
Cuckquean Conundrum Ch. 02


Hey y’all! 2nd chapter involves mostly setup and more characterization and such. Things are going to pick up in the next chapter though, and then it won’t really slow down! So look forward to that!

Contains: futa on female, hyper cock and cum ridiculousness/inflation, cuckquean/ntr, threesome, impregnation, emotional devastation, humiliation, small vagina humiliation

Tags are for the story as a whole!

Comments and feedback are appreciated 🙂


That weekend Kristin put her plan into action.

Stretched out across the couch, her head elevated by a pillow, her feet kicked up on the arm rest, she held her phone above her enormous, protruding chest and tapped on Lori’s social media profile. Nia was at work, having to head into the office unexpectedly for some kind of emergency meeting – which was just perfect for Kristin! Opening up their previous messaging history, Kristin saw that it had been quite a while since they’d last spoken, their last conversation occurring over half a year ago. No matter, she knew Lori would respond right away, the girl practically as addicted to her phone as she was cock.

The real question was how Kristin would start the conversation. She couldn’t come out of the gates swinging – that might scare Lori off. No, she would need to approach her casually like she was just trying to catch up and see what her old roommate was up to. That would be the best way to do it. Trying not to overthink it, Kristin tapped out the start of a message and then immediately deleted it. Fuck, how did she sound natural in such an unnatural circumstance? Looking back through their last texts, she decided to basically just copy what she started with last time, hoping Lori wouldn’t notice.

Steeling herself, Kristin hit ‘send’ on her chosen message.

K: Hey girl! Long time no talk!

Predictably, an ellipses appeared on the bottom of her screen immediately letting her know Lori was already replying.

L: OMG hi kris! it has been forever!

K: Too long! I need to be better about that kind of thing lol

L: lmao me too!

L: whats up with you!!!

K: Not much, just hanging out while the wife is at work.

L: ugh no one should have to work on the weekend!

L: how is nia

K: Good! We’re both really good.

K: But how are you? Still living in the city?

Kristin already knew the answer to that question, but felt she should ask anyway to be sure.

L: yep! just working and having fun

K: Awesome!

K: Are you still with that one guy? Brad?

L: lol nope!

L: broke up with him a couple months ago


K: Awww, I’m sorry to hear that!

L: its okay he was a loser anyway lmao

K: Haha yeah.

K: So I wanted to ask you something!

L: sure, what is it kris

Letting out a long exhale, Kristin paused, her fingers hovering over her screen’s keyboard. Here it was, the reason for contacting Lori in the first place! She could do this! She had to do this. Kristin felt like she really didn’t have a choice in the matter, her other options essentially non-existent. Closing her eyes, she slowly began typing out the long message, reassuring herself that this was the right thing to do; her hands seemed to move on their own, automatically writing out each word like she was a Medium channeling a spirit, Kristin only occasionally peeking at her work-in-progress to make sure there were any glaring misspellings or grammatical errors.

While she took her time forming her response, Kristin thought about the other reason she had picked Lori, one she hadn’t told Nia about. Plain and simple, she was hotter than her friend was. As vain as it was to compare herself to someone she was asking such a huge favor of, it made her feel more confident about her decision; there was no way Nia would fall for her college roommate with how much better Kristin looked, even if Lori was able to do the one thing she herself wasn’t able to. A part of her felt bad for thinking about such a horrible thing, but she knew it was the undeniable truth.

Shaking her narcissism from her brain, she opened her eyes fully and reread her message over and over again, having not sent it to Lori yet; everything looked good and seemed to explain her predicament clearly! With a last sharp inhale, she replied with her multiple-paragraph long reply and then immediately started holding her breath, the anticipation already killing her. Kristin waited and waited and waited for Lori’s response, which was taking much longer than she expected. Panicking and exhaling, she followed up with an apology, not wanting her friend to think she was some kind of freak or something.

K: I’m sorry! It’s weird of me to just spring that on you out of nowhere!

L: no its okay kris

L: i just didnt expect it lol

Kristin let out a sigh of relief.

K: So what do you Buca travesti think?

L: it sounds kinda hot actually ngl

L: so you want me to sleep with your wife and get pregnant so you guys can raise the baby

It did sound ridiculous typed out like that!

