At first, everything went smoothly. But as the material stretched more and more to accommodate Zoe’s legs they began to have to work at it. First they’d work it up a little ways on one side and then on the other. It was completely form-fitting, right down to the toes. Finally, they made it up to her hips.

“You can’t imagine how hard this is to do by yourself,” Zoe said as they both pulled up on the uniform.

And then, all at once it came up. In back it spread her ass cheeks apart perfectly and in front it did the same for her pussy lips. Chloe was at the perfect angle to appreciate it too, as when the it all happened she had slipped forward and landed on her elbows, between Zoe’s legs. The material hugged her body so tightly that her lips and clit were plainly visible. Except instead of deep red, they were now coated in super shiny black. She looked up to see Zoe leaning her head back and moaning with pleasure.

The moment Zoe looked down an saw Chloe looking up at her, she jumped back. Of course there wasn’t very far to go within the car.

“I’m so sorry! It’s just that every time I put it on, well… its so smooth and it slides right over my… Well, sometimes I even, you know… cum when I put it on,” Zoe rambled, blushing bright red.

Chloe couldn’t help but smile at her new friend’s embarrassment. Then, without even thinking about it, she reached out and ran her index finger down the length of Zoe’s shiny pussy. She immediately threw her head back, balled fists tightly, and moaned.

“I- I- what are you…,” Zoe whimpered.

“Do you want me to stop?” Chloe asked, suddenly afraid that her throbbing pussy had caused her to cross some line.

“Well, no… it’s just that I… well, my boyfriend says that I’m not allowed to do this. Not even with other girls,” she said.

“It’s okay. I sort of understand,” Chloe said, with a frown.

She got up off her elbows and crawled around behind her to help pull the uniform the rest of the way on. The arms went on much easier than the legs.

“Oh, your boyfriend doesn’t let you either?” Zoe said.

It was very apparent from the sound of her voice that she was very grateful for Chloe’s understanding.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” Chloe said.

“Well, girlfriend then,” Zoe said.

Chloe zipped the back up and then moved back to her seat. The finished product was stunning. It was completely form-fitting, as though it were a second skin, with a short little skirt built in. The outfit was all black with white accents around the wrists, the bottom of the skirt, and across the chest, giving the illusion of a very low neckline, though the black material continued all the way up to the bottom of her chin. Her erect nipples were clearly visible. And like any maid uniform, it had a decorative white apron around the front.

Just looking at her in it made Chloe’s resolve to keep her promise to Miss K. weaken.

“Not exactly. It’s hard to explain. But…,” Chloe said and then paused as a twinge of embarrassment hit. “I’m sort of not allowed to cum without her permission.”

“Oh my gosh! That’s got to be so hard. Why would she do that to you?” Zoe asked, earnestly.

“I kind of brought it on myself,” Chloe said, and explained the fantasy and how Kelly had used it to become Miss K.

She didn’t exactly know why she was being so open with this girl she’d just met, but it just felt right. Like when she’d first met Miss K, she could sense that she wouldn’t be judged. Why they hadn’t become friends sooner, she didn’t know.

Zoe frowned. “If I told my boyfriend about a fantasy like that, he’d just think it was dumb.”

Then an idea creeped into Chloe’s mind.

“Did he say that you couldn’t do anything with another girl, or just that you couldn’t have sex with one?” she asked.

“I- I guess just sex. Why?” Zoe asked, adjusting her glasses.

“Well, its not sex if I just tease you,” Chloe said.

“But what if I… you know,” Zoe whispered as though her boyfriend would somehow hear it.

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