
The Perfect Candidate Ch. 02


The Perfect Candidate – Chapter 2 – The Meeting

“Hi Boy. 6pm. The Library. Nonfiction section. Section.613. Clean attire.”

Scott looks at the text, curses under his breath, and hops into the shower. As he’s washing himself, he can’t help but remark at the progress he has made on his fitness. For the past year, he had been going to the gym multiple times a week and was focusing on a protein heavy diet. Recently, it’s paid off in a broader chest, defined shoulders, bigger arms, and a solid core. It’s hard for him not to flex in the mirror every time he walks by. Scott has slowly discovered that feeling like a Greek God is addicting.

Once he gets out of the shower, Scott dries off and then goes to get dressed. He picks out some black Calvin Klein briefs, blue jeans, untucked button down, and some brown shoes and heads out. He hails a taxi and rides to his destination – the library.

In the back of the taxi, Scott’s mind was swimming with questions.

“Who was Sir?”

“What was Sir going to do to Scott?”

“Why did Sir choose Scott?”

By the time he hops out of the cab and walks into the main room of the library, Scott’s heart is pounding against his throat. “The room is so quiet, I hope the patrons can’t hear it.” Scott says praying to himself.

He looks down at his directions, “Nonfiction section. Section.613.” Looks like it’s down towards the back of the library. He walks down the main corridor towards the nonfiction section.

His head turned to the side as he walked. Aisle after aisle, occasional flashes of an old person or a student peering into the row. As the numbers start to get closer to his destination, he slows down.

It wasn’t until the to the row with the sex education books, that’s when Scott finally see him.

He’s wearing black boots, blue jeans, a leather jacket, t-shirt and a hat which both show the same symbol as the first email. He looks to be in his late fifties or early sixties and clearly spent many of those years outdoors. He’s got a wise face that shows he scowls more than he smiles. He is an intimidating frame – if this meeting had been in a back alley instead of a library this would have looked like a textbook mugging. The man before Scott showed all of the traits of a dominant and confident man – who did whatever he wanted without compromise.

There was no doubt in Scott’s mind that this was the man.

When his eyes make it up from the tunceli escort man’s boots to his eyes – the man holds eye contact for a moment and then speaks.

“Good boy. I’m so happy you made it here in person. You’ve taken the first step in discovering who you truly are.”

“I’m confused, how do you think you could possibly know who I am?”

The man chuckles a bit and then hands me a thick three-ring binder with my name on it. I open it up to find hundreds of pages organized in tabs. As I flip through the tabs, my heart sinks.

It’s my web browsing history from my work devices. Every dirty website I’ve been to while I’ve been at the company has been carefully captured, printed, organized, and is now in my hands.

So not only does this guy have access to my bank, phone, and medical record but he also knows every website I’ve been to. It’s like this man owns my life.

As I look up at him smiling like the Cheshire Cat, I think he enjoys seeing my gears turning as I accept this revelation.

“As it currently stands, only you and I know the contents of that binder. Like you, I’d prefer to keep it that way. To do that, you’ll have to do what I say.”

Scott realized he had few options. The contents in the man’s hands would be enough to destroy his reputation and push away his friends and family. On the other hand, if he complied, there was no guarantee that the man wouldn’t release the contents of the binder anyway.

“I practice a form of art – I call it ‘The Method’. The Method is practiced between “a master” who performs rituals on a “submissive” who is ultimately transformed through the process. These rituals will test your physical and mental limits causing pleasure, pain, or sometimes even both. The goal is to pass all of the tests of discovery. Passing these will open pathways about yourself you didn’t know existed.

As a master trained in ‘The Method’, I get the privilege of only giving this to candidates that I select. It is considered an honor to be chosen for this path.

I have done this with a number of candidates in the past – many have succeeded in passing tests of discovery – but none have completed the entirety of The Method.”