K: Yeah, that’s basically the gist of it I guess

L: i’m down!!!

She was!?

K: You are? Are you sure, Lori? There’s no pressure or anything to do it, really.

L: no i want to!

L: and why you picked me makes sense lol

L: is nia cool with it

K: Not sure yet.

L: ok well let me know

L: cause i’m definitely cool with it! lol

K: Great! Thank you so much for this Lori!

L: lol what are friends for!

L: just tell me like a week ahead so i can stop taking my birth control

Damn, it only took a week for her birth control to wear off!?

K: For sure!

K: Thank you again

L: of course!

L: i gtg but i’ll talk to you later girl

K: Later!

Dropping her phone between her chin-reaching cleavage, Kristin nearly whooped in excitement. She had actually gone through with it and Lori had agreed! The blonde was on Cloud-Nine, and, if she hadn’t understood that she would be bothering Nia while she was busy at work, she would have called her right then and there to let her know the good news; of course, Nia hadn’t quite accepted her proposition yet either, but Kristin was confident she could convince her. God, what did she even do now? Kristin felt so giddy she didn’t know what to do with herself, until it dawned on her that the best way to discuss her and Nia and now Lori’s future together would be over a home cooked meal.

Scrambling off the couch, she waltzed to the kitchen, her phone clutched tightly in her fist.

While waiting for Nia to come home, Kristin made the biggest, most delicious dinner she could think of: roast chicken, homemade mashed potatoes with gravy, fresh rolls – the works! Though she wasn’t a housewife – as much as she dreamed of being one – she prided herself on her domestic abilities, doing everything she could to make up for her one glaring fault in her marriage. Pouring a rose-colored bottle of wine into a couple of glasses, she set the table, plating the meals only once Nia texted her to tell her she was on the way. Kristin stood patiently by the front door and straightened out her specially-chosen outfit.

A long, flower-patterned, sleeveless blue dress that matched her eyes cradled her obscene figure tightly, a bra foregone as usual. The front of her dress had a plunging neckline that was stretched even further by her immense bust, her venous, creamy cleavage on full display, deep enough that someone could lose an arm down to their elbow if they reached into its depths; the light-colored material of the fabric allowed her nipples some visibility, the pink stubs tenting the soft fabric. Kristin had on a pair of black heels that made her even taller than she already was compared to Nia, giving her a good half a foot on her wife’s average-stature – Kristin had always been a bit self-conscious of her height, but Nia never seemed to care that she was shorter than her partner!

Dolled-up to an almost obnoxious degree, Kristin had put on her best makeup and styled her hair special in preparation for Nia’s homecoming. Platinum-blonde locks curled, she put her hair into a neat, tight bun, while leaving several, twirled strands loose to crest the top of her back and hang against the sides of her visage. Lips painted a dark red that would match the wine they’d been drinking soon, she’d applied pink blush to her cheeks and a coating of sparkly eyeshadow to give her features some color; she’d even plucked her eyebrows to complete her womanly appearance! A few spritzes of perfume that Nia loved the smell of, and she was as ready as ever to do some much needed convincing of her partner!

Right on time, the sound of a key in the front door’s lock reached her ears.

Beaming, Kristin stood at attention as Nia entered their abode. Her clearly-tired face entered Kristin sights first, her fiery hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. Makeup-less – not that the blonde ever thought her wife needed any enhancements to be attractive – the futa’s large green eyes immediately widened as they fell upon on Kristin, her head jerking up and down to take in all of her partner’s pleasing form, her thin lips curling into an approving smile, her wide-set nostrils flaring at the smell of the freshly-cooked meal wafting through the house. Nia closed the door behind her and sighed, happy to be home.

“Welcome home, honey!” Kristin exclaimed excitedly, putting a wiggle in her hips as she stepped towards Nia, “I made you dinner!”

“I can tell – it smells delicious! Almost as delicious as you look! What’s the occasion? Did I forget our anniversary?”

“No Nia, Buca travestileri nothing like that. I’ll tell you while we eat.”

“Okay baby, let me just-“

“I got it!”

Reaching out, Kristin finished closing the distance between them and took the briefcase in Nia’s hands from her, her heart fluttering at how hot her wife looked. She always thought Nia’s work outfits were so sexy! The cinnamon-complexioned futanari had on a smart business suit top and jacket, a tight pencil skirt, and slip-on shoes – all black; it hugged her fit figure nicely, tailored to her exact measurements. Nia was completely covered by her choice in clothing, even the usual bulge of her massive package absent in her bottoms. Professional as always!

“Thanks, Kris,” Nia kicked off her shoes and took off her suit-jacket, throwing it over her shoulder, “let me just go get changed and then we can eat.”

“Ah ah, isn’t there something you’re forgetting first?”

“Oh! Of course. How could I be so stupid!?”

Nia slapped a hand against her forehead in mock-anger before grinning and putting her hands on her curvaceous wife’s hips; her fingers sank into Kristin’s dress and skin, squeezing the start of her ludicrously-wide ass, drawing her in until they were touching. Even if Kristin was taller than the futanari – even more so while wearing heels – she let herself be maneuvered like she was a much more petite woman, cooing happily as she was led by Nia’s strong grip. Doing what the blonde had claimed she’d forgotten to, Nia kissed her wife, mashing their lips together passionately.

Throwing her arms around Nia’s neck, Kristin gladly returned the romantic gesture. They stood in the doorway and made out like long-lost lovers, the passion in their relationship having never faded despite their issues concerning it; even when they took a moment to catch their breaths, Kristin nuzzled her face into Nia’s neck, taking in her wife’s natural scent and warm skin. Nia rocked her back and forth, still groping Kristin’s backside, bunching up her dress as she enjoyed the blonde’s pliable voluptuousness. Neither wanted to leave each other’s hold.

“I hope you have more of that for me later!” Nia smirked, stepping back, “‘Cause you lookin’ fine as hell, baby!”

“Don’t I always?” Kristin winked back with a giggle, “And don’t worry Nia, there’s plenty more where that came from!”

“Mmm I can’t wait!”

Spinning around to put Nia’s things away, Kristin suddenly yelped as a loud smack echoed through the entrance to her home, nearly losing balance and tipping over in the process. Nia, unable to help herself and knowing her wife would enjoy it, open-palm slapped Kristin’s ass, sending it jiggling and bouncing in front of her, its enticing wobbling continuing for several seconds after her hand had made contact with it. Kristin gave her a joking-pout over her shoulder but blew a kiss in appreciation as she sauntered away, putting extra wiggles in her every step as she did. Shaking her head, Nia made her way to their bedroom.

After changing into her casual at-home-wear – a t-shirt and basketball shorts – Nia joined Kristin at the dining room table. The very second she sat down she was greeted by the mouth-watering vision of her wife’s hard-wrought efforts, a not-so-proverbial feast laid out in front of her. It all looked so scrumptious she nearly forgot her manners and started digging in before Kristin even made her own plate! When she finally did though, Nia wasted no time in satiating her voracious appetite, taking chugs of water and wine alike in between cheek-bulging bites of protein and carbs.

All the while Kristin watched and waited, nibbling at her own dinner with much less urgency – she never quite had the appetite that Nia did! Spending more time sipping from her wine glass than anything, she studied her significant other from behind its translucent rim, swishing the dark liquid around in slow circles; she needed to wait for the right moment to spring the good news on Nia, when the futanari would be the most susceptible to her suggestions. Keeping her eye on the bottle of wine which she’d purposefully placed on Nia’s end of the table, Kristin found herself treating it like an hourglass, judging the passage of time by its steady emptying.

Once the contents of the bottle were nearing its bottom – most of the intoxicating fluid passing between Nia lips instead of her own – Kristin’s demeanor suddenly changed. Straightening her back, she pushed the plate in front of her away from herself and downed the rest of her drink, letting out a somewhat exaggerated exhale of satisfaction when she set the glass back down; this seemed to get Nia’s attention, and she halted her ravenous munching to stare up across the table at her wife, her head cocking as she noticed the blonde’s intense expression aimed in her direction. Swallowing loudly, Travesti buca Nia wiped her mouth and mimicked Kristin’s proper position.

“Is everything okay, dear?”