So here’s the deal, I’m going to coach and mentor you to a point where I feel like you can thrive. You’re going to be among a select group of young men that I have personally mentored. Here’s the best part about turgutlu escort this journey – I’m going to coach you entirely for free. All you need to do is follow my orders and not disobey me. “

As Scott began to open his mouth, the man pointed to the binder tab labeled “Contract”. Scott flipped the tab and looked down at a pre-signed contract.

In the contract, two “roles” were defined – a Dominant and a submissive. It seemed to Scott like it was almost like an apprenticeship. Scott would have to be respectful of him, refer to him only by Sir, receive any command he demands. Scott must complete any commands (as long as Scott was able to), and if Scott were to fail, he would be punished. If Scott receives anything of value from him, Scott must receive it willingly and graciously. There were some other written details but the agreement seemed pretty straight-forward.

However, when I got to the “enforcement” section, he saw something that made his hair stand up.

“Spanking? Really?”

Scott looks up to the man who peers down and speaks without a quiver in his voice.

“Yes, completely necessary. Don’t worry, if you follow my orders, you will not receive any spanking.”

Scott turns his head back down to the binder. After silently reviewing the contract for a few more moments, it dawns on him that this is likely doable. It’ll be like Karate Kid, he’ll have Scott paint a fence or wash a car, think it will “built up his character”, and then the man will give Scott his freedom. This seems like a situation that he can take advantage of…

When Scott gets to the bottom of the contract, he realizes why he had them meet up in person. The contract required both a signature and a verbal response. Scott reads and rereads and begins to internalize the lines. If he gets the words out of his mouth, he can get out of here and begin figuring out how to game this agreement.

Scott looks back up at the man. “I willingly accept the terms of the agreement and I voluntarily submit myself entirely to your stewardship.”

He reached for his pocket and pulls out his phone. Pointing the camera and his eye down on Scott he says “Do it again, boy, and make sure to look at the camera.”

Scott stares at the phone in the man’s large hairy hands and says it again.

“I willingly accept the terms of the agreement and I voluntarily submit myself entirely to your stewardship.”

“Good turhal escort Boy” he purrs.

The man then reaches into a pocket and pulls out another phone.

“Here, this is for you. At all times you will keep this charged, ringer on, and you must respond to me within 15 minutes. Failure to do so will have consequences – which will get more severe the later you respond. I have loaded up the phone with a few applications. I’ll cover the charges so all you have to worry about is submitting to me. This phone is not owned by the company so you and I have complete privacy. Do you understand boy?”

“Yes Sir. It sounds like a private way for us to communicate without anyone interfering. I’ll make sure to keep the phone on me at all times.”

“And don’t forget the ringer boy, I want to be able to get your attention whenever I need it. Now say thank you.

“Thank you Sir – I’m very appreciative to receive this gift from you”.

“I think you’re beginning to completely accept your current position, boy. I know everything about you. What sites you visit. Where and how you spend your money. How much you make. What you do during the day. I know your medical record is as clean as they come. And I know you’re not currently dating anyone. As far as you’re concerned, I see everything and I know you’re not reaching your potential. If you agree to submit to my training, I will help you become the best version of yourself.”

As he’s speaking I begin to read some unread text messages from a number saved only as “Master”.

“As of this moment forward, you are now my submissive. You will follow my commands to the best of your ability without question.”

Now that you’re mine you will follow a few rules. You will begin following these orders immediately. Proof of tasks may be requested.

1st – You will be awake by 8am every day for my instructions. Instructions will come in via phone or through your email.

2nd – You will drink 8 glasses of water a day. I want you to be hydrated at all times.

3rd – You will remove all body hair from the neck down. You will be completely clean shaven and smooth.

While looking down Scott asks “Why do I need to be shaved Sir?”. Met with silence, Scott looks up and sees the row empty – the man has disappeared.

As Scott looks around, he realizes what section he’s in. Sexual Education. He’s surrounded by books about sexual techniques, health, Karma Sutra, and hundreds of other “interesting” titles.

Scott shrugged it off – “that guy must be a bit of a pervert”. He chuckled as he walked away. The new phone swung in his pocket – it was unfamiliar carrying two phones but for Scott it was already beginning to feel natural.

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