“Everything is wonderful, my love!” A sly smile touched Kristin’s cheeks, “I was just admiring how much you enjoy my cooking. It always makes me so happy to know I can be a good wife to you!”

The first seeds had been planted.

“I’ve always said you’re the best cook I’ve met, Kris!” Nia nodded before polishing off her fourth glass of water that night, “And you’re an amazing wife! I couldn’t ask for a better woman to spend my life with. I love you!”

“I love you too, Nia, and because I love you and want to be the best partner I can be, I have some good news to share with you.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“I talked to Lori today.”

Green eyes bulging, Nia choked on the dinner roll she’d just taken a bite out of, her fist flying to her chest to rapidly punch it. Wheezing as the piece of food came dislodged, she waved a hand in front of her face and grabbed her wine glass, chugging whatever was left in it. Taking a raspy breath, she coughed again and again until her breathing steadied, her vision having never left Kristin through the entire ordeal. She should have known better than to think there wasn’t some ulterior motive to all of this!

“I-Is that right?” Nia had to clear her throat several times to get the words out, “Well, I’m guessing by how happy you’ve been and this dinner and how dressed up you got, that it went well.”

“What do you mean? I can’t do all of this just because I love you?”

“No, uh,” shit, “I just meant that you seemed like you were in an extra good mood tonight, and I figured that that was the reason.”

“Mmm I see.” Kristin pursed her lips and then grinned, “Then you figured right, baby!”

Now she had to really sell it!

“She… she actually agreed!?”

“Yep. After we did a bit of catching up I explained everything to her and popped the question. And she said ‘yes’ like, right away!”

“I can’t say I expected that, Kris.”

“I told you, didn’t I?” She gave Nia a knowing smile, “I said that she was a slut and liked big dicks and all that. I said she’d agree without basically any questions. I said she’d be the perfect person.”

Time to lay it on heavy.

“You have to trust me, love. Trust that I know what’s best.”

“I do trust you, you know that!” Nia snapped back, annoyed, “It’s still surprising though, you have to admit. Not many people would ever do what, um, you want her to do.”

“I know, I know. But it’s exciting, isn’t it? A chance for us to finally be parents!”

“Woah, Kris, I haven’t agreed to this yet! I only had like, a few days to think about it and it’s not the sort of decision to make lightly.”

Kristin was afraid of this – it was time to ham it up.

“B-But baby!” She cried out. Clasping her hands together on the table, Kristin made a show of nervously twisting her fingers togethers and spinning her wedding band around back and forth; at the same time she slightly scrunched up her features and made her bottom lip quiver, giving her best show of ‘puppy-dog’ eyes that she could. Knocking her knees together, she rubbed them against each other as obviously as possible, using every part of her body to present her distress. Kristin would have used her tits too if she thought they would help!

Like she’d been hoping, Nia reacted immediately; the tawny-skinned futanari leaned forward and stretched an arm across the table like she wanted to take Kristin’s hand in her own, her fingers spread. Her face was a mixture of sadness and frustration – a look that Kristin knew all too well. She didn’t enjoy doing this – manipulating her loving wife to get what she wanted – but she was also no stranger to doing it, having mastered the whole act years before they’d ever started dating. Kristin looked away from her partner for a second, giving the floor a sullen stare and exhaling loudly through her nose.


“I-I just want us to have a baby…” Kristin let her voice crack as she spoke, genuine emotion creeping through her facade, “and I just thought this would be the best way for us to have one. But if you don’t think so, I guess… I guess that’s okay. I’m sure we’ll find another way… maybe…”

She purposefully didn’t look at Nia as she said this.


Nia stuttered, her words trying to catch up to her racing mind.

“I do want us to have a baby, Kristin! I’ve never wanted anything more! I- it’s just you know how I feel about cheating on you. I told you I don’t think I could even do it!”

Now for the grand finale!

“And I told you it wouldn’t be cheating! I’m perfectly okay with you sleeping with Lori if it means we can have a child. Really. It wouldn’t change anything between us. You’d still be my perfect wife who I love more than anything!”

She meant every word.

“Besides,” Kristin’s voice dropped in volume to nearly a whisper, “if Lori is as fertile as I think she is, it would probably only have to be once. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”

“I guess not…”

